Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 04 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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FAR WEST 'DESTRUCTION' RUN II) ' • i Tom Dill in g A local group or sadists who ar e also the Far West M/C competition committee had a rece nt brain nash. "Lets lay out abou t a mil e long mud cou rse, let two ride r s share a ma chi ne , run It tor four hours, an d s ee how many dam n fools will try, we 'll call It an Endurance race," So Sun day, March 10 abo ut 60 oI us D.F .' s sbo wed up and spent tour hous glee!ully trying to des troy our selves and our machines . The 176- 0pen class with 26 en tries was sent ott an d thirty seconds later starter Ros s Kuhnle s ent 36 0- 175 rider s oIt. The !lrst tew laps Included a steep downhill, the worlds largest mudhole and a steep uphill. The remainder was ruts, redwood trees, s tumps, sticks and one tricky spot that was straight, level, an d dusty. After the fi r s t few laps the hills and mudhole were routed out and the eve nt settled down to plain misery. In the 0- 175 class the team of Brian Lee and Tim Mil ton rode Tim' s wlt e's Hodaka a tas t s tea dy pac e to overcome a two minute pl us lead set by Ray Cr ive ll o and Tom Dilli ng on Crivello' s Honda 90 during the early part of the race. Lee and Milton went on to win by over four laps with a total' ot 72. Crive llo and Dilling were s econd with 68. rave Jackson and Kim Laws on used a 160 Honda and rode In with a s mooth thir d with 60 trips. Larry :l' iller and Terry Harvey l swapped oft another 160 Honda for 58 laps an d four th place trophies, Rich Miller an d Don Kennedy came on str one In the la tter part or the r a ce using r.Ull e r's Hodaka and picked up ruth place with 54 trips . The 176- 0 pen clas s was won by the Iron man oI the day , Gary Howard. Ga ry r ode his 650 Trium ph SOLO with the days high or 82 laps. Nolan Hunter an d Ed Nielson chased Mr. Howar d for four hours on Nielson' s Vict or but came up with an 80 lap co unt for second. Ben Crlngle and Herb Zeck wer e r ight behind them sha r ing Benny's 250 Honda for 79 trips and third. Ji m Ander son and Glen Reed used Reed ' s Husky an d pulled In one la p behi nd Crlngle an d Zeck for to urth. Fifth went to the other only so lo r ider oI the day, Jerry Aggeler •Agge ler kept his 250 Greev es all to hi mself for the en ti re afternoon and 77 lap s for a hard earned trophy. rave Reynolds an d Edgar Fr isbee tra ded off rave's 650 RIDE AN ENDURO FOR FUN IN THE CALIFORNIA DESERT APRIL 7 By Dick Wright .... On the Southern Califor nia sports calendar this yea r we have !lve Enduros s che duled. The !lrst was held by the Pros pec tors M.C., and the next one will be the Shamr oc ks M.C. Eig hth Annual Mojave Hospital Benetlt RWl. Endur os are one ot the most enjoyable ways ot spending a Sunday a s a conte s tant In an or gani zed mot orcycle com pe tition event, witho ut having to get on a starting line with the hotshoes. In an Enduro, a rider can cr uise the cours e at his own speed while taking In the beauWul CalItornla mountain scenery, and Is aided by organized chec k points and gas stops. The Sha mr ocks M.C. has not been known to throw the hardest runs; just rough enough to give a rider some good bench racing until the next r un, or It will give him the feeling ot really earning a trophy It he wins one. The big bikes will go the !l r s t f1!tymile loop for a real enjoyable ride In a good variety oI hills, sandwashes, and open boondocks. Then they 'll come In tor a lWlCh break and head ouUor a seventyfive-mile loop that takes them up Into TRAILBLAZERS ANN'L ~ BANQUET MARCH 30 ~ Triumph trying to catch Mr. Aggelel' but came up one lap shy for 6th . Everyone had all the riding they ....ranted for one day as there wasn't too much playing after the run , Ju s t a lot ot gr oanIng a bout sore s pots , then very slow loading up an d drivi ng home. Thanks to Don Turnbull tor le tting everyone tear up his property an d play In his mu d, (Results on page 