Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 03 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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SUNDAY, APRIL 7th NATIONAL CALENDAR OF EVENTS MARCH 3, 11 & 31st ACA P ROFESSIONAL T T SCRAMBLES at Cr aig Road Speedway, Las Vegas, Neva da . 100cc, 250Cc and Open classes. Also s por tsman classes, Gates open 10 a.m, All eve nts start at 1 p .m , Profess ional class has guaran teed purse of $250 per eve nt . SU NDAY, MAR CH l O th HARE SCRAMB LES by Sandblast ers M.C. of Ridgecr es t , CaIil. Dist. 37 point r un, all classes . separate co ur s e for trailbikes. Starting time 10 a.m , sharp, Concession s tand. Li me d from Ridgecrest, Cal . 100- MIL E HARE AND HOUND by 4Corners M.C . a t Farmington , New Mexico . Starts at 8 a. m., AMA s anctioned . For mor e info ca ll club Sec/ y Henry at (50 5) 327- 9107, or wr ite him 1314 S. Graham Rd., F a rmington, N.M. 8740 1. SCRAMBLES by Po lka Dots M. C. at Helvetia Park on Hwy. 16 be tween sacramento an d Woodland, Ca li f. on Ri ve r Rd . All new tra ck . Appr ox. 3/4 mile for big bike s, smaller course for little bi kes . AI\IA sanc ., all Dis t . 36 rules app ly . ' 68 sports ma n ca rds r equired; you can ge t 'em ther e. All classes exce pt women . Sign up 8-10:30 a .rn., fir s t event 11 a .m , sharp. Absolutely no practice wha tsoever. Specta tors $1.00, unde r 12 free. $1. 50 to ride includes standby ambulance. Refreshme nts. HARE S C R A MB L ES by Sa ndblaste r s M.C. at Ri dgecr e s t, caur. AMA Dist . 37 point ev ent. Ent r y fee $3.25 incl ude s 2 5 ~ for standby a mbula nce . Cl ub operated conc ession stand, trophi es for all class es . Separa te course for trail bikes . Starts pr omptl y a t 10 a .m, Limed from Ridgecrest at in tersec tion of Chi na Lake & Ridg ec rest Blvds . " MARCH HARE " SCRAMBLES , annual event presented by Los Ancianos M.C . $3.00 entry, AMA- Okay. 80 miles mor e or l ess, 11 a.m , start. Lim ed from Ocoti llo Wells , CaIil. Hiway 78 . MOTO- CROSS, European style presented by Ca li f. Moto-Cr os s Club at Ca r l sbad Raceway , Carl s ba d, Cal. Fo ur classes , Jr. & Exp.: 0- 125c c, 126- 500cc, 5011000cc . Trophies through 4th place Jr. events, prizes - through 4th place Exp . even ts . Compe ti ti on li cens e required, AFM or FI M affilia te . Mall entry closes Mar. 2, us e standard entry blank. Post entries $9.00. Ma il en tries to C.M .C ., Box 4142, Burbank, Callf. 91503. Gates open 7:30 a .m.; practice 10 a .m .; first race 10:45 a. rn, Take Coast Hwy. to Palom a r Airport Rd . turnoff in Carlsbad. ( MONDAY, MARCH 11th-SUNDAY, MARCH llIh 200-MILE NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP ROAD RACES at Daytona Beach , Flor ida. S UNDAY, MARCH 11th TT SCRAMBLES by Simi Valley M.C. a t brand new Little Rock, CaIil. half- mil e track. AMA sanc., Dis t. 37 points . Limed from Pearblossom and 77th st. Li ghtweig hts at 8 a .rn, and big bikes at noo n. Conces s ions and be er . F or info call Del Hunt (805) 527- 4847 before 3 p.m , SCRAMBLES by the caur. Gophers M.C. at Per ris race tr a ck . Just oll Hwy, 71, east of Perris , CaIil. turnoff. AMA Dis t. 37 point run. Trophies gi ve n at tra ck. All classes should run plenty of laps. Big bikes will have a share of the track whe n it's In good s hap e! 250-open class es r un a t 8 a. m.; 50- 200cc fr om 12 noon til ? For fur the r info phone Randy at 634- 3817. SU NDAY, MARCH 24th P RE- EAST ER EGG HUNT by Terr apins M.C., AMA sanc., RRA point run . Sta r ts at Holiday Honday , 249 Br oadway , Chula Vista, Calif . Signin 10-11a .m . Trophies, fun, award for be st dressed egg, bring your own. Collee and donu ts at start. Donation $1. 