Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 03 15

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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• America's Only Weekly Motorcycle Newspaper'" Publish Cbarles C. Clayton Editorial stories . ca rtoons . photos . Rusine s s Manager•• Sharon Clay'lon e tc , are welcomed and il l be paid Ci rculatton Mgr• •• Gaye Thomason for upon publication (.-, ce pl press Edilor. • • • • • • • • • • • Carol Sims rel ease s and · Voice" letters.) Ad,\ dverti si ng M gr•• •• •• T om Culp d ressed , sta mpe d e nve l op e ass r es Photo Edito r• •••• Dennis G ree ne ret urn. Lab Technidan• .••RiII PeUigre.. mal e ro py price • •• • • ••• • ~ Re cept ioni st.. • • ••Louise Y larshall Subscription: 0 ypar class Yl ail • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 7.50 Pu blished weekly except the first and last wee k of the cal endar yea r (Su bs c ri be rs please all o.. thr"", by C&S Publis hin g c o.. Pos t Office " ..e k s for addrPss c ha nj;...) Box 498, L o n a Be a ch, California . Advertis ing rates and circulatio n Second Clas s postage paid a t Long i nformalion ...ill be se nt upon request. Beach, Ca li f. DESERT TRAILBI KE STEWARD CORRECTION SHUNNING RESPONSIBILITY? Being subscriber of your newspaper for about six months, I felt that you were taking a stand against laws that were restrictive to motorcycling and basic freedoms . I now find that I agree very litUe with your view on the subject of legisla tion affecting us . In the March 1, 1968, issue, you have made it quite clear that you feel that legislation is inevitable and that we should try to persuade our bonorable represenlatives to be kindand not Impose too stringent a set of laws upon us. Tell me what is wrong with trying to per suade them not to pass any legislation at all. It has been stated more apUy thaan I can many times, that it Is no-one-s business but my own if my head is damaged on the street or the fr ee way. It Is not the dU of the Conty gress to protect everyone under the age of 25 from themselves. if a teenager wants to ride a motorcycle, but lacks the Instructions or skills to make him safe, it is up to the parenis to protect him his own impuls iveness. With all the ma jor publications In the country advocating gover nment control of every aspect of our lives, it is disgusting to find a paper boasting the tiUe .. The Motorcycle Enthusiast's Weekly Newspaper" shunning it's responsibility to it's readers. I can not speak for all cycle riders, but everyone that has noticed your opinIons lately, has been opposed to them . Your paper has a large following among my friends at the present time, but I feel a change may be In order. WESLEY ALLEN GEORGE LITTLETON RANDYOWNES Plco, Riviera, Cal. (" Are you sure you don' t ha ve us confu sed with Cycl e World magazin e? W are e doing everythi ng short of riotin g 10 0ppose um ec essary motorcy cle laws." ) ASSUMING RESPONSIBILITY I am with you all the way about the helmets. There is a time and p lace for everything. I have been crunched with and without one on. Enclosed find clipping fr om paper which I thought was pr etty good. SCHOOL UNIFO RM RULE IS VOID ED Mc CLOUD. calif. (UP I)- Deana NooDaD was back in higb sc:bool yesterday armed with a court order permitting her 10 wear a yell ow blouse and green skirt. The order said this IWDbering commuoity' s bida school c:aaDOt force her 10 wear the saline blouse uniforms requir ed Would you please change the address in Cycle News for me? There has been a mis ta ke made 'on my address . Thank you. Y.R. CAMP Desert Trallblke Steward 14311 Foster Road La Mirada, Calif. 