Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1967 09 14

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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HEAOLINE IN BOLD TYPE· • $LIO ex1D. COMMERCIAL ADVERTISERS RATE Picture (suppll.d by you) ••• $3.00 extra Prle.s ••• 10 words or less, plus address ••• $1.00 ••• 25 words or less, plus address ••• $Z.lJO 25% SAVIMGS ON IMSURANCE Dealer . . . . 1I111111!J 15% savlllls on Deal"'s boAds. JOHN W. MAYNARD INSURANCE 3447 IIotor Ave.~LosAnples,Cal.836-5Z11. DEALERSHIP FOR SALE Estabfislled M/C store In prllll8 L.A. ate.. LeadioC braod.s. Modern facilities, sal.s. Service and 1~.Low -oad. $Z5.080 '-nils. . . . .,....t avallallle.. Write Dept. C. C/o Cye" N_.s, Box 498. LonC SUch, Calif. e-m= CYCLE SALESMAN "-$1,_ MO. PARTS MAN WANTED Crass c:ouJIt" .pec:lal. $7lJO or best off.r. Call . AI Baker (Z13) 789-8925 or ... at 3646 KnDbllIlI Dr. Sherman o.ll.s, CaJlf. Fastest crowlnc HMIIa dealer has top pay open!llI for .xperieDc:ed parts and service NIl - Ao1 ful. . . (213) 39Zo4llJ5. SALE OR TRADE 66' Ford Std. cab. V08 I_,e bed. Payoff $13l1l1.l1lJ. I have fI_e.lal troubl•• W.!d· like _II tr~rtaUon ear. (415) 471-3144. TRADE-1965 BultaeoMatador Ht up for dirt. For B.s.A. 5lJlJc:c:. (213) 635-li!l23. 1967 3&Qcc MAl CO FOR SALE: 1H6 TRIUMPH TT Spec:lal. HW .natne, very last - 5975 or make offer (213) 379-9lJ77. " GREEVES CHALLENGER, CerianJ frant, t11lrd port, c:omp. releese, dual c:oll s and spark plup. Desert rudy $625. Call (Z13) 375-lJ1Z9 19" HAR LEY·DA vtDSON XLCH Sportster 3 800 ..lies - very el_ $14lJO. Call (ZII9) 465-Z795 or ... In Stoc:kton All ston Way 1827 STURDY 4x8 Trailer. qoc:l.s, c:.pJoC. etc:. Tum s1p,als. $95. (714) 962047116'. 1967 BU.LTACO MATADOR, Exc:ell'" orIeloal c:oDdltton &550.e0 c:all (714) 796-J584. LOIIIa .LInda; Clillf. FOR SALE: &&1,2 Corlanls forb eompl" perlKt for Ho.daka, Handa or ? $6O.OlJ firm. £odDD, CaUf.881-2386 1Ian.!J. 1811e, IIIort frac:ker $35lJ. TRIlla ..... Rob Ha,. BOIINEVILLE TT, 1963, $&SlJ. Yamaha rI_. ~ (n4) 629-lI&i5. l.948 JEEP enaloe. aood tires. $2Z5.OO. 67908711. Es. 67109. p.o. ._11.. • 8RAIIID NEW 19&7 5OOc:c: IIAJIX NORTON • l8li6 • A FM _ _ two, LauefI.ltlltOtor,spare IIOtor. . . . . . .Iy last. r.llable.:"~spar.s, 18d, ,lllon. carb., Usa, etc:. lI, ClaytDo, Calif. (415) 685-&334. DESERT RIDER STEVE HURD G_~ CiUraoc:e sal. priced at only $85lJ. See It at SlMe Hurd M/C. 14lJ5 Olympic Bl'ld.. MOlliebello. Calll. I. lb.e Createst on tbe AL.L new GaS IOOc:c: Matc:bless. B.., Illoelt'. aiR ....t ...Ipped $90lJ.0ll0 Code 213~604753. EL CAIIIIIl1S & PiCKUP TRU.CKS /l.EW AND USED - ASK FOR JIM WOOLWINE PIIone: (213) 35Z·3241 or 353-322&. ACTION SHOTS - 1Z 8X10 bl.c:k & whl'- aclion ......s of the 1lJ ..1-15 IDI.UO ml.