Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 04 04

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 68 CMC Carlsbad Malo-Cross Carlsbad, Cal. Sun., March 10, 1968 SCTA ENGLISH TRIA LS Linle Rock, Cal if. Sun., Feb. 25, 1968 Pts. MASTER "1. Jim Wilson 101 Gre "2. Jack Ward 18 Tri Hod Gre " 3. Bob Grove 25 Suz -I. Bob Nickelsen 27 Gre Sac 5. Ham Brattin Tri 35 6. Joe Lavigne Dot -12 7. Sig Ersoo (ti e) Gre Sac -17 7. Don Morgan (tie) Gre Hod 47 8. Dick Murray(tie) -19 BSA Sac 8. David Smith (tie) Bul -19 Hod Bul EXPERT LIGHTWEIGHT "1. Gal)' Conrad 22 Gre .. 2. Duane Stone -1-1 Gre Hus .. 3. Harvey Rudesill -t6 Gre Hus 018 Hon ' 4•.John Walters Suz 50 Bul 5. Warner Mobley (tie) CZ 5. Jim Bollingmo (ti e) 50 Mat CZ 6. Lloyd Lingelbach 51 Gre 60 ere 7. Will stowers Gre 8. John Schindler 80 Mal Hus EXPERT ULTRA LlGHTlI'ElGHT Hus "1. Lee Rombeau -10 Hod CZ -1-1 lIod 2. Bob Brookhart Kaw 3. Georr Harm>ond 63 Yam 4. Tom Stowers 68 Yam lIu s AMATEUR WOMEN Gre "1. Joan Wilson 33 Hod lIu s •• 2. Nancy Walters 3-1 lIod lIus 3. Sondra Hutchinson -1-1 lIod Mai 4. Peggy Bell -t6 Bul 5. Carol Lawrence 58 lion Bui AMATEUR HEA VYWEIGHT Bul "1. Wally Albright ' 21 BSA Tri •• 2. Jack Hawk 29 Hon CZ .. 3. Jim Ward 30 BSA Mai "4. Roger Miller (tie) 31 Hon "4. Gal)' Hubbard (tie) 31 AJS lIus -11 BS,\ 5. William Smith Hus 018 Ind 6. Roy Watson CZ 49 Tri 7. William Haynes 8. Denn Hansen 50 BSA 9. Gal)' Williams 67 IlSA (It/i III 10. Ron Boughton 72 Hon , , I 1/ / /- $4111$ a.. unof ficla' un/... . • Denotes trophy winners ............ --:.. _ oth·""I•• noled) ... By John Shedd 125CC ExPERT 1. Gal)' Bailey 2. Preston Petty 3. Jerry Malhor 125CC JUNIOR CLASS 1. David Messer 2. Danny Hockie 3. Del Lowen -I. Steve Fortner 5. Tina Peterson 250cc EXPERT 1. Lars Larson 2. Gunnar Lindstrom 3. Gal)' Conrad -I. Lon Peterson 5. Walt Axlhelm 250cc JUNIOR 1. Jim Rutter 2. Al Baker 3. carl Iverson 4. Don Berson 5. Jim Ellen berger 500cc ExPERT 1. Lars Larson 2. Gal)' Bailey , 3. Gunnar Lindstrom -I. J.N. Roberts 5. Lon Peterson 500cc JUI'o10R 1. Bob Kolek 2. John Manard 3. Jimmy Bruns 4. Nick Gula 5. Dub Smilh ALL-cOMERS 1. Lars Larson 2. Gunnar Lindstrom 3. Walt Axthelm - .. . - , r AMATEUR LIGHTWEIGHT 1 Gre • '1. John Penner "2. Don Lawrence 2 Bul "3. Gal)' Davis (tie) -I Gre -I Tri " 3. Roy Sheridan (ti e) • '-1. Stan Kohler (ti e) 5 Tri "4. \'ince Martinelli (ti e) 5 Gre ·· 5 . Ron Roach 6 Tri • '6. Loyd Davts 8 Tri 7. Gal)' Temple 11 Bul 12 Bul 8. ;rom Bell 1-1 Bul 9. Ken Prescott 101 Tri 9. Geor ge Hutchinson 10. Lee Pool 16 Oss AMATEUR ULTRA UGHTlI'EIGHT 1 Hod • '1. Walt Bird 1 Hod • '1. Dee Came ron •• 2. Hank Kedin 3 Ilod 3 Hod • '2. Kevin Walker -I Hod • '3. John Erson "4. Gal)' Barton 6 Hod •• 5. Don Clement 11 Hod 12 Bul • '6. Louie Dunn 1-1 Hod 7. Steve Bell 1-1 Bul 7. Jacqualine Mobley 8. Nonnan Cowell, Jr. 16 Sac 9. Bill Babrorr 20 Sac 10. Gale searing 23 lIod MI.U. .nAC!'D..Ol.TDp U.L~ DESERT 'l:tJP'.p.' Rollin' rf"\l-rougb th e lt0cks' • AT RIDG ECREST, CALIF. B )' Di ck Wright m ike Patrick, #1 on a Norton Twin, came up from