Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1967 12 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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NATIONAL CALENDAR OF EVENTS SUNDAY, lACING· IT MAKES THE WORLD 8ETTER ~ lor,} :it TT RACES at Bay Mare Track. DirectiOllB: otl Hwy. 118 between Somis and Moorpark, ca11f. Track open for practice at 9 a.m., races start at ll:30 a.m. Call (805) 495-8928. EVERY SATURDAY SUNDAY, DECEMBER 11, JAN. 1 & 14, FEB. 4, II & 18 MY MAItE RACE TRACK, flit HWJ. UI .... 11 ..., for pr.ctICi. Call (213) 421·3629. t . - S.I. _1IooIp.rk, C.llf.. I INDOOR SHORT TRACK, AMA professional sanc., presented by Valley Sports, Inc. at Fresno, calif•• In tbe beaul1tul new Fresno Convention Center Complex. Nov., Am., Exp. riders. Pures $900 plus 40% over $4000 gate. Time trials 5:30 p.m., first race 7:30 p.m. All seats $2.50. For more info coDtact Harold Murrell, 505 W. Kearney Blvd., Fresno, Callf. 93706 or call 268-8856. EVERY OTHER SATURDAY ROAD RACE SCHOOL .1 Whll_n Air Put&. 12930 PI.rCl 51-. P.colma (coraer Plerc. 51. and san Fernando Rd.). SIr..1 blk•• pm.... .bI"9 • .m••I.rt, 510.00 per .tud..1. For Infonnallon c.11 Bob Brnlnlllln al(213) 715·2421. 1st & 3rd SATURDAY PROFESSIONAL INDOOR SHORT TRACK .1 Mln...apall. ArlllOrJ. Mlnn_poll.. Mlnn.. .brlli. Sepl. 16 and conl/nuln. all wlnllr. AlIA 3-Star IIIIllnnrm. PublIc achnIlled 7 p.m., II... Irlah 7:30 pom. AdvanCi Ilck.ts $1.50. $2.00 al door. For rider Infonnallon conlacl T.e. Pro-Cycili. p.O. Box 5100, Mlnn.apoll •• MI... 554O&. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 11th WINTER SCRAMBLES by Featber River M.C. at Marysville, Calif. AMA sanc., slgnuP and practice 10 a.m. to 12 noon.. Wbeelle contest If 4 or more riders. Admission: Adults $1.50; students 10 18 $1.00, children 8-12 25~. Location: Triple M Speedway, 1 mile east of Marysville on Simpson Lane, oft 12tb & Ramirez Sts. Contact SUm's M/C, 100 D st., Marysville, Cal. for furtber into or call 742-7785. EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT TT RACI.G under lb. 11&111. at EI.lnore ltaCI Tl'ICk. Jilt off Hlp••y 71 Ea.1 a! $portSllllll troplll.s lor all clll_ ~Iors p.,.h turnoff. _.rom. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 29, JAN. 5, 11,2&, FEB. 2, 9, 16, 23 & 24 ($al.) SPORTSMAN MUD SCRAMBLES by Sidewinders M.C. at Clackamas, Oregon. AMA sane., rain or shine. Four classes: l00cc, 175cc, 250Cc & Open. '!be track, located on Lawnfleld Rd. in Clackamas (just soutb of Portland, Ore.) will be kidney shaped utiliZing tbe norlb side of tbe TT course and !be infield. Races start at 1 p.m. For more into contact Sidewinders M.C., Rt. 3, Box 290-C, Ore~on City, Ore. 97043. INDOOR SHORT TRACK at san Jose, Cal. Exposition Bldg., County Fairgrounds, Tully Rd. between Fwy. & Monterey Hwy. Promoted by Barkhimer Assoc. Free parking, nat asphalt oval. Purse $450 plus 40% over $2200 gate. $50 per week to hi-point season rider. Gates open at 6 p.m., first race at 8: 30 p.m. Adults $2.50, kids under 12, 75~. Nov., Am., and EXP. professional AMA riders. Only 1more week ~~,~ ~~~~ Valley Cutoff, head east to intersection of Hwy. 18 In Apple Valley, Calif. and you're tbere. DUAL E U R 0 PEA N SCRAMBLES by Viewfinders & S&Ddblallters. Dist. 37 points. Two courses. Entry $3.25 per race. Holiday area mid-way between blgbways 14 & 99. Umed from l00th West (Scott Road) at blgbway 138 (AVe!. D). First events 8 a.m. See poster for scbedu1e or call (213) 467-8378. EVERY SUNDAY lor,} It dYl 1 11.1111 I. 1IlI. ClI· ...:l .dIr I•• ".. SwYIc.. C,cle .... dis~ cl.I , ...ponllbilllJ for ClIICIIIIII. 01 U fII .lIIII. .., ~1Ir. .llIIOat _tiel. DECEMBERll~ SOFT DIRT WINTER SCRAMBLES by Footb1U SCramblers of Oakdale, Calif. AMA sane., 30-Inch trophies, all classes SlgnuP 8:30-11 a.m., race at noon. Location: Langworth Rd., corner of Oal

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