Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1968 01 19

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Han Y H"""ia Set Up N' To Win 8y EDDIE CROWELL lbWra IIeadqta1ers EXTRAS : 1~s:=ll:.-c:..~. :1=:'1n. :,. .. llllaJl " . ·1 ' . ., ·1P* Ia.l. · 1 s.lon.I , • • -.,. . .... · I W o.r-a . • z. .. C. .M4LA . • l~lCelI • 1 -.:. .... c-. MMtI · 1 • ...," .... ,NIl!: ...."IM By Maureen Lee JANUARY 1968 SPORTS COMMITTEE MEETING • 1 CtewlT T • 1.11- • 1.01/',..,. ".,.... · l lUn . . . . • 1 ...., " J" Air Clu_ • 1·. . . Canu .......a-I c• ., ".. • 1 C. . . .I ,.,.J_ 10427 Prairie, Inglewood PfIone (213) 673-5562 R;AMiHa* HIGHEST TRADE-IN 239 N. Anaheim Blvd., Anahelm, ·Cal. Phone (714) 533-1309 INSURANCE THE MOTORCYCL EINSURANCE WRITER Since 1937 JOHN W. MAYNARD 3447 MOTOR AVE., L.A. 90034 836-5211 ._- - - - - - _ . KASUMI OIL Designed Exclusively for air cooled engines. The ONLY 011 specifica lly made for 10,000 plus rpm performance. Distributed Nationally by KASU I OIL CO M . 25th Ave. San Mateo, Calif. Phone · Area Code (415) 585~ 240 or 771-4535 FOR DEALER INFORMATION It's Approved! USSI, Z90.1 (and Snell SCCA) The new Cosmo BONNEVILLE 8·4 • Best made helmet on the mar ket. Thirty-seven District clubs answered r oll call a t the firs t 1968 meeting ot the District 37 Spor ts Committee. The meetIng featured the seating ot the new President, Ron Sloan and theawardlng ot the number one plates In each division ot competition. Those earning the right to carry that magical number one on their machines were: Lightweight scrambles Kirk Me Dowell; Heayywelght scrambles John Ri ce; Lightweight desert Bob Belt; Hea vyweight desert Steve Hurd (and the only man who was present to receive his number personally); Trail Bike Jack Morgan ; Sidehack P ilo t Mike Par ti and pa s s enger J im Moffit. Much ot the me eting naturally centered on the all Impor tan t ma n who would be elected to r epresent Dis tr ic t 37 at the AMA Congress. Ron Sloan (Rams) nom inated BlU Adams seconded by Jean Carter (Antelope Ramblers) . Befo re tu rther nom lnallons for this po sition con tinued Bob Steffan (Sha mr ocks ) suggested tha t the body settle the quesllon of expenses tor the representative . Lynn Wineland sald that the re ha d been a discussion along the lines ot de fraying expenses for the delegate at the previous meeting but tha t nothing ha d been decided. Stetfan asked to r a r ough estimate on expens e s for a tt endi ng these national meetings and Earl Flanders was as ked to speak on this . Flanders made a r ough estimation of $300 as a man would have to be absent tor approxi ma tel y 4 days therefore needIng food an d lodging tor thi s period ti me , plus trans portation. Discus s ion also too k place on the fa ct that It was en tl r e l y pos s ible that a me mber of a road cl ub be elec ted to thi s pos ition an d It was a definite de clslon that II this should happen then the r oad clubs should pay the exp enses . St eve Hurd (F oothi ll Hawks) mad e a suggestion tha t a high of $450 be put on the expense account. ThI s would also take care of any ne cessary en ter taIning tha t the delegate found he had to take care of, plus personal expenses; the de lega te would hav e to furnish r e ceipts for moni es spent, an d the tull $450 might not always be needed. It was also decided that while the tull expenses be pald tor the delegate he would receive no r ei nbur s e ment tor salary los t while attending to business as delegate . The motion was called to r, i.e., delegate would come trom one ot our District Sports Committee clubs to receive the allowance; the allowance would be $450 with receipts to be provided by delegate tor expenses only, not reimburse men t of salary. The motion was made by Ryon (Antelope Ramblers) seconded by Stettan (Shamrocks) and voted upon by the ·body passing 39- 10. Discussion then took place on the voti ng of the delegate. The meeting tor this purpose which would Include the road clubs who we r e being contacted would take place Jan uary 11th at the Poplar Street address . Clar ltl cati on