Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1967 11 09

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ ll~ ANNUAL TAFT M.C. SCRAMBLES Taft, Cal. SIn. 11-12-&1 ~ c: ~ 90cc NOVICE 1. Dana ThOllla8 Z. Don Bevans 3. David Matthews 4. Da vid Williams 5. John Oli ver 90cc AMATEUR 1. Ron Tobey Z. Fred Gregory 3. Buck Horton 4. Cbuck Simhmeager 90cc EXPERT 1. Mille Lane Z. RandY Matthews 3. Randy smith 200cc AM-£XP. 1. MIke Lane E 2. RaIlllY smith E 3. Jim Keene A 4. Tim Thomas E But Bul Bul Mon Z50cc NOVICE 1. 288F Z. Max Carpenter 3. Gene Auston 4. Sian Sweaney Bul Bul Mon Mon ZOO AM-£XP. 1. Tod Sloan Z. Ray McCarty 3. Cbuck Stlubmenger 4. Guy smith 5. Tom Cburch Kaw Hus Mon Kaw Bul OPEN - NOV-AM. 1. Don McKay 2. Wayne WestIy 3. Fred Gregory 4. Wayne HJcks Tri BSA Hon Tri R:~~~~~~S ~~1AS~RJ:f!oN' By Sian Coffee ~ 0; .. ~ ~ c ~ = en tz:I ~ tz:I ..:J ~ U OPEN EXPERT 1. La.naie Mayes 2. Ray McCarty 3. Ray ADderson 4. Keith Thomas Hon Yam Br i Hod Hod BuJ Yam l00cc JUNIOR MAIN TT 1. Herndon George Yam Z. Gene Brunson M-B 3. Ray Schultz Hon 4. E.C. Birt Kaw l00cc SEMOR MAIN TT 1. Keith Mashbum But Z. Jimmy Raymond Hon 3. Gary Bailey Hod 4. Tom Wanen Bul Hod Bri Hon Tri Hus Tn Tri ELSINORE TT sat., OeL 21, U61 1. K. Wllson 2. S. Jones 3.·F. Windbam 200 NOVICE 1. D. K _ e Z. N. 8InscaDo 3. B. Speier 250 NOVICE 1. D. AllderllOn 2. G. Lane 3. D. Ricb 350 NOVICE 1. J. Carre 2. R. Mal'QUis 3. R. Niemaan 500 OPEN NOVICE 1. L. MltcbeIJ Z. C. Arm_ooct 3. R. Malqa.ts Hod Hod Yam Bul Hon But Hon Bul Hus Hon Hon Hon Tn Due 100 EXPERT 1. T. Wanen 2. R. VandelJM)01 3. G. BaIley BuI Yam Hod 250 EXPERT 1. G. BaDey 2. T. Longwith 3. L. Bessey Gre Gre Mon 500 EXPERT 1. J. Kato Z. J. Flores 3.D.Bndmaa BSA Tn BSA SWEEPSTAKES 1. J. Kato Z. G. BaIley 3. L. Mitcbell BSA Gre Tn l00cc SHORT TRACK 1. Paul WDde Z. Jimmy RayJDllod 3. Gary CaU1Ds 4. TomW_ 5. Kellb Ma8bburn 6. Don Dudek Z50cc SHORT TRACK 1. Lee stumpeabaus Z. Keith Mashburn 3. stan Rogers 4. Jim Paulnott 5. Coco ClUIIPbell 6. Rick Woods 7. Carol Skove l00cc TT 1. GalY BaIley 2. Tom Warren 3. Jimmy Raymond 4. Don Leal 5. Ed Slmod 6. stan Rogers 250cc TT 1. Lee stumpenhaus 2. Gary Bailey 3. Keith Mashburn 4. Tom Wanen 5. Mike Boal 6. Bill Fulton POWDER PUFF TT 1. Kelly Stluble Z. DIane CODDOlly 3. Eulene Long 4. Elaine Ollis 5. Maureen Lee 6. TOIIIIIlie Jane George 1065 885 840 840 800 755 BuJ Gre BuJ 650cc: NOVICE MAIN 1. Larry mum Z. Dick Allen 3. M.P. Ziel 4. J. Myers 5. K. May Bul Bd Oss Moo HOII 175!200cc EXPERT MOTO 1. George Omo Jr. Moo 2. Wade Zimmerman But 3. MIke Radner Mon 4. Francis Nestor BuJ 250cc NOVICE MOTO 1. Fraak Staagler BuJ 2. Jim O'neal Bul 3. Joe SllDder!llln Has zoecc: .utA TEUR MOTO 1. Art carter Bul 2. MIke Bast Bul 3. Tom Sh-..d Bul 4. Polly McGowen Bul 5. Gary Riley But 1975 1185 850 805 750 680 680 l00cc TROPHY DASH 1. David Aldana 1960 955 755 675 600 1690 119$ 810 735 565 515 590 440 380 220 140 140 1000c MAIN EVENT 1. David Aldana 2. Russ Romn3. Cbnck Saxton 4. David QuIroz 5. Mark Kruse 6. Ron Taylor 250Cc MAIN EVENT 1. Jim PetersOn 2. Lee Stulq)enbaus 3. Sal Acosta 4. Rick Woods 5. Eddie McGregor 6. Cad Sjolund 500cc MAIN EVENT 1. Clutcb Cargo Z. Russ Roblnson 3. Si Porter Suz Hon GiJ Bul Yam Bul Bul BuJ Suz H-D Mon BSA BSA Tri THE 'FIRST STRING' AND 826 OTHER RIDERS ARE READY••• HOPEIOWN, NOV. 11 & 12 7 2) 4 7r 1 ASCO'I' IS-LAP EXPERT I4AIll EVEIlT 