behind to win the fasl, 18-mile Sandblaslers Hare Scrambles held lasl Sunday, March 10 al Ridgecrest, Cal. 3223323 There were two courses: the big bikes made three twenty-slx-mlle loops and the trall bikes made four fifteen-mile loops Ins ide the big bike course. The big bikes were started at 10 a.m, sharp. Howard Beach, #20 ona Triumph, "EL BAllO/DO Carlsbad Moto-cross 3·1(}o'68 SANDBLASTERS HARE SCRAMBLES Ridgecresl, Calif. Sun., Mar, 10, 1968 1 s t PI. 500 Jr. Bo b Kol ek - E I B and ido 2nd Pl . 50 0 Jr. J oh n Ma y n ard- EI Bandi do Four Aces TT Scr. - Adelanto 3-10·'68 250 Am. 350-500 Ex. 1st R. Scott 350 Nov. -EI Bandido 1st L . Gorban 250 Ex. ~El B andido 1st 3rd 4th 5th R. G. J. L. Scott -PurSang Landry -PurSang Wright -PurSang Stumpenhaus-PurSang 1st E. Olesen ' 2nd D. Han sen 3rd J. Hagey -PurSang -PurSang -PurSang 200 Am/Ex. 1 st 2nd 125 I st 2 nd M. Bast D. Sowell -Sherpa S -Sherpa S 175 Am /Ex. S. Bast -Sherpa S D. Yerk es -Lobi to SR Sandblasters Hare Scr. - Ridgecrest 3-10·'68 1 s t P l. 250 Ex. ( s e c o n d overall) Larry B ergqui s t - PurS ang 1 s t PI. 250 No v. Ray Al e x a n d e r - Pu rS an g 7fe.7-2400 By Dick Wrigllt Op. E Nor 1. Mike Patrick 250 E Bul 2. Lam Bergquist 250 E Hus 3. Gary Cole Op E Tri 4. Steve Kirk Op E Tri 5. Jeer Foster Op E Tri 6. Don Bohannan Op E Tri 7. Jem Perkins Op E Nor 8. Steve Hurd 9. S6 Op E Tri 10. Jim Camoret Op E Tri 11. Sam Dempsey 500 E BSA ' 12. Bob Ewing 250 E Bul 13. George Walker Op AmTri 14 . SPence Windbiel 250 N Bul 15. Ray Alexander Op E 16. Bud Harvey OpA 17. Jim Beres 250 N 18. Tom Muto 250 A 19. George Zuber 250 E Bul 20. Gal)' Griffin 21. Dennis Torgerson 250 E Gre Op A Tri 22. Bill Johnson 250 E 23. Bob Weatherwax OpN 2-1. Scott La Praik 250 E Gre 25. Dan Klin e TRAIL BIKE 1I0d Ex 1. Jack Morgan MB Ex 2. Ron Matheny Ex Uul 3. J ack Froelich Ex lIod 4 • •Jame s J a ckl ett Am lIod 5. Thoma s H oyl e Am Z un 6. Dean Goldsmi th !IOo, ' 7 . T erJY Cla rk lI od Ex 8. Ed Scheidle r lIod Am 9. .rack SPenc er Am lIod 10. Jo hn ~I aron e)' J r. grabbed the lead and charged through the pits after the first loop with a wide margin; behind him were Larry Bergquist, #888x on the 250cc Bultaeo, Gary Cole, #5x on a 250c c Husky, Mike Patrick on the Norton, and the fast-movingarnateur steve Staats , #95 on a Triumph. These positions held without m u c h change through the second loop. On the third and final loop Beach still had a three-minute lead, but half-way around In the rough, rocky section, he had it turned all the way on while jumping the rocks, and tore his rear wheel apart to put him out of the race. (ThIs is one rider who can ride the wheels right of! a big Triumph, until he wins or breaks down. ) , Bergquist took over the lead at this point, but the fast course was taking Its toU, and Bergquist dropped his cnain, He put It back on quick and stiU held on to that lead, but then he lost bls seat and had to sit on the tank. Patrick passed him In the fast, open territory to corne in for the win In the time of two hours. To quote blm, " The course was bitcb1n' but