Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 04 04

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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\ RICKMAN METISSE ' Handlebar, street-racing, sole U,S, Irnprter and distributor. House of SuzukiTriumph, 16112 Harbor Blvd ., F ountain Valley, Calif. 9270 8. ELVES WANTED-- to work In the Black Fores t making Indians . Call F loyd Clymer coll e ct . KIDS WANTED Age s 10-1 6 to s ell Cycle News at races you atte nd In Calif ., Wa s hington , Oregon, Arizona & Neva da . Earn $2 to $10 per day. Write for information to Cyc l e Newsboy Service, Box 498, Long Beach. " HUSKY VIKING 360 showr oom condition, 21 in. front wheel $950. Call days ( 805) 543- 8567. FO R SALE BSA Gol dstar 1/2 mller , Ed Applegate (213 ) 764-8674, 244-1994. 500cc TRI UMPH unit twin, enough parts to build bik e $325.00 (714) 281-7833. This Happy Couple had a hard time geltlng away from Home and Family. 1966 TRIUMPH TR- 6R, li ke ne w, low mil eag e , windshield & luggage rack . Buying house, must sell $950. (2 13) 756-1 625 . GREEVES 250, 1968 MX5B springer, like ne w $750 or offer . After 5 (2 13) 863-541 6. \~ 2lil ROAD RACER TDIC Yamaha, this machine r aced 3 ti mes on new engine, all ge aring in cluded $725.00. (213) 327-31 52. " Just another Happy Couple enroute to Picn ic. Asked why no helmet, he said, "Cou ldn't hear her tel l me how to rl de!" TRADE : Ar iel SQ-4 owne r s' manu al & spare pa r ts , books for Ariel parts or ? Con tact Ray Price (2 13) 39 1-0711 ext . 3768 days or 479- 2370 eve s . BLACK LEA TH ERS, like new . Size 3231. Best offer (714) 893-1769. 1966 HONDA 305 scrambler , like new. 800 miles on new engine, cus t om paint, chrome, new wheels , for ks an d tires . $500.00. (714 ) 893-1769. 1960 TR6, reliable $350.00 or tra de for 250cc bike (213 ) 767- 0582. ' 66 BULTACO MATADOR, s et up for di r t only, real clean, see to appr eciate. Call (213) 429 -2 631. • ONE 50cc unit Tr tumph engine co mpl ete ; two 1- 1/ 4" GP ca rbs ; one each Dunlop K73 and K76 new ; one small Bonneville gas tank, af ter six (213) 842-4610. Special P laymate Pals award was giv en to Inseparable companions David Snlk e, Pat Mic haels and Jack Pine, who rode together ilil s way from East Pooshkookle and were unaole to stand up afterward. Tr io I s smiling, and wi nklng due to: a. TV Camera, b. T rophy Gi rl, c. Sun In eyes. Above: " Are we reall y on tele vi sion ?" Righ t. - - - 2'z/ - ---,;/. TRIUM PH PARTS, ear ly model fro nt wheels an d one late model, two rears a nd one s prung hub; assorted tires and gas tanks. After six (2 13) 842-4610 . SELL: 1967 Yam aha TDlC , 7 races $900.00 . Call Paul (213) 887- 6090 . I • .. ATIEtmON: CYCLE NEWS CONTRIBUTORS We do not have the addresses of the contributors listed he re. If you will contact us we will s e nd you a check for your published work; SUSAN CLARK, ROGER EV Al\"S, HARRY LAWRIE. Con tact CYCLE NEWS, P ,O. Box 498, Long Bea ch , Calif . (213) 423-0431 . NEW HUSQVARNA sportsman 250c c, Lights , muffler, long seat , rear pegs, skid plate, lots of power and torque. Swedish quaJ1ty . $925.00. Malcol m Smith, 1689 La cadena, Riverside, CaJ1f. 6841866. FR EE SAMPLE: British magazine ; Detailed photos, illustrating repairing, pr even ta tive maintenance, tuning, tou r ing, competing, customizing, all European, Japanese cycles . MOTORCYCL E MECHANICS, 3388 Modoc , Kerma n, CaJ1f• 93630 . 25% SAVINGS O INSURANCE N Dealer garag e liability 15% s avings on Dealer 's bonds . JOHN W. MAYNARD INSURANCE, 3447 Motor Ave., Los Angeles , CaJ1f. P hone: 836-5211. GRE EVES 250cc T ,T, SCRAMBLERS IN STOCK, SAVE $150 tf you buy now! Nicholson Motors , 11629 Van Owen ,Nor th Hollywood, CaJ1f. (213) 764-8674. CYCLE MAN WANTED Experienced all ' round pa r ts, service & sales, Salar y plus a nd compan y benefits . Large vol ume motor cy cle dea ler. Permanent. Outstanding futur e for r ight man, age 25 to 40. (2 13) 392-3066. ~ ... .. Not all was happiness. A littl e spat broke up the good ti me for this couple and Play mate took off, leavin g Pilot to walk home from Tar Pi ts. Pal rw as reunite dwhen bike ran out of gas. W nners of L ong Distance on a PI llion tr ophy i were couple f rom New Mexico. Asked if she enjoyed tri p, answer was, · Ugh!" Best Story Award f or PPMC Pi cni c goes t o Matched Pair, ' Sloopy and Slim Si mms. When throttle stuck near Marina, Slim headed out long pier. Just as dock ran out he was heard to yell, "Hang on, Sioopy!" Fortunatel y, engine seized j ust before pair would have run off edge. Seen here, the Si mms reenact thri llIng moment for TV. This time engine didn't sei ze and couple was drowned. PILLION PLAYMATES .,PICNIC PICTORIAL B y " Blrf" C ogswe ll Member shi p in the P PMC i s pretty Wide Open. Just bring al ong som eon e you Really. Real ly L ike and put ' em on behind yo u as you r very ow n P illion P l ayma te. Th ere - isn't th at e asy' . •• and so much Fun! Well , this y ear ' s PP MC Picni c was held in Sceni c LaBrea Tar Pi ts . Ju s t everyo ne wa s th ere who wa s An yone. as we l las a few who we ren' t. Rather t han t ake up too much Va l u, able Space with Idle Ch at t er, l et ' s ''' get onttne OtdInsramatrc artd 'Blaz e . " Away at the Day ' s Hi ghli ght s! ''''ate; •• M~~i'Typl cal Couple were MIss Blr dl e Conrad and he. Dale D'anM

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