Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1967 11 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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.... ... 'Ibe sec 0 n d soccesstul _ _ d. "CIas8 C" SboI'ttnIc:k l'IIC1DC at tile Moaot BUer sPeedwaY bas elided. TlIe club cnmed aod operated tnck, located 011 tile HlI-CU Road a few miles DOrth i Q., I.we J_ I. .i. Set Up ToW.I, EDDIE CROWELL IIodai. ~ mus ::=~ :::-.....crc-. . ·1_.......... SUCCESS FOR MOUNT BAKER SPEEDWAY of Bel11ncbam, WRsII1DgtoD,possessesso air d. iDternat1oDa1 compet1tlon. A.M.A. riders from tile SellttIe- Tacoma area, aDd tbose from tile VIDcouftr, B.C. area, fOUDd BeJ1lnghsm so 8%cel1eDtJoc:aHonto compete eftry saturdl,y nlgbt, 10 a mixed program 011 the ODe- ft1I:Il mUe anl. An anrage of about forty riders turned out every saturdl,y, offering a wide assortment of machinery to p l _ tile faos. The Ducati coa11tiOll, beadedby Bob Budscbat of seattle, domirated tbe season, but were CODSlaDtly cbal1eDged by tbe otber riders attempting to place tbelr names on tile winDing roster. Faos were also entertained dur1Dg intermissiems by llglftwelght sportsmao races 011 tbe Infield. The actioo will DOW move North io Cloverdale B.C., wberetheC.M.A. sponsors lodoor sbottrack racing every otber saturdl,y oigllt; but for tbe MOIDlt Baier Motorcycle Club the 1968 seasoo is alreadY beg1noing. Improvements 011 the track han been started in p~on for tbe next season. You can bet tile tans from last year plus a group of Dl!'W' recruits wUl return next MlQ" to witness the dropping of tbe wbite flag on tbe 1968 season. unw 11.. -.,..., ·1P* . . . . . ctIIiI.-I . ·1P.a . . . . • ..... r - .... -le.-1CeM • ..... ea. . . . . . •• c..... .... J. ·.c.....T..-PtIIIlI • W/I ~ "hnIaIi ·11D11 ...... ... -- .• ....,",..0-- :~:..-c:..~ ....... c-.. .... 10421 Prairie, I.~ewood By Jan Held Altbougb somewllat of a newcomer to the world of spinning wheels and cycle tracks Terry E. Hugbes, 25, of Red Bluff California bas won 40 lropbies, most of tbem Ilrat place awards, out of 50 races in tbe last three years. .... (213) 613-5562 monttia WAITS YOU TO MEET AID DOl R DEALERS 1965, Hugbes bad 110 interest in motorcycle racing, and, in tact, oeYl!r bad been on a cycle. He credits a friend for cultiftting bIs interest 10 tile sport. The friend, an avid fan of motorcycling, talked Hugbes into going "out for a rtde." He did, and bas been, in bIs words, "booted eYer since." Tbe Red Bluff racing buff bas suffered one accident in bIs three years of competition. The Injury, a broken foot, Hugbes blames 011 bimseif becaose of carelessness. Not maoy riders, be said, are burt in tile sport, aod bls accident taugbt him that the game is serious and leaves 110 room for carelessness. Hughes, wbo was discharged tram tile Army In 1964 after serving at Ft. Lewis, Wasb., said be bas 110 racing interests other lbao motorcycliDg. He said lie is somewllat depressed because tbe racing seasoo tbis year Is about OYer. Most of tbe races are beid 011 summer eveoiDgs. Howenr, be bas ewry Intention of entering a few winter afternoon events slated. Hugbes commented be wouldbeIyingif be said be didn't dream of someday entering tile Nationel s • Howewi', UDtil tbe time comes wilen bls dream caD come true, be follows tile races