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 101112 13 14 15 2 5) 3 7 6) 1 2x 7) 3Bx LAP CHARTS by Carol SimB F1n1ah 1) 37 "l 3) 2 u 4) 2 Tn IO-LAP AMATEUR FlNAL 1. Phil Todd BSA 2. Uoyd Houchins BSA 3. Lenny Earl H-D 4. Cad Patrick Tri 5. Gary Waldo H-D 6. Ron Lacber BSA 7. Jan Clawford H-D 8. KeUb Kruser H-D 8-LAP NOVICE FlNAL 1. Rick Durkee Suz Z. Rick Elisarralas Suz 3. Ken Lighthouse Yam 4. steve Peder_ Kaw 5. George Omo Yam 6. Bill Cody H-o 7. Alex Cbinowski Hon 8. Fumio Ito Yam 9. Joe Hamilton Yam 10. Sam Lay Yam start TORSTEN... Tri Tn H-D Tri Tri EXPERT FlNAL 1. Mel Lacber H-D 2. Dan Huby BSA 3. Sborb Seaboume BSA 4.·Sammy Tanner BSA 5. Cbuck Jones BSA 6. Clyde Litcb Tn 7. Randy Say BSA 8. Ron Kruseman Tri 9. Phil CaactlJa Tn 10. Blackie Brnce BSA SUZ 1) Tri Tn Tri I~LAP Soz 10s0 Tri Tn ASCOT HALF"LE FrillaJ, Oct. Xl, 19&1 Suz Z50cc TROPHY DASH 1. Rick Wnods 650cc EXPERT MOTO 1. Ben Fakkeldy Z. Jerry Will1Dlbam 3. Bill McCoy 4. Loren Alldrus 5. Terry Dorscb SWEEPSTAKES 1. Ben FaklLeJcly Total Entries: 218 ORANGE .COUNTY SPEEDWAY led., Oct. 18. IS1 ARE YOU? BuJ Bul l75cc AMATEUR MOTO 1. steve Bast 2. Linus Beat 3. Craig Cove 4. Cbuck Parkison 5. Tom LaFnrteme l00cc TROPHY DASH 1. Keith Mashburn Bul Z50cc TROPHY DASH 1. Gary Bailey Gre 250cc SHORT TRACK MAIN 1. Lee stumpenhaus Bul Z. Tom Wanen Bul 3. Roger Osbum Bul 4. John SelSOR Hon By Maureen Lee Cor rig an v i l l e (Hopetown) is just around the corner now and we wish we could give you some tips on this year's course, but we can't so we'll rtde It like we always do. meaning, pick whatever traction you want to use and use It! But this we do know, thpre are a couple of changes from last year's layout, so just pray to the patron saint of motorcycling and have at it! It's a great disappointment that at this writing the big European stars will not be riding there and rumors are rampant as to why they are not. Our comment Is that regardless of what you may hear there are two positive truths; one Is they have signed a contract with a distributor and so cannot always do what they wish regardless of ctrcumstances and that starting money was finally provided for them for Corrtganville. However the time element and being unable to communicate with the right people at the crucial moment entered Into that deal. Anyway, we'll have our usual great event, of that you can be sure. Entries were over 800 riders this year! We suggest you look your best whatever day you ride as there will be fUming for both movies and television. We don't have it confirmed but understand that Bruce Brown of "The Endless Summer" will be there so will the TV cameras like maybe the Wide World of Sports. So let's all look purly! John Rice is back home from the hospital and says he's going to rtde the event if It gets an A.M.A. sanction, whtcb we admit is pushing pretty hard for that number one plate considering bis injuries, but just try telling hurt racers to cool it! John wants to hang on to that bigh point standing come hell or high water and we say he stands a good chance. Once !be Ascot season is over some of the bot Amateurs will be back again riding the ()peJI class at !be scrambles providing more competition and making more of a class for number two plate will be back and so will, we hope, Mike Van Acker. If C.H. Wheat can get some wrencb-bending done he'll be back out before the end of this season on a new