Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 04 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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THE FAST MEN AT ': . Shorty Seaboume ( Ielt) and Georle Roeder. Read fin ishes In the ral n, ; ~ I The winners! Cal (25) Rayborn, Harley·Davldson, YvOll (5) DuHamel, Yamaha, and Art (71) Baumann, Yamaha. All t hree collected extra prize money lor usIng Bell helmets In the race. Rayborn lot $300, DuHame l $200 and Baumann $100. Fourth place Jack McNairy lost $50 by wearlnl a Buco. 1 ----.:; Above: Speeders beware! This 1912 belt drive Harley may be old, but It stili lets hot. Below: Bob Wint ers lets a luture champion try his bike on for size. mTIME TRIALS EXPERT CLASS: 1. Ro ~ e r Reiman 2. Mi ke Duff 3. Y \"On Dullamel 01 . Mer t L a wwrll 5. Dan Haab)6 . Cal Rayborn 7 . Bart Marke l 8. Fred Nix 9 . Walt Fulton .I r, 10 • .J ack ~I c. aily "' (New H- D Yam Y am H-D H- D II-D II-D H- D II-D H-D Recor d) 1019:080 1017:3017 1016:938 10loi:9701 10loi:701 1 10loi:531 10loi:092 1013:5010 1012 :9 70 HI :01601 11. 12. 13. H. 15. Art Baumann Ski p Van Leeu wen Gary Nimn Rod Goul d Chuc k Palmgren A..\ IATEU R CLASS 1. Art Ni nci 2. Don Chason 3. L arry P et erson 01. T om Rock wood 5. Ray II empstead Yam Tri Tri Tri Tri 137 :007 135:931 135:50 1 135: 135 (N e w II-D II-D H-D Mat USA Record) 133:5 9 0 130:9017 1301:912 129: 0196 128: 01201 127 :9019 RESULTS OF THE 27TH ANNUAL DAYTONA 200 MOTORCYCLE CLASSI C OVER THE 3.81 MILE TRACK ROAD COURSE OF THE DAYTONA. INTERNATIONAL SPEEDIlAY, SUNDAY, !'lARCH 17, 1968. Laps ~. ~ Rider and .home Machine 1 25 Calvin Rayborn , san Diego, Calif. HD 53 2 5 Yvon DuHamel, M r ea l , Can. ont Yamaha 52 3 71 Art Baumann, San Francisco, Calif. 52 Y amah a 4 30 Jack McNairy, Albuquerque, N. 1'1 . 52 HD 5 61 Ron Grant, Brisbane, Calif. Suzuki 51 6 79 Buddy Elmore, El Faso, Texas Triumph 51 7 77 James Odom, Fremont, Calif. Triumph 50 8 131 Peter Williame, England Matchl ess 50 9 129 Mitsuo Itoh, Santa Fe Spgs., Cal. Suz uk i 49 10 20 Gene Romero , San Louis Obispo, Cal. Honda 49 11 51 Phil Read, London, England Yamaha 49 12 21 Robert Winters, Ft. Smith, Ark. 48 BSA 13 112 Terrenc e Knott, Spr i ng House, Pa. Triumph 48 14 73 J im Pegram, Reyn olsburg , Ohio 47 Ii- D 15 86 Mark He inemann, Daytona Beach , Fla. H 47 -D lG 41 Doug ShowIer , Cl eveland, Ohio 47 Triumph arren She rwood , Cornw l l , N. Y. a 17 29 W 47 BSA 88 Perry Caudle, J a ck s onville , Fla. 18 46 BSA 44 19 1 Gary Nixon , Bal t imore , M d. Tri umph 44 20 101 Roger Bat es , Williams t on , Mich . BSA 44 90 Bennie Bowden , Kal ama zoo , Mich . 21 H -D 44 22 115 !'like Brown, Mansfi eld , Ohio H -D 23 78 Ralph Glori os o , Rockville , I'ld. Tr iUl:lph 43 24 105 Geor ge Cunha, J ohn s t on , R. I. Trium ph 43 25 53 Bob Bu1mer , M orrice, Mich . 43 BSA 46 Robe r t Hink le, Brookville , Ohio 26 Tr iumph 43 42 27 67 William Davis , Bat tle Creek, I'l1ch. Trium ph 42 28 69 DonaJ.d I'lyer s , Hone y Brook, Fa. Triumph 29 63 Cl ifford Bel l , Evan sville, Ind. 42 H -D 30 19 Ray Litt l e, Atlants , Ga. 41 H -D 31 91 Peter Floekee, K~no sha , Wis . 40 Triumph dler, Linc ol n , Neb . 