Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 04 11

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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• SIZZLING SOUTH GATE SHORT TRACK & TT Dlsh was another Stumpenha us- Bailey duel with Lee holding the lead all the way although Gary was r ight behind him to the wire. To see these two boys race is really s ome thing; they never bobble or make a mistake , but if they are behind you and you make one mis take, they will zap you r lgbt now and when they are in the same race , you can feel s ure that the winner is going to be eithe r Gar y on his Greeves, or Lee on his Bullaco. • • San Diego Invasion Not on. but two Trophy Girl s offered congratulates and kisses to 250cc TT Dash winner #2 Lee Stumpenhaus (Bultaco) and IOOcc divis ion victor #58 Larry Mane (Honda). The IO Occ J unior Main sawCarl Byers on his Yamaha take the lead out of the s tarting gate and hold It for a few laps only to lose It to James Dunn from National City on one of the new lOOCc Br ldgestone racers. A few laps la ter Carl moved bac k to third as Jay Dunn from San Diego, al so riding one of the new Brldgestones, moved Into the second place slot. Car l had to se ttle for a third place but he was able to keep ahead of Larry Mane on the Honda who finished fourth . Fifth place went to Mike Rendick on a Bullac o. In the lOOcc Senior Main, Suzukimounted Invld Aldana, out for the firs t ti me this year Just about showed Gary Bailey and his Hodaka the way around the cour s e as he jumped Into the lead from the starting flag, but Gary In his us ual manne r kept dogging Inve's rear wheel until he got an opening and took over the lead to hold itrcr the r emainder of the race . David had to setlle for second place, well ahead of third place r ider Don Leal on his Yamaha. Os sa·mounted Paul Coberly rear-whee ls II over the Trojan Speedway jump. Combined TT and short track ac tion Is drawing more riders and fans ea ch week. ( e. • Gary's Gal lopin g Groove s Tlpt lullllni by .,Iy I. . . . #22 ~". Ald.a (Suzuki), nentual win., #79 GaFJ Ball.y (Ho• daka) ..d #14 lb~ Vanderpool (V.aha) In the lOOcc Senior TT Main. NAT ION A ° L CHAMPIONSHIP MOTORCYCLE Slory by M ike CapaJite Photos by Dennis Greene Although the weather was a Utile chillY Friday night, March 15, the r iders' enthusiasm was hot, with the turnout one of the best or the season as a group or riders had come up from san Diego to see what this TT and short tracldng was all about at Trojan Speeday. As they finis hed one- two-three in the Junior TT class, I Imagine they will be back again In force this Frida y night. The IOOcc Trophy Dlsh saw another new rider making his bid for glory as Larry Mane fr om Belltlower on a Honda was able to hold ott a cons tant bid for the lead by Carl Byers from san Diego on his Yamaha for the full three laps to take the win and the kiss fr om not one, but two trophy gir ls . The 250cc Trophy ° In the 250cc TT Mai n, Gar y Bailey on his Greeves made up for his los s In the Trophy Dash by getting out in fr ont and slaying there for the whole race, leaving Trophy Dash winner Lee Stumpe nhaus on his Bullaco to settle for a close second place . in thir d spot was Larry Taylor on a Bulla co with 4th going to Hondamounted Chuck saxton. Coming back out for the Short Track pr ogram, Larry Mane on his Honda held au Dave Aldana In the IOOCc Main as Jimmy Raymond was pushing hard in the third place slot on his Honda. Settl1ngfor fourth place was san Dlegan Ray Vanderpool on his Yamaha. In the 250Cc Short Track Main, it was Lee Stumpenhaus all the way as his main adversary, Gary BaIley , does not enter the short track events. Second place went to Chuck saxton from Long Beach on the Honda sponsored by El Inca Racing Cams. Third was Dan Jones on his Bultaco while Pat Gorman on a Montesa finished fourth. Since the boys from san Diego will be back, It looks like we are going to have a duel going between the r iders from the Los Angeles area and the riders from the san Diego area. In fact, Rene, the track owner says that if the boys fr om San Diego keep coming up, at the end or the year he will have a special high-po int trophy for the top rider fr om the san Diego area. (Results on page 20) • ( II SPE ED - POWER -TORQU E .. Join the growing list of REED Mar.10 -WiNNERSF&M equipped • King CitylT. -15t100cc J.Mason -Novice 15t 100c c R. McGuire - Expert 15t250cc B.Graham-Amateur Dehesa TT- 15t100cc J.McGuire-Expert VACA VALLEY RACEWAY Just off Interstate 80 at Vacaville MARCH 31 F&M REED INDUCTioN system I $29.95 &up' • Hoda k a, BULTACO, Moto- Be ta, and many TODAY others· Featuring the Nation's Top Road Racers Admission (Ad ults) $2.50 Children (Unde r 12) .75 G. t YOUR (dealer inqui ries in vi ted) Pr...nted b y: International Sport Cycle bposition. 1M. P. O . 80. 59045 Son fr an cisco PhOM : 589.2365 Sanctio ned " by: F&M enterprises 5214 Lew ison p I. Amer ican fl'derot ion of Motorcyclists S. F. Chapter San Diego,Ca liforn ia 92120 • •

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