Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1967 08 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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ADS OFFERING ANYTHING TO GIVE AWAY OR TRADE - FREE HEADLINE IN BOLD TYPE - - SLOO ellra. COMMERCIAL ADVERTISERS RATE Plctofl (suppll.d bJ Jou) ... $3.00 .xtra Prlc.s ••• 10 wo,ds or IllS, plus Iddress ••• 51.00 ••• 25 words 0', plus add,.ss ... $2,00 RICKMAN HANDLEBARS 34 .lncll Cooper bends, $10.95. 34 In. Inced sc,ambllrs ba,s 511.95. Van Wyck EmlfprISlS, aa41 Brook· IIUISI, Auhel m, ~lIf. Pbonr. 776-3S09. ' FOR SALE: 1964 HI,I'J Davl dson 74-P.rfeel Condlilon, _ tlflS, n.w ball.", low mil. IP, IIIIftJ .stras. ~II 1ft. 6:30 p.rn. Ask fo, N.II (213) 794-5933. NEW 1967 DOT scrambler 5650.00, II',. tank, Vln WJek Enterprlses, 8141 Brookhu,sl, Aubel m, ~lIf. 776-3109. TRADE: '66 Honda 305cc pd conclltlOll fo' IftJ JU' TR5 0' TR6. GaI ..d wol"", need more ha,SlS. ~II (213) 966-6341. EDWARDS motorcJcl1 MIIIlII for sail. USld twlCI 530.00. Pbolll: saa-07S6. VW doon buUI., Ille best Idnd. Good sIIap., reldJ to &0 S450.00 0' will tra... fo' aood blu. Ph. (213) a94-2762 Ifllr 5 p.m. -------------- Lall 1964 TRIUIIPH TR6R stflll or dirt, ,ood condition 5saO. firm. Also 1964 B,ld,. stDnl SOcc, ,uns'al, 570.1000 Oaks, Pbonl: a05-495·7107. NEW &50 UNIT TRI, METISSE Glrllnas, Clflanls, 11" alloJ ru" 19",.21" front _"I S, TR6 molor flllid wllh ma &lllto, roll. mains, 11·1 pistons, racln, cams, $1,700.00. Ph: Klvln, (213) 345-7616. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Established IIDlorcJcl. Shop.PIlII.locatlo.... Los An,.••s A~ Dlslllbuto,ship fo' BIlL' TACO and 0111... I.alln, brands. Escilleni SI",lc. dept., 'oom ad COIIIpl.lI l_lorJ. All III s CIa be ·,o..s· on a VII'J Iltracll... pa.. Fo' furllllr Infonaatloa piNS. _ltc Bos C, C/o C,c" News, Bos ea, Lone Bueh, ~lIf. 90101. MIC MECHANIC WANTED HONDA OF GLENDALE IIIlds luftloUP and SlmCl lllan. 905 Easl Colorldo, Glllldall, ~I". PboH: (213) 246-2461. 1967 DUCATI 250cc, IIkl IIIW, 1100 111111 5575.00. Pbolll: (213) 786-7440. TRADE: F'lncl s Bamlll dirt blu, runs, fa, T,lumph Cub frOllI forks. (213) nH1295. BATES solo sui, 10" red plNlld" EllInt. coadll/on $27 IIIW 515 now, anJlIIlll. Joe I Jackson, 14111 G'IYIIIN Ave., Uwndlll,~I. NEW 1967 DOT TT machl .. 5725.00, lIl. scopic fo'ks, splCla' portlna, lII... s1 Albion pi' box, CIfIl. float bowl carbo Van WJck Enterp,lsIS, a841 Brookhu,sl, Anahllm, CII. Pll_: 776-3109. HI GIl TOP BOOTS suilibII fa, motorcJcllS. USld 55.00 pal,. va,lous sins. 1205 E. Arllsll. Compton, Cilif. 639-5648. HONDA MECHANIC Full tllIlI. SIe Ron. HOllCII santa Ana. 1320 So lIaln St., santa Ana. TRADE: Around '67 V.W. and or '56 GIIC panll fa' '5+'65 cllan Ranchero, II so IlrlJ BSA Vlelor & C15 fll' sproculs for Gold St. sprochls. EX 2-1287. TRADE: '67 ~YlS IIX3B sp,lna fo'k f'OlII IIId compl.,. willi IIIW sp,ln,s and shocks for C.,lanl frOllI end for SIIIlI. CIII (213) 794-5246. HEY YOU BIKE RIDERS! Gen. Mechanic, fO'lIlIrlJ wi til IIcuuplin 1I0tors now Ills OPllled Gulf S.rvlce Station and 1I010,cycl. servici cenl.r II 1802 Hun~ In&!CIlI D,., Duart., CIIIf. Rememb., 1111 s! IIljor """k Ind I__ops Oft SundlJs and 1lI"t. (213) 357-2464. BULTACO. Sh.rpl,200cc,53SO. 2915 Flrrls, Frosno. (209) 227-9329. ~ . : • Would JOU bell .... - 