Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1967 11 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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"THE VOICE OF CALiFORIIA s ••••••••••• c. Claytoa . Publ18ber ad AdYerUsbI& IllDacer _Ii BusiDess MaDaeer•• Sbaron CJayloil ClrCD1ation Mer••• Gaye 1bomason EcUtor• • • • • • • • • • • • Carol SIms PIIoto Editor••••• Dennis Greene EdItorial Assistant.Robert Bradford Advertlslne Asst. • Lynn Lancaster Editorial stories. cartoon, photos. etc. are welcomed and will ~ paid ror upon publication (except press releal;es and -Voice- letters.)Addressed. stamped envelope assures return. &41l N. L-e Beadl BI'II. Sinpe copy price ••••••••• 25¢ L. . Beacfl, Calif. SubscripUon: One year 2nd class Publisbed weekly except the first Dr. III _, LIIC Beacfl, Calif. Mail • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 7.50 and last week of the calendar year ODe Year First Class Mail•• 514.00 by C&S Publishing Co•• Post Orfice P....e: 42J.IUl (Subscribers please allow Ibree Box 498, Long Beacb. Caillomia. (Area CH' nl) wee1ls for ~ss chance.) Second Class postage paid a t Long Advertising rates and circulation Beach. Calli. F. . L.A. Pblles: &31-1144 information will be sent upon request. RESPONSE TO 350cc SURVEY ONE fOil: 123 AGAINSTl ._u WIlen Cycle News asked its readers to lIIek opinJons. PIO or coa. em 100 ..,comIae 350CC eacrne dlsplilcement UmU for Class C professional AMA dirt lad Jadnc - dley responded! o.r -Oplldon PoD #1- (Oct. 12 tssne) bu _ e d _ lIIIder wilb repUes ,... all over tbe cotmtry. And. at presstlme. die tally of .tes sbows 1III utolmd!ne _ _t of 0IIP0si1ion to· Ibe -...e. 1bere ....e been a total 01124 rellPCJllSes - one for. 123 acaiDst! De one vote to favor of Ibe 250 rnle ca.e ,... CbIco. CaUfomJa. -Bdne _ _-factarers view. stop ~ ley . . .I-It_. also 5GOcc puts bard to eel and 358CC a1reIub' jnst u fast.slated !lie writer. A SllllPUDe of 100 -.Jodly (acaJnst 3a rnle) -..rODS tncladed tbe adcIIttonal.-ellts: ·ne 350 lfmit nale will doom tbe AMAo otIIer suctioaille bodies wtU lIPdDe .., to Ibe 75O's and 5Oll's.- J[1·ppolt. ·1 III to Ascot repdady and sac_nto yearly. If !lie AlIA lilieS to 35O's rn write 011 flaltladltne cotIIPlete1y. Wb7 IIOt CD to 7Ws? Harley cotI1d always . . .-.e XLCII eacrne or pat o..edleads 011 -.e U's.· - Bnnttncton Beacb. Cal. ·Far _ _ e..eats and at_e tocatians, It -.fatat worll. Bat not all o - Hato. .ncU_T_. BoDce. La. ·I·ID IIOt exactly entbnsed abo. ridlne aDd ..utaIDInc aD exntic 3li8Cc twosUoIIe.- - ItellloII. Wa8b. ·TbIs wUl canse a bf& loss III riders, S(lec:tators and _ters.- - Balu-re. lid. "Ifakes for better raclllC tbe way It Is IIOW. A ~ Illce fan froID Ed Kretz to Guy Ni-.- - Merced. Cal. -We iP to bear tile ble bOles .... De AlIA -.fatat slowly start a 350 cIua and see IIow Fri. pnpaJar it It.. .edl...... Cal. ·U I.C. and die AlIA lIdDIL I'. IID1Dc liD .,., 52,H eveQ' to beu ItqdllllII.llley're w-eo- -LOB A8pies. Cal. -1 _ . . aYid C;:lass C - . .. try1q to reDd . . . IIeep .., Ibe _ _ ollbe AlIA i»r 1 lave Dot betII ........ ..ud_Ior V ...· •• .. it lor -.r- to ~ .... Las Aqe.... CalU. ·.,JJoald fa_ two-stmIIea and eQMshe ~ . . eI. . . . .te - . , cnod rtd-. wllb Utale _ ,. . . . .d IIOt 1Ielp _ me?"' - lleavy . . . .c at all(deve..-.....>.· - Las .ueete.. CldU. .. -W Ulle tit see • 5IlI liIDft tnc1Dd- 1IICILD.- - PIInea1x, Adz. ·Tbe cJu8l11ocN1d be1aclaaed to 65kc for all bOles in tile c..... leeardless of ns ..., J51cc· E.-rt . . . .., _lie or lype.- - Holbrook, ArIz.· "ne propcments for ibis cllanee lIIId Ibe reasons for It ....e not been presented. • don't understand wby we lIbould manee wben no one _ s to be for It.- Louisiana. Mo. - ADyone willi lUIY intelUcence can see tbat Ibe fortbcomiDe Rillnc win kill professlonalmcine.- - Modesto. Cal. -E1d1er let TrInmpb. BSA. etc. run 45 ca. in. or Harley-Davidson run 30.50 ca. In.