-Pe orla $3.75 c.o.D• •aUOIUIIs Plc:lures, Box 13'1. T~lorvlll.., IIl1nol. &Z5&8. ATTENTIOfi SUBSCRiBERS: " GREEVES MofooCnw Choll. .pr. lop end, _ r raced. $525. to 1-3303. If JlIlI have o.....d " Sllbserlptl on to CYCLE NEWS -.I are DDt _Ivlnclt. - w. have ..veRI I oew salIscdbers wltb _ s we· can .... read aad aIldr _ IIlIIaIoJn!" CYCLE NEWS. 6IiT1 N. l . .c Beac:lI Blvd., Lan, S-b,"Callt. 9lJlIQ5. tact as '-tIIately. EXPER(ElfCED M/C PARTS MAN - Sala" open. Call (213) 110 708161. fASTEST & IIQS1i RELtABLE HQDAKA IN SOIn1fERl't CAU FQRlllIA p.o. TRAQE: llafchless! 1956 GIIICS 5IJO ScraoIb.1er....... lasldes, e 21" trout, (UF"} foriJodaka. (209) zz n. .-ACULATE 195& TRlllllPH 1i5Occ:. IIuIllop Ual_sal tires, Lu.c:as rac:lnclUpeto, forks. dlater spnac:ket, Bates .... Ckerry III8lallle III... _ dI._. $55OJ10 or best i 1966 TRI 650ee TT racer, fresh en&loe, clean. fast. Ph.: (714) JE 409Z60. ----- 1966 B.5.A. 650ee. Mk II special. like _ 3lJlJO mile.. asklnc $llJ5lJ. 379-lJ280 ..ves. T01·B IIM\CULATE. Raced six times. 100 IIIIles only sloee all oew .&I.e burlncs. 1st T01-B to flnlm la.t two tmes at Willow aDd Rlver.lde. Call (213) 461-Z113 eves. FOR SALE: 67 Triumph TR6-C model. Less tban ZODlJ st. lilies $llJlJlJ.lJlJ. AT 8-1487 or AT 4-35&6. '64 GREE.VES Square Barrel. roilS &DOd· S375.lJlJ. (Z13) 7Z3-Z3lJ90 Xo6 SUZUKI. Excell.t cond. (714) 637-8417 after 6 pm. $475.lJlJ WAIITED - SEAT FOR BULTACO "tallor (213) 333-2631. 5325.00 YOUR CHOICE. 5.& Goldstar or &5 IIootesa Dllllio. Must Sell (714) LY 9-t464. ... ." BULTACO CAMPERA extl'as: $375 or best off•• 454-Z89Z. BULTACO ZlI8 Matador. new ....&lne, .xcelI.t c:ondJlon $3Z5.oo. 989-345&' DOT '64 Z5lJ Square Barrel expo e b.. Iron 11_. _ upper & I~ ead, rt ready. Fast. & reliable S400. 989-3458. FOR SALE: 1960 BSA 6.5lJee dlrt/st_t, ... bulldln... Orafted-must Hll. Nedds $30.00. many extras, very fast $350.00. S. at 143& Gavlola, (Rear) LonC Beac:b, Calif. &5 GRE~VES CHALLENGER, exc:ell.nt COIIlIo - Ideal "for' cOwtrallinc, Uptwe' Ibt desert novice or Sportsm.. ser.bles. See to apprc:. $4~.CIll or offer. (213) TO 2-4349. RIDDING FRIENDS. TD ride Olsl. 37 sport Ser.blu. Aec:ompany (213) 342--49lJ.lJ. 10" 1966 BULTACO LOBITO Sc:ramllier. llJlJ.c:c: top condilion. 535lJ.1IO or best off.r. call (Z13) 697-7324 or 697-Z798 62 GREE.VES, 'sq barrel. 