Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1967 10 05

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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ADS OFFERING AIYTHIIG TO E lIAY OR TRADE - FREE '" ~ (n4) 62M665. r.-a: ~::-:~=: ~=pa:.~~~.:. Col ...:l U YAMAHA ~ 1111•• shorttrack. Trade IlIr an,- G t;~'lIIlnl at aiL. Rob Harrlsoa (714) USED PARTS FOR SALE Trlullph rletd Iram... ' lor Harlers. Trlulllph cast Iran heads. Ge...·s Gull 'C,cl. Cent.r. 1802 E. Hunllnetan Dr., Duarte, CallI. Ph: 357-2464. PARTS MANAGER Honda .xperl.nce. top pa" bonus, frlnc. ben.llts, excell.t worklnc candillans. Ph: (213) 391-1217. '64 GREEVES 250 excell.t condition. $0400. (213) 639·564&. '63 TRI UMPH 40" cerlanl.. perf.ct dirt machi .... $750. (213) 639-564&. 1967 HODAKA Cerlanl Forks & ShOCks,WebeO Head, Port.d, Dunlop Tires, stralpt cut pars, ne.dle bearlnl rod, Turner .xpanslon chamber, large air cl.aner, .sert read, $425. 714-621-1760. 67 HONDA 160 scrambl.r 600 ml.. like new $495.00. WI II trade lor Jeep. TE 2-1953. OUTSTANDING OFFER! Exclusive! This week Dol,! (or III' sold) '64 Greev.s, silo barrel $375.00 or best oller. Call 43100415. 200cc OOT Desert read,. Triumph Iront suspension, .xtras, cleaa $285. (213) 344-3764. '" BSA 650 HORNET, liar.. alia, wheel, str.t equip.. _ , last $900 nrm. Phon.: (213) 769-3391 Ke.p trJlnc. 01 RT II KE & Moto Cross. Center 01 Oranp CounlJ, used Greeves, Triumph, BSA, Honda, Dueall and Hodaka. "Rid. willi Rich· our prices. Harbor Sports Ceat.r, 2112 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa, Calif. T.I.: 548011051. BSA GOLDSTAR and 450 HONDA. Bolli excellent condition, sell cheap. 54aollOSI. HEADLINE II BOLD TYPE - - SLII UIra. Picture (SlIppll.d bJ)ou) ••• $3.00 .xtra Prices ••• 10 words or, plus address ••• $1.00 ••• 25 words or 'e las address ••• $2...00 ·IIOVICES.lets lUke a date, to watch IIY DUST In '6L Bill Baker Is "e na...; I'll on IIY WAY to lame.· TRADE, V.lo, 5 pl. tank, prlmaFJ case, top lork parts, Trl umph pi pes, 160 knabb, lor V.lo, scrambler pipe, IIsh tall muffler or ? 776·5795. I have elpt lots on GREENLEAF LAKE (near Muskogee) to trade lor a TRIUIIPH SOO or 6SO at least a 1965 model or mI&ht trade for anolll.r kind 01 bike, such as 450 Honda, 305 scrambler, etc. The lots are wroth around $100 to $150 aprx. each. Cecil Wilson Route ... Box 97. Whiten .Id, Okla. 74472. SELL - 1961 Match '.ss 4.25 III I. cas tank $25.00. (714) 454-0673. FOR SALE: 1 pair 01 prlc.less Indian loot boards, sacrillce - won at Eut.r EU Hunt. Ga" L. West_pard, 550 7 Awada SL, Tor. rance, Calli. '66 HODAKA BI6 K-70's and scrambler bars $250.00. FR 5011763. WANTED - Goldstar motor parts In IOOd . candltlon. Need .veFJlblel from bolts to barrels or cases to callS. Send Inlo. to P.O. Box 5717, Stanford, CallI. Dexter Chapin. 57 FORD WAGON, trade lor mGtorc,cl.. Phan.: IV 9-0476 Sacramento, Calif. ATTEriTIOH: CYCLE NEWS CON· TRIBUTORS We do not have the addresses 01 the contributors listed here. II will contact us we will send a c~eck lor ,our publish.d work: La", Butterneld, Susan Clark, Ropr Evans,Har" Lawrie, Pat ROlers, C. Kenn.'