Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 02 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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STEALS THE SHOWI Mike Patrick Wins Two in a Row - fIRST OVERALL First Mike Patrick NORTON Second Steve Hurd NORTON Third Gary Griffin Bu'taco fourfll Sieve Kirlr Triumpll fif", Steve Staats Triumph I mported and Di stributed by Berliner Motors Corp. Hasbrouck Hei ght s, New J ersey • Mike Patrick and his Norton PII 150cc Scrambler took FIRST OVERALL Sun., Jan. 21, 1968 at the Desert Motorcycle Club's Hare Scrambles. Mike made this hi~ SECOND overall WIN in as many weeks and the third straight win for the Norton PII. The challenging California desert proves llttle problem for 1IIe team of Mike Patrick and Steve Hurd, who are always FRONT RUNNERS, 1IIus proving the superb handling and brute power of 1IIe Norton PII 150cc Scrambler. Western Part s Headquarters ZDS Motors 527 W. Windsor Rd., Glendale, cau. Above: One of lI1e most sensational rides of tile daJ .as turned In bJ JOuthful Mike Lane. rldlnc a Hodaka90 In Ibe under-250 GP class. He beat 111m all In lIIe first heat, crashed while leadnc In tile second heat. came from lOtll to 4111 In lIIe nnal. Below: Tunlnc time on Lane'. Hodaka; and It'. a famllJ effort. HI. dad takes care of Mike's machine, with both lad and bike showlnc creat promls.. In the tlnal he came from 10th to finish a closing fourth and take second place honors In his class. Lane's IOO-pounder soaJdng wet with a lot ot road racing It wa. lOad to .ee Dick Hammer (16) back In action, fullJ recovered from Injuri es received last Jear at Oklahoma Cll)'. But Hammer's Suzuki was not performinc properlJ, and he retired after one heat. #66 Walt Fulton (Kawasaki) fin ished 3rd In the lO- lap final. Moxie. It's Approved! USSI, Z90.1 The Playboys host the tl nal Ql ytona warmup race at Carlsbad on Sunday , Febr uar y 18th. Nicholas will be back to try for two In a row. (Res ults on page 16) (and Snell SCCA) The new Cosmo BONNEVILLE ~o~~\l. Co \l.~S~ It-\l. and c.'" 8-4 deve l opm en t co. mU~Tc:acc 169 O RA NGE AVE •• GOL.ET A ,CALIF' . . · 9 30 17 PH . 80S -96"-e 919 THE HOME OF CHAMPIONS! For Your Neare$t "Built ·To·Go" Dealer Call TR. 7·2400 or PO. 9-0441 •$2 I ny • Best made helmet on the market. Write 10r near est dealer and l iterature. (D ealer inquine s invited). U.S. Importe rs COSMOPOLITAN MOTORS, INC. Dept. A., 55 2 1 Wayne Ave ., Ph ila. , Pa . 19 144 Z),d',,MOTORCYCLE SALVAGE Obsolete Harl ey-D avidson Parts NEW • USE D • CUSTO M We Bu y Old Mo torcy cl es 9061 E. Artes ia, Bel lflower (213) 925-9054

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