50, food available. F or Info call 281-2150 In San Diego or 835- 0778 In Los Angeles . ACA CHAMP IONSHIP ROADRA CE Willow Springs International Ra ceway: Ros amond, CaIil. Pit gates open 8:00 a.rn, First event 11:30 a.m , All GP and P roduction classes plus sidecars. Trophy presentation at the track. For Info wri te ACA, P .O. Box 247, Fullerton, Ca l. 9' 632 or phone (714) 528- 4290 . Gen eral l admis s ion $2.00, all children fr ee when accompanied by adult. Concessions sanitation fa cilities, a nd ambulance. ' ENGLISH TRIAL S BY So . Ca l. Tr ials Assn. at Canyon Cr es t area near Rivers ide , Ca l . Li med fro m Ce ntr al Ave . turnoff of Rive rside F wy., ove rnight camping Sa t. night . Sta rts at 10 a.rn, Come out Sat. and he lp lay out the co urse . Maybe we can keep out of the r ocks. Fo r mor e info call Ray Mor eau, SCTA sec' v, a t (2 13) 370-8491. ~UNDAY, MARCH 3151 HILL CLI MB by the Campbell M.C ., AMA sane, Location. "Cycl e Hill s " at Hall' s ~ch nea r Mor gan Hill, Ca li f. There WIll be plenty of spectator r oom and r efreshments . Practice at 9 a. rn., start 11:30 a. rn, sharp, F ir s t a r ea hlilclimb of the year and the faste s t riders in Calif. will be demonstrating their skills. $1.50 for riders or spectators. Fo r fur ther info contact Bill Landsborough (408) 241- 6443. APRIL 2nd-4th, 1!1i8 " THE MINT 400 DEL WEBB DESERT RALL Y" at Las Vegas, Neva da, an offthe-road cross - country eve nt with a total pur se of $15,600. Li mited t.o300vehi cles includin.g motorcycles , desert buggies, productlon cars a nd 4- wheel drive ve hicles, NASCAR san c t i o n e d , Rocky ar.eas, san d dunes, brush , wa shes , mo un- tainous region s . Winners in each div ision gua r ante ed $2000 for 1s t, $1000 for 2nd, $500 for 3rd, $250 for 4th & $150 for 5th . Headlights a nd taillight s r equired. Ent r y $175, Include s 3 nights at the Mint Hote l for two, two ti ck ets to Awards Banqu et. For more info an d en try blanks wr ite Ra ce Coor di nator Norm Johns on , Mint Hotel, Las Vegas, Nev. or call (704) 385-7440. SAT. & S UN., APRIL 6 & 7th CLASSIC AND ANTIQUE MOTORCYCL E RALL Y in Visalia, Callf. P resen ted by the Classic & Antique Assoc .; the Concours de Elegance s how will be held at the Visalia Fa ir Mall on Mooney Blvd, Bike jUdging Sat., Apr il 6 a t 12 noon in the huge indoor mall, may be s et up 3nyti me between 8-10 a.m, sat. Also trade meet an d rope d oll parking area for use as r iding and display area for unlicens ed and racing bike s . Dinner at local ban quet room at 8 p .m , sun., April 7 an 80mile poker run th rough twisty Sierra moun tain foothi ll s . Fir st Classic & Antique Ra ll y eve r hel d on Wes t Coast. F or more inf o contact Frank F. Conley, sec y., 808 S. Chur ch St ., Vis alia, CaIil. 93277 . 1st ANNUAL BONANZA HARE & HOUND by the Neva da Trailblazers M.C . of Reno, Nevada . fOO mile event, firs t to be run in area for years . For further info contac t Nevada Trailblazers M.C ., P .O. Box 6075, Reno, Nev. 89503. SUrmAY, APRIL 21st HALF -MILE AMA DIRT TRACK r a ce a t San J os e, Calif. Fai rgrounds . P romoted by Barkhimer Assoc. Professional Nov Am . and Exp. r iders. F irst race ~t 2: 15 p .m , P urse $900 with Main Event winner guaranteed ove rall winnings of $500. SAT. & SUN., APRIL 21 & 28th FIM NATIONAL TR IALS CHAMPIO NSHIP s ponsored by Pan -Ame rican Racing Assoc. at sedan, Kansas. 100 miles each day , mud, rocks, forest pa ths . F or mor e info contact B111 Grapevine, 5326 E . Harry si., Wic hi ta, Kan s . 