Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 04 04

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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-Mouthpiece of the Motorcycle MobPos ta ge paid in first 'clas s manner Glorious Guru••••••Chuck Clayton at Long Beach, Cal . Fearless Follow er•• Sharon Clay ton Pregnant LadY•••• Gaye Thomason Edito rial s tori es . cartoons . photos , Domllllltrix••••••••• Ca rol Sims deposit bottles and bribes a re welAd Mand er•• •••••••• Tom Culp comed and will be paid for upon com&411 N. LNg BeaclaBI,II. Pornographer••• Dennis P. Greene plaint (except Hells Ange ls pres s Crash Tester ••••• 1Ii11 PeUi grew LIIl& Beack, Calif. !I. 05 releas es ). Te en y lIopper• •• • Loui se M arshall Single Copy Pric e•• •••• TwO Bits Or: Btl LIIg Beat*, Calif. One Year SUbscription• • • 7,000 y.... Published weak ly exce pt M others PIlHe: 42H4D (SUbscribers plea se allow three Day. Vacation Time. Guy Fawkes (Area CItIe 213l weeks goof-off ttme.) Day a nd when we don't feel like it , Advertisin g rates a nd ci rculation inby C&S Pub. Co.• Box 498, Long FI'III LA. P_ es: &3&-1144 Breach, CaliD ower. Second Clas s orrmtion will be faked upon reques t. • • as, GRATEFUL GRIPSTERS The Grlpsters Motorcycle Club would like to extend our deepest grati tude to all the people who gave us a helping hand In promoting the Els inor e Grand Prix, (Including Tom Pasc hall, Bill Adams and many more who ca me forth and offered their s er v I ce sl, Many, many thanks. Als o thanks to the r iders and specta tors for pr esenti ng a true image of our sport. Our fine sportsmanli ke conduct shown during this event has brighte ned our chances for another event of this type. Thanks agai n to all for having helped us make this event as s uccessful as It turned out to be . GRIPSTERS MOTORCYCLE CLUB Plac entia, Calif. REPEALING OREGON'S HELMET LAW Re: Or egon' s new " hel met" la w, Oregon revised statutes #483.443, effective 1 January 1968. The writer Is a private citizen, fortysix years of age, unaffiliated with any motorcycle group or club, llfelong resident of Salem, Oregon, and not a lawyer. I do not ride a motorcycle for business, or back and forth to work, but [ very much enjoy eight or ten extended solo trail and logging road trips each year. I own a helmet, do not wear It very often, and feel that my constitutional rlgbts are badly Infringed upon by Oregon's new helmet law, not merely In this single manifestation but as a precursor of other sucb legislation to come. n Is my sincere Intention to attack this law on constitutional gr ounds , and carry this tight througb the courts as necessary and as I can afford the legal talent necessay to accomplish this. My reason for writing to you Is to seek the Information I will need to pr esent Il good case . No moral or fiscal support Is sougbt or expected; I Intend to supply both, but my case will be worthwhile In dlrect proportion to the Information, the vall d Infor mation, I can obtain as to the status of " belmet" or other "a.ppIlI"el" laws In other states of the United States; what states, If any, have bIld sucb la ws set aside, the grounds for the removal of the laws , and the names of Individuals or groups which might have bIld a bearing on the cases. It goes without saying that few people would have alI of the data I need, but If you are In a pos ition to help me with any advice It would most certainly be appreciated. RICH CHAMB ERS R3- B754B salem, Ore gon ("Helmet laws are a new fad in the U.S. No state has yet repealed its compulsory helmet IIlW, hut Nova Scotia, a province of Canada. recently repealed thei r compulsory 'helme t law. which was the first such legislation ever enacted in North America (1961). The clinching argument in the case for repeal seemed to be that if the government forces a responsihl e a dult citizen to wear a protective garment again st his private judl(JTJent, the citi zeJI could sue the government for any acciden t which might he attribute d to the weariDl: of sai d ga nnen!, for example, accidents caused by hea dache or !ali goe from con stan t helm et wearin g." ) JOIN UP OR SHUT UP Gary BaIley's recent letter (v oices Volume V No. 7) about the crowded open Sundays was V-E- R- Y Interesting. Mr. BaIley said that It would be nice If "some cl ub" would put on a r ough scrambles or moto-cros s on a Sunday other than an open Sunday, so that he would have s ome plac e to ride. Mr . BaIley does not belong to "some club" or he would know that scr a mbles cl ubs and member ship are on the decline . If Mr. Bailey and others like him would Join a club , perhaps there wouldbe mor e events to ride - every Sunday. I am a firm believer In putti ng back Into the sport so me of that which you take out. JIM PETERSON Rowland Heights , Calif. WHERE WAS TH E PARTY? I participa ted In DIstrict 37'S Grand Prix and won a second place. After waiting many, many months, I finally recei ved notic e that the trophy presentation would be beld on March 1st. The card s ta ted the date, time, name of a res taurant and an address on Manchester . No town was named . The card was mailed from South Gate so I a ssumed the addr ess would be so mewhere In the city of Los Angeles and even verlfled It on a map before leaving the house. We spen t three hour s traveling Manches ter fr om W atts to the beach . The telephone