90638 (213) 941-4416 AN URGENT PLEA! To all desert riders: Bean Canyon In the Tehachapi area Is In jeopardy! All people enjoying the fun of riding and camping In this fine area are asked to please keep their Utter , cans, paper, etc. cleaned up. The Sheriff's Dept. states that this Is the last warning! if the canyon Is not cleaned up the r iding will be stopped. Come on gang, don't let this happen. WHITEY WILLIAMSON Downey, canr, SHE LIKES IT STOCKTON M.C. HELPED ME I am hoping you will print this In your excellent paper, of which I am an avid reader . This Is a letter of apprecIation to the Stockton M.C. I was Injured on February 11 at their s crambles outside of Mendota, Cal. and suffered a very badly broken right leg. I was saved fr om possible serious Internal Injury by the very professional first aid given me. SIncerely, RAY E. ERL #102g oakland, Calif. WHERE DID I FINISH? some Escondido, Calif. P.5. I have written several letters to our men In the capitol. Ooe wrote to me stating that be was sorry but could not agree with me. (" You finished 71st overall. Doug. and 10Ul 500cc Novice, out of 301 Iotal entries. But by now, you and ali the other Elsinore entrants should have received lIle Gripsters· comple te rundown. SCoring suc:b a massive lace real ly was a bear, bence Ule del ay." ) nwJori ~ ." Maybe If we lose, there s till might be hope. if SCHOOLGIRLS can do It SO CAN WE. Keep up the fight . ARTHUR BATES WeEk: pfiOOL -'" ~ c: CD CHALLENGE FRO THE D s .D.' The Dirt Digger s (cl ub with largest number of finisbers at Elsinore G.P.) presented their Trl. Annual Fi eld Meet near Newhury Park, Calif. 00 SUnday, March 3. A mediocre turnout of 134 members and guests were kept busy with a fIIll day of varied events, ranging from the sublime to the ridiculous. At the close of the day's festiTities. when the we1I ran dry, colncidentaliT , the winners were as follows ; 1. Jerr y Wellingham 4. Porky Boyle 5. Buddy carter 2. Charlie Brown 3. Bob Revlet 6. D. stevers The Powder Puff award, a Danielsonwelded sculpture, went to lovely DarleDe Boyle. We wonder when some of the other clubs around would like to try their luck against us? DIRT DIGGERS M.C. Santa Monica, Calif. THE NEW IMAGE By Chuck Cl ayt on I thought that with my payment for the gift subscription I would compliment you on your newspape r . My brother has always read your paper, but now that it's deliver ed to our door , it's much nicer . Everyone on our street rides cycles and races . Quite a few have had their pictures and names In Cycle News . It's enjoyable and much more inter es ting to see faces you recognize. I , myself, am a part of the evergrowing population of girl cycle riders . It's through this spo r t of cycle riding and throug h newspapers like your own that we can put more faIth In our world today, Thank you. JAMI POSTEN Sun Valley , Calif. I would like to congratulate the Gr lpsters M.C. on their recent race, th e Eislnore Grand Prix. I had an absolute ball and I admired the epople who laid out the cour se. The cross section of terrain, sand washes, fire r oads, and pavement made 100 mil es a real cballenge . The one gr ipe I do have is this. I spent a lot of money and time to participate in this event and I tried very hard. I dida' t win my class and I wasn't In the flr st three but I did finish . And I wouldlike to know just how 1 did overall and In my class. I realize the tremendous amoun t of work required to score a race like this but certainly the results must be avatlable somewhere. OOUG TEETER Hermosa Beach, Calif. s ac e 1926. Deena, a senior, has studied at home since sept. 11 except 00 Fridays when dle uailonn s ar e not worn. With the backin Cofherpareots. boUlelementary sc:bool teachers. she sought the court order (rom SUperior Cou rt Jud ge Fraoli S. P eterson, Alter se veral clays of bearings, P et erson held dle unifonu requirements in a publi c school viola tes boUl the s tate and feclera1 aIIlstitutions. The School' s girls had voted 78 10 11 last M ay 10 continu e wearing the uni"nus , but Johnso n said, ' a free peopl e may be regula ted by reasonable rule s, oot thei r ronsti lulional ril:bts , cannot be infrin ged ..... n , evey by a vote of the NeXt AprlLLe NORTHLAND STARTS ANOTHER STRAIGHT-UP SEASON The Se attle-Tacoma area in Washington Sta te is to th e No rthw e st what Los Angele s is to the south , in terms of moto rcyc le e nt hus ia s ts per s quare mil e . From the se aco a s t to th e Cas cade Mountains . to the hi gh . gre e n desert a ll th e way to Idaho . th e motorcycle rid ers of Was hington , ove r 70. 