25lJee N.w Chall. piston, .xel c:ond. 5395. (Z13) 370-7864- BSA GO LDSTAR DB034 with all !be out thl np done to It super fast, set up for TT at tile _ bot would Dlake &Ood flattrac:ker. (714) 492--41472 • $45lJ.OO . FLIlORESCE.T UGHTS 4 ft. Ion.. &ODd _lIl1on. Ideal for &arlp. workslloP. paUo. c:arport or o,ver pool tabl•• Colllpl" with four 4lJ watt tubes. $8lJ.lJlJ a.Z13-AT 8-3&lZ. HUSQVARNA 25lJ-36lJ In stoc:k, full supply of parts. Ma leolll StnI tho 1689 La Calle•• Rlver.lde. Calif. (714) 6&401866. ALMOST NEW 1~· G.P. Carbo. Includes flllat _wl.595. or_st offer.Z13 AT 8-361Z. FREE SAMPLE: MOTORCYCLE. SCOOTER & THREE-wHEELER IIECHANICS ILLUSTRATED - 2lIlJ photos. blnln.. c:u.toml.z.... c:olllp8tlo,. tourln.. REPAIRING, PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE. KrUIIIIII. 3388 NModoc. Kerman, Calif. 93630. TRI UMPH DESERT BI KES Biik: HOW TO RIDE lID WIN III"'''' ExtM't r In AeIerIc:ao c:ollql8tltlou tell tbe lec:b s of track _ tntl. Clluc:k • F....s" MInrt aod. Bod Ekins on TT"Sc:r_ bII1Ia. East Coast's DOlI Pink lei •• 1Iow' to EM_ lIIIII tilIUS. JoIIo IkLM&b11n on Grand PrIx sc:ra....s. KeI1IfoI tips ou' setup of lllilltorqoc:le, -u & llcen... and .c:hti _ .. H $4. postpaid. SlIIIII ea.... c:bac:k _ . y der to How to RJ de & Wfo. c/o C&S PullllslllnC Co.. Box Loa, BRAIItl NEW TRIUMPH TR&C with Cerianl front eod., All extras. Race ready. CutloDl built for ... serious rider. Best V. Nuys C!ele. 763lJ Van IIuls BJ.vd. Ph (Z13) 989-ZZ3O. dea'. ea, ...lBe~ec:Jt~lCaI~I~f.;!IlI!IlO;.;;1.~~_;;i;;;;_;::;;. r···---················· oft•• (213) AT 8-36t2. 1967 Dot sera..b.ler latest par box. larce tank $550.00. Van Wyek Ente,prlse.s. 8841 Brookhurst. Anabelm. 77&-3809. FOR SALE: 62 TR6 Triumph, extra clean. special racln, call.$, sliper fast. Set up fDr sClallblas. 42&-1073. FOR SALE: TIRED OF A TRAILER? Haul y_ 1Ii ke In a al 19&7 Dodp SportllUR. 1Z.lIOll 11II1. Radio. Automatic:, 318 c:u V-I, loaded' $2695.00 Call (Z13) 861-289Z • Most sell - lIlinc to Viet NIIII. . mURRE' .~ $1 & $2 T...... ·$1 • ---_.. ~ i • • --................................................... T__ Fi.~·SZ • 11.11II• • BOLD TYPE $1 . . . . . PicIIR $3 aIra. • :J •.'_ II........................................................... •+ .. • aedd8e tItat c:anted Dave H_ s -at Eistaore...... s, Prdo, e-ty. 'Soldh Gao & AlascatletD. TIll. lit. tlaI..- ....., _ t en..... last Wla to 42 0.... JUl. Z5tmeI ..- 'I ~ • Z4 pat: rattes, Z _ ~ . - . & all ...., secNts. R.-,to wln$3Sll.GO.PfIroM: (714) after 6:l11 p,m. 1916 12lic:c: Y.AHA ill lIIce F _ for tllff • lIIicII. wttIt lil.Jt lUI- bel. ceM. e - . . . . . . AlImI .11_ - ..... 8ldIaast $Z35.1lJ caLI c:arb" m-.635 • • CtIJ. 1IIII._•••••, • _98 FUll: MIT ADS • ea. "m~ to pve &ftJ • are flee to pe_ • __ . . - ...... _ If , . _01-.