Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1967 11 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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THE CALIfORNIA EAGLES TOUR stoIy by George Hays The California Eagles couldn't bave picked a better day for their annual road run; temperatures on October 15th were in the balmy nineties. The 273 riders signed in at the Long Beach HarleyDavidson Shop, then followed the route through Downey, Rosemead, Arcadia, Azusa, City of Industry, Fullerton, and Anaheim. The run ended at Garden Grove Park after covering a distance of 86 miles. ." The Eagles selected a good place to end the run. The Park has aeres of green lawn, shade trees, playground equipment for the kiddles, and sbadedplcnlc tables. The 1:00 p.m. deadline was extended 15 mInutes for riders who were delayed by road construction and gusty winds en route. Machine judging led the program, and the judges really bad a problem picking the best looking bikes out of a long line of beautiful machines, each one worth from $3,000 to $5,000. Thechromegoodies and paint jobs on the custom bikes were fabulous. Next followed the dress competition, with all manner of sharp looking people lined up for Inspection and a chance to win a trophy. With a combination of fair play and diplomacy, the Eagles managed to select the winners and award the trophies with- Photos by George Hays '" ~ "'~ "'< 0", ~O ()~ z'" - .... u .'1!l1635 W.VAlLEY BlVD ALHAMBRA, CAUFOINIA 91803 Club members make an 10spec:tlDll 01 00. rld.r's bike 10 III. dress-competltloo catellO'Y. out making anyone- really sore, quite an accomplishment for any club presenting a road run. To keep things Interesting for everyone, judging and games were going on at the same time. Half a dozen gooey cream pies were disposed of in short order In the pie-eating contest. Aout half of the pies were eaten, with the other half winding up smeared all over the contestants. At the end of the contest, there was one chocolate cream pie left over. ThIs didn't seem rtght to Judy Spargo, a brave little member of Ute Eagles. Another Eagles member, Art Adams, was standIng Innocently by. JUdy picked up the pie and with e~ellent aim, let Art bave It right III the kisser. Everyone thought It was bJta1tious, but Art wasn't smiling much as he cleaned pie off his glasses, face, shirt, slacks, and suede shoes. Art took It like a good sport though, and at last report, JUdy was still allve. Art wasn't the only one to get all messed UP. The next event was the egg toss contest. Forty-eight brave contestants faced each other at a distance of about 50 feet, and played catch with raw eggs. The winners were the last team left to toss and catch their egg without getting splattered. If you're an outrider or a competition rider WIlo has never been on a road run, bring along a friend or two and ride the California Eagles Tour next year. The Eagles will do their best to show you a good time, and you'll find that road runs are fun. (Results .on page 16) o The Overlaoders & Th. Callfomla Ralobows slDad up lor lIIe Best Dressed Club Trophy. LET'S GET A MACHINE FOR DOC .... ~~.~~~~~~ :INSURANC ~ • THE MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE : WRITER • ~ • Sloe. 1937 • • or wrtte us direct. Also, dealer saVID,S on all busloe.. covera,e. • • JOHN W. MAYNARD : : • • • 3447 MOTOR AVE.iL.A. 90034 136-521 NORTHERN CALIFORNIA 1261 Uocolo Av.. Sao J Ole, CaHf. • • • .. .. SEATTL.E, Wasblolton • • Dou'las.....yn.rd 9027 50 35111 Ave. 50.. .. • You can losur.lllroup your dealer .cent, • • • • .. lar,. ~W~5 ~ • • .. Je:n~.~ • ~J~_. a :-:hlo 1Ilt TELL THEM YOU SAW IT IN CYCLE NEWS lAWNDALE CYClE 15324 HAWTHORNE BLI/D. LAWNDALE, CAlIFORNIA 616-0lIl ("::") SP2-IB2 2 stoIy and Photo by George Hays Dock Wright, a well-known Southern California road rider, bad a serious health problem. Due to lung trouble, Doc had to move away from the smog I He spent a year In Las Vegas, but It didn't help his lungs much, and the doctor told him to move away from the dust of the desert, or h'd soon be dust himself. IXlc hasn't been able to work mUCh, and being low on cash, had to sell his Harley so he could afford to move again, this time to Grover City, Calif. IXlck Is feeling mighty low without a bike, as anyone WIlo loves motorcycles can understand. In an attempt to cheer him up, Doc's wife suggested they go on this year's Death Valley Tour In a car. But Doc Isn't buying It. He feels the Death Valley Run is for motorcycles, and if he can't go on a bike, he Isn't going. This may well be the last year Doc will be able to make the Death Valley run. When Doc's friends learned of his problem, they decided to try to get a machine for him In time for the Run. The WhIttier Harley Dealer offered a '62 Harley 74 at his cost - $795. IXln Lowers, President of the Nuggets M.C., laid the pink slip of his own machine on the line as security, to be sure the machine will be available for Doc, even If the cash isn't raised In time. The Ralobows & TIle Nuu-ts will presentlllis -62 Harley 10 Doc 10 a.elor 11111's Deatll Vall.y Tour. IXln feels tbat If motorcyclists can contribute so much to other fund raising events (the Nuggets worked like dogs on the last City of Hope Run, for example) we can help one of our own riders. So far, a number of clubs bave contributed to the fund. The Nuggets came up with $50 from the Club Treasury. The Motor Maids contributed $25, the Rabble RQusers kicked in $20, the Rainbows donated $25, a number of Doc's outrider buddlp.s have donated a dollar or two eaCh, and several dealers bave contributed. AS well as contributing cash, the RaInbows are going to give the bike a new paint job, and the Nuggets are going to take care of the chrome and labor, so the bike will be presented to IXlc In like-new condition. Any of IXlc's friends who would like to hlep can send their donations to the Nuggets or to the Rainbows. You may call the Nuggets collect for Information at (714) 522-9060. Their address Is 6721 Western Ave., Buena Park, Calif. oryou may send a donation to Jerry McKinney of the Ralnbuws, at 11152 BunerHill Dr., Los Alamitos, Calif. Here's hoping we see Doc at Death Valley again this year.

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