Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 04 04

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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t'age bll • TE LL THE WORLD ADS OFFERING ANYTHING TO GIVE AWAY OR TRADE - FREE 58 G-80 MATCHLESS Dirt bIke, new front end, good condition. Bob (213) 347-1675. PrIce $450. 500 sIngle scrambler mach. 1954. Just overhauled bottom end, trans. & clutch, new r ings $300.00. 5818-1/4 E . Gage, Bell Gardens, Calif. after 4, Mon.. Thurs. FrI. IMMEDIATE OPENING FOR SERVICE ASSISTANT Duty as mechanlc and trouble shooter, help wlth product development. 45 hours, vacation, ins ur ance, unlforms, motorcycle for transportation. Contac t Tom Cates, BSA Motorcycles Western, 2745 Huntington DrIve, Duarte, Calif. Phone: 359-9271 and 681-2621. 1964 T RIUMPH ThunderbIrd, street dress $575.00. (213) 691- 92 85. WILL TRA DE: Gllera 202 Bridgestone 90 or 3 bIke trailer for lightweight Van Tech frame or Hodaka motorcycle.(714) 849-3904 . TRA DE: 1957 For d wagon or regulation size pool table for leathers or a small mo tor cy cle . (213) GA 3- 6141. WIL L TRADE extra clean 66 Suzukl X- 6 Hustler, 3000 miles for 2 stroke di r t bike of equal value. (805) 498- 3426 . FOR SAL E: '58 Ranchero 390 ", Hydro, built by Pe rfor mance Associates (213) 358-0970. FOR SALE: SIde Hack, moving, must go $25. (213) OR 1-2934 eves. SProNT CR -TT SCRAMBLER Ne w upper & lower end, extra clean & fast $500.00. (213) 839-2620. HODAKA, like new , ported, 22mm carb, expansion chamber, gl r li ngs , ext. forks, $335. (213) 446-8118. WANTED Yamaha mechanlc, must have own tools. (213) 2~0-3553 . WANTE D Salesman, age 25-40. Also work parts (Yamaha) sal plus cornm, (213) 280-3553. DUNE BUGGY VW po we r ed, fIbe r glass body, street readY. Phone (213) 763- 8344. SEI'o'D War Toys For W atls dooations to Box X, Beverly Hills, Cali f. ELVIS LIVES I MAKE THE MAIN••• then make Iovel TRADE us ed gr een ' 62 Edselforwlnnlng machlne. Call RIchard Nixon, N. Y.C . WE BUY OLD GOLD Chas . DeGaulle Welchlng Society, Paris, France. G85 MATCHLESS. Many spares, tresh engine. (714) 753-3345. Encinitas. Pr ices _ 10 words or less, plus address _ $1.00 _ 25 words or Ilss, pius address _ $2.00 ~lco.lIlre (supplied by you) _. $3.00 elira COMMER C IAL ADV ERTI SERS RATE Ten words ..... $2.00 Twenty five words ..... $4.00 HE.ADLINE IN BOLD TYPE-SUO extra. HONDA MECHANIC WANTED ADM S PARES ANNOUNCES In a ddition to 20% discount on Triumph spares, special di s coun ts to comp etition clubs, deale r s an d indepe nde nt engine rebuilders anywhere In the U.S. Write or phone for de taUs . F or the special builder, 3 650Cc Unit Triumph e ngines, Rickman Kit In the box. Doug Mayes, 1757 Malcol m Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. 90024 (2 13) 474- 6858. TRAD E: 64 200cc Bultaco , 65 Trium ph T. T . Spe cI al, new hard Pir eIIl tires, ne w Goodyear tires, Trl. A.R. D. mag ., tack, American mags. 14" , one piece s et leathers size 38, H. D. clutch hub. Trade for Greeves Challenger, Bultaco P ur Sang, or boat. (714) 530-3812. TRADE: Triu mph parts: forks; 3 gal. tank; oil tank, chrome or black ; taillight; foot rests, lots of ti res; 650 unit fact manual; 1- 1/2 gal. cus to m fuel tank; Jag 4 spd, trans, Jag auto trans. Wan t 18" alloy r im; S90 swlngarm ; F or d 08 trans; YDS2 carbs; Van T e ch fr am e; r iGe. Call (213) 823-1271 noon to 