Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 04 04

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 68 APRIL FOOL! Where else but in the mad, mad, mad, mad motorcycle world is there such a magnitude of fresh reading matter available? .. Rider's Guide to Periodical Literature " # By Co nsta nce Reeder Motorcycle enthusi a sts enj oy the questionable dis tincti o n of having more publications devoted to thei r market, per capita; than any oth erhobby group• .At lat e s t count .the re were Ii monthly publications , two bi-weeklies and o ne weekly newspaper, Cycle News, to satisfy the cycle love r' s craving for information. Th e she er bulk of reading matt er competi ng for his att ention a t once is e nough to overwhe lm the busy rider. Out-of-pocket cos t , if he were to purchase e ve ry publi cation avai lable, would be a majo r budget it em to a mo torcy cle fan. As a publi c service , then , we offer this Rid er' s' Guid e T o P eriodic al Literature. Sinc e most of the i nformation published in the variou s maga zine s i s repe titive and usually red undant, a lot of time and dollars c an be s aved by knowing which parts of e ach publication to read for a total inform ati o nai turnon witho ut plowin g through all the fluff. Here then, is how to s kim through th e magazines at your increasing ly unfriendl y neighb orhood magazin e sto re : In American Moto rcycli ng, ju st read the sancti on sc he dule for c ancellations unle ss you are a Harl ey enthusias t, then read e verythi ng a nd nothin g e lse , exce pt the Harl ey-Da vid son Enthusiast, which is fre e . In Cycle read Speaking Out, Downhill Straight, the ans we rs to the let- ters, but not the l etter s and the performanc e graphs in the road tests . If yo u dig reading about new products in the indus try , read it here . Somebody th at see ms to be havi ng fun rewrit e s the press rel e a se s . Cycle News i s for taking into the toil et with you, to be read through undisturbed and then left there for the nex t o ccupant. Get it o n .F riday a t a motorcycl e deaier or from one of the vendin g racks arou nd Californi a. Th en when your sub s cription copy arrive s, fil e it for future refer ence . Save one old We know It' s hard t o belle.e In an April Fool Issue , but honest Injun, folks, ClOSS our hearts tatt ered is s ue to stick out of your hip pocket when you go to ra cemeets, club and Boy Scout' s ls photo Is REAL! And It's the latest $10.00 ·Psycho Gnus Photo functions , etc. Shows you belon g. Contest" win ner, shot In Hammond, Louisi ana by Craig Loewe, who certa in ly that tenIn Cy cl e W orld re ad the letters from the readers for the best all around spot. But what has us all wondering I s what happened AFTERWARD to airborne rider Mike reporting on the Ameri can grass root s ment ality . But s ki p the answers. T his Woods (and to his hig h-flying Yamaha 180 for that matter). one has the be s t ads of all the monthlies and ofte n has the pre s s releas es half-sister publi c ation. Subscrib e if you are appro achin g middle -age , unle s s fir st. European cove rage is third o nly to M otor Cyc le Ne ws and M or Cyot cli ng, two weekly ne wspape rs from En gl and. you are a dea ler and are already gett ing MDN. Mi dwe st M otor cy cling Act ion is one of the bi -monthli e s which are fillin g Cycle Guid e is good for Mike Cap ali te' s service ti ps and Bob Braverman's now-t o-do-it co nversio ns . Save the c us toms and s kim the re st. the Midwe s tern informati on Gap. Stat e Motor cycle New s, publi sh ed by Enduro Ch ampion J ohn P enton is the other one. Sometim e s peopl e you'v e heard of's Cyc le Sport c an be checked off unles s it has so me of thos e good repri n ts name s appear in the results. Ea ch i s worth readi ng about 4 time s to see what of ne ws paper a rticles out of Squar e City. Or unles s your name is in it . Someother peopl e are doin g for fun . Unles s yo u li ve there , then skip the national times obsc ure report s in this one co nta in great examples of New En gland news bec ause eve n th e monthli es ha ve alr eady had it . Stud y the ads in both argot and unin tentional camp humor , but it isn ' t wort h di gging for unle s s yo u ar e an editor. to 'see who is intere s ted in the loc al s ports ma n. Mod ern Cycle cos ts the mos t, so unless yo u s ubscribe , read it a t the T here are s everal oth er publications on the racks but eithe r they are market. Th e pinup s and choppers are us ually worth s aving. empty of interest or else I hav en ' t see n them yet . Motorcyclist is the old est magazin e in the U.S. It be gan at th e turn of If the reader ' s problem is choosi ng which to sampl e and which to buy , imagine the dilemma an advert ising space buyer has to fac e trying .to decid e th e centur y and ha s been looking for th e e s cape road ever ·s ince. Oft en scoops whi ch publi cation to us e. In the ne ar future we hope to be able to provid e a n the ot her monthli es on Bonneville , dealer luaus and U.S. motorcyc le re gistraAdvertiser's Guid e to Motorcy cle P ubli c ations . . tio n figures . It shares a good deal of material wit h MIC Deal er News, its { • ',. ... fI • Your name doesn't have to be ~ IXON ..• as as the n oil adk ris { . Distributed in the west by Motors, Inc. " Duarte, Calif.

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