Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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•• LUB DIRECTOR¥ Is your club list r7 Clabs please Dote: SeIad yoar illV) fOlll&tiOD ~ clo Cycle NewsJClab DirectoryBeaell. Col ~ Col 98. Long ..:J U ;:.., U ACE OF CLUBS of IIHts hI ..d 3rd ••cllpt Dec. (1st "II UdJess P.O. 11746. Club addr.s ORTH. 1417 Jonl II. lmington. AMA sane. nights 8,00 .. 23015 CaHI. !~~~;~~;~5~~~~ EI Monte. Calif. AMA A.II.A. (AIIERI33 u Puent.. PII. CA".ImTD ASSOCtATlOlI) N.II 1IDdJ. Address: 9 .0 ......s11lp 52..... ye. AIIERICAN CYCLE ASSO Le. ",Is ..." Friday. wrlla: p.o. 80. 3191, Eur.. all riders in speedway, rno ra.d r.cln, as ""II as enthuslasls. you would Ilk. 10 camp.t. or b. ass.. clat.d wllh racin, in the 01 cours" personn.', conllet the A.C.A. oHlce, P.O. 80. 247, Full.rton, CallI. or c.JI (714) 147·!g9. __ ._ AIIERICAN IIOTORCYCLE SERVICE ASSII. (AIlSA) Eoterpocit!r santee Iar IIIOlareycl... 0 ye.r. 1272 SanseI B1.d., pl... (213) :.~~~lA CYCU~~."fM) , CallI. FOOTHI LL HAWKS 1I.e. I .. Tu... II 1:30 ,... .1 1 . . La Nietos, S.ntl F. Sprln. 1.10 call Paul .1 ~ ·FOUR ACESII.C:-In. I meetln. any Th..s. nlpl the FI.ld house beIIlnd mood. North Hollywood P I. St. IIaII P. Narth I:lallywoocl, C.III. 9 GHOST IIDERS 01 Pomon• • • • • Riding Club. Meets 1st and 3rd Frid.y .t 2231 Concord Ave.• Pomon... Write E. O. Colem..n...ddress "'!nf' (714) 623·4676. ,lIllnllon of Ill. and ather larms N_acln, p.s Ch.,lers In Las San Francl sea. ..d 51. louis••Is N H II AlITELDPE RAIIBL P. Imd. I., AIlA chart. IIHts T.... II 17132 H CallI. Post m.etln. r BARSTOW •• B Slnct. .eets 2nd & Thurs. ... mo. .1 new .dd..... Blrslow Pollc. Depl. Aucltorlum II 225 E. lIounllln VI.w. N.w ...11 .ddress: P.O. 80. 121, Barstow, Caliloral •• BLACK HAWK 1I0TORCYCLE CLUBConllct urry d. Rlld, 555 AI .... do St., IIIlsllIn•• C.III. Phone 467-2059 lor meetln, Ih•••nd pl.c.. iiL"UE -BARONS .~C. 1315'-"50"'uth=-:41'""sl Str..t, Tacoma, Washineton. BRUSH IIld 4th 110 P..sldenl 629-3792 al (714) 593~.St. u V IIIIW CLUB 335 P.r 94030. CAUF. chart. 41h Beach, CALIFO AMA S.n GOLDEN STATE M.e. of Pasadena. Ro..d riden rep. H. W. Borden, 5406 N. M..pleIree, i... C.lif. GI 8-9388. UNDS competition club. Scr.mbles • desert. Meet ~ ....ery other Wed.• 8 p.m. .t S.ber Room. lo~ Empire St•• Bur~nk. Phone 285-4466. GIltP TWISTERS Le. II Vandee.... AFB.Address: P.O. 80. V.. _ .... AFB, C.III. Phon. (80S) WA 2· 4416 lor membership Inlorm.lion. "I, GIIPSTERS M.C. Compe';' LUCKY WHEELS MC. Road R;d; D RAMBLEIS. Road R;d;nll Club. Meets SOUTllRN CAUF. TRIALS ASSOCIATION- Meets 8:00 p.m. on first .nd t of each month, at H·O shop, . Holt St., Pomona. Phone 633-5 17 , & RRC. Pr..., J. M. Jones - 983- 52 . LUCKY FEW Le. Ro.d Rldl•• AlIA chlrterecl" p.o. 80. HA. L Gatos, Calli. • ARRIED WHEELS LC. "'Is nrst Saoda, of . d .-th at 7:30 P'" .1 5oz'*l Sport Spot, 1241 Holt Bl.d., Ootalo, C.III. All _rled persons wlticome to attend. MONAICH M.C. 901 N. La C.lif. ~71·76C9. MOTOltCTCLf1RA~~~t~~~ g.ining .agent for CI , et'S, owne1' 372-0536. tion, Los , ~C:. ",::;.':~si09~~' San. AlIA 11152 SUlk- • HIli Dr•• Los AI.mltos. Calli. cHEeKas Me, 1710 Magnolia Blvd.• Bur bank. Enquire at Smithy's .nytime. "A chance 10 mingle wilh the best:' Wed. _nile, 8:00 p.m. COACHELLA VALLEY 1I.e. AIlA sancllon.d compo club. _Is ..ery W.dnesday. Add.. ss: 71· Rancho .1. . . C COLOIlAMAS _ CHAPAIIALS CAlIF. Wodnetdey of - . OF af MolOtCycie Goocfies, ., leilflower, c.IiI. ROGUE VALLEY RIDERS Le. INC.. 420 Crest.lew Laop, Grlllli Pass, Or•• 97526. Phon. (503) 476-2110 or (503) 476-eoll. ROUGH RIDERS olH.yward LC.AIIA . .c" dirt .nd road rldlne club. lloell III a : 531-21 _ .:.... .~..... ....111. " .' ~~'. ~ 'Pp.