Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1967 10 12

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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SATURDAY, NOYEMBER 4111 lsI ANNUAL INTEnATIONA L SNIPE HUNT, al Callfllmla Clll, CaBf., .p_Nd .., Parkl IlId R.c:rutlon Depl. Purpose 10 caplare IlIIpes for scJeallflc .tudy. No nreanns, weapOll' or trapplnl d.ylc........Itmd, only f1a"'lIchl and lUll., sack" For lIor. Info c_ tacl Roy SlYa,., Jr., Dlreclor 01 Parks & R.creatlon, Box 426, california CllJ, Calif. Phon.: 373....84. SAT, & SUN, NOVEMBER 4 & 5tb ENSENADA POKER TOUR-Spons. by Cycle News. 5'card pok.r run from Tijuana 10 En· senada, 65 miles. DancII, cocklllhllne, IIr&works, IIshlne derby, motorcycle parade, cu stom conlesl, sllYer souyenir pi ns 10 each ..IranI. Mall name, address and $2.50 lor each pre-enlry to Cycle News, Box 498, Lone _B!lch, callI. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 5th Call SUNDAY, OCTOBER 15th Wes~1!"C SUNDAY,OCTOBER2~ SPORTSMAN SCRAMBLES by lhe Richmond Ramb M.e. at Richmond, Calif. AMA sancl.. many line trophies, food and drink. Sllnup 9 10m., race at 12 noon. Walch $1.00. Ride $1.50. HILLCLIMB .., Easlsld. M.C. al Cycle Hills, Uyas Dam In Morean HIli, Calif. Sportsman AMA sanc.. all classes from 200Cc uPo $1.50 10 ride or watch, kids und.r 12 Man 811 iestrophy. Pracll ce 9:30 1081.. 12 noon start. "ft. JACKASS ENDURO bJ Foothill Hawks lI.C. Limed Irom R.d Mountain. Starl, noon check and IInl. al Red Mountain. ApprOL 110 mll.s. LIe. and muffl.r opllonal. Flrsl rld.r leaYII at 1:01 10m. 100ee B riders IInl'" al noon Mall enlrles close mldnlchl Ocl. 22, .nlry lee $4.00. Mall ..tries to Foothill Hawks, 7113 50 Blackford Ave., Whltller, Calif. Post Entries $5.00., , INTERNATIONAL MOTO·CROSS al Azlec Park In Sedan, Kansas. PAR·FlM sancllon, l\Tomll. cours•• Nallonal and Inl'l. classes. MOTDRCYCLE RACERS, INC. TO HOLD GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING C) Motorcycle Racers, Inc., the Southern California Riders Assn., has slated a general membership meeting on Wednesday night, October 18th, at 5250 W. Imperial Hwy., Los Angeles, 2 blocks west of the San Diego Fwy. All professional riders, owners and interested parties are cordially Invited to attend the monthly open meeting, which will begin promptly at 8:30 p.m. On the agenda for discussion are such items as the 350cc rule, safety faclllties, and plans for an end-of-season party. The M.R.I. Is still interested in receivlng, before October 21, 1967, opinions of riders, owners spectators, dealers, etc., regarding the proposed :l5Occ engine displacement limitation on professional AMA dirt track racing. Please write, expressing your views, to M.R.I. Board of Directors, 38 W. Neece St., Long Beach, Calif. 90805, so that the group can present their findings to members of the AMA Competition Committee. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 18th M,R.I. GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING Molorcycl., Inc., the So. Calif. Assn.. lavll.s all prof.sslonal riders, and parlles In att..d lis monthly prleral membership me.tlne. llem. und.r discus. Ion will Include proposed 350Cc rul .. safn, facilities, ..doof·suson pa",• ....lInl starts promptly al 1:30 Pom. Addres.: 5250 W. ImperIal Hwy, Los Anpl.s, 2 b1ks. we 51 of San 01.10 Fwy. SATURD,AY, OCTOBER 21st PACI FlC SOUTHWEST CHAMPIONSHI P HARE & H,OUND .., Vlclors M.C. (h.ld April 9) will be shown on ABC'. Wid. World 01 Sporla al 5 Pom. on TV Channe" 7. B. sur. III walch, especially If you were on. of th. 801 ..Irl.s. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 22nd 15tb ANNUAL TROUT FRY, $hnp Hop .p_ bJ Dave Ma.on, Ed and Skip FordYce. Al Whitewater Troul Falll, Whlleo Wiler, calif. Motorcycles only. 12 noon to 2 ...........r donatlDII $1.50. EntrI.s close Oct. 2, po.1 ..trI.s $2.00. Lucky Rider, TropIIJ and 70 other awards. Contact Ma.on's sbop In Pasadena, Kretz' shop 'In Monterey Park or FordYce's "'op In RI_.lde for lIore Infonaallon. so'" SIDEHACK TT SCRAMISLES al Bay Mare, Calif.. presenled .., th. Sidehack Assn.. 01.1. 37 points. SmaU blk.s al9 10m., ble blkes al noon. Off Hwy. 111 belwMn Soml s and Moorpark, call 35301719 for more Info. SCRAMBLES .., Taft lI.C.. lrack \4....11. wesl of MariCopa, Calif. Practlc. 9·11 a.m.. • Ienup close. al 11 a.m., IIrsl rac. 12 noon. Man miles Irophy, AMA sanc., 01.1. 36A rul.s. Food and re".shlll8llls on &rounds. For more Info contact Bill Blanco, P.O. Box 904, Tall, ca If. Phon. 765·2370. 25th ANNUAL TURKEY HARE & HOUND, p.....ted by So. Canf. MoC. AMA .anet., two 4O-mll. loops, lrall bikes first loop only. L. Mans .tart; brine prop. Start 9 ...... n.. I ..... pins, $3.25 ..try. LImed 30 mi. nortb of Mojave at Red Rock Canyon. Followlne race, flrsl 4 H.avyw.lchl, Llchtw.lcht and Trail· blk. rld... III scrambl. sfl.r live lurkeys. SAT. & SUN" OCTOBER 28 & 29 14th ANNUAL DEATH VALLEY TOUR, adyance .nlrl.s only, $3.00 p.r p.rson. $1.50 chlldr.n .under 12, clos. Sat., Ocl. 14. Mall .ntrl •• 10 Molorcycle Tours, Inc., 12738 S. Paramount Blvd.. Down.y, CallI. You will recely. COld ru'" map kll and Inslruettons by r.lum mal I one we.k belore start. Brine lood, SIMpine baes and oth.r camplne .qulpment, win one 01100 n.w·lJp. trophies. AMA r.etstrallon booth will be OP" al Furnac. Cr••k Raneh on Sta. Irom 1·5 p.m. and Siln. 9-10 a.m.,lr•• AMA award. No car.ntrl.s accepted. 4th ANNUAL BANNER GRADE RUN by Arlesla Plon••rs. Call (213) 4250$321 lor more Informa II DII. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 29th TEHACHAPI RELAY ENDURO SCRAMBLES byHI-Jlnx FMC. Trail eurln, only. All musl hlY. Mil. USee per bike, I.ams limited 10 225cc max. 4 loops a",""d a 16....11. course. Entry I . S5.00 per leam. Take Golden Stat. Fwy. 10 Palmdal. turnOff co pasl Lancaster, lurn rlchl al flrsl slens In Rosamond. From thaI slplal follow the lime. Enter Cycle News' New Subscription Contest PRIZES nRST PIlIZE-- Vamaha Trailmaster 100. Perte >. U

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