company had no knowledge of any r estaurant of that name anywhere on Manches ter . We finall y got tired oflookIng for It and cam e home . Can you expla1n to me why DIstr ict 37 would send out Incomplete information like this when It would only have taken a baIf-second to write In the name of the city ? After all, I'm not psychic. If the other trophy winners were as unsuccessful as [ in finding the place where the presentation was held, District 37 saved a lot of money In trophies that night. I am extremely unhappy about the situation and thought maybe Cycle News could tell me how to go about receiving my trophy. RICK DURAND Granada Hills, canr, (" Sorry you made the dry run, Rick, To recel ve your trophy contact the Steward In your division. Each Steward has unclaimed trophies for riders in his classtIicalion. Too bad you didn't check the Cycle News Calenda r of Events; it ga ve the complete address.••in Buena Park." ) • THE M3N IMAGE By Chuck Clayton HAPP Y AP RIL FOOLS DAY , In hono r of Apr il First , All Fools Day , offi ci a lly the be ginnin g of th e Silly Season , we hav e dedi cated thi s we ek 's iss ue of Cycle New s to th e s pi rit of laught er . A lau gh is an inv ol untary breath spasm caus ed by the s udden re cognition of on e or more contrad ic tio ns in something per ceived . Some peopl e , instead of laughin g, have an othe r kind of spasm but we won 't go into th at , s ince all Cy cle Ne ws readers ha ve a fin e s ens e of humor and we wo n't pok e fun at those who don 't, So those who c an stand a ribbing , re ad on. and any on e who can't , we are sorry a bout that. Annual Glorious Achievement Awards At this lime it gives us gre at ple a sure to announ ce the wi n ne rs of our a nnua l awards for tho s e who co ntrib uted the mos t to motorcy cle fooli shness i n the past ye a r. Th e e nve lo pe. p lea s e . Th e grand pri ze for popular put- ens goes t o... The Hell s An gels. In c . of Cl e veland , Ohi o for contributing th e larg est amount of money to the fund for repeal of Ohio ' s hat ed helm et law. The Hell 's Angels contributi on of $75 (wholes a le price of one stole n cyc le) brought the Gl as s Ci ty fund half-way to its goal of $3,000. Sev eral Iarg e motor cycle distributors follow ed suit with $50 contributions . First plac e for Ou t standing Bus ine s s Optimism goes to the W estern JawaCZ factory and impo rters. who capitali z ed on the demand cr eated for th eir moto-cross winning CZ' s by bringi ng in all of 50 ra ci ng CZ's this ye ar. e no ugh to supply one dealer for nearly a we ek . For performance above an d beyo nd the call o f du ty, our Flying Whe el Award goes to Off icerC. Behrl e of Ihe L os An gel e s P olice Dept. who e nte re d a poli c e Harley in the P ondero s a de s ert har e scrambles and comple ted two loop s befor e gi vi ng up . Our White Fl ag a wa rd goes to the e dit o r of Cycle World Maga zin e who s uggested that hel me t laws ge t inevitabl e and mo tor cycl e e nt hus ias ts s ho uld s hut up about thos e violatio ns of their ri ghts , And last althou gh not parti cularly le ast , th e Cy cle New s Natty Bumpp o tro p hy i s pr esent ed t his year to Monte sa Di slributor Kim Kimb all. for baggin g hi s buck the hard way on the l ast day of de e r hunting s eas on when he ce nte rpunc he d the ani ma l while leading the Dir t Digger s Grand Pri x. T h at is. while Kimb all wa s le ading t he race. not th e de er, if yo u see what I me an . Tha t is if I mean what I s eem . I mean.... ( If they have c aptured the e ditors , then who am I?) \. • • • ~' • ITS ALL A FIEND ISH PLOT For the past six months we have been worldng real hard on a l OOcc Suzuld for deser t competition and have placed In the top 10 many tim es In the pas t four months . Cycle News has been real helpful by s howing the fir s t three plac es If we finish four th, or the first two pla ces If we finish third. Sometimes they slip and show more pla ces and we get our name mentioned but they don't show show that we ride Suzuki. Instead they show we r ide a-. Last week we finally got our first win on the Sidewinders M.C. and knew we had to get mentioned . Cycle News did mention us , but try and read your paper on a MONDAY. HA NK McGILL JAN BAND RINGA Desert Cycle Center Barstow. Cal. ("Well . at least we Imow how to s peU your name now, Jan.") OLD G OATS CLUBS I am a new motorcycle rider, since Dec. 1,1967. Also am a 0ldgoat, 47, and bought a Yamaha 250 Catalina Electra. I like the sport and this motorcycle very much. What I would like to know- are there any clubs near Lancaster for old goats like me that like to ride for fun - on the roads. Thanks. A.M. DICK Box 846 Lancaster , Callf. • Capital Punishment for Helmet Criminals Assemblyman John J . Foranagainst today demanded the ultimate penalty for cycle riders who fail to wear protective headgear. Said the politician in a speech to the Anti-Motorcycle and LiUle Old Ladies Protection Society , " the s e irresponsible kids don't appreciate what we are trying to do 'for their own safety. It is not enough to make criminals of them, we must make it clear to them that they are risking the ir tender young lives by opposing my mandatory helmet law. I demand that the state enact the death penalty for violators. That will certainly teach them a lesson,"

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