Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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ROGUE VALLEY 11 SCRAMBLES· By Virginia Copeland The Rogue Valley Raceway at Medford, oregon ran their first motorcycle 'IT scrambles Friday night, Sept. 14th, 011 a 1/4-mile clay oval, using the two turns and back straight-away with a switchback, lined with tires in tront at the grandstands. The track Is completelY banked except for the switch-back, and gave the 37 area riders a little dltterent type of racing than they are used to. At 8 p.m. the races were started with the 100 class heat race. Gene Schneider at Grants Pass, oregon riding a Honda, took the lead from the line and held It all the way. Dennis Krols, mounted on a Bultaco, took the 200 heat race followed close by Dale Hall Jr., also 011 a Bultaco. RalPh Detloff and Larry McLane came in tlrst and second In the 250 beat race, both riding Bultacos. First place in the open heat race went to Gene Schneider, riding a Honda sponsored by Pollock's Marina atGrantsPass. Mort Sulllvan took the earlY lead in that heat race but Gene got around him on the third lap and away he went. Mort, mounted on a Triumph, tried hard to catch blmbut couldn't do It before the tlnlsh tlag. 'Ibis Is Gene's second time out on the Honda 450 and he has proved both times he knows bow to ride it. The 100 "A" MaIn saw SCbnelder out In tront again and stayed there unW the tIn1sb, folloWed by Ron Johnson on a Bultaco and seth Dean on a Kawasaki The 200 "Au MaID saw a battle between Ralph Detlott and Dennis Krois. Ralph took the lead from the line but Denn1s got blm on the second lap. Ralph tried hard to get back around blm but just couldn't make It. Dennis crossed the line first with Ralph right behind him, folloWed by WaJIy Coburn on a Kawasaki. Detlott again took the lead tram the line In the 250 "AU Main. 'Ibis time he was folloWed by Ginther and Dan was pushing hard. Ralph kept the lead right up to the last lap, just a few feet tram the tIn1sb line, and then Dan got aroundblm for first place, leaving RalPh In second spot again. Larry McLane (Bultaco) came across the tlnlsh line In third place. Tbe Open "A" MaID lett the line with Ken W1l11ngham, mounted on a BSA, out In tront, folloWed by Chuck Buchanan (Honda) and Mike Lawless on bls BSA. Gene Schneider was In fourth spot, trying hard for third. He took over third and went after Chuck. About mid-race, Gene got second away from Chuck and started atter Ken, still In first, but Ken had gotten a long lead on blm. Gene was just getting Into a challenging position when they crossed the tl.DI.l\!l line with Ken still In tlrst place and Gene In second, folloWed by Chuck Buchanan. 100 CLASS Gene SChneider Hon 'A' MAIN Gene SChneider Seth Dean 200 CLASS TROPHY DASH DeDnis Krois -A· MAIN DeDnis Krols Ralpb DelioU Wally Cobum 250 CLASS Tbe 100 Trophy Dash again saw Gene take the lead and keep It to take the trophy. Dale Hall Jr. took the earlY lead In the 200 Trophy DBBh with Denn1s Kro1s rIgbt behind blm. Dale went over the bank on the second lap leaving Dennis out In troDt to take home the trophy. Tben Dennis crawled all b1s Bultaco and onto a Yama1la sponsored by Yama1la Sports Center at Grants Pass to ride the 250 Trophy DBBh. In the dash, Dan Ginther at Medford on a Greaves took an earlY lead and kept it all the way. The tans were surprised when Mike Lawless on a BSA grabbed the lead in the Qpen Trophy DBBh, pushed hard by Schneider. Mike went down In the second lap right In tront at Gene, but Gene managed to miss blm and go on to win. ADS OFFERING AIVTHING TO AIAY OR TRADE - FREE Bal Bal Bal Kaw TROPHY DASH Dan GiDther °A' MAIN Dan Ginther Ralpb DelioU Larry McLane 'B' MAIN Dan Hilblower Evan 1b1llll1er Gre Gre Bul Bul Duc Bal Duc Uoyd Lawless OPEN CLASS TROPHY DASH Gene Schneider Hon ·A· MAIN Ken WiUincham BSA Hon Hon Gene Schneider Chuck Buchanan nce $300.00. T.I.: 9aa·I654. FOR SALE: 1966 Bullaeo Sb.rpa 2DOcc $425. Exc.lleat COlIdlUOlI. Call (714) 8as·5106 wk. days (7l4) 337-2679 ._Ines. 1 FOR SALE 1961 YAMAHA 100 D.sert" ,lIrllne shocks, mac, tun.d piP" BlItes ..d man1 oth.r pdl.sJ V.,y cb.r1')'. Call ...s (213) 363·2784. FOR .SALE: Honda 350 GoP. racer. Special 16 ooO Smith's tacil, 5·s....d Fore.tru., H&C. IIIli• on.r _ •• 11 5 sp.ed, tach, lalrlne. seat & tank separat•• Da1 (213) 671-5035. NI;'ts (n4) 121·7211 PIr\'1. DESERT ISIKE: 1964 Trt. TR6C, Cartanl, Ncenll, rebuilt. 