- - san MaIttn. Cal. -. probably won't Cl» to see lillY 35Gcc races. - - La Pnente. Cal: -As a rider. I __d like to see a 750cc UmIt and no sldevalve stlpulatloo.- Cllatsworlb. Cal. -U Ibe, cllanced I wiD join any olber assoclatlem wbIcb allows use or my Ibonsands of dollars wordS of 750cc eqn1pment.- - Bayward. Cal. -. Ibink it sbould be left to Ibe IndI vidaal rider. and to Ibe spectator.-- orwalk. -Tbis was proposed In Ibe Interest of .fely. but lbere are caine to be a lot of riders bart befole 100y learn bow to ride and •sort out' new 350's.- -san FIllDCisco CaL -rus wild 35O-ouly Idea bas to be stomped oat ibis year far sure. De riders are violent on ibis.--Madison, Wise. ·It Is an extremely bad Idea. As a Class C license bolder siDce 1956 and a Illce ....-ter since 1964. I beUeve • lInow wIaat Ibe tlcke...btQ'toe and race supportinc public want - and lbat·s 5u.p1ns encJnes Illclne. ne pubUc pays to see 100 Experts and Amateurs on Ibe big bikes. not a Novice 250 claSs. 11 Ibe 250 class is broulb t in - it will clUsb Illclne!- - ladianapoUs, Ind. -Sbould extend instead to 750cc to dve creater to die IlIIIllDese to build biuer two-strokes.- - Wbitlter. Cal. .. like it Ibe way it Is.- - Downey. Cal. -Wbat is to be done wilb miWOIlS in..ested in all 500-750? ney Cllllnot be pDt Jato road use.- - FlnsbiDe. N.Y• -Tbe spectators want to see a very fut. IbrIWng ~nce. Tbe 358 _cbtnes do notJlDt 011 . . IOod a abo. as a 500 or 7:1e wIlL· -1'DnlIDi;e Cal. .. _ _t • dder jm/essto.lly ,et~ but IDaYIJe in a ~le of _uld nate to spe.-J a lot of _ey to ~te in oal.Y 358 l1InIt.. - L _ . Cal. -1 enjoy tile _tor Illclne as tbe k,cle eq1Bes are atcer to bear Iban bnzz1ne 2-strokes.· - SlID BernanIiIIO. Cal. .,1 feel lbat -ner d1ap)acetlleDts wiD lura flaItIaddnc toto a coatest of 1DllcbiDes Instead of rider abOJly.- - Los ADceles. Cal. "Yoa _y count Ibis ballotas four votes. u Ibe olber _bers of lOY family are '-Cull ,ears.. "d.·.. KtI. . . . . _ • Ascot ft.uraek WI. 1111. V. . . . rlddH II) C...- . . q u i. . . lie .1,., strcmclY opposed! Could Ibis be die becinnlne of Ibe end?- - Lone Beacb, CaL -la view or Ibe many factors, let us say b1l1Dtly lbat It is absurd. - -Albuquerque, N.M. "It could be an added expense to most competition riders since most bave Ibe'" own equipment.- - SpriDcf1eld. Ore. -Tbe 35O's are not nearly as fun to watcb or listen to as die 5OO·s. Spectator attendance would probably drop.- SlID Francisco. Cal. -The bie bikes 350cc are a real part of Class C racing and sbould not be eUminated!- - Riverside, Cal. ·How can ibis limit appeal to Ibe ordinary fans for wbom AMA bas recommended 1U.DD1ne bie motors first on raintbreatened race days?'-Fort DocIee. la. -We would ratber see Ibe rule cblllleed so 750 OIIV could nm Oattrack.- - WabUlb. I.nd. -Tbe little bikes are fine for lite No..ices but for pure balr and excitement Ibe r1n&"dincs can ne"er _tcb Ibe bie bores. If Ibe 1ImI t were cban led to 350 100 National Calendar would become nolblne ...t a race for two-strokes lIIId not representati..e of Ibe tolal _torcrcle industry at alL-·- Los ADceles. Cal. - Fans pay to see die lIPeed and sldU displayed by Experts on wce displacement bikes.- - Los ADeeles, Cal. -It Is slckenlne to pullb away Ibe beantlfD1 TrilDll)lbs, BSA's, Norlons. a-D's, etc. to race Ibe two-stroke s. Please IQ' to stop ibis tbe- best way you can.- WoocDand Bills. Cal. -I ba..e been a _ and a pI'IJIIIOter for seven years. I ba we promoted Class C baU-mile. scrambles. sportsnan road racing and dracs. At all Itmes at e..ery e..ent Ibe bi g motor class was most in demand by Ibe fans. De AlIA must realJze lbat Ibe fans pay far Ibe eveat, not riders or Ibe AMAo I feel flWl perSODa1 experience lbat Ibey sboatd mse tbe limit to 65Gcc and 883cc.- - AnsltD. Texas. -Rule appears oriented to lIIe benefit only of manufaclurers and dealers, not riders or spectators. Besides. a 350 would be raster IblIII a 500 and Ucbter too. Vuless tncks were Improved. 