was made on this voting as there was a detlnite misunderstanding as to how It would take place. • • I Large Selection Of New & Used M oforcycles 9000 SEPULVEDA BLVD. WARREN WILSON MOTORS ,'South of Norderf in Se pul veda , Ca lif. '1N THE HEART OF THE VALLEY" (21 89~9218 LARGEST STOCK OF MONTESA PARTS 3) IN THE SAN FERNANDO VALLEY! Clubs are asked to s end In any Ideas they have on the running ot European s crambles-type events to the Compe tition Committee . There was discussion on the marking an d poli cing ot s uch courses and Camp (So . c at .) sald that th e number of r ider s In thes e events caused conge s tio n. Wineland r eplied that a European scrambles was that type of even t, and was patterned alter European scrambles and moto-cross where there was a mass start over a marked cours... In 1968 tor the firs t six months the Competiti on Committee has approved on a trial basis, a 50cc Novice class tor scrambles In the Int erest of promoting tha t class and the sport. Trophie s tor the Nevada State Cham pio ns hip are being held at W01tley Enterprises , 2105 E. Artesia BlVd., Compton, phone: (213) 639-5648. As thts was now the end of "Old Busines s ," President Jean Carter the n turned the gavel ove r to the new President Ron Sloan. Carter made a short and good speech including statements that he hadn't left the Spor ts Committee flat whe n he had to go out-ot-state tor work; all trophi es tor the Dis trict 37 Grand Prix had been lett with one of the Committee members so that a trophy presentallo n could have been held at iUlY time and that he had been In con s tant touch with Secre tary BlU Adams who had also known how to r ea ch him any tlme It was necessary. He also asked that the clubs treat their new otflce rs with respect and thanked everyone tor the help an d s upport he had received during his long term as P resident. Alter taking the chalr Sloan unde r "Ne w Bus iness" had two Ite ms. The Gr lps ter s upcoming Gr an d Prix at Elsinore found Francls Petty spealdng on traction tor the event. "No requirements but the re Is dirt and pavement . Go accordlngly." It was then mentioned that the Al Vande rpool Benefit was to be the following weekend but no desert number s had been received as yet and the event would pay 1968 points . Ride r s ..vere Instructed to s ign up pie - plate but they must have the ir proper numbers within two weeks or s uffer los s of poi nts, so s en d for your num bers! WANT ADS F or sale: 1966 MONT ESA la cross ex c eptional good mechan ic al condition, look like ne w. $550.00 (213) 357-2274 9a .m. - sp.m , Each club had to send in the name of a representative to cast a vote plus alte r na tes to Wor thington. Only clubs with these flam es on tUe would ha ve a legal vote . Not only that, It was poin ted out strongly that II a club charter expired within 1968 the money tdr renewIng or sarne should be sent ott Immedia tely as only clubs pald up tor the whole of 1968 would be a ccepte d In the voting. ThIs had led to contusion as some ot the Dis trict clubs had never received any instructions at all as to how this was to take place an d out ot the clubs who ha d, only tllteen had fulfilled the r equirements up to the da te ot the mee ting. Don Watkins took the floo r to say that it was Imperative that e a c h repres e ntative prese nt go back and check with his club to make s ure that these requir e ments had been tulflUed, otherwise ev en II they did cast a vote It would be dtscarded when checked. Three men were nominated as possible delegate s, Ron Sloan, Steve Hurdand Blll Ada ms , with each being allowed to speak on what he thou ght the ottlc e would entaIl an d what he would attempt to do . In the absence due to lUness of Bill Adams, Lynn WIneland s poke tor him . The body voted the n to show their s upport of each candidate , Adams 31 votes; Sloan 22 votes; Hurd 13 votes . Other Business SOUTHER" CALI FORNIA TRAILS ASSM. MEMBERS ATTENTION our last two mountain cub s - brand ne w - available for trails conve r sion $675 .00 each - Walt Axthe l ms Trium ph Suzuki Motors In P