839·14113 (n4). NEW FIBERGLASS SEAT/TANK UNIT Incorporat•• seat, ps tank, 011 tank and Iellder In OM lI;'lw.l;.t plec•• W.lchs tIwl 15 Ibs.. :lobolt attachm.nt, meull1ake colors, padd.d sut,cholc. olmamrlal colors. Two sizes to 1ft most bikes. Prices $99.95 and SU5. Call (213) 96204319 American Comp.UlIon Encl_rtne. Don Jones. CYCLE CONTRASTS By Kenneth R. Edwards Nippon"s cycle makers made the docile, quiet, and the staid; With Honda's 55cc their first produced in quantity. Creating seekers of the thrills attached /.c ridiDg "in the hills'; Made lovers of the scenic ride through byways-dotted countryside. Such modest looks and mini-speed unsatisfied our Yankee need, So larger cycle 2's and 4's began arriving on our shores. Tempted those with" throttle wrist" with urgings they could not resist, Whose poor control, excessive speed dumped careless rider-damaged steed. Through advertising that emerged the many young-in-heart were urged, To savor fully the delight of inexpensive 2-wheeled night. Others chose, in sordid prideunhelmeted, unkempt, to tide; Creating for sane riders too the trarnished image of these few. The Public, judging what it sees Wide-ranging this approach /.c fun of motorcycling devotees, that offered almost everyone, Such choice of bikes, alluring ways- Must be convinced we're larger those whose best behaviored manner shows. by which to yield to cycling's craze. COIIMERCIAL ADVERTISERS RATE T. . . .I $2.. Picture (suppll.d 1111011) ••• $3.DO ••tra Prlc.s ••• 10 -.Is or, plus add $l.DO ••• 25 . .nls or I. IllS ss '0' $2 ,DO 63 BULTACO SHERPA 200cc rebuilt, sacrl· Ilel PrldJnDN now offers K_I.r Irall.s, Indlnl link lorks, either custom or bul" utlllzial ,our ollllul Irame and .xlsUnl .0110" frames string at $165.00, lorks $75.00. Also ps ..d 011 tanks. R.I Prld1lON 760 Flrina Place, Santa BlIrbara, Calli. 93 05. T.I: (805) 962-6769. - by S. G. Scales HEADLINE II BOLD TYPE· • $1.. IIIrI. 1966 B.S.A. 441 Victor, Specl al paint, onl1 1100 mil... 322·5677. INTERESTE DIN SIDECAR RACING! ASTRANGER Windswept face without a frown. Tall. lean an' lanky he rode in/.c /.cwn. Early teens or twenties it was really hard to tell But he rode a motorcycle and that labeled him pure hell He went to work for Elmer ove tat the country store And sometime during the evening he fixed old Widow Perkins' door He stayed down by the ocean just away from it all Not bothering anybody, having himself a ball. People couldn't understand him, they said he was odd, Living outdoors an' surviving off God. But they couldn't make him angry although heaven know they tried. They accused him of stealing, then they said he lied. Everyone was against him because hr rode a bike There had to be something wrong with him because they'd never seen his like. Three weeks he stuck around, changin' something everyday Doin' nothing bad but being good in many different ways. He finally rode away from /.cwn in a heavy puring rain, Tall and lean wi thout a frown, just the way he came. From time to time you still can hear the township people say, "M'aybe he wasn't too bad an' he'll return someday." But the lone motorcycle rider is still movin' down the road: Just changin' people's thinkin' an' bearin' all the load: No one knows his name or how it all began: But if he ever comes your way be sure and shake his hand. Hon Bul Ka w Boa Jobnson Schneider Scores THE POET'S CORNER T $4.. ." 1966 CHEVY ~ T. P. V. $1,700.00 or best offer.Musl.lI, I_a<:. Gil:)' or Harry 47100914. FOR SALE '65' 250cc Vamaha, Dc.llent cOlldo $375.00. PII_: 695-4150. DESERT SLE D 1965 BSA c1clon. SOOcc twin, dual carb's, INSh .lIn. S600.00.lIust sell 47800984 GII1' or Harty. ExperlllllC.d, profit sharlne plan, N141. DOT 250 square barrel, Trt. lorks exc.lI.nt trials blk.. 5200.00. T.I.: 67~4I8. .WANTED-V~HA IIECHANIC. onl1. HOIl1~ 7-7151. HONDA MECHANIC WANTED NEW FACES LINE THE BENDS HOII~d Experl.cell 1965 TRlUIiPH TT spec. 650cc des.rt blk. S65o.00. Ph: 13709306. r·-•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••--•• ~ i $1 WRITE ADHERE- I I I A.... ••••••••••••• • •••• • • ••• • • • • • •• •• •• • •• ••••• ·1............... II CI" I .. S...... , $2 : I THW.a-U I PIClare $3 111I'I. : .-............................................ • • & • Twealf FI,. WIt'lIII- $2 • HuIiU. II BOLD TYPE U elln I ~~~ : If you bave sometbiDg to give away I ads ( .....e etc. W&Ill are ree to yOIl • . _. . I I I I I I • I I I : ENCLOSE CURRENCV MAIL TO: CYCLE NElS, P.O. BOX ea, LONG BEACH, CALIF. 9... : i ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••