Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1967 11 09

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ ALDANA SQUEEZES : COM PETITION ~ ... Little Dave Aldana, #36 from santa Ana on a Suzuki had a double win by taking both the 100cc Tropby Dasb and the lOOCc Main Event on oct. 18 at Orange Co. Speedway, despite all the pressure from last year's champion and bis best friend, Russ Rob Ins 0 n from Garden Grove. Pusbing. Russ and coming up strong was Chuck saxton from Long Beach, Honda-mounted. Aldana took off in the Main Event from the pole position and beld It throughout the entire 12-lap final. With only one more event lett this season, in order for Robinson to bold bis Number One position In the l00cc class, he is guing to have to push real bard. In the 250cc TrOPby Dash, Rick Woods, toP point leader, showed up on a SuZuki. He got away first In the DlISIl and held tt for the enUre event, but pushiDg Rick, and looking bis us18l good seU, was 5al Acosta who finished second. Right bebind 5al came J1m Peterson on a Bultaco. This was J1m's nrst ride this year on a Bultaco as be usually rides a Suzuki. Coming up In fourth was Randy Layne, Honda-mounted. In the 250cc Main Event, It was a d11ferent story. Breaking out In the lead was Jim Peterson, and In bot pursuit was an old favorite of the fans and long time ACA rider, Lee Stumpenbaus. Coming up from fourth spot and nntshing .. "II o , ~ ~ Ill' ~ i l00cc .alD E_t and TrapII, Galh. #31 Daft Aldana, ...".d off tIM 1II11s of IDCMd ,lace #2 Rull 1toIII_ third overall was sal Acosta, getting by they ran a moio-cross event, with Clutch The annual ACA banquet whlcb Is Cargo from Duarte on a BSA beating out Rick Wood in the 8th lap, with Rick usually held In November will be beld Russ Robinson, also BSA-molUlted. Si nntsbing fourth, followed by Eddie Mc In January and the cbampionsbip tropbles Porter from VI, i It I e r (Triumph) bad Gregor and carl Sjolund. and jackets will be given out at that trouble In the second moto and fIn1sbed The 500cc boys came out and had a tI me. Plans are In the works for an eYen third overall. More 500cc macbines good time on the new quarter- mile more exciting 1968 season. would certainly be welcome on this lfack. course. Because of the lack of entires, (Resulls oa page 12\ WI..., ., til. OlinII CouD~ CHICKE oN WHEELS By Joann Walker My busband Is a motorcycle enthusiast. I am a cbicken. A few months ago Buff, my busband, bougbt a small Honda. In a matter of days he was not only riding It to work as planned, but aklng off in the morning (be works nights) and returning just In time to go to work. Ever since we were married we bad enjoyed going places together. I began to think the honeymoon was over, and after only sixteen years, that could be a catastropbe. I took Immediate steps to save our marriage. Talking It over with Buff I discovered he would be de11gbted to take me along If I really wanted to go. He felt, bowever, that I should learn to ride his contraption. Now, when I was a child, unl1ke my contemporaries, I did not have a bike, nor was I allowed to learn to ride my friends' bikes. Have you ever _tched a tbirty-four-year-old woman, who cannot ride a bicycle, trying to ride a Honda? On my first effort, 1 nearly tU1ed my busband. I ran bim up a tree. On the second try the bike seemed to be cravi ng a bath. It insisted on diving in a bucket of _ter. That Is the lett handiebar did. Boff prudently took the side mirror off, then be turned me loose again. This time I tried to climb the tree. Weeks passed and so did the HODda's pbint. I learned, finally to zoom around the barn at the terrifYing speed of ten miles per bour, (in low gear, of course). My poor busband wasn't laughing at my Inept handling of bis machine anymore. He was crying, and wondertng If It could hold up WlUl I graduated to second gear. During the period of my novitiate on wheels, I rode "shotgun" every chance I got. Boff bas to behave bimself. He basn't got a chance of going out on the bike without one of bis two daughters, or bis wife, behind bim. Gradually I lost my fear of the asphalt sliding like a supertreadmill, beneath my reet. It Is now fun to go sixty. I even glance at the speedometer over Buff's shoulder occasionally, without fainting off the back of the bike. Tbey say or motorcycle owners, "Once you have one you want a bigger one" . Well - I didn't...He did. The scratched, sligbtly used Honda went the way of all ougrown vebicles. It got traded in. My husband came bome, the proud owner of a glittering Ka~. In our early cycling days, Buff frequently urged me to try a little harder and oftener to learn to ride that slitherlng, tilting, treacherous pet of bi. As I Said, the Kawasaki Is a lovely, glittering combination of chrome and shiny red paint. It make a lot of noise. He no longer urges me to try to ride It. In fact the subject Is mentioned with some tact, if at all. SO I remain a cbicken on wheels, and continue to ride "shotgun" ror bim,I've always been a borsewoman, myseU. •

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