350's would be less safe. iDumncb as new ba.....lne proble- would bave to be iJoDed out to apprnacb present le..el or SDDbistication.- - Gatden ·Gro..e. Cal. -I do not beUeve Ibe 350 rnle is a cood idea becanse Ibere are only Ibree _ fac_ _ wilb motorcycles to tbe 35kc cateCOlY lbat would be cotIIPettlt vee Tbese Ibree are. of conne. two-atrokes. and of J _ _nafaca.e. I Jndce lOY opUUOIl by t bas IIappened in Ibe 25kc c By baviDe snela a 18Je. Ibose wbo "ve a conple of Ibna_d dollars lII..ested tit present 5I8cc and 758a: racers, of. wbJcb Ibere are -..,.. wID be wilboat a place to race and stlIIId a cbance of selltne Ib__ Of ~ tbt:1e are always Ibe ACA. .-\AM. . and AFM. wbJeb wID ' - - ' Ibe 500's. so 8aybe tbe compeUtion riders would joJn 100se llOIDeWbat dIaor~zed orgaaizatlonl! or perbaps start a DeW ODe a.err and roreet Ibe AM,\. I am not prejudiced as • am a dealer for bolb Briltsb and Japanese _toreycles. As • see it, let Ibe 350's and 5OO's ran toeelber as Ibey are dolne at present. De 35G's wiD be u fast 11 not faster by next year anyway.- - EI Cajon. Cal. -la recards to Ibe 350Cc limit for Class C Illclne. I cannot see ibis rnle Cllll po&slbly benefit anyone connected widl racine. It appears to me lbat it Is just anotber case of Ibe AMA sayine 'We wlll do w. .t we wllllt to do lIIId yon just keep sendlne in your mnney.' I can see nn rea_ to manee Ibe present lJm1t and tbiDk tbat tile professiOllal racers sbould ..ery def1nltely bave Ibe final say-110 as to wbat limit Ibey want. After all, lbey do all Ibe work. So bere is One vote aptnst It - wbo knows. next year lIIey _y wanttoUmit aU of our desert events to trailblkes!- - LlIIICaster, Cal. -I feel cert8tn lbat a rule restrlcltDe lite eaclne stze to 350CC far Class C Illclne snre1y would not be stlmulatine to professlnnal IllCine- To becln wilb•• can·t see any rea_ for Ibe IbIDIdne in ibis dUectlon. If anytbtne I IbIDk tbat It sbon1d be constdered to III in Ibe olber direction and increase l!IIetne size as all _nfactls'ers are doinll to sablY public demand. I realJze lbat a 350 wiD ran as fast as a 500 OIl top end but It doesn·t ba..e Ibe to.....e power lbat bie endnes bave for pulLIng out of a comer. It woDld eet to be a Illce for lOO1tOUDd riders. A lilbt ridet' and _cbiDe would bave a tremendons advantaee Ibe averaee 150-111. rider, .-cb _re so Iban be bas today in tile 500cc class. I feel lbat a creat many riders wbo dI.·t weicb between 100 and 125 Ibs. would lose interest In IllCIne. Professional racine for pubUc attraction bas to ba..e 1III element of dancer connected to it also. To cut tile endne size would be leanlne mole towards Ibe class of _tor-seooter Jadnc in Ibe pubUc's eye. and would take sometbiDe away boIII Ibe &1AlDor of die sPort. For a radler extreme example it would be like racine volliswacensal I ..dlan_polls. wbleb I'm sure would be a very competitive Illce for die drl..ers.but far u Ibe pubiic Is concerned, wbu would care? I Ibink lbat a vote sbould be taken 011 a National basts boIII all Ibe riders wbo ride Ibe 500cc lIIId 75Gcc _cb1Des to see bow Ibey feel aboat die questiOll. After all. IbeY are Ibe ODeS wbo lay It OIl Ibe Une e..ery Itme Ibe siarUDe flae is tlnlwled. I al80 IbID1I _ qnaUfled mec:ban1cs IIboaId be .sked bow a 358cc IIIlICbiDe MNld pull oat of tbe corner em a mile dirt tnc1I in bllb ceu wtlboat nsine tile &eal'boX to sbilt to a lower &eU u is done in a road race. I coald III on to meatlon more tbUIp lbat I feel are dlsadvantaees ,.., catttne Ibe stze of tbe eneine....t to _ it all .., I feel It would be a mistake to reduce eneine size and would bart tbe sport of racine lremendansly flWl tbe standpotat of pubUc appeal. My opJaIODS are based OIl 15 years of professional racine. now b1story.- - Los Aneeles. Cal. as

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