Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1967 11 09

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Ron Tolley (79) "'ows bow ho I ...... 90cc Amateur class win at Taft II.C. scrallblas" Fred Gropry (118) flnl ...... IOcond, Gary Bovans (197) was fifth. ANN AL TAFT SeRA BLES SWry by SIan Co Ifee Pbotos by Harry Gbent The oldest contiquous scrambles event in California (any arguments?) was staged once agaln at the demanding Maricopa track by the Taft M.C. on OCt. 22. Atter eleven stratght years you would think that some of the luster would rub ott, but this year proved to be just as popular as past events. The Maricopa track bas probably created more controversy than any other track In the san joaquin Valley. Riders either hate it or tab It tbelr favorite. There is no other scrambles track In existence that commands so mucb concentration. It 15 extremelY tight and otttimes very slick. At tbe end of tbe long stratgbt is the trickIest one-elgbty turn you ever saw. The inside of the turn Is bard and slick, while the outside is a good tratntng ground for those wbo favor the European moto-cross bag. There is a small groove rlgbt In the middle, though, and those who were fortunate enougb to find it, picked up ground on their competition in spades. Once you get out of the first turn, all you have to do Is flop your scooter to the rlgbt for a couple of pops and then jump back to the left for a sbort burst to another right-bander. A small jump provides some excitementlor the spectators and then you just make it around a tigbt one eighty to tbe right, another one back to the lelt and follow the sweeper to its rather abrupt end and you're back on the stralgbt agaln. All of this bas been crammed Into sllgbtIy over five-eighths of a mile and there Is lItUe time for relaxation. rl you want to outride someone, go to Marlcopa; if you want to outrun them, try another track. The past couple of years good twofifty riders like steve Scott and Joey Brown have provided most of tbe action; this year was no exception. The fastest man of the day was a young rider from Mendota In Central Ca1Ilornta, TO

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