Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1967 11 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Sidehack Bay Mare SUDdIy. Alter practice It bad been jii upped up ap1nst the truck and wilen the rider came back it IIad gone. SO, U anyone knows anything at all about it, maybe just one person saw Ibis bike Association Bay Mare Scrambles By Maureen Lee Bay Mare Track near Simi, Calif. was the scene for the Sidehack Association scrambles Sunday, Oct. 22 and they threw a real good race. We hadn't been to Bay Mare for quite a spell and It's sure Improved. It didn't get dusty and the track Is super-fast. A mite TOO fast for some, as crasbes were frequent. With thirteen gals riding powder Puff and all at once, tlley got spectacular a couple of times (would you believe every mota) ending up with Dtane Connolly going off in the ambulance with a broken arm and a badly masbed knee and Marsha Mclntoshgoing home with an injured foot. Juanita Jen- KlllII lIa.bllun'l 250ce wi. al Bay .... wa••'1 NIf. H•• Rick Jam.. II rt",1 o. III .. Bolli nMII Bliiacol and really put o. a sIt_. being ridden away, please call Dean at Honda of Pasadena. It's a black 305 (35OCc) Honda, Bates seat, white TT pipes, Triumph fender, full dirt tires and carried ridtng number 793. Engine No. CL 771010625. 01 ..... for tIIIrd plac. 'n ... 350 Novlc••_ IIItw1. Rlcllard Watts (621) and Artllar Loben (473) METISSE OWNERS PARTY TIME By Maureen Lee It was an ()pen House for Rickman lovely 500 Triumpb Mark IV in blue. Discussion also took place toward forming a Metisse Owners Qrganizatlon to assist Metisse riders In overcoming any problems, whether a stolen bike or a simple problem overcome by another owner. The new Rickman hub was also displayed. The only one now In this country, it had arrived the same day as the Open House. Avaltable (they bope) around January 1968 it has a magnesium hub with a steel rim on the wheel and weighs 23-1/2 pounds with the spindle. Metlsse owners at Steen's Inc. Wednesday nlgbt, Oct. 18. We estimated the crowd to be a good 50 to 60 with a nice number of Metisses being displayed for the judging. Awards were then made. Best appearing Metisse was Ken Clark's beautunl road racer. Most Detailed Coostructlon went to John SchulZ's 650 Triumph. Most original Development to Jerry Standefer. Neatest Engine Swap to Steve Zabaro, who had shoe-horned a 750 Norton into the frame. Best Outstanding overall award went to Kelvin Franks and bis eUL.T~CQ A BULTACO WEEKEND (Adios, you other brands) Wednesday - Oraage Connty Speedwa~o 250Cc ........ -.1. EveRt 1st JIll PBftRSON - BULTACO P1lrSaDg 2IId LIB STUIIPBNHAUS - BULTACO PirSaag 3n1 SAL ACOSTA - BULTACO PuSaag Thursday 100cc .al. Evenl j -Trojaa Speedway, Short Traca 1st TOil WARREN - BULTACO LOSITO 1st LBB STUIIPBNHAUS - BULTACO ParSang 2nd TOII.ARRIN - BULTACO PnrSang 11 • s Saturda y .8 Ilo I. c c lIJ. lIII trKk. D81 wal at a _ of till lin• • till I adh. at a .ald._ for till S1d1l1ack A kiDs woo. Tbe tlddler division we ought to rename the "Kamikazes." BoY, do those little 50's haui and talk about diving in on the turnsl Steve Nichols (Honda) woo with Tony Mason (Yamaha) second. In the 100 Expert it was Keith Mashburn (Loblto) the winner but not without a serious challenge from KIrk McDowell (Honda). At one point with KIrk in second he slid into Mashburn's rear wheel and went down dropping him back to 7th p1ace In that moto. AnylDdy See a Hot Honda? Bultaco riders went home with the trophies In just about all the lightweight classes. The 250 Amateur class went to Larry Shoemaker with Tom Warren in hot contention all the way for second. Keith Mashburn won the 250 class after three straight wins with Rick James (Bultaco) making it three straight seconds and Pete DuPuY (Honda) third with again, three straight. Before we write about the heavyweight boys, there was a ractng bike stolen at ",,".1 cr:I........ That neat handling little Malco of Ronnie Randell's woo tile 350 Novice c1ass, with Triumph- mounted Joe Flores taIdnc the combined 350-500 Expert in good style. One of the most spectacular crashes oJ. the day happened in the 650 Amaleur first mota. Terry Moralrty (Triumph) dropped it on the sweeper aI the top of the flill and Dale BIrd (BSA) had no place to go but Into the fallen machine with the end result he soared over the handlebars. Both riders made it to the restart but Dale decided after that moto that it would be better off if be ended his racing for the day! Bob Mortensen (Triumph) won with hard riding BoddY Carter (Triumph) taking the second. Ben FakkeldY (Triumph) took the Open Expert class adding to the poinls be desperately needs in trying to close the gap for that number one plate now John Rice is out of it. Ben also wailed on 'em and took home the SWeepstakes trophy. Trophies for the day were gor-ge-usl. Electric clocks and the SWeepstakes one was really grand! (Results on page 16) Blsinore n mce IloYlce Cia.. ht D. KANAGAE - BULTACO SHERPA 2ad" UTTU - IIULTACO SHERPA 3rd D. VOLL - BULTACO SHERPA Sunday lit T. WARREN 2.d 50 ROGERS - BULTACO PurSan. - BULTACO PurSan. Sidehack Association AlIA Scrambles l00ce Expert lIoto 111 KEITH ~SHBURlI- BULTACO LOBITO 20d DOUG YERKES - BULTACO LOBITO 125ce Am. . .r IIoto ht PATRICK IIURPHY - BULTACO 2nd DEL HUNT - BULTACO 175cc Amaleur 250ce Expert Clall .ot. 200cc Auteur 111 ART CARTER - BULTACO SIl..,a 2nd.KE BAST - BULTACO SlMrpa 3rd TOM SHU~RO-BUL TACO SIIIrpa 4th PUFFY .cGOWU-BULTACO SIlerpa 51b GARY RILEY - BULTACO SIIIrp. 250ce Amaleur hi LARRY SHOEMAKER - BULTACO PwSanC hi STEVE BAST - BULTACO 2ad TOM WARREll 3rd ERIC OLESEN 5th LAUREil PICKUP 250cc NoYlcelloto 250cc El...,1 hi FUNK SPANGLER - BULTACO PurSan. 2nd JI. O'NEAL - 8ULTACO PurSan. hi KEITH MSH8URIII 2nd RICK JQES - BU LTACO PvrSanC - BULTACO PwSanC - BULTACO PurSan. - BULTACO PvrSan. - 8ULTACO PvrSan. For your nearest Built-to go Dlr. TR~ 7-2400 or PO. 9-0441

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