Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1967 10 05

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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"11IE VOICE OF CALiFORIIA I sem8g all Ibe west Pablisller aIlC1 Advel"lisiq MaDager ••••••••••• Cbarles C. Clayton Editorial stories, cartoon, photos, 811siaess MaDager•• SIIaron Clay&oD etc. are welcomed and will be paid CirCDlatioD Mer••• Gaye Tbomason for upon publication (except press Editor•••••••••••• Carol Sims releases and ·Voice" letters. AdPIIoto Editor•••• , DeIlDis Greene dressed, stamped envelope assures Editorial Assistant.Robert Bradford return. AdYertisillC Asst. • Lynn Lancaster Single copy price ••••••••• 25¢ Subscription: One year 2nd class PublislJed weekly except the first Mail •••••••••••••••• $7.50 and last we!)k of the calendar year One Vear First Class Mail•• $14.00 lu' C&S Publishing Co., Post O!lice (Subscribers please allow three Box 498, Long Beach, California. weeks [or address change.) second Class postage paid at Long Advertising rates and circulation Beach, C'aI.if. . information will be sent upon request. BY CHUCK CLAYTON Part II " tile series: 1 . ._1 ReSllllSililiIJ . . 5e1H:l....1 . nAT'S MORE IIPORTOT- FREEDOM OR LIFE! .America·s current compulsion to decree a belmet on every motorcyclist's bead bas been balted for discussion in too state of california. Tbis gives us a good opportunity to try and understand the tbinking bebind tbis professed concern for our beads and possibly even propose some alternative measures tbat might save more lives without sacrificing any more of our liberties. Many people botb in and out of the motorcycle game bave chosen sides for or against compulsory protection. Only a few oppose the wearing of belmets and goggles as a commoJtoSense safety precaution. Tbis minority claim tbat they cause discomfort and restrict vision and bearing. Tbey say tbey would not prevent a person from wearing them if be wants to, however. Tbe side that opposes freedom of cboice in this matter argues that tbe individual motorcYcle rider cannot be trusted to do what is best for himself, even wben be knows that a belmet could possibly save his life. Racing rules require tbat a belmet be worn at all times on tbe track, they point out. Why sbould not tbe highway and trail rider be forced to wear similar protection? I shall not debate tbis argument OOre except to plint out that competition riders also wear leather suits, boots and gloves (if only on tbe left band). Sume go so far as to don football shoulder pads and otho- protective gear. At least tbese are tbe current fashions. Tbe side favoring individual responsibility in this matter reasons that life is a complex hazard that most of us are trying our best to swvjve. Tbose wbo have bad mucb experience with motorcycle riding point out tbat, properly ridden, tbe cycle is botb quicker and safer than many otber convenient fODDs of transportation. Motorcycle riders should no more be compelled to wear beadgellf than automobile drivers should, they S8Y- llmow that a good belmet can save my skull in a medimn-severe accident, so I usually wear one wbenever possible. I tbink that nearly every rider will choose to protect himself wben it is left to bis decision. If a OOlmet is available. Not II:DO.~11 Bel.ets For All Unfortunately at present, I am told there are not enougb good existence to provide one for every motorcycle rider and passenger in tbe state 11 California. Tbe belmet industry needs at least one more year to manufacture all the belmets eau:tornians would need if they were required by law. Before pursuing our discussion (which bas beed rather one-sided so far; how ahout some letters, readers?) 