~~un" IOUGH IIDERS .. Cal;f. AMA sane. Meets' J~~.~:.:.rri$On St., P.r.mount, every thti".tt""I~:30 p.m. NOIWALK CENTAUIS M.e. 12630 Whitt.ier Mail addr~s' Rough Riders MC, P.O. Box Blvd., Whittier. Meets 1st Thurs. of month, 516, Par.mount, C.lif. Phone ME 3-4368. ride nights on other Thursdays. Open for ==:-:==,....""'""-:=:,,......,.~~--:=""" membership, viaitors w.kome. Whittier, C.llf. JIlfiJlmaWHRt ./ STRIPED CRU Charter.d. . . . . and .11 competilioa '.. ..Is _kly II I p.m. uch W .... sday .1 ...bL... 1Yd., Venice, CIIII. Me of Sunla~, Wednesday OAKLAND 1I.e. Road & c--UU cl..... oels .. ery W .Ida, .1 11 . - 36th St., O.tlMld, C.III. "S1ace 1907 de""''' to sal on 1M roado" P.rk Recre. II .ddrftl: 01 LERS ••C. Comp.tltlon ••ery Tu....Ipl, I p.m••1 61 St., Coronado, Calif. aince 1939. Ition club. Meet every Wed. at Shelf Morors, 3346 Century Blvd., Lynwood. 638-4864. S p.m. TRINITY TRAILSTERS •• C~ INC. AlIA 5IIlct. .eetln. . .. , Fri. al&lll '1 I pom. KI_ Bra.. Cycl. Shop. .111 .ddress: 80. 177, Willow Creek, C.III. 'Z~:~:;~~~~'?~r w..-- ~~;~. . _ ..... b. P.O. ilo;< call 164-2160. •, RIDERS LC. INC. 01 South San I.J. AIlA SanctIOlled. "e1s II J.ckson St-' •• ery Tuesday, 1:00 p.m. lIall .d. . . . as •••• Post _lin, club ran durin, IClI¥tty cootest. Shalli. board .nd sIllll pool II clu~ houu~. _ 272, PI.cenli•• C.lif. 7:30. Chapm.n H.lI, P leome, new members Invl NIA RAINBOWS Ro.d Club. ~.rd Saturd.y of ••ch month .t 11503 English enthusiasts. Secretary: Ray· -~~h St., t.k~ood, C..lif. Write Jim monel Mor••u, 4707 W. l64th St., Lawn-~ .. 14286 Keese Or., Whittier, C.lif. d.le. 37~91. Observers welcome .nd ,..-::?"" needed. ....,. Thur...1 I p.m. Carr.1 ......... ship _la,s~cI us II 25224 ssl on BI ¥II., .. 94S44. GROUNDSHAKERS II; petlllOll club. us V.p I•• s lOW .ed .pln, _ s oIIIcers. but ""II or,..1 co..l.. Ad.ess: 165 Fr us VOC's, HAWTHORNE GDIPHERS etltlon and scrambles club. Meets I pm second Tues 01 each m at 4751 W.166Ih., Lawndale. For In c.1I (213) 370-7630. I-HATS ••C. AMA Sancllon.d. . .ets y Tuesd.y 1:30 p.m. .1 C.A.P. Idlnc, Buchanan FI.ld, Concord, I• •all P.O. 80. 467, nil%, Calilami.. X FAMILY •• C. 01 Narw.I~..-.".oJ, runs, fun meets, camp.tlllo , IIHtln,s h.ld lsI lion. 01 mo • .t 7:30 p.m. II Jenilins Sparts o Park. 13200 San Antonio Dr., Norwalk• • G.rdens, "9a c h l4 CALI FeHpe, EI Mon'e r-. ,30 p."". Ma;l add,ess, I Monte, Calif. Phone: Listing in !his department is free. contributed as a service to CYCLE NEWS readers and California motorcycle clubs. As a result we have to rely on the motorcycling public to advise us when listings are erroneous or out of date. If you discover a discrepancy in this department. please write or call us to sel it right. Hl.soon MC. Combined Ro.d .nd Co . Club. Nebo Hall on Nebe Ori....e. L. . Mee';ngs every Tues. 8,00 p.m. Third Tues. every month is dub soci.1. HIUTOI't'ERS Me INC. 01 $;gnal Hill, Calif. AMA Meets ., 2255 Cerritos., side entrance, Sign. I Hill. Thurs. al 8 pm.. Post Meeting. refreshments. Mail address P. O. Box 1746. Long Beach, Calif. JACKIAlIIIT COMPETITION MC. Mee.. ev· ery Monday .t 8:30 p.m. at the Jackr.bbit b house, 9143 east Compton Blvd.• Bell· JJusr off .~!kewood~~~ .t 8 p.m Hoyt St CRU rwlN WHEELEIS Me..... AMA unetionecl. Meets Thurl. 8 p.m., Stroube and Alvarado Sts., EI Rio. Mail "ddress: P.O.Box 102, Oxn.rd, C.lif. 485·5201. PA pulved., C.lif. lh Sepul....ed.. m. Post MeetMattson, P.O. if. n E. Stoner, 1411 E. 7th. St., Ch..l.s Ray Myers, V. 51. 5IIl 01.'0 (714) 27 PALO ALTO. C.oIP.lo 10~ COOlpetltloe rider.. Sponsor of Northern Calli. dI .eets ....,. W.eI, .1 I ,... .1 B1dlo.1901 E.. barc...... Rd" P.lo C. ol.lnt Canyon. PASADENA MC ot Pasadena, Ca ':;~,)j~~~ibiIIOOk for members in the Meets at 21 E. Howard, P'S