. Rowe, CYCLE NEWS, P.O. Box 491, L... C Boch, CallI. (213) 423-D431. ,OU '011 HUSKY 67, 360 extra iiirs, pannI. Ore $175.00 IIrm. Ph: 941011107 or WH 1-1711. 1966 TRIUMPH 6SOcc IT racer, 3,000 miles, stre.t or II rt, $1.150.00. Call 632-6115. 1966 TRIUMPH TR6-C. Lik. new, quick d.tach Iiptlc., set up lor desert or stre.t in 20 ml n. 714-496-2840 Capistrano Beach. TRADE:. Pre '64 Tri. parts lor Vincent or what have JOu. Pb: (213) 677·7718. 66 GREEVES CHALLENGER, ch.ap. Ralph Ken,... , 4465 52nd SI., San DlelO 15, Calli. Tel.: 58309709. WANTED: 19 Inch lront wheel or Motola, Irant hub - lor Gr.ves sprlnl lork axle. Phone: (805) 773'"'335. 1964 TRIUMPH set lor str.t & dlrt....xtra .. Good cando $600. HO 4-1616. TRAILER, will car" three blkes $10. firm. 424ol1427 or 925-6710 aft.r 5:00. 67 TRIUMPH METISSE 650cc, man, moclll· call... s, ridden three monllls, must quit ridinc, $1600. Phone: 397-6602. 64 IIAICO SCRAMBLER 250cc alia, & Iran qllnders, extra magneto, trans. pars, enCln. case.. etc. $325.00. 'Phon.: 340-1942. 55 CHEV. \2 Ton Panel, n.w motor, trans.. rear ..d, tl res, batt." $350.00. 4 rev.rse chrDlll. wIt.lles $40.00. 4 Ind, tires $60.00 consl der trad•• Tel.: 530-3812. '&6 TT SPECIAL B.U. 350 read, lor desert or scralllbJ.s. Matchless 3 131 tank, Carlanl torks & shocks. skid plate, Bate seat, stock Iront forks. Call 01 1-7865. FOR SALE or trad.lor Hodaka or Honda 90CL 1965 Honda 160 C.B. .xl. cond. 5000 1111... 286-4117. .a.... 1~ BULTACO PURSAIIG. IIatIsse S\J1e ir.. $650. Excell_ COlIlI. (n4) 1!I2-37e. BIlk: HOI TO RIDE AID liN Exp_t riders I. ~c:aa sports -...uti. tell tIIa taDJ• •s of track and trail. Claack "Feets· IIlnert _d Bud E1das. TT-~ bllac. East Coast's Den PI.k tells lao. to ride EacfUlOs and trail.. J_IIcLaqIoli• • ~rand Prix Sera.bI... Helpful tips • .-tap 01 motorCJCIe, cards & and _ciao mor.. Hardbound. $4. pas_d. Send ca.... check or _ e , order to How to RIde & c/o C&S Publlshlnl Co.. Box 498, lADg Beach. ~III. 90801- .Ia. YAMAHA ASCOT Sc.-bler TDIB EJg. etass tank & sut, allo, rI.... ClIDIprelllOll ....ases TT or Flattracker. Call Ral" 966-7113. YAMAHA 10. All . t .. lor dirt, perfect cRtiCDI $195.00. T.I: 391-1247. COII- 1!I&&-251cc HUSQYARNA .,u-. Good sbape $675.00. Call 383·36lI1 GREEVES 250ccT.T.or sera."s 10 stock, Nlchol_lIotors.U62! V_.llo.lIollJwood, Calif. (213) 76'108574. SALESMAN IANTED p......... _.... Anto or CJcl. Experl.ce 11011 ted , . .tlal.8111 Krause H.daoTrI..... lall'WOod - 67100407. 67f05035 sa, tIIroulll Frida,. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Scooter sales & re,aJ r. HI. lrallh; Iocatl-. Deal.r tor V Rabbit Labrelta C. . . . . and ollaer st _11- doctors order.. Pdeed at llve_,. Coatact Dade Fowler (714) 532-6713. ATTENTION For sale '61 Hodaka set up tor clrt. Exp_ slon ch_ber, raclnl plstan, c_paessJ. 11:1 + all.ow staNt equip. Oal, 500 aaJ. ad In .xceL. cCDId. $350.00. (213) 692-4068. TRI UMPH DESERT BI KES 66 GREEVES sprlnpr lork. exlat. COIldltl .....xtra .. $600.00. HE 6-0457. 4 SALE TrloaapIIs 66 TRliSC, 62 TR&. 