11 Individual Responsibility and SelfControl, we sball pause DOW and define the terms. Responsibility means someroe to take tile credit or blame. In this case the individual rider is responsible for bis own fate. self-control is a simple way 11 saying that wbenever you ride your mota-cycle you've got your life (and maybe mine, too) in your bands. Understand that your life is in reasoDllb~ good control as long as you are. Next week 1 will spell out six me.asures that the legislators could if they really want to cut the number of motorcycle accidents. And DOne of these six proposals would sacrifice a grain of individual liberty. Protecting my bead is all well and good, but my freedom is even more dear to me tban my life. Bow about representatives !rom BarleyDavtdsoD, Yamaha 1Dternational, CooIler, Rockford, F1aDders, PaIl8tco, BerJiDer, American Booda, IlSA-Western. .JoImson Motors, AmericaD Kawasall:l. llDd tile dDr.eDs cI. o8Iers 1Ibo dI!IIeDd for tbelr Ihelibood em tile sale of macbinps? ~ eKh cI. as wbo owns a street tJike write to !be manufacturer cI. importer llDd ask "Wbere were yon 1IbeD !be sbip hit tile SlIDd'?" • Tbe automotDe iDdastry repr Esedatives were out in fall force with lawyers, PR men, llDd Nationals in this particular day and age not oo]y guarantee the rider a set purse, but tile promoter a gathering of lbe best riding talent in the nation. T1lis, it seems to me, kinda takes the risk out of. promoting, so I lbererore feel that any National sanctioned by the AMA in the future should take into accouni an overage system that is compatahle to both the riders and the promoters. Quoted attendance ai sacramento was in the nelgbborbood of 20,000 which adds UP to an unbelievable near$100,000.00 gate. As stated earlier, I would be more than w1ll1ng to wager that the sales of programs more lban compensated for the llabillty of such an insignlf1cant purse. This has been going on for years and will continue Pm sure unless some very enlIgbtenlng figures a,re brought to light aDd the .. name" riders finally realize that on far too many occasions, lbey are beiDg highly capitalized upon. With the impending revision of. the AMA, 1 can only hope that this particular situation will be dwelt upon with some very deep coocern. Very truly yours, Earl Rolotl san Diego, California and George Roeder Cal Rayborn Fred Nix Meri Lawwlll detectives 1IbeD tile coagresslOllll1 bearings were beiDg held OIl tile natiOlllll saret;y biDs. Remind !be compuy thathls poc:ketIJooII: is inYolYed. JD otber words, strike at bts -.ri. JrascfbJy yours, Riet RitdIa Fico Rivera. caJifonda. ( ~ or !lie ~ i e s in _ list ~ !lie ficllt aeu- -'air legi~ 1aU- __ adftltisUc in CyCle ews and .-me it passillle lDr as to c:an:J tile - l i e to __ _tiers. TIle odters cave .. earl . .liJIIistic:aUy Ii-mc IIIat ~ v e laws ....... 111ft . . ~Ii""s sales, bBt . .t affec:l tbein! IIDton::Jcfe basiJ'eS!Dea are greal . . . . . .li1ftS, Take away IaIf IIIeir IRad willi _ ~ law ud " ' 0 MliliadY _t IlIal irs DOl lID ..... ~ s still r a loaf left.-) ANOTHER 'ISLE or all lbe "Why doesn't -.eooe 00 somelbing?" letters llDd articles I !lave seen published about motorcycIerestricting legislation, tile oo]y _sible me is your • • .that riders line individual responsibilities. 1bat's w1Iat we're saying, isn't it. 1IbeD we object to belmet laws but laYor tile 1lIII!8ring of. belmets? The idea, of. Mr. HaeckelllDd otbers, that the AMA assume a IotJby1Dg responsibillty, is unreasonaNe. Tbe primary concern of !be AMA llDd its active members is COmpetitiOll. Tbe CoImnbas olftce is run by old-timers 1Ibo nreJy ride. 'Ibte majority 11 tile clubs are competition clubs wbose membersseldom ride OIl the streets. R~ridiDC cIab members are oo]y a tiDy frad:\oIl cI. tile street riders. You scgesled that riders write tbeir senators and AssemlJiymeD. I SQC&eSt that we also write to tile people 1Ibo are maIdDg tbelr liviDg from !be iDdDstry. Tbe mODtbly magazines all bad JeUers and editorials cODdemn1Dg restrldhe 1eglslat1oo. But were GcrdOll lennines, lVaD Jim DIlYis or WIDiam aaJl 1D sacramento for tile 1EU'IDp? waeer, u.e- TOP ..OS SECIllD THE IOnOI JlISt think: TbeDettromprogramsales in all prdJaIJilt;y was more thaD ample to pay the e-raaIeed $7,5000 at tile receat s.crameato Z5-JOle Niltioaal. Here is a wery deplorable situatiOll that bas degeIoped ~ !be JelU"S with 110 effort wbatsoewer by the AJIA to recti1'y same. WIlen !be e-raaIeed purse was iDitiated by the AMA JelU"S ago, I am quite sure that !be riders' weUare was uppermost in miDd. Bat s1Dce tbeII as time bas a -.J of doiDC.lhi."