32 37 Denny A 40 Triumph 33 13 J ef frey Spe r ry , Tucs on, Ariz. Suzuki 38 34 15 Ralph Whi t e, Torrance, Calif. Triumph 36 35 17 James Skinne r , Auburn , Ala. BSA 35 36 18 M ert Laww i l l, San Francis co , Cal. H -D 31 37 118 Andr eas Geor geade s , Brampton, Can. Matchl ess 30 38 95 Fred Nix , Lawton , Okla. 28 H -D 39 47 Fat Gosch , Omaha, Neb . Trium ph 27 40 110 Frank Gayoski, Borberton, Ohio 27 H-D 41 4 Bart Markel, Flint , Mich. 26 HD 54 Dennis Decker , Oconomowoc, W is. 42 26 Tr i um ph 43 43 De1e Harding , Pek i n , r n , H-D 26 44 40 Dick W oods, Ka ns a s City, Mo . 26 H-D 45 38 Chuck Pa l mgren, Baltimore, I'ld. Tr iumph 25 46 52 Ronnie RaI l , Mans f i eld, Ohio HD 25 4 7 107 Sam Mac hine, Inkster , Mich. HD 25 48 28 Mike Duff, Toront o , Can . 24 Yamaha essaros, Lynchbur g , Ohio 49 85 Joe M 24 H-D 50 84 Eddi e Wir t h, Man . Bea ch, Calif. BSA 23 51 22 Dan Haaby, I nglewood , Calif . 21 H-D 52 10 Ron W idman , St . Lou i s , Mo. 21 H -D ork , N. Y. 53 12 J ess Thoma s, New Y 21 H -D 54 114 R. Wilkes, J a cksonv i lle, Fla. Norton 20 55 6 Larry Sc hafer , Hyatts vi1le , Md. Triumph 15 98 Robe rt Sholly , Camp Hil l , Pa . 56 14 TriUl:lph 57 55 Roger Reiman, Kewanee , I11 . 12 H -D 58 75 H arold Lyons, Indi an apo l i s , Ind. 12 BSA 59 113 Tim Coopey, Coquitlam, Can . Triumph 11 60 68 James Varn es, Vinc entown, N. J. 11 BSA 61 26 Ed Varn es, Parkesburg, Fa. 11 Matchle s s 62 99 Walter Fulton, III , Orange, cai , 10 H -D 63 31 Donald Twigg , Hagerstown, Md . 10 " BS;" 64 35 Tom Heyser, Highland, Md. 10 s BSA 10 65 92 Don Oroud, Lincoln, Neb . Tr i umph 66 132 Ken Molyneux, Vancouver, Can. 8 n"or t on 94 William W erner, Bethleh em , Pa . 8 67 H- D 68 50 Robert Farmer, C1ayton , Ind . 8 HD 34 Dick Newell, So . El Monte , Calif . 69 BSA 7 44 Bi l l Sho11y, Camp Hill , Fa . 70 Triumph 7 71 106 Ronald Smith, Conco r d, N. C. Triumph 7 72 49 Dcnal d Beasley , Svansville , Ind. Triumph 6 73 65 AI Gask i l l, Uti ca, N. Y. BSA 6 74 97 Jay Lawless, St amf ord , Conn. H -D 5 75 70 Lennie Waldo , Columbus, Ohio Triumph 5 66 Robert Fisher , Elkhar t , Ind. 76 Triumph 5 77 42 Dennis Schoenfeldt, Hou s t on , Tex. 4 Tr iumph 78 7 Rod Pink, Dobbs Fer ry , N. Y. 4 HD 79 36 DeWayne Keeter . Los Angeles, Ca1if. Honda 4 80 9 Clyde Litch, Long Beach, Calif. 4 Hond a 81 120 Tom Rei lly , Obetz , Ohio 4 HD 82 39 James M e s s , Augusta, Ga. an HD 3 83 87 Larry Beall , Abi l ene , Texas H -D 3 84 116 John Apple, Imperial Beach, Calif. Su zuk i 2 85 57 Dwane W alke r , Shanoee , Okla . Tri umph 2 86 80 Dennis H aven , Hollywood, Fla. Tri umph 2 87 72 J am s Leineweber, Chi ca go , 111. e BSA 2 88 104 Ri chard Brase , Ft. W ayne , Ind. Ducati 1 89 111 Don Ves co, San Diego , Csli f . BSA 1 90 23 J ohn Franklin , Mazon, Ill. DNS H -D 91 102 Rodney Gould, Banbury , England Triumph DNS 92 109 A. J. Smith , Birmingham, Engl and BSA DNS Time: One hour, 58 Li nutes , 58 . 29 s econds . Average sp eed: 101 .290 miles per hour (NEW RECORD) Lap l eade rs : M ert Lawwill 1; Roger Reiman 2 ; Cal v in Rayborn 3-4; Rei m 5; Rayborn 6 t bru 53 , an Old Daytona 200 r~cord was set in 1967 by Gary Nixon at 98 .227 mil es per hour on a Triumph. ... ... .... . Co -e

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