-.. • • • • • • • • I • • • l-IMl, =--.F·.~:;;:~~;.:='._ (2I3CtD t; BRAND _ 64 HONDA S9lJ. tum Ii l'lals, needs _alne wOlk. $1611 ~Zll. HODAKA • Desert, qulc:k tbrottle, DeW lIres • ...t c:bamber. ported" lIIod c:ondltl on. 5300.00 or be.t offer. (Z13) PO 6-&630. butors II sted Dr.. If you will c:ontaet us w. will sead you a c:beek for your pHil shed work. CYCLE NEWS\ BOX 491. LolrC Bea.cb, California (213/ 4Z3olJ431. Doa Allrahamson. Susan Clark. Ropr Evans, Dutc:b FI.lder. Harry Lawr'e. Pat Roprs. Ja. Wlllla=:D1S=. _ DESERT RIDERS A street lIadUoe with readraeer ltaodlllrC & bacs of power. Recent rlncs, paint. c:b.... Sanitary. reliable, qulc:k. (I - F t MKII, can't ride botb) $375. K.n Fllc:k. (213) 4517S1lJ 1111 4:3lJ or ZOOZ 4tb St. AlIt. 3lJ6 Santa Manl ca. Callt. ~n We do DDt bave !be addrUSlls d the c:onfl'l- ..:l U BRAND new 19&7 Dot T.T. mac:blne $625.00. T.lesc:oplc forks. par box, c:ent.r float c:arb. Special portio,. Van Wyek En.prl ... 1841 Broollbur.t, A.Dlm 77&-3809. fi&1Iz 8ULTACO METRALLA MKI - tzJ Lon, Beach, Calif. Say you saw It In Cyel. News and receive a h.l_t free wltb your purc:base of a .w ·67 Suzuki. 1967-CL-90 Brand _ . 1,000 mll.s. Alloy ......Is, bl, tiNS, cam. parts lUtc:bed & poll shed. St...t lepl $4OlJ.lJO (714) 599- ATTENTION: CYCLE NEWS CONTRIBUTORS BSA fork IIIlIdIficalions. 7tulllndles of trav.l, dam .... In.. $3O.lJO. F...ks off mac:bl•• MI.sIon Hills M/C SII.s. 873lJ $epolveda, California. at Dale Brown Motors. Z441 Lonc Beac:h Blvd. 3Q5c:c: YAMAHA, 1966 7.lJlJO mll.s. CustODl & ve" fast. Owoed by bIk.....c:banle, m.u.t sell bec:ause of InjulY• ...., .xtras & f_ belmet, al.o TU7. (714) 5Z3-219lJ. &7 BULTACO PlJR5A*i 5 speed xelnt. c:DIIdill. $&25. Call aIIout 7 ~ RIFt EX 504041. ~ ~ COMPLETE LINE OF NEW '67 SUZUKIS 1961 COTTON TRIALS BIKE 25lJee -$Z75.oo Also la.p Hlec:flon of used Honda and Mise. ..olorqoele parts aDd en&ln.s. Phone (Z13) .397-4961 after 5 66 BULTACO METRALLA ZOOec:, just rebollt, very clean. c:DIIIp8tlllon h.nt end, $45lJ • 1308 SIesta St. Alllllelm, Calif. (714) 535-9723. BSA 1967 IIOfUIIET, perfRt, IIlIder 6lJlJ mi. CorlanJ forks, estra sprockets etc:. $1075 or malle off.r. Also .xtra wheel and tlr. $75. New BSA frant end - c:rown, forks etc:. $85. Call (Z13) 433-1435 WoacIerful oPllOrtunl!J for experlene.d moto,. qoel. sal._ with fast lI'owlnc dealer. Ph.- for details (213) 39204105. Tn wtrds ..... $2.110 T"1f fiYe _Ills •• m $4.10 • _ _". __..__ I • IEICII.. ClUF. .i II!.II.!It-II!.~~.-~.~~~,~~.·,,;, t. .tIIII! ••!lJ . ..

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