+ecbaoJcedo'WlSldeI'atIIy. •••••••• • •••••••• ...That Ron will be back to entertain at the next Dist. 37 overnighter••• by popular demand! ••• •••• •••••••••• ...That ne xt year Dis ttict 3 7 may gi ve points for sportsman short track? ••••••••••• • • • ••• ••• That three-time Grand National Motorcycle Champion Joe Leonard, now a top auto racer, bas been signed to a 3-year Firestone contract at $50,000 per year, and will open a Firestone tire shop in San Jose? ~ ................ QUESTIONS AND .. ANSWERS * • pas"""..,....... egeD ••• That prospective Checker Ron Hayden, who played guitar and sang at the Dist. 37 M.C.G.P. last month, is a more talented amateur entertainer than most professionals? * By The Answer Man Of course the gases will no longer be drawn from tbe carburetor but 'father fed to tbe intake valves and you will find the engine mucb richer tban when previously run witbout the bell. Jet accordingly. QUEmOI: I am trying to overhaul my own engine and I . .IooIIWlWIlWIIrIli.... have never done it before. Someone told me or I read it somewhere, that QUEmOI: I have an XLCH, it is if I use the pistons and rings over bored, stroked, ported lJ8ain that they should go back in aDd polished. the same position they were in when I have oue of the new H-D 5A I tore it down. Is thi sture and hOff Tillison carburetors and I was adcan I tell what position they were irJ? vised not to use the pump on this D.O. - San Jose, CaliL carbo My advisor also told me to ANSWER: Judging by the sound of place an extension between the carb your letter, I can guess and manifold. that you should have kept the magaHow do I determine how long this zine or try and relocate the someone should be, the diameter and should for help. it be stIaight or flared, wi th the If you did wish to use the same pistons and rings (wbich I do not edges straight or rolled? K.R. - San recommend) then, ye·s the pistons Bernardino. Calif. must be replaced in tbe same cylinder ANSWER: Your benefactor was correct in all of the information be supplied you with. You do need a bell at tbe carburetors air cleaner end. Witbout it a great deal of gas would be drawn from the carburetor and dissipated into the air. Tbis is a problem that always exists witb a side draft carburetor due to a partial vacuum tbat is formed at the carb opening. Ru:ming a straigh t extension would cure nothing at all. Tbere is not a formula in existence that can give you the exact dimensions you require and some of tbe desired tuning will have to be done by trial and error. I have seen this carburetor used in a series of tests that ended wi tb a flared bell three inches in length and two and one half to three inches jn diameter at tbe opening or air cleaner side. Tbe edges must be rolled, or turbulences tbat would be produced by a straight edge would give the effect of runni~ a restricted or smaller bell opening. hole from which they were removed. They should bave been marked before you removed them. Unless you are a ballistics expert, armed with a microscope you won't be able to match tbe correct cylinder and piston afterwards. When your informer stated ·tbe same position" he or it meant that one specific face of the piston should be to tile force face of the cylinder. The rings must be in tbe groove from which they were removed but that is all, providing they are placed in the correct cy linder hole accompanied by the correct piston. Be sure that the ring gaps are staggered around the piston, such as one forward, one to the rear and etc. New rings cost so little that I sure bope you will replace them rather than trying to run the old ones. Now that I think of it, why not replace the pistons also? S.d your qUlltlans to T1Ie Answer lIan, Care of Cycle MIWS, Box 491, Lone llelIch, Calif. SorIJ, lIOlume III IIIlIIJ does IIOt allow us to s_d lodlvl.a...plies. IIA SA SE pu Fr Fit H

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