too fast. 1 don't like to go that fast in the open territory because you never know when a rock wlU get In your way." Larry Bergquist pulled In second, with Gary Cole taking third. Steve Staats had a run-in with a rock and carne out second best, which kept him from making the finish. Steve Kirk, #27 on a Triumph, pulled in fourth and Jeff Foster, #16 (also on a Triumph), was fifth. The first amateur In was Spence Wlndbiel, #38 on a Triumph, taking fourteenth overall, and Ra y Alexander, #144x took first 250cc Novice on a Bultaco and fifteenth overall, wblch is a real good ride for a guy that had a number over a thousand last year • Jim Beres, #854, who just moved up from the 250cc Class to the big bikes, did very weU his first time out, taking second amateur and seventeenth overall. George Zuber, #41x, was first 250 amateur, taking nineteenth overall, and young SCott LaPralk, #571, took first open Novice and twenty-fourth overall. The weather was great and the race was well organized, but It was a little hard to pass on that course because you couldn't see all the rocks In time; the smart ones stayed on the course, and a few got off to pass and pald the price. Trail Bikes The trail bikes were started five minutes after the big bikes, angling more to the right of the rocky ridge of mountalns. At the drop of the banner, Dave Ekins #25 on his Zundapp, and Jack Morgan, #1 on the Hodaka, moved out from the pack with Ron Matheny, #828 on a Moto-Beta tucldng In behind. Ekins and Morgan dueled the entire first loop, passing back and forth through the open, rocky boondocks . It's not easy to pass In this area, because you can' t tell a gray rock from a small gray bush at f1!ty mUes an hour. Both riders were really maIdng It down the steep, rocky b1II In second gear with the throttle on (to quote one of the spectators on the hill). They dueled It out on the entire second loop the same way, with neither rider giving in or letting off . Something had to give, and on the back half of the eourse, Ekins had the lead, moving out In fifth gear. He hit a series of bumps and then a few rocks, and he did a big endo. Morgan turned around to see If he was okay , and took off again when one of the spectators said he would stay there with him. Ekins was taken to West Hills Hospital in Woodland Hills, Cali!. where he was treated for a broken vertebra. He w1l1 be okay, friends tell us. Morgan carne in for the hard-fought win with a good lead, and Ron Matheny pulled In second on the hot Moto-Beta. Jack Froelich, #2 on a Bultaco moved up to third, and James Jacklett took fourth. Tom Hayle, #31, placed fifth and was the fi r s t Ama teur In . Dean Goldsmith, #39 on a Zundapp , was the secon d Amateur, taking sixth po siti on . Ter ry Clark, #395, had a r eal good ride for a ne w com pe titor , taking seven th ove r all an d !irst Novice . John Maroney Jr., #20, looked r eal good for a fourteen- year- ol d Expe r t, to take tenth. (Re s ults on resul ts page, wherever TIIA T is) • • .. r . • • .

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