000 of th e m, a re e njo ying thei r whee l s the ye ar aro und . Sea ttl e, we ar e tol d . re c en tl y SUIpas s e d L os Ange le s in pop ul a ti on growth ra te . L ast we ek the Nort hwe s t s easo n offic ial ly op ene d with th e Northwe s t C ycl e Show i n Seat tl e. Thi s ye ar the s how wa s promo te d by Bill McDonell. who al s o publi she s the Northwe st Ho t Line (-the monthly newspaper with th e p er sonal tou ch" ). As sho ws go , it was a goo d o ne . de s er vin g of far gre ate r s uppo rt by the nat ion al di stributors. It s setting . under the famo us Space Need le . next doo r to the Se attl e Grand Opera. wa s a perfect sh owc as e for th e imag e of motorcy cling. The su ppo rt of loc al clubs. de al ers and a cc e s s ory manufacturers was eno ugh to ma ke it a success . T h e s ho w a tt racte d a l arger c rowd . it s e eme d, tha n l ast year and the displays rep res en ted nearly the whol e s pe ctrum of motor cy c le co lo r. (See report next we ek i n C y cle Ne ws ). ashin gton S la te annually bre e ds the top IT ri der s in the natio n. The W Mo to-Cross boom that is s we eping th e country doesn't s eem to have qui te t aken hold in the Northw est y et. e ve n though a big one was re cently held t he re . Whe n it does, we pr edi ct th at t he Nor th we s t will produc e some o f Ame ri ca' s best Moto-Cros s stars. In the mountai nou s Cl e E lum area I ~ hours from Se attle , e ve n a c asual d ay ' s trail ridi ng turns up a hundr ed rough. ro aring . trail ra cer s who c o uld gi ve J oel and T or s te n a pr etty good c hase. The stamin a and co urage n ecess ary for a hundred mil es of fas t riding the " t erra so tt a" of th e Cascades will test one 's mettle re al good . le av i ng yo u e xhi li rate d and e xha us t ed ••• and your scoo te r a muddy mess. Washingt on ' s real rac in g seaso n nev er stops . P eople ge t used to th e occasio nal s ho we rs and r.icin g both indoors and outdoors thrives the year around . Th e state s uffe rs from a s carcity of good ra c e promoters. but the clubs manage to thr ow more prof e ssional TT rac e s in .AMA Di strict 2 2 (Wa s hington & Ore gon ) than anywher e e lse . $45.00 For a Naked Noggin Sale s of moto rcycles seemed to de creas e this year when Washington's c ompuls ory helmet law went i nto e ffec t , but off-the-road business has more tha n tak en up the s l ack . The American Civil Liberties Union. that watchdog s ta ndi ng guard over th e Bill of Rights . is now involved in re pe aling the hated helm et s tric ture o n the gro unds tha t it violates the 9th .Ame ndme nt of the U.S . C onstitution. While the he lme t ti ck etees and th eir lawyers argue higher and hi gher co u rts , the proc es s is e xpe ns i ve ly borne by the .AC L U. And me an while po lic eme n co ntinue issuing tickets with bond s ranging from $8 to $45 for rieling wi th nak ed no ggin s. Abou t 30 Washingtonians have joined the Washington Motorcyclists ' Defense le ague wh ich c harge s that - the law was pass ed without any public heari ng•.• the re sul t of fe deral press ure ." Th e L e ague is ci rcul a ti ng pe titio n s that reque s t the le gi slature to rec onsider the law and. hop fully. repeal it . Re s id en t s of Was hi ngton who wish to see k o r offe r a ssistanc e may contact the L e a gue at Washin gt on Mo torc ycli s ts' Def ens e Leagu e 6308 ~ 18 th N.E•• Se a tlle. Wa shi ng ton 98115 ( LA. 4-6253) The next c ase of appeal come s up this we e k, so stay tun ed to C ycle New s for the o ut come . Me anw hile, if anyo ne woul d li ke to help the .AC L U d efray e xpe ns es in t hi s c ruc i al c ase. yo u c an s end $10 for a basic m bership to The Americ a n Ci vil L iberti e s Uni on o f Washington 2101 Smith T ower . Seattle . Washington 98"104 o a nd mark yo ur c heck - M torcyc le Rights Defense Fund."

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