scooter, so with John in the 500 class and maybe a new winner each week in the Open whtch bas more entrants for the paying of points, it really will go down to the wire! Thanks to Carol (Mrs. Dllrwln) Ballard, we can keep you posted. our thanks too to Karen (Mrs. Richard) Kouns for !be lightweight standings. Anytime we call !be house she's always cheerful about it all and bas 'em rigbt there. Unaff1claUy rigbt now Kirk Mc Dowell is in first spot and we would like to see Kirk get that number one plate maybe more than any other man (and it's not favoritism) but Kirk has really proved bimseU throughout anumber of seasons. Hayward Mendenhalland Jim Connolly are figbting tooth and nail for that number two spot both being in thc low 900's (Kirk is over 11001) whtle Keith Mashburn is tn there for around follrth again with a figure in the low 700' s. Both diVisions are interesting to say the least! • Z50cc EXPERT MOTO 1. Keith Mashburn BuJ 2. Rick James Bul 3. Pete Dupuy HOII 4. Jim COIIDOlly Gre 5. Hoppy Hopkins MOIl 350cc NOVICE MOTO 1. Romle RoodeU Mat Z. Sextnn Hon 3. Ricbard Watts Vel 4. Arthur Lohnes Hon 5. Nick Hernandez Jr. Hon 350-500 EXPERT MOTO 1. Joe Flores Tri 2. Don Ogilvie BSA 3. Roy Jarrett Hon 4. Bruce Jackson BSA 650cc AMATEUR MOTO 1. Bnb Mortensen Tri 2. Buddy Carter Tri 3. James Foxe Tri 4. E.H. Lee Tri 5. Terry MOIa~ Tri Z50Cc SENIOR MAIN TT 1. Gary Bailey Gre Z. Lee stumpenbaus Bul 3. Tom Warren Bul 4. Danny Jones BuJ lOOcc SHORT TRACK MAIN 1. Keith Mashburn Bul Z. Tom Wanen Bul 3. Jimmy Raymond Hon 4. Bob Watkin Yam Z50cc AMATEUR MOTO 1. Larry Shoemaker Z. Tom Warren 3. Eric Olesen 4. Ted Longwlth 5. Lauren Pickup Yam Hod HOII HOII Hod l00cc: AMATEUR MOTO 1. Jim Nortbern Bd Z. Dave stroman BuJ 3. Mary Endless Hoo 4. Larry Hannood Hon 5. TOIII WalTen BuJ l00cc OViCE MOTO 1. Gary SCott Hon Z. Devon SowelJ Bul 3. Chet Burt Bul l00cc EXPERT MOTO 1. Keith Mashburn BuJ BuJ Z. Doug Yerkes 3. Kirk McDowell HOII 4. Howard Mendenhall Yam 5. Ted Judge (tie) Bul 5. Thomas Harp (tie) YIIllI lZ5cc AMATEUR MOTO 1. Patrick Murphy BuI Z. Del Hunt BuJ 3. Keith H_er H-o 4. Larry Larimore SUZ Z50cc JU lOR MAIN TT 1. Tom LaFortune Duc Z. Larry Taylor Bul 3. John Selson Hon 4. Larry Verdoorn C-Z TROJAN SPEEDWAY HI-POINT MEN FOR 1967 By Don Wallen Tony M..3. Hank SCott 4. Jay Lewis 5. Rick Parker POWDER PUFFMOTO 1. Juan.lla Jenkins Z. DIane COllDOlly 3. Eulene LOIIg 4. Daria James 5. Kelly Stluble By Maureen Lee HOII Yam Hon Tur Hon z. By Maureen Lee Kaw Suz ~~~T?choIS SIDEHACK ASSN. SCRAMBLES Bay M.e, Calif. 10-21-&1 TROJAN SPEEDWAY CHAMPIONSHIP Thurs., Oct. 26, 1961 V IX f- ' - ~ >< - - Mel Lacher (H-D) 2) 22 Dan baby (BBA) 3) 47r Shorty Seabourne (BSA) 4) 7 Sammy T&m1er (BSA) 5) 24% Chuck Jonaa (BSA) If- f- )( 6) 95% Clyde L1tch (Tr1) /I B) 17% IX lX. 9) 9 5% -lO) 1 9yrt 7) 17% Randy Say (BBA) B) 12% Ron Kruseman (BBA) 9) 19y Phil Cancllla (Tr1) 10) 3Bx Black1e Bruce (BBA) Time. 5.54.99 Start 1 A1IATEUIl la-LAP MAIN 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 1) 1 2) 95. 3) 70>1\ 4) 2CJ:l 5) 45. )(. It" 1,)1; ~ 6) 57- -X 7) 34Jl ><~ ~ -~ Fin1sh 1) lBx Phil Todd (BSA) 2) 20,. Lloyd HOUchins (BSAl 3) 34x Len Earl (H-D) 4) 29% Carl Patr1ck (Tr1) 5) 70r Gary Waldo ("H-D) 6) 95r Ron Lacher (BSA) 7) 45z Jan Crawford (H-D) B) 29,. Time: 3:59.42 * B) 57r Ke1th Kruaer (H-D) D1d !lot l'1n1ah *

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