Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 01 26

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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•Anrerica' s (fnty I.dy Mlttreycle Newspaper" Publisher••••• ('harl..s C, Clayton Editorial s tories , c a rtoons . photos . Rusi \lana /:..r•• Sharon ('layton e- tc , a r.. we lc om.. d and will be paid Ci rcula tion Mgr••• Gay.. Thomason for upon publicati on ( e xc vpt prt'ss tor•••• ••• ••••• ('arol Sims rel eas e s and " Voice - letter s.) Ad.o\dv..rti sin g \ll':r•••••• Tom (' ulp dr es sed , stamped enve l op e as sures Photo Edilor••••• D.... nis ret urn. Ass' l. Rus. , /:r. •• M.. lind a Fost..r 5411 N. L.-g Beaell Bly... S i nJtlt~ ro p ~· price • •• • • ••• • 25( Lab T('ellnician •• •• RiIl P .. tti _ .. SUb"eripti on: 0 .... year 2nd e1ass LIII& Bucll, Calif. R(, c!'Ptioni"t•••••Loui s.. Warsllal l ~Iail •• • • • ••••• •••• •• 57.50 Or: Btl _, LIIC Be. Cllif. Published we..kly except the lust On.. " .. ar First ('lass \tail • • 5 14 .00 and last week or the cal endar PI.-e: 4234Ul (SUbscri llers pleaS(' allo .. IIIr ee by C&S Publishing Co.. Pos t Offi c e ......Ils lor addrl'ss ehan ~ ...) (Area Cille DJ) Box 498. Lone isea ch . CalHorma . Advertising rates and c i rculat ion Second Class postage 'paid a t Long F. . L.A. PhlHs: . . . . . i nto rrna tio» will be sent upon request. Beach, Cal if, E " ... e. .as MAD fiDE CANCELLED PARILLA CLUB, ANYONE? I am looking tor the (any) par llla club In this area . Do you know ot anyone or anywhere that I can get inform ation trom ? U so, ple ase let me know. Thank you. DAVID KRUMME Pomona College Claremont, canr. (Can any PadUa clubs, dealers or enIIms ia" t" drop David a line and give him a clue?") BENIE, MEANIE, M1NEY , MOE How come you even mention the meanIe problem In your newspaper? Haven't they caused us to lose Springfield, and big events like that? You don' t find any m en t I o n ot mass slaying or political assaslns In American Rifleman magazi ne, and the photography magazines don't talk about their peep ing toms and s orortn, Maybe we should all chip In and hire some of Al Capone' s boys to take care of a few meanies. 11lat would be the cheapest way to solve our biggest problem. NAME WITHHELD The Sociables M.C. lIaS been for ced to cancel thei r scheduled Polter Run, Sunday, Febr uary 4th, due to the majorIty of the club membe r s being locked out ot their jobs at the L.A . Her ald Exami ner . Th e club regrets the cancellation and apologizes to thos e road r iders planning to ride the r un. ROBERT O. FEE Glendora, CallI. NATIONAL M C / ONGRESS ELECTION C PROGRESS PROCEEDING WELL The first election of National Competition Congre s s delegates in the his tory of the Ame ri ca n M otorcycle Association has be en spe edily accomplished . In a short whil e we expect to publish the complete list of del egates here in Cy cle News. Th e voting brought tog eth er the leade rs of both road and dirt-riding AMA clubs . In Southern California it was the first time in 20 years that the Road Rid ers Commit te emen sat down with the Spor ts Committe emen to c oo pe ra te for the ben efit of motor cy cli ng. The only pre vi ous occasion of s uc h allianc e that I re call was the foundi ng o f the Operati on M orot cyc le Bloodbank , which be cam e al most a so lo proj e ct fo r th e RRC. It was an au spi ci ou s occ asio n. Wm . Be rry, Ex ecutive Dir e ctor of the AMA , co nduc te d the e lect io n in person. Iva n Wagar , edito r of Cycl e W ld monthly was there . Howar d or Eb le of the RRC, Ron Sl oane, Spor ts Committ ee pre xy a nd yo ur publi sher co un te d the ballo ts. Of the three nomi nees, qui et-spoken Bill Ada ms, tallied 35 VOle S, with six being divided bet we en the ru nne r-ups. Bi ll Ada ms, 47 years old a nd fat he r of two girls , is an engineer fo r one of the la rge ai rcraft co mpanies in Los Ange le s. Ignor in g a malformed left arm . Adams took to street, desert and end uro riding and soon distinguished himself by winni ng s everal enduros i n the late ' fifties . Hi s success on the M tc hl e s s bra nd a led to Bill's becoming western sales manager fo r that marque for a time . For fifteen years Bill Adams ha s worked tirelessly for motorcycling as a Sports Committee officer without seeking any notice or advantage for hims e lf. " I promise to re pr e s e nt yo u at the Na ti ona l Congress the best way I c a n, n said Bill on accept i ng the office . In the op inion of this newspaper , Dis t ri c t 37 has chosen a good man to repre s e nt th e widest sp e ctrum of AMA memb ers in the L.A . a re s. Adams ' address is 814 Cobb Ave., Placentia, Calif. 