Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 04 04

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 68 . oj .r HI-JINX MEET THE CHALLENGE By Joe Timmons March 3 proved to be a beaut1!ully sunny day for the Hi-Jinx Moto-Cross at Elsinore, Callf. near Railroad Canyon Lake. The area at racetlme proved to be a melting pot for a grea t many lightweight motorcycle clubs in the Southern California area. Among the entrants were som e vested with the names of 100' s, Lightweights, and Deser t Rats, ail respected lightweight cycle clubs. Highlight of the event was the chal lenge race betwee n Hi-Jinx and the 100' s M.C. held concurrently with the mota- cr oss . Forty - eight riders s igned up to r ide the three half-hour races. Twenty- six of. these were also competing in the challenge race at the s ame time, thirteen on each team . After each r ace the r ider s had a halfhour break to repai r bikes and selves . The fir s t r ace was called back shor tly afte r the start because of an obs truction in the track - a leading r ider had fallen and many of the other r ider s consider ately stopped to help him out. Thus the race was restarted so those who were kind enough to car e for the fallen r ider would not be penalized. The winner, Tom Rapp, a 15-year-old des er t rider who must be conspir ing to make us old before our time, r ode three very skillful races. Altho ugh he didn't win all thr ee r ac es (he came in second in the second race) he proved to be the high-point man overall. Nice coaching, Dad! The se cond plac e winner, Earl Roeseler, unloaded lh1rty fee t from the finish line while leading the pac k in the lh1rd race. With undying ettor t he attempted to mount his s teed and still finis h first. Lit tle did he know, however , that the reason for . falling in the tlrs t place (pun) was that he had blown his front tire. Then, out of the blue cam e a number of spectators to push him across the goal line to a third place in the third race. Both Frank Vallefuoco and Fred Mendez, having their ups and downs, for tunately more ups than downs, r ode three great races for the lh1rd and tie for fourth place, respectively. As usual, Bud Denslow won first place in his class. Hi- Jinx won the challenge race scored bY adding up the total points of the first five club riders overall for each club. The trophies for the top placers will be presented at the upcoming meeting of Hi-Jinx FMS on Monday, March 18, at 7:30 p.m , at Jenkins SPort Center , 13200 san Antonio Drive, Norwalk , Calif. In addition to a first place trophy, the winner will receive a free pizza donated by Mike Vallefuoco, proprietor of Bella Napoli ltallan Delicatessen in Elsinore. (Results on page 98) MOTOR MAIDS SAYS THANK YOU ., Our thanks to the wQnderful dealers that helped to our 5th annual Colorado River Run, Feb. 17 and 18 such a challenging event. There were 350 brave motorcyclists there in spite of the damp weather. Our husbands put on a fleld event for us, and provided the entries. The trophies donated for this were from: Norm Reeves of Paramount wonby Art Powell of Phoenix, Ariz .; H-D of Los Angeles won by Rober t Duncan of Tor- rance; Flander s Co. of Pasadena won by Fred Robbins of Anaheim, H- Dof Pomo na won by samuel Pe ters of Redondo Beach; H-D of santa Ana won by F .N. Collins of Henderson, Ne v a d a ' Dale Brown of Long Beach won by Farrell E. Terrell of Anaheim ; Laidlaw H- D of So. san Gabr iel won by Fr an k Schare of Rialto; Ace Bike Shop of N. Long Beach, won by Barbie Walker of Las Vegas ; SUzuki of Ontario won by sandra Knight of Las Vegas ; Laidlaws of So. San Gabriel won by David Boitnott of Ontario; H-D of san Fernando won by Sue Curtis of Ontario. Other trophies and merchandise awards were: Sweepstakes Trophy donated byH-Dof Inglewood won by Phyllis Smith of Alta Lorna, Cal. AMA trophy to the pers on bel onging to AMA for the most years won bY Arlene Carpenter of Las Vegas ; she has bee n an AMA member for 35 years. Paul's H- D of Bellflower donated a trophy given for the long distance won by Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Cla yman of Hayward, Callf. H- D of Fullerton's OUtCer t1!lca te was won