8 p.m, B.M . W. PARTS, 2 engines- 1962 R 50, 1954 R60, 2 early style gearboxes and diffe r en tials wlth e xtra gears, wheels , tele forks . Mus t sell (2 13) 797-8522 after 6 p .m , FOR SALE: 1968 Kawasaki 238 s crambIer . Latest factory modifications, lots of extras $675.00 . Phone (213) 388-3554 after 6:00 p .m, Like to relocate? We offer year round wor k, salary, opportunity to advance. Please send resume indi cati ng experience, age, etc . to Scooterville: 1001 South Main, Las Vegas , Nev . PARTS MAN WANTED Honda experience. Good salary, fringe benefits. Ca ll Honda Del Ray , 391-1217. TRA DE: 68 V. W. wlth 65 eng. & trans ., tuck & roll, mags, stereo tape, need pickup for bikes, must be cherry. P h: (213) UN 4-8481 ask for Lorin g. TRADE: 1967 Bultaco Sherpa S desert ready. For desert Hodka or Bultaco Lobito S. (213) 42 9- 6787 . TRADE Pedestal drill pres s wlth motor s ingle phase 220 V. and extra quad head for Mustang or Suz uki cycle. Joe. (213) 265-1282. TRADE: 1964- 1/2 BMW R- 60, low mileage, immaculate! Trade: Old YDS-l englne in box, needs wor k, Ducatl racing me ga phone , jets, fr ont (racing) plate . Wanted: Bultaco scrambler type bars and fork crown for same. Trade: 1964 Bultaco Me tralla, used for production road racing. All for ? Barry at (213) ST 8- 7454 or ST 8-.7551.. TRADE: 61 Roy. En!. dirt bike 750Cc for , desert ready, Bul., Grev. or ? ( 213) 398-7443. TRI UMPH DESERT BI KES NO APRIL FOOL JOKE Bold Line ..... S2.00 Photo ..... S 6.00 '67 GREEVES Challenge r 250cc $600 . (714) 735 - 5479. ' 64 HONDA 250, set up for dirt, have street equipment $325.00 cash. (213) 695- 7841. TRADE: Trailer , carries 3, ne w 6.5OX13 tires , lights, Ford truck wheels for ??? (213 ) 372-9331. 63 MATCHLESS des e r t bike, runs good, trade for 2 strok, (213) 444- 5814 . SELL OR TRADE: ' 56 Chev. P ickup, 283 i n ex . cond $485.00 or trade for any good 250 up desert or Moto-Cross bike (714) 735-4641. TRADE : Equity in ' 65 Dodge Hardtop. Power , air , new tires, brakes, e x. condo for equity in Datsun pickup, economy car , or Moto-Cross bike, (714) 735-4641. SE LL: Compl et e telesco Triumph front end $85 .00 . Triumph tac h, speedo, fr ont fe nde r , headlight, m nffier . (714) 7354641. 1966 BULTACO METRALLA 200cc , excellent condition, 2600 miles $395. (213) 454-3126. GUY FAWKES, WHERE AR E YO U, NOW mAT WE lIo'EED YOU ? 66 HODAKA, co mpletely rebuilt, inside & outside, expansion chamber, 5th port , Dykes r ing, 20mm carb., one of a kind aluminum upper cy1., etc. etc. (213) 325 -0659 . We have 250cc and 360c c Greeves scr, 'In stock. Steve Hurd M/c, 1405 Olympic, Montebello, Cal. (213) 724-0466. FOR SALE: 1949 H.D. complet e less engine. All or part. Legal deal, I have the pink. Call Ed GA 3-2886 . (213). "67" GREEVES, high point 250Cc In Dist. 37 excellent condo for desert or scrambles $670 .00. C all (2 13)375-0737. NUMBER PLATES all types , also complete line of fiber glass racing acces- , s er ies , Brown Fairing co., 13041 Palomar Way , Santa Ana, Calif. (714) 6331627 . SPECIAL CO NSTRUCTION F OR SALE: Shaft drive Sunbeam wlth Renault Dolphine motor Zundapp shaft drIve wlth V.W. motor , 1947 Indian Chi ef all street, full dress $500. 00 ea. Als o 1967 Bridgestone 175 $325 .00.