92670 . Th e qu estion was rai s ed by an RRC delegate , why the Comp etition Congress was so named. "Wha t do es competition ha ve to do with o ur rule s, H the roa d rid er asked. Road riding e ve nts, s uc h a s pok er runs, dre ss and cus tom judging , e ve n when trophy ti ck et s ar e drawn o ut of a ha t ••• the s e a re co nte s ts , and a s such a re co ns ide red " compe ti ti o n." The duty of the Co mpe tition Con gre s s i s to make rule s gove rni ng all kind s of moto rcyc le co ntests , ga mes , competition•.. wha te ver . Hope full y the day may co me when a pe rfec t rul e boo k will be de vi s e d. Until the n new Id e as will have to be consta ntly ha tch e d. tried out , modified , ke pt or dis carded. The first C ongre s s will meet in November , so yo u ha ve until t he n to tell you r delegate what you wa nt . It was gratifying to note tha t moto rcycle riders don 't expect something for nothi ng , The Spor ts Committee voted to pay all of Mr. Adam s ' expenses in the line of duty up to $450 . T he represe ntatives of t he RRC said that they would like to defrav some of the cost too . This newspaper will continue to be available as a fre e forum for public discussion of matters pe rtain i ng to cl ubs and competition. large and sma ll . (" W include the 1% or ' meante' problem e as you call it because Cycle News strives to prese nt an undis torted picture ot the motorcycle game as It is In the U.S. today. To leave out a part would make the picture incomplete.") , SAN DIEGO SPORTS COMMITTEE Appli cations for san Diego County Sports Committee cards are available for all classes trom the following address. This tncludes both desert and scrambles. H.L. GUNN 4739 Edgeware Rd. san Diego, CallI. 92116 Fresno tini shed Indoor racing for the riders in Central and So. CallI. last Sunday but San Jose and santa Rosa are still going strong so there is still plenty ot crash and bash time left before the dirt track season gets underway . Eddie Mulder copped the 250cc point championship up at Fr esno and looked better than eve r on his way to three straight wins. Mulder Wormed us that he is now In the movies. He is complete with a full grown beard that will come otf right alter the picture is completed. Eddie said he was Issued a Levi jacket and a set of chains and put to wor k in anotber of many many flicks that are now floodIng the Passion Pits showing only the bad guys in cycling. Carlsbad serves as the first showing of much of the equipment tha t will be In Daytona this year. The boys break out the super fast jobs fer this Sundayalternoon and many of tbe factory team riders will be in competition for the fir st time. H- D has been sending some of tts new seven-man Daytona team to Willow Springs lately and much testing of the big bikes Is being done up there . Some ot It should rub off at Carlsbad this weekend . Ex-racer Jody x tcholas finally made it to California. Jody is now stationed In the Navy Air Corps in san Diego and plan s on riding at Car lsbad In tbe near Bi ll Adams , Dlst. 37 AMA Competi tio n Con· gress de le gate. fulure . He flie s Jets on Carriers and nas not raced in two years. We rep 0 r ted on Swede Savage last week. Swede has left the stock car raeIng ranks and Is now back in CallI. and working for Dan G urn e Y» He should again be on the cycle tracks in the near future . Entries close for the Houston Indoor national this Sunday at midnight. It Is five bucks until then and $25.00 alter that . Attended the showing of the new ' 68 models for Yamaha at the Paramount studio last week and Yamaha looks like they really have a winner In thai new 250cc single. It will go in competition for the first tim e at the Ascot TT in Februuy and bas a super-hotdog Novice shaking it down. Talked with new champ Gary Nixon and Gary will have C h c k Palmgren riding for him this season. Chuck Is the younger brother or Lar ry who al so ts still active. The younger Palmgr en was drafted into the Ar my two years ago. He also won the Sacramento Amateur race on Nixon's spare rig In '65 . Nixon and Sammy Tanner heading for Houston a few days ear ly to do advance publicity tor the promoters on TV and Radio. Wor d is that already over 30,000 tickets have been sold tor the indoor event. The promoters are predicting 40,000 by race ti me . $ 7 95 .0 0 Available for Immediate Delivery W inner of 12 out of 13 .Starts at Elsinore TT Scrambles Baker sfield TT Scrambles 1/14/ G ary Bail ey 1 s t 2 50 Expert •'U HB E R 0 , ' E in the De s ert for eco nd Con soc uti ve Y e ar l x Bo b B el t 250 Exp ert Bu s hma s t ers R abbi t • c rumbles 1/7/6 Lst, Bo b Ri l e y 2nd. Do n Wa tk in s 3 rd . Do n Di xo n Al so Available [or Immediate Delivery Anglian with Tel e. forks and Wessx with Greeves forks $675.00 NICK NICHOLSON MOTORS, 11629 Vanowen, North Hollywood, Calif.

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