by Linda Hice of La Mirada; Brown Motor Works of Pomona was won by Tom Hyatt of La Puente; Skip Fordyce Gltt Cer tlfl ca te won by Willi am Fisher of san Ja ci nto; K& N M.C., Inc. of Riverside won by Gabriel Palmer of san Diego; Irv Seaver of Santa Ana won by Jack Kisner of Cypr ess; Yam aha of Fontana won by B1ll Klein of Las Vegas ; Pelton's of Burbank won by Joe Slackie of El Monte ; Bellflower Motorcycle Shop, Inc. won by Benedict Street of Artesia; S&L Yamaha Motorcycles of Huntington Park won by Mauric e Cheval ier of Long Beach; LeBard & Underwood Inc., La Habra won by Clifford Hallaway; Ed Kretz & Son of Monterey Par k won by Larry Suit of Pittman, Nevada; H- D of ...:, Long Beach won by Bob Pi che of Lomi ta; Shell Motor s of Lynwood won by Jess Mc"'b or ter of Cypr es s ; C/ H Motorcycles of Ar lington won by Ruth Brenn of Hacienda Heights; Masons Motors from Pasad ena won by W.F. Drake of san Fernando; Harrison Reno of San Bernar dino won by Art Powell of Phoenix, Ar iz .; S.E . Chubbuck H-D of Pasadena won by J .J. Gilliam of Altadena . Hockies Motorcycles of Torrance donated a battery won by Mike Whedon of Anaheim ; Honda of Van Nuys donated 1 case of oil won by Tom Hyatt of La Puente; Ca sey' s Motor cycle Shop of san Fer nando donated a hel met that was won by John Bond of Homeland; Gardena Honda donated a pair of gloves won by Linda Dodge of san Bernardino. Besides all these gUts from dealers we had our own traditional ceramic mugs and ashtrays. Our 40 oz. mugs were won by: Sidecar. Sherm Ames of Pomona; Passenger, Vilma Collins of Ontario; Male Solo, Earl Turner of Las Vegas; Female Solo; Margie Boitnott of Ontario. 30 oz . mugs were won by; (2nd place) Passenger, Car oli ne Cla yman of Hayward ; Male solo, Tom Brenn of Hacienda Heights ; Female solo, Pat Gardner of Las Vegas . Medium ashtray (3rdplac e) Passenger Elll ne Kelley of Hendrson, Nevada; Male s olo Mike Whedon of Anahei m; Femal e solo, Marvel Cla r k of Escondido; 16 oz. mugs; (4th place) Male solo, Tracy Banks of santa Maria; Passenger, Pauline Lar so n of Ventura; 12 oz. mug (5th place) Male solo, Dennis Young, of Long Beach; Passenger, Benedict Street. 8 oz. mug (6th place) Male solo , P hil Watson of Phoenlx, Ar iz. ; Passenger, Amenda Slackie of El Monte; Youngest AMA member was 17 month old Brenda Qgan of san Diego. ..'Y\..· . ....:~ A 10 oz. mug was won by the youngest r ider (solo), 14 yr . old Jim MUler of Henderson, Nevada. A 10 oz. mug was pr es ented to the oldest r ider Mr . Fritz Sehi of Apple Valley . 24 oz. mug for the oldest motor cycle r idden all the way (1936 BMW) ridden by Terrance La Duke, of Colton. A snack set of two smail ash trays was the hardluck troph y, was presented to Horace Will iams , whoreceived some pulled ligaments in his leg while wresling his bike. A three-piece set, consisting of a medium ashtray, cigarette box and lighter , were presented to the Slackie fam il y for the largest family present. Thanks to Dale's Modern Cycle of san Bernardino. Due to his donation of 10 ladies' black shoulder strap purses we were able to give the first ten female sol o r iders a li ttl e extra treat. They were alI well pleased with the extras . These girls were: Ceci lia Slackie of El Monte, Barbara Peters of Redondo Beach, Janice Knight of santa Ana, Shirley Fuller of Las Vegas , Barbie Walker of Las Vegas, sandra Knight of Las Vegas, Arlene Carpenter of Las Vegas, Marvel Cla r k of Escondido, Pat Gardner of Las Vegas, Betty McWhorter of Cypress. We also had appreciation awards of our ceramic ite ms for Mr . Pr att , Rangers Dave McLean, F r ed Lamb, Al Turlock, Guy Richie and Mrs . Kuykendalltor their help at that end of our r un. Also in appreciation for the use of the Dam office gUts to Chief Burgess, Mr. Dick Hornbuckle and Mr . Frank Pr ea . And to Mr . Ralph Lynn for our poster s. Hope to see all you rider s again next year . Maybe we want to spend more time giving out goodies and find a little somelh1ng else for you to do. Best of riding to you for this new year of 1968• motor maid s, inc . so uther n Calltor nia .. , '. ...'.' . • .. • ~ • • . _ J

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