Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 03 15

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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• Committee For Better Motorcycling Fights Back not stop with the Slate req uiring hel me ts on motorcyclists. It will s so n app ly to automobi les. A hi gh offic ial of the F ederal Transportation Agency ha s slated, "There is no re al sa fely in any motor vehicte unW the driver and all passenge rs are recurred to wear protecti ve bel mets." " Th i s year the .Sla te Seeks to deny the motorcyclist hi s free dom to choose Following the Southe r n Califor nia Road Rider s Committ ee assurance of minimum postage an d printi ng expens es, the Com mitt ee for Be tter Motorcycling has launched a campai gn of r ebuttals to those editor ials appearing in the ne ws media call1n g for mandatory hel mets for motorcyclists. The latest effo r t was recently br oadcast on Radio Station KNX , the CBS outl et ror, th e Southland. " Staff anno unce r: Replying to a r ece ntly broadcast KNX editorial, here is Mr . Rober t Fee, Coordinator for the Committee for .Better Motorcycling. Mr . Fee ." "KNX ba s suuested aspecial motor- bis personal prote c tio n. For hi s own good, of course. Wh en the door is open , the prin cipl e establishe d, and the Slate seeks to deny yo u the same ri ah t, it will be for your own good. " Now is the time to stop this Bil': Brother , W eJfare-i s ti c , Protectioni sm. In st ruct your re pre sentatf ve s to \'Ote NO on A8 289 a nd Senate 81 11 Ill . cycle driver's license; .T he Commit tee "Thi s year the Sla te calls for the freedom of the motorcyclist. IIb en the ,Sla te cal ls for your freedom, will there be anyone l e ft to SPeak? " Manda tory helme ts propos ed in AB 28 9 and Senate Bill I I I should not be- for Better Motorc yclin g agrees. "KNX also s uggests motorcycle education cour se s in the publi c schools ; C8M also azree s - for how else can a beltinning cyclist lea rn of the value o f pro te cti ve clothi ng and safety hel me ts? " Unfortun a tely , th e use of a sa fely helmet in no way co ntributes to the control of any vehi cl e and is o f no benefit to the ge neral public or o the r us er s of the road . TI,e indivi dual's us e of a safely bel met is no t the prope r object o f police **** An.swers An.ti-MIC Radio Editorial 8 y Bob Od e ll come l a.",·.- " Staff announcer - You have just heard Mr. Robe rt . Fee, Coordinator for the Committee for BetterMotor cyclmg , replying to a r ecently broadcast KNX editor ial,' , t The CBM base s its an ti - helm e t positi on on two pr e mises: power nor criminal pe nalties. "The lo ss of the freedom to choose the form of your personal prot e c tion will saooteaac« parK B y ~I au re en Lee You can' t imagine a more perfec t riders nop on it, to prevent anyone ' place to ride t.Jan Saddleback Parkl It getting hurt. We go t around it one time ope ned F riday, Marcb 1 so we wen t without falling off an d then collapsed and down to take a tl rst day a dvan tage on now jus t can't walt to see a moto-cross some of the trails and round a play on that track! It' s a bearl One poi nt has ground that far exceeded our wildest a steep hill you zoom down into a sandy dreams. ' fully turning left at the same time but There are over 700 acres of hills you can' t fudge an instant because imetc ., to trail on. A beautifully graded mediately you' re going up another steepy, one-way road runs around the outside P hew! perimeter of the Park with a 20 mlle an The Park Is still incomplete and achour s peed limit on it, but it's siI1 steep cording to Joe Parkhurst, one of those enough in spots to make it interesting and involved in it and who was riding patrol the views from the top of the ridges are tha t day. there will be a lot of changes marvelous . to come in the future. Plans are for a At any point you can plunge off the clubhouse overlooking the moto-cross r oad and go out in the boonles on your ctrcult along with an ac ce s s or y sbopand own but there are patrolmen riding a place for riders to work on their ma around In brilliant yellow jumpe r s Just chines . A kiddy playground with swings in case you s bould get yourself into etc., will come so mom and dad can trall troubl e . l eaving the Idds s omethi ng to do, and a The TT scr ambles track is bea utiful, better entrance-exit roadway is under Fast, sm ooth with banked turns an d a cons truction now. jump that could be may be a little less The fi r s t event will be a mo to -cross steep on the inc line an d we thoroughl y on Marcb 25th and on July 4th a Hillenjoy ed skidding around on it. climb is s cheduled. They call the hill The moto- c ross course was another " The Matterborn" and when you see it ma tt er l Fo r once we hav e a real m otoyou' ll know why. We suggest that if you cros s circuit, Belgium champion Joel like hillcllmbs , don' t miss tbls one! Robe rt laid it out by the same me thod The Park is open fr om 10: 00 a .m. to used In Europe. He blazed a trail on his dark dally, admission is $2.00 per vehibike and the oth ers followed