20) • Speed Sculpture at Pomona College Show The Pomona College (Calif.) art departme nt Is sponsoring an exhibit entitled "Speed Sculpture" In the Montgomery Ar t Center that open ed Wednesday , Mar • 6, and will continue through Sunday, Ma r ch 24. The exhibi t consists ot motorcycles an d one racin g car, all of whic h have be en modl!led to meet the r eq uirements oI their owne rs for speed and de sign . Billy Al Bengston, a Los Angeles painte r and cycle enlhuslas t who exhibited In the last biannual Inte r natio nal art s how In Sao Pao lo, Brazil , has selected the motorcycles on the basis of their aesthetic value. The theme or " Spe ed Sculptur e" Is the ble nd of utili ty and ae sthetic value In the machines disp layed. The Montgomery Art Galle r y, at the corner of Boni ta and College Avenues In Clar e mont, Calif. will be open daily during the exhibit rr om 1 to 5 p.rn, the snow line. Gas may be a problem tor those with small gas tan ks , but there will be a truck setting up a special chec k torty miles out on the sec ond loop, a t Sage land In Kelso Valley . They will take your can of gas up It as ked, or you can set up your pits the re . The Trail Bikes will go only the !lrst flt ty- mil e loop , which was laid out by a number ot ride rs, Including a co uple ot trail bike Novice s . ThIs Is not to say that it Is a co mplete ca kewalk. Only a rider with tour or fi ve recent traIllng parties under his belt and the ability to r ide a sandwash should have a good go at It. The an swer to r iding a sandwash Is to keep your rpm's up and stay on the top oI the sand. Don' t try to stee r with the tront wheel, but use body English as In waterskiing. The thing to r eme mber Is tha t this run Is n' t a speed race; you are racing the clock, so you want to keep up a good, consis tent pace and stay out of trouble. Don' t try to r ide over your head It you're late, jus t go for the !lnis h and ge t ' em next time. Above all, HAVE FUN! (Results will appear In Cycle News after the Endur o .) I ' The 31st annual meeting and banquet of the Trailblazers will be held at Rodge r Young AUditor ium, 936 W. washington St. In Los Angeles on Saturday night, March 30th. ThIs Is a group of early motorcyclists and the organization was founded In 1937 by A.F . Van Order , and meetings have been held each year since. OVer 150 pe r s ons attend each year, an d a larger cr owd Is expec ted this year, according to Floyd Clymer, pr eslden t of the organization. !\lany prominen t names In motor cycle circles will be present, so me oI the m to rmer Nati onal and International racing Cha mpions . Former Sherltf Gene Biseatluz, who rounded the Los Angeles County Motor cyc le Squad which later became the California Highway Patrol, Is a member aod expects to be pr es ent, as will many other famous personalties. Any motorcycle r ider or enthusiast who s tarted r iding twenty or mor e years ago Is eligible and Invl ted to attend. Wives and gir l friends are also Invited. There are no dues, and the charge for dinner and entertalnment Is $6.00. Res ervati ons , with check for $6 .ootor each ticket, can be mailed to Floyd Clymer , 222 No. Virgil Ave ., Los Ange les, Calit . 90004. Telephone: (213) 388-5119. . flying Altlclline / , • < TICKETS ON SALE at all three stores. FRO NTIER DAY and I I Calico Ghost Town I APRIL 21, 19&8 I I BU FFALO FEED Mason Motors 3360 E . Colo rado Pasadena Ed Kretz & Sons 41 j E . Garv ey Monterey Park 12 to 2 p.m. By: Dave Mason, Ed Kr etz and Skip Fordyce Skip F ordyc e 14th at Mai n Rive rside May we urge all customers and fri e nds to get thei r ti cket.s early . \\'e a re orderi ng food by tickets sold and anticipate no tickets avail able at Calico. March 10, 1968 Carlsbad Moto-Cross 100cc Senior Class 1st - Gary Bailey Hodaka For a first..hand demonstration of HODAKABILITY,visit your dealer for a free test ride. . ' = 11011\1\ \ 11011\1\ \ 110 11\1\ \ 1I0 1l\1\ \ IHIII\1\ \ 1I01l\1\ \ IH ' II\I\ \ 11 0 1. \ 1\ \ OIl co ~ ..: ':: Q, '

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