c:1oseJ7. AltboQgb be said be bas DO particular "Idol" 10 the raetoc worJd, be was happy to _ Gary N1lIOII wiD !be Grand Natioaal Rc.d Races tbis year in Carls- RMeda, cal. e.n ".' ·1 CYCLE PROfILES Hugbes, an ambitious young mao with a wiJe, Charlotte, aod a new daugbter, Michelle, one month old, began raclngat tile age of ZZ. Sponsored by JoImoie Ross Motorcycles of Red Bluff, Hughes rides a Honda S-9(' Before that be owned a Hooda 160. The oo1Y innovations madeto coovert bls S- 90 10 a racing b ke were to Install a bigger cam and pistoos. Ross keeps tbe cycle in sbape by putt1Dg 011 necessary equipment and doing tbe repair work. Hogbes won bls first lropby in Yuba City at the YUba-Sutter Fairgrounds, where be took tbird. From tbeD 011 there was 110 bolding bim back. He went on 10 enter 49 more races aod now boasts 40 trophies. Motorcycle race buffs says Hugbes sbows iDd1cat1ons be wW become a leadiDg figure in Northern California racing circles. A member of the Red Bluff Motorcycle Club and the Amerlcao Motorcycle Association, Hughes and other club members race In events as far south as sacramenlo. He also bas competed in RellO, Nenda aDd, in a recent race there, captured two rtrst place prizes. His most recent win was last month in Anderson, Calif. wbere be took a secODll. Hogbes is so employee of tile [lle"'ODd National Corp., Red Blutr's major 111dastry. Before moring to Red Bluff 10 bls jaDior year d. bIgb scbool be resided 10 b8d, Calif. BASNEY BLASTS AT ORANGE COUNTY C1lDdt BasDey NO. 73, reall7 came throuch last 'RedDMdIY Dicbt, oct. llt1l. rt bls t:atber were bere be woaId surelY ban been pleUed. CbDck baDd1l7 _ tile 250cc TrllPll7 Dull aod could baft _ tile Main EYent if be bad DOt bobbled CIII lap 11 aod let BIll COllY SM8k _ _ .-aa him. Chuck reallY put Iogetber tile wiDoiDg combUlation and bas nerytblDc ~ Ing fOr him. His big old HODda jastpurred as be tore around tile qau1er-mile course. Afterwards, CIIac:k said be pr0bably would ban been able 10 wiD tile MaIII MONTESA MOTORS, INC. u.s. So~ m.trihutor 3651 se-Iy Bou"'"'-'d Ulo Angol... lAliloml. IIlIlJlM MOTORCYCLE PARTS 6 , ACCESSOR' ES F. III Brallds _ Is. r; C.H. eat & Ken Cono".., 0 , 4020 Tyler 51. Arllneton, CII. (714) 617-1373 EYent but be started 10 get a Ilttle tired and all It takes is one mtstakII wilen yon bave a fellow like BIll COllY beIdDd you pushing to get by. In bot pursuit of Chuck came RandY LayDe sod tIleD C1lDdt Suton - three HondU in bot pursuit of COllY on a Bultaco. In tbe lOOcc event, Russ RobiDsOII got behind Dave Aldaoa 011 tbe last lap to win the MaiD Eftnt. Russ WlIBD'tqutte as fortunate in the Tropby DUb, bowever, aDd couldn't get by Dave.Therlvalrybetween these two riders bas become a slgllt 10 bebold each Wednesday night. if Russ wins tile Trophy Dasb, Dan wins the Main, and vice versa. U's a one-two comb1Datl0ll, with both of the boys riding SUZukls and both sponsored by lrv seaver. Gary Kearns and Ron Taylor flnisbed tbird and fourtb. WedDesdl,y night October 25 tbe ACA Championship will be beld at Orange County Speedway with a $ZOO guaranteed purse. So, if you would like to see the boys competing for the last time tbis year 011 tile new quarter-mile course, make It 011 out. 'II ~ o o ~ = o or ill: ::. "" •

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