to mark it cle and helm e ts are r equlred. lf you don' t out and it' s a r eal cba1lenge . There are have one you can rent one a t the entrance . no straightaways, you' r e either going up To ge t to the Park drive Ea s t on Chapor down but ther e are no dangerous conman Avenue off the Newport F r eeway to ditions s uch a s r ocks etc., but it Is not a Santiago Canyon Road. Turn right to course for the undeve loped rider or, as Peters Canyon Road and turn l eft to the far as our personal opini on, a l 00c c entrance gate. class. This section will be kept fenced Both the scramble s course and the off to keep the public from riding it as it moto-cross course are available for ts inten ded purely for moto- cross events clubs to throw events; for i nfor ma tion and , after watching several trail bike call (714) 639-5832. 1. The Individual mus t bear some responsibility and pr ovide for his own safety. The restriction of li berty, or of pr operty rigbts of the indi vidual, s ol ely for the protection of that individ ual are not legiti mate ob jects of the police power in general, or of the police powe r as particularly 'app lied to the r egulation of motor vehicle s . lf the majori ty can set itself up to judge, in ma tter s ofindividual welfare, between rigbt and wrong, and enfo rce those judgements withcrim inal penalties, then all areas of personal liberty will be jeopardized, 2. There Is no end, once the door ' is opened. Protective clothing is already being mentioned In the same breath as safety helmets. As implied in state ment #1, all areas of personal liberty will follow safety helmets through tbe door, That door must be kept sh ut . Now is the time for all-out, unreserved r es istance including demonstrations an d political Involvement, if necessary, to preserve our personal liberty . Po lls conducted among road riding mot orcyclists s how that the C BM repr esents the feelings of 90% of the rider s and so states in it's communications with state legislators. S .D.R.R.A. ELECTS OFFICERS By Ro be rt O. Fee The San Diego Road Rider's Assoclation recently announced their new offi cers for 1968 and are looking forward to a busy and concordant New Year accordIng to Ed. Folkes, President of the association. serving with him in '68 are Gene Lafferty as Vice President; Carolyn Folkes, Secretary; Treasurer, Billie Sagar; Robert Ward, Chart Stewart and Bob Bristol as Sgt. as Arms. The RRA Calendar offers the road riders a varied program of traveling thronghout the year with many of the overnigbters mapped to attract the Los Angeles riders . "Of special interest," snld Folkes, " will be the April 21st Benefit run for the retarded children at the Home of Guiding Hands ." For further information call (714) 469-6845 . Other RRA runs for '68 are: March 24th: Terrapins Pre-Easter Egg Hunt April G & 7th: Travelers Spaghetti OVernighter May 19th: Road Cruisers Surprise Run June 15 & 16: Terrapins Firs t Annual Hemet To ur JWle 29 & 30: Singing Wheels OVernigbter J uly 27 & 28: Road Cruisers 4th Annual OVernigbter August 11th: Travelers Corofeed september 8: S.D.R.R.A. Run September 27: Singing Wheel s Turkey Feed OCtober 20: Road Cruisers Po ker RWl Nov. 9 & 10th: Mary'S Men Ca llie Call As the CBM is a small gro up actively trying to better the sport, not all editor - ~. ials and articles atta cldng the sport are noticed . Motorcyclists in te r e s te d in the ir 'ti spor t and hobby are asked to clip and Bu% Tutthill Dies M. A. "Buz" T u tt blll , well- known Nor th ern Callfornia Sales Manage r for M! B Sportcycles, succumbed to a heart a ttack F eb r uary 14 in Tacoma , Wash. Mr . Tutthill was former ly associated with the outboard and !carti ng field . . , WINNERS CHOICE Skip Van Leeuwen winner of the 100 lap TT Sleeplechase al AsCOl Park, March 3, 1968 chose Leathers by Clarice at ABC CUSTOM LEATHERS 9840 Allantic Blvd. Soulh Gate pirone (21 564-7150 3) ••• Legend 3, IIO'1'O-C~OSS 4. 1'-1' COURSE caJRSE 6 . ·PARJOIURST3 - PEAJC N 7. ROCn IUJII'rADI 8. "JUnJts-J'0LL'!' 9. """hERBOllll-= 10. -ft. vnsc. 11. CLUBII~SE JIIU. 12. PU'rvIlE PARItDG JJmWICE 14. nIlE S'l'Ai'I0II 15. IIlVIIIE PARIC 13. PU'rvIlE JUIII , _ _ ' }IIfE , '--.;-. ... ':..;0 .. .- ..-... _.--, or . @ • ® .....,. ". WINS Castaic Moto-Cross 1st GARY BAILEY 500" Sr. C'ass 360"Greeves SOUTH GATE B ~. VAT RO ADS - - E!\IIF.RQEIICT PA.R!C ROA ns . © ~ s end thos e articles they read to the ::Ie Committee a t 105 No. Vermont Ave " "" Glendora; Calif. 91740. Anyone noticing S. a broadcast (radio or T. V.) edito rial is ~ asked to notify the committee by post' Co:I card. Naturally anyone wantin g to help ....J def ray committee expenses are welcome U to do so. ;:..., Both the CBM and Cyc le News feel U that the freedom the State wis bes to restrict is worth tlghting for and on your behalf wil1 figbt on. 1. '1'9IPOIURY EIfflWlCE 2 . PAllJtIJIG AREA 5. PICJ(lC AJlEAS ~ '" ..... 250" Sr. C'ass ' Gary Bai'ey and Greeves 11 Special Win 3 out of 3 Starts Di stntnited by NICK NICHOLSON MOTORS 11629 Van Owen, No. Hollywood

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