Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 02 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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A GO IN THE SNOW SIoI)' and Pholos by John Shedd "" t- ~ .C5 ~ rn ~ Z c.:: ~ '-' G The HI Jinx M/ C had a poor turnout for their Mounl Baldy r elay, Sunday, Januar y 21, but thts may well be a result r of many riders not knowing what was In store for them.. For the handful that dared to be different, they found something that was not only different but challengtng as well. The Hi Jinks were assisted by the Evans security Pa tr ol. The y did a good job considering the rangers restricted the type of markings that conld be used to layout the course. A 225cc limit was imposed on eacb two man team, whicb allowed the use of one bike not over 225cc or else two bikes with a combined engine capacity of not over 225cc. Each rider made two la ps , but he alternated with his teammate between them rather than making two In a row . The course was app roximately fifteen mUes long , and It was located about thirty mUes north of Fontana, Calif. in the Stock ton Flats area. As In mos t races, the fi rs t man In Is the winner, but in thi s pa rticular r ac e, s peed had very little to do with be ing first ac r oss the finish . It was s tric tly first and second gear s tuff all the way. Alm os t every Inch was eithe r big rocks , sn ow or both except for a half mUe of r oad that was little bett er than a slab of uphill Ice. • , ..,. ~ .:. ~ ... Lo. . ' Relay tum of L.A. Welborn and Larry Welborn f1 nlshltd nlth overall on lIIelr Yamaha. Each man rode one 15-mlle loop. The HI·Jln x Mount Baldy relay co....d about thirty miles of varied te rrain, mostly nrst and s ec ond par lolnl, with a 225cc limit required on one mach ine, or two bikes willi a combined capacity 01 225cc. At the end of the second loop, it was the last loop with a big lead ove r second Roeseler and Clatelle In first on the 80cc sachs and 0' Neill and Mendez In second on a 90cc Yamaha. Welborn and Welborn had bike trouble while maki ng the rider change and dropped ba ck giving up the third spot to Charlie Young. Young, who had no parin er, rode the entire distance . Roeseler held the lead throughout the thi rd loop and Clatell e shoved off tor place O' Neill . . The extremely punishing course took Its toll, as the bolts holding the handiebars on the sachs sheared oft and Mendez pulled passed Clatell e to take over the lead. Mendez was sure he had the win, but Charlie Young managed to zip by and take first place gold. (Results on page 16) Overall winner of the event was the only man who rode without a partner, Yamaha-mo un,.d Charlie Younl (89) shown here preparlnl to zap another competitor In some close, slldy loin&- When the checker fl uttered thr ough the cold mountai n air, wheels s pun , sno w flew an d no one went anywhere very fast. Larry Welborn more or less s li pped Into the lead , but Bill 0' Nell1 and his Yam aha took over an d led almost the entire first leg . Just a few feet short of the fini sh , 0 ' Nell1 overshot a turn and killed his engine. This was just the break second place Earl Roes eler was waiting for . He scooted ahe ad !UJd turned his REED I"DUOION fOR HODAKA &BULTACO Btll Nugent of BN Supply, Box 651, La Mesa, Calif. has ftnally perfected a reed induction kit for popular 2-strokes and Is offer ing them to the public. Higher horsepower , more low- end tor que, cooler running, better breathing an d higher speed are am ong the advantages claimed. Dealers an d individuals may write BN Supply for a free brochure (enclose a s tampe d, s e If - a d d r es sed envelope, please). sachs over to his teammate Te rry Clatelle who held the lead the enti r e second loop. 0' Ne ill was only seconds behind Roesele r as he hopped of! his mount and teammate Fred Mendez took over holding second position . Larry Welborn skidded to a halt at the start finish line using both legs as outriggers and L. A. Welborn took over the controls holding down third. Speed was defin ite ly not thl determ lnlnl lactllr In lIIe Mount Ba ldy re la y race - not .,hen con-· testa nt s encounte .. d big rocks, snow In abundance, and uphi ll icy roads. HIHATS SCRAMBLES LA MIRADA, CALIf. ADULT SCHOOL OffERS ./C REPAIR COURSE Mr . Kurt McKeefer of the Nor walk La Mir ada (Califor nia) Adult School an- nounce s that the y are now offe ring a moto rc ycle mec hanic and r epair class, s tarti ng January 30th. Classes will be on Tuesday an d Thursday each week from 7 to 10 p .m, Both 2- and 4-stroke type motorcycles will be cove r ed. Pros!'E'c tive students may r egister by con tai;li ng the school. There is no tuition charge . i. ) Ph otos by Craig v , Randall Mark Brels ford (l6w) and his potent Bultaco bui lt up a fantasti c lead i n the Hi·Hats 250cc Expert Main, held on a course over a mile In length. ( Resul ts on paae t6 ) • • ,I. ... . . • .... .. : • • • :.: : . :. . ..C:.'.••• In the HI-Hats Scrambles held Ole. 17 at Pitts burg, Ca lif.. Steve McCant s Ila d the 650cc Ex· pert M n on his 441cc BSA Victor until Igniti on t rouble s "'reed him bac k to 4th pla ce. Behin d ai him here Is Husqva rna moun,.d J ohn Fry, who went on for the win.

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