omona 1049 W. 5th Avenue Pom ona , Calll. (714) 629- 8642 1965 TRIUMPH 500 de sert s le d, set up r ight, Ce rlani front end, Joe Hunt magneto, HQ" cle:a:',... · . ' ~ . $725 .00 (213) 966-6016 W. Covi na , TRADE: deep well Amer ican sockets (3/8" & 1/2" sets), '6 2 Bonneville head with carbs, '5 4 Trl. chrome to rks and wheel, for: 3/8 whitwor th sockets, mikes, dial Indicator , Trf, gear pullers, and /or what - ever . Ike (213) 645-6285 . Sell: '67 SHELBY G.T. 500 with all tacto ry options In perfect condition 9800 miles also have ral1ye equip. $3995.00 or you make offer ! Ike (213) 645- 6285. For s ale: 1966 DATSUN pi ck-up Immaculate condition low mUeage (213) 7945246 Altadena. 1966 NORTON ATLAS 750cc bags, shield safety bars , l uggage rack, less than 3000 miles. Doctor ordered me off bikes . $1,000.00 (213) 447-4674. '58 BSA 500cc "popper" good motor, rubber , saddlebag s . $450.00 (714) 2963848 San Dieg o. TRADE: 1959 Norton Manx 500c c TwIn all set tor Daytona car, truck, st. bike or desert bike. day s (213) 849- 1630, eve . (213) 985-0726. TRADE: '64 Greeves 250c c sq. barrel, challenger piston, alpha l ow end, e xpansion chamber, cherry condition. Also '56 VW, no body, ready for dune buggy land. For Husky, alter 6:00. (213) 2818433. Alhambra. For s ale: ' 65 G-80 MATCHLESS stngle desert r eady, 1 1/4" concentric carbo Q cleaner, H-D piston, e tc. $595. (213) 361-6168 alter 5. Fo r sale: TRAILER, new, 2-3 cycles $70 .00 (213) 652-5568 alter 6 p .rn , TRADE: Harley KR parts, three sets barrels , one set heads , one frame, one set forks, and a lo ng rear section. (213) 443-7309 eve . El Monte. TRADE: G-80 cs Matchless transmission with clutch tor cerianiforkscall: (2 13) 353-0866. SPRINT ROAD RACER Immaculate & me chanically pe r fec t, raced 3 ti mes since Daytona. Includes fair Ing & extras - consider trade/finance $650 .00 phone : (415) 775-1853 or (415) .. 586- 1936. San F.r an . .. ". .. Late '67 MAICO 360c c T.T . or deser t ready. 4 gal. tank skid plate. plus more mu st s ee . Call or stop in . Tracy's Cycle . Burbank 843- 0926. 1967 ROYAL ENF IE LD Inte rceptor 750Cc mint condition 2100 mil es, $995 . or otrer (505) 296-3076 alter 6:00 p.rn , K. SU l livan 10208 Arvada Ave. N.E. Albuquerque , N. Mex. 87112. NEAT HARL .; 1964 "full dress" FLH onl $1 495 ,y , .00 (714) 542- 8691. 2 to 3 rall CYCLE TRAILER, with ramp te nder s . wiring $150.00. (213) WA5-24 l2 . For sale - 1967 HUSQVARNA 250Cc excellent cond o All oy whee l, compression r elease . $800 .00 (714) 774 -6331. Best handling DIRT BIKE available In U.S. today. Special New Years sale Triumph-Suzuki Motors In Pomona 1049 W. 5th Avenue Pomona, Calit . (714) 629- 8642 • _ -=__------ SUPER FAST HODAKA 5 speed, 30 mrn , carb., expansion chamber, straight cut gears, Webco head w/ compres s i on releas e, r a ci ng rod& pis ton s t utled crank, Cerrlanl shocks, K-70 ti r es , rake Plate, man y, man y more extras. Excellent detailing looks like a show bik e . A s ure winner $595.00 Te d Verdugo 1143 N. As h Escondi do (714) 745-7269 . LONG BEACH HONDA JANUARY 'WHITE' SAU' $AYE UP TO '125 ......... ON !HHI 1968 II'ICIAU N1 a PIIa SOce Utile HORdJ P·5O $149 $129.11I .11I SOCC Honda w/ EJect Sbrt 275.11I 17 11I 5. 50cc Soper Sport (W1Iite) 315.11I 199.11I SOCC fireball Trail 50 349.00 249 .11I 90ce Honda w/Automatie Clutcb . 32S.QQ 249.11I 90cc Hooda Super 90(W1IllJ) . .. .399.11I 299.11I 125ce SCrambler, C obreSpecial . . 47 9.11I 359.11I l60ce Honda Spo 160 (WIIite) . 595.11I 495.11I rn 160ee Honda 160 SCram bler. . . . . 6is.1II 525.11I 305ee Honda Super Hawk (WbilJ) 720.11I 595.11I as.. .._ .... LONG BEACH HONDA AU. IIIW 196. .... CONVENIENT I OC ATIO HS TO SlaV, YOU" '1 05 Atta n'l c A..... . 4221 (alt A_h. l", St 17 60 L~I " o ch &Ivli. 11737 En, CCInOft LONG lEACH, CAl i'. OPEN T1U 9 P.M. GA 3·1 433 Sf: 1965 GREE VES moto - cross e ngine Just r ebuilt $450.00 pl us mini - bike 5 1/2 HP $150.00. 428-2537 . ' 66 - T-lOO DIRT EQUIP T. 4,000 s tr eet miles , Impeccable (213) 469-4089 . • • • •

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