65 nOOsc. All In exc.lI.t _dill., desert read,. Read, tor COmpetJtlOII or II 11.427-3-. 25% SAVINGS or, INSURANCE Dealer pral' liabllllJ 15" savinls on Dealer's bonds. JOHN W. MAYNARD INSURANCE 3447 Motor Ave., LosAnples, Cal.836.521l. ... 7233 CANOGA AVE. 346-3700 SALVAGE I I COMPLETE SERVICE- HARD TO GET PARTS WE SERVICE WHAT THEY SELL : I • 126 West 4t_ St. San Pedro, Ca:lf. TE 2-6124 • .1Ia IflIIIt All extra.. Rac boIlt lor serf. . rider. Besl "UJs CJcle, 7630 Va- lI.,s 81 ·64 GREEVES square barrel. ruas &OOd, pd condition $400.00. (213) 322-1234. Cod_I Ce!" 919-2230. FAST KAWASAKI parts service. Rldl. . C'C I.s, Ltd. 5243 Ha II St. Rd., RldI...... Va. 233-3951. 62 HONDA 250 Hawk ,treet bike, runs pod. Lots 01 chrom., man, extras $235.00 and 55 ChFJsler 300 motor & auto trans.. runs sharp $110.00. Ph_: 735-5217. FREE SAMPLE: MOTORCYCLE, SCOOTER & THREE-WHEELER MECHANICS ILLUSTRATED - 200 photos, tunlnl, customlzlac. comp.tlnl, tourinL REPAIRING, PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE. Krumm. 3388 N. Modoc, K.rman, Calif. 93630. Te\fUJN( piEik- BRAIID IIEW TRI..... Tll6C 66 OSSA 175cc street ....chl. x1at. clDlll. ..tras. $325.00 (213)_4..;;21;;.0II_S_3..;3,:.. _ '66 TRI UMPIl BONNEVILLE Saddle balS. custom .at, exc.llent cond. $150.00. Tele: (714) 685-6454. .-----------------------------, MOTORCYCLES ONLY Bob Ross SEEKING HELP. Furnish transportation to Ascot with truck, lor use 01 ltattrac:k par,, toe. helmet. New to lIattrack. JacII 343-2496. '63 B.SA GOLDSTAR dirt blk., allOJ tank, G.P. carb.-sharp! $550.00 (714) 685-6454. ~ L I _Ids n twostroke! (I bate two-strokes!) $600. or consider swap lor Honda 160, to scrambl.! .rlte, we'll ar.... Hack'. 7310 Woodsld. Dr.. Citrus Hel&hts, Calli. 95610. EL CAlli NOS & PICKUP TRUCKS NEW AND USED - ASK FOR Jill WOOLWINE Phone: (213) 352-3241 or 353-3226. SIMPSON MOTORS : ocr MOTOCROSS (1966) HUSQVARNA 250, 3 months old, usu. 4 w.kends In hills. Never rac.d or dropped. Extras, must sell. Cost $1100. $lSO/offer.Ph: (401) 293·3416. : I I 1967 MOTO·BETA lOOcc, s.t up lor dirt, new torque pipe carb & clea...r, knollb, tires. padded seat, 52· wh_1 bas. $3SO. Call alter 7:00 p.m. (805) 746-2806. Super lut, clean, rellabl•• Sane extras. $195 or take over paJII.nts. Will deliver. Phone: (714) 184olI896 between 1 a.m. and 5 p.m. Alter 6 p..... (714) 182-7963. CANOGA PARK o BSA 250cc shorttracker rlCld Iram., allOJ rl ms; spare new hAd \2 1011. cearlnl $325.00. (312) 34309679. ' """TED - Y-Z _ ..u a start 10 ... ....t '" cJCI. ,... 10 ... Sao Redwaed CltJ _ cust - . !'tao.: /4151 518-3028. parts dip TRADE: '55' Montesa Diablo or 56 Gold Star Catalina both .xc.llent shape for 4 _ Good,•• super slnet. tire. with rI.s lor 5!1 Ford ~ t... pickup. (714) LY 9-4464. Francisco Castoroil, Dri-slide, Figlass lanks & seats, John Cooper & Big John Boots. All Available From : •••••••••~~~~V~~••••••••• 1967 BULTACO LOBITO scrambl.r. Pur· chased In Spain bJ friend. N.ver ridden $450. (213) 132-6027. FOR SALE 67 Triumph mod.1 JR 6C modeL. Und.r 2000 101. $950.00. Call nit. AT 1-1487 dafs AT 4-3566. ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• FillIOn Air Filters, Judson PlOds. 5475 San Fernando Rd. West Los Anleles, C.III. 90039 WANTED: EII&lbl. bach.lor. 28 to 40 " .. old, lor qcl. rldlnl widow. Contact Pat Buchanan 2610 Acom St., LA_an, 0 ... 1958 B.U. GOLDSTAR Scrambler, 5OOcc, 42 hp. raclnl magneto. Relllllt club_ . &In.. Mcmoblock carlluretor. New ellal. (EaeIIsh). Geared lor dirt $425. Ph: 943.1104. o : o o : o ARIEL Squar. I.r 1000«. Just -Jored" Bored and cranks turned $495. ROIlaid A8der. son, 362 Wa Ich, Porterville, Ca II f. Ph.e: (209) 78+4662. CUSTOII BUILT 3 rack qcl. trailer. $160.00. liE 0-3709 (213). 65 TRIUMPH, 650cc street scrambl.r, hlp pipes, skid plat., Manx, extras, plus orillnal equlpllent $950.00. 324-6217. GUAZZONI rotaFJ valve 4 spd raclag 50 DeW KR·75s compl.te spares. Call ADJ Laseaulz (da,s) 662-"39. race,. RON GRAIIT, please dlvulp ,OlIr source '" sakn ... ew! The MuIIlber&,s, 201 SdI_ln St., San Francl SCO, Calli. 1962 HONDA 250cc Hawk. Run's cood. Lots MUST SAC. 67 Lincoln, mac. wh•• ls lull power, trade equllJ lor side hack. 923011525. 15 YEAR OLD HODAK-' desert racer . . . transporlatJ... to Will c:ldp In tor expenses. Brian Klock, 452 II. L.A.lta st.. Burbank, Calli• TRADE: Backrest rack lor Jawa and windsbl.ld lor 5O-100cc bl ke lor anJlblnl lor a pl. Ph_: 628-7716 L.A. 01 chrome $235.00. Street eqt. 735-5217. '66 MK II customized, 1,000 lilies $1095.00. '67 S90 Honda. s.t up lor desert $250.00. Da, 923-5461. NI &ht 923011525. CCllILERCIAL ADVERTISERS RATE T........... $2.. T• . , Ii,. wills ..... SUI HUSQVARNA 250-360 In stOCk, lull suppl, 01 part.. Ma Icolm SIIII th, 1689 La Cadena. Riverside, Calli. (714) &a4-1866. ATTENTION BIDERS TRlUliPH - YAMAHA - BULTACO Ted Evans .Gtorqcl. Sal.s and $enlce _ has Its stafl .. to an effIcl.t I.vel. . . _ looklag forward to 1lalld1l.1 , . r 8edlaallcal probl.s willi efIlcJOIlCJ and dlspatdl. Teal Evans lIDtorcJCI 13347 West .a. . . . . . BI..... Los AlI s 65.20 ,..-s 10 1DIs1_u. ,. V. PlI (213) 19Qi GREEVES QlALLEII6ER - sprta. . fork, xlot. ceDlI., extras . . . .(n3) HE U66Ih IIOIITESA LA CROSS - 6+157. ~. . _. -'''aesecL Pd_ pertr.343-9742 $65L DESERT RACERS: If a :s.zukl lila: Is I. lroot '" , . , It bJ De.... CJCIa Center leIow IIow to IIab . . 10. HappJ Ana n.,! .s ..... 1966 TRlUIII'II CUB 2,1100 .11es, $425.110 or tradeforA·ldesertHo8k&,Also _ Gree..s torslan tJpe lorks $60'" AT 2-4770. 'Iii HONDA 160 Sc:raaebler. _pl.te ~ & custlDll pertec;t $450. 789-1557. ST. TOIIAS Is alive aeallaldlng In Vera Cnaz! $13. UJS h t rille at E_d&. SO'T,..oII 18410 E. . .a, LA. ""NTED: D.sert ,arts lor H...... 250 sera.. bier. Air ~rs. froIIt foIIl .. desert seat, Ieatlaors etc. Re.... H,...." m I " . Hili BI..... p _ 6224. (714). 18"''' ow tires, .... '" Idra plugs, & plsI AI . . S425JIL Mil,., fret.t. Will COIIsIlIer tralIe f. 175 or 211I SIIeqaa. Da". J ........ n5 E. FreDt. TYler• 75701. (214) 83-lIM. 'S' ASCOT FOR SALE: lH6 .Itace 2IIcc SIIerpe. Rea, cia., lui.. to _ te 3fIIIOClale. Call Jill I/IIJ. at au-e47.

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