Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1967 11 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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11111I1)' lIel Lacber, In clD.e cam-Uon for lIlll Davld.on to wins In heal race, Dasb and lIaln. It took Mel Lacher 24 weeks of guts and desire but he finally made It. H-D's number one half- mller in the West finally scored the clean sweep over the BSA horde at Ascot Friday night. Lacher, who bas either been the point leader or a close second all season, stayed within reach ot current leader Dan Haaby by leading the f1na1 from start to finish. sammy Tanner cballenged early and led by inches across the Une at the end ot the fourth lap but Lacher took over a tew teet laler. Haaby caught Tanner and moved Into second on the 11 th round and closed to within passing distance with less than two laps to go but Lacber pulled out all the stops on the f1na1 round to win the MaIn tor the third time this year and the first time since last Aug. 4th. Lacher made It three straight in the Trophy Dash division, beating Tanner, HaabY and 8eabourne, In that order. He is now just one win away from tieing the tour-straight record set earlier by Chuck Jones. Mighty Mel also won his beat race for the tifth straight week and clocked the fastest five of the evening. Tanner appeared to tire badly In the late laps of the final and dropped all the Ascol seuon point lead, wbeeled his Harle)'- ''''c. Relumlnc to tile A.cot half-alile late In tile sellSon _ CDI8InC on Harle,..,OlInted Cal Rar bDm (25) won his heat race dedsl ... I)'. 0I11y three more wee1

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