67218. Phone MU 3- 6032 . DAYTONA SPEED WEEK SCHEDULE _ It' s not too ea r ly to s ta r t making pla ns for the fab ulo us Daytona Beac h Moto r cycle Sp e e d w e e k , beginning Monda y, Mar ch 11 and cli ma xed by the r unning of 200- Mil e Nati onal Cha mpions hip AMA r oad race on Sunda y, Ma rch 17. Here' s a complete s chedule of the 1968 Florida happe nings: Mo da}' , March II - Re grxtratton of ,\~ I,\ n n de rs , Track open for pra ctic e Tu esda y, ~larch 12 - 9:00 a .m.-5:00 p.m , P ra c u e e over 3.81 mil e co urse. Admrs sr on S1. 00. lI' e dn esday, ~larch 13 - 9:00 a.m.-l :00 p. m, - Practic e ov e r 3.8 1 mile co urse . 3:00 p. rn, - Lightwe idi t motorcve ts ra ee s at Speedway, Admission S£.OO. T hu rsd ay , ~Iarch H - 9: 00 a .mv Iz noon - Practice o ver 3.81 mile cou rse 9:00 a .m, - En durance run s ta rti ng from S~ed wa..v , 2:00-5:00 p .m , - Qual i fyin g ~al s of sn eedwa y , Admission $2. 00. F n day , March 15 - 9:00 a.m.-1 2 noon _ Qualifyin K t~ials a t Speedway . ' 3 :00 p .m, - 100-lml e -:t a teur championsh ip m rac e over 3. 81 mil e co urse. :\ dmi s s io n $3. 00.8: 00 p.m, - Short track ra ces a t Me mon al _Stadium. Admission $2. 00. Sa turday, ~Iarch 16 - 1:00 p.m. -78 mil e N?vic e, cha mpionship ra ce o ver 3.8 1 mile co urse. 3:00 p. m, - 100-mil e 250cc. Cla s s ra ce for E xp ert and Amate.ur ~ d ers ove r 3.81 mil e course. AdmiSSIOn S4. 00. 8: 00 p.m, - Short tra ck rac es a t Memorial Stadium. t\ dmi s s ion $2.00 arch 17 - 2:00 p. m, - " DAYSunday , M TONA 200· AMA National Roa d Rac rna Cha mpions hi p for "", erls 0 ve r 3.81 mile cours e. Ameri ca ' s greatest moto rcycle rae ... Admission $5.00 In addition, it s hould be noied that there is an infiel d parking charge of $1. 00 for cars for all r aces, but no cha rge for moto rcycles . The rac es will be run rain or shine . Also, ea ch night, Tuesday th rough Thursday, there will be an AI\IA Trade Show a t the Armory . MEET ING! Motorcycle Ra cer s, Inc., the representa tive body for professional riders an d tuners , Is holdi ng Its firs t gener al me mbership meeting of the new yea r on Wednesday night, F ebr ua r y 28 . . Loca tio n of thi s important ga the r ing IS 5250 We st Imperial Blvd. , Los Angele s , Ca ll r., 1- 1/2 bloc ks west of the Sa n Diego F ree way , an d it will s tar t promptl y at 8:30 p .rn , On the age nda will be a ge ne r a l electi on of MRI offi cer s for the 1968 season plus di scussio n of pr esent a nd futur~ purses a nd r ac es . The cur rent Board of Directors in clude s Bill Heins, C.R. Axtell, Gar y Bray, sammy Tan ne r a nd Albert Gunter . Rep resenta tiv es fr om the Novi ce , Am a teur and Exper t class es will also be voted upon. All profe s s io nal racers and tune r s are ur ged to atten d, whether MRI mem be r s or not, as well a s non-pros , dealer s, fa ns a nd othe r interested parties. Refr es hments will be served. Be there If yo u ca re! SEE YOU R D EAL E R APR IL 6 tll'ough APRIL 14th TE EN-TIME USA - Motorcycles an d othe r young mind ed folderol a t the Ana he lm Conventi on Cente r from 3 til midnight saturdays. Promote d by Radio station KE ZY in Orange Coun ty . Call (71 4) 533- 3131 for mo r e dope . PLUS Special Attraction! For 3 heats in their firs t professional TT-Steeplechase performance, the exciting, unpredictable SIDEHACKS Wall A-ahe1m;:"liiiliiiiiEii......fii'ti'" T riumph-Suzuki Motor s 1049 West 5th Street Pomona, Calif. (714) 629-8642 SEE the 33 fa stest Amateurs and Expe rts race for 100 laps In profess iona l TT competi tio n plus a complete amat eur show. Full novice show on Saturda y, March 2. Gate s open 12 noon. Races start 2 p.m, SUNDAY MARCH 3rd

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