(213) 282- 6383 da ys 359-9768 eve. WANT ED: Basket case 2- stroke. Ca ll after 10:3 0 p. m, (2 13) 393- 6964. DISMANTLING BMW R69S due to e ngine damage. Phone after 7:3 0 p. m.A/C ( 805) 498 - 6393 & W/E. or 473 -1101 8- 6 p.m. '67 B.S .A. "Victor" , extras, ext. condo $650 . Call (8 05) 252- 6948. BMW 1963 R60, xlnt. cond., 10 mileage, very good rubber $650. HO 6- 0886 eves or weekend. FO R SALE: Suzukl 250Cc TM twln port scrambler. Only one available in Los Angeles. see at Jack SImmons M/C In Compton (213) 639-1777. BRAND NEW TRI UMPH T R6C with Cerlan) Ironl I nd. All extras. Race ready . Cu~tom built lor thl serious rlder. Best dIal. Van Nuys Cycle, 7630 Van Nuys Blvd. Ph (213) 989·2230. DICK'S M/C SALVAGE 9061 E. Artesia mVd. (213) 925-9054 . Junk bikes bought. MECHANIC for permanent position. 5 da y week, good pay, and group hospital plan. Harley-Davidson of Pomona, 1241 W. Holt Ave., Pomona, Calif. 91766. HODAKA 90 crankcases machined to fit 98 cylinder. Correct squish hemtspheres machlned In 2 stroke heads. Larry Powell, 808 Cherry, Chico, Calif.95926. SALESMAN W ANTED To sell motorcycle accessories. Terri· tory established. Salary, commission, and expenses. For appolntmentcall(213) 749-5153. Ask for Miss Shute. ATIENTION: DESERT RIDERS GET YOUR 8x10 PICTURES. If your number is not listed this week, chec k this ad next week. Open Class : 104 , 59, 18, 9, 15,45, 1,3,5 ,7,13, 16,20, 25, 27 , 30 . 250cc Class: ax, sx, 7x, 18x, 888x, 35, 29, 95 , 139, 620x, 15x, 21, 50 6, 48, 436 , 11, 700 . Trail Class : I , 2, 11, 31, 39 , 395 , 828 , 25 , 17, 67, 45 , 5, 803. send $3. and your address to Jeff wright , 5022 Parkhaven Ci rcle, La Crescenta, Calif. (213) CH 8-3839 . MECHA NIC NEEDED Perfect working conditions, good pay. Call Barry, (213) 591-1301. ORIGINAL OWNER of twln carb 1966 B.S.A . 40 Incher s trictly stock and clean for scrambles or desert, will trade for clean 100Cc class bike and difference. (213) 696-2632 or 693- 1585. r------------$i.-&-$2-'I I N_............................................... T Wora-SI tl 56 FORD Pickup V8 engIne, stick shift. Excellent running gear, needs wlndshie1d wlpers & 2 tires. $425.00 .(213) 361-1468 I I I I I I I TRADE OR SELL-65 Honda 305 dirt bIke (have street equ lp.) 4:00x1 8 Grasshoppers, 54 tooth sprocket, 14 & 15 ,too th primaries, jet changes, special seat & bars. Neve r r a ced. Dependable & fast. (213) 569-1375. A................................ ........... ...... Twenty Flv. words' S2 Headline In BOLD TYPE $1 extra PI eturl $3 extra. City• •••••• ••••••••••••••••••• Stale.... ••••• • WRITE AD HERE . COMMERCIAL ADVERTISERS RATE Tea words ..... S2.. Twenty fi te .nls ..... $4.00 ~~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ PIIII:3 ..... $6.IID ENCLOSE CURRENCY II (Incl ude area code with "'001 numb••) .... ... n. FREE WANT ADS If you have something to give aw~! I I I I I I I ~~~~~::!~~~A~~~I~~~~r=~~ , '67 KAWASAKI 120, deser t/street, 3 .50 tires, Rickman bars. Fast and In Immaculate condition. Trade for ? (714) 525-0976. WANTED: Maico baske t cases or gas tank for Maico. (805) 252-4654. WANTE D: Us ed e xpansion chamber for Hodaka (2 13) 790- 5406. 1967-3/ 4 HUSKY, much better than new with 2- 1/ 2 & 3-1/2 gal . ta nks , 19" or 21" fro wheel, cornp, r elease, filtron, Mettis s e bars , Magura controls & 6 sprockets $895 .00. Bakersfield Motor cycle, 120 Kentu c ky, Bakersfield, Cal. 66 BULTA CO 200 dir t bike , good condi ti on $395.00. ( 213) HA 5-4537 . • '. • ,

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