Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 04 04

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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DIST. 37 SPO T COMMIT ME TING FOR MARCH By Maureen Lee Thirty-five clubs answered roll call Thursday night, March 7 with their representatives coming for war d to r eceive new 1968 rule books for their members. Additional rule books may be obtained from District stewards. The new rule books contain the rules for the running of the new dldlvlson In the District, moto-cross. The steward Is Dave Lewis , 11339 Moorpark, No. Hollywood. A riding card will cos t $4.00 and you mus t sign up In your highest classifica tion, e.g ., s era m ble s Amateur , desert Expert, then you make appli cation as an Expert. Number plates will be the same color s as used In scrambles . This new division features all new rules to Distr ic t 37 rider s unless they are familIar with moto- cross in other organizations and when a club elects to thr ow a moto-cross their cour s e mus t be approved by a committee appointed by the Dis trict 37 pr esi dent. Impor tant rules In this division are: full coverage clothing mus t be wor n, garments such as T-shirts are not allowed under any circumstances; pro motIng clubs have toprovldetwoambulances to enable the program to continue should one have to leave with an injured r ider ; three oval number plates must be carried; the European system of r iding three equal events based on time plus two additional laps will be used Ins tea d of what Is used currently such as ten laps or five laps. Riders turning In the most number of laps under the time limit are the winners. For other rules see the rule book. The calendar for scheduling motor-cross for the rest of the season will open at the April meeting and entries for riders competing in events will be mall only. Desert Transfer Deal .. The Competition Committee reported , Y ellow , ell? W ait ing . for you r budd ies, elt? But Bink:vall he sa id was yo u 'r e out of gas ! on the following that the desert transfer system has been revised. An Amateur will transfer to Expert after earning 50 points In each of tell rides. Ncwlces will move to Amateur after earning 50 points In each of ten rides. Novices will move to Amateur after earning 35 points in each of five rides. Higher penalties for clubs fall1ng to r epor t results to stewards will be enfor ced. Results must be In no later than the second week follow1ng the event with a complete set of finisher s submitted In addition to the standard form. Fallure to comply with this shall result In the loss to the club of all point runs the following year. Delinquency II; excess of 31 days after date of event &ha1l result In each sponsoring club member losing 50 points. Higher Fees & Helicop ters Downey of the Viewfinders spoke on their Grand Prix scheduled for May 2526 and their request for an $8.00 entry fee. The course will run through movie sets and will be about 3- 1/2 miles In length. A motion W\!.S made to allow the Increase with the vote going unanimously. Cr eac h (Viewfinders) also spoke on the use of heli copter to serve as ambulance at desert events. He bas a friend who bas a new one that could carry two wounded and a licensed male nurse with the fee being approximately 25 ~ per r ider. The competition committee will look Into thi s as this could solv e a lot of prob le ms In cases of emergency In deser t events . Another increase In entry fee s was als o granted to the Ora nge County M,e , for their big- bikes - only scra mbles . Club were als o In f o r m ed of a referees' mee ting to be s cheduled for next month to Iron out various problems In thr owing events , such as standardis ing banner dr ops at desert ru ns etc. Cl ubs will be Informed of the date . -' c r,..

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