Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1967 11 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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SIERRA SCRAMBLES SEASON ENDS Story and Photos by Dale McKinnon A successful racing season came to a smashing end on October 8, as the Sierra Club of Auburn, callf. put on one of the better scrambles of the year. Everything was run smoothly and fairly, with no complaints. Sierra club members have a beautiful track and plenty of space to bold any klnd of race they would like. They plan on having a few mud runs, ob, joyl All for one and one for all into the first turn In the 250 Amateur Main. The riders got off the line together and no one was going to give In. As it was, about balf of them went down or ran completely off the course so they had a restart. On the restart Gerald Henderson beat the pack away with Cliff Spalr and Robert Hausteln a wheerbehind. Robert got tangled up with several riders and dropped back. Roger Smart moved up to give native be wanted first, but be didn't reckon on . Henderson's determination to bang onto It. To make things wors~ Haustein came from last to pass everyone and miss first by a wheel. He .sure rode a beautiful race and bas great potential. In the 250 Expert Maln Miles Anderson, Gene Conant and Jim salton, all of Petulama, battled It out while brlnging up the rear of the star-studded field was none other than John (Junlde) Smith of Jobn Smith cycle Sales. On.. ~Ihr" In th. 650cc Allaleur IIlln w.. t III tills clo.. rldlnllrlo: #71 Bill (Triumph), #55 W.,.. Chase (H-D) Ind #5 Jim Fosl. (Triumph). Cbase can't beat; he proves it lD tile heats. And he bas the mach1nery - a Harley Sportster - but he followed Flett all around the course and couldn't catch him. )0 The last event of the day and seasoa was the 650 Expert Maln with Carl cranke, Jim saltooe and Gene Cooant the stars. In the heat they rode so close one could have covered them with a postage stamp. saltone grabbed the lead and hung on to It but Carl and Gene were trying to take It away from him all the way, flrst on the lnside then outside. In the Main they picked up wbere they left off io a three- way go. It was mostly Carl and saltooe In the Main. Even though Geoe had a momentary lead Carl copped It, then Jim passed Gene to ride peg to peg with carl, but try as he might Jim had to settle for second. Poor Gene just couldn't seem to get with It after the first lap or so. He didn't do so badly, though; a first In the 250 class and a third In the 650. I saw my first Benelll In action at this race and was I surprlsedl It took off so fast from the line you wouldn't believe it. Rod Varley was riding it for the flrst time (he usually rides a Bultaco). The thing Is no beauty bui Varley said It handled like a dream and he would have woo his 250 Novice heat if the back brake hadn't stuck and dumped him. He clalms It handles better than any bike he's ever ridden and he's been onquiteafew. Well, we'll see what be does next week at Roseville. (Results on page 16) . K.,s H. .~"'d Itllpll tooll ..cond pllce bOlIors I.... $1....1 scr_b1.s 100ce lIov1c. IIIIn E_t. 'Illey all got going In fine fashion, with Conant and Anderson barely In tront, peg to peg. Conant came out of the turn first and tlnished tbat way but be sure knew 1M! was In race, as Miles would catch him In the back stretch and ride side b)! side. Down the stretch Gene would pull away. Miles would try to and they dueled this way In both the beat and Main. lap a1ter lap. It was one of the most exciting races of the day. Miles t1nal1y tried so hard tbat be fellln the last lap, which gave Smith a second. The 350 Maln proved rather interesting as DOn DOnaldson got away flrst only to have Jim Elder relieve him of the lead. DOn (ell back and fought with James Thompson and Ronald Keys for second. It ended up with Ronald and James In a dead heat for tbird. All the 500 Amateurs made the first corner together but Bill McCllnton had a pretty grim hold on It comlng out with DOn Coleman right on bls rear wheel. Not to be outdone, Bob Hoffman and Jim McClinton moved In there to make it a three- way go for second. It was too mucb for DOn and he let Jim slip by. It wasn't long before Bob decided to make his bid coming in a close third. In the 650 Amateur Maln, Bill Flett and Wayne Chase fought for the No. One spot. Wayne always does real weliln the beats, but In the Mains he seems to lose out. There isn't a bike or a rider there SAVE. USED PKOHf HONDA PARTS TE 4-0558 Wilmington Discount Cycle Center 1505 AvalOll Wilmin&ton, calif. ~ 1fIiIuwt tUe 7~ & ~~4If ieute ti:tlliAtetdlt4 1M katd9. ~4IIU ad ~. BSA MOTORCYCLES· WEmIl, In m . 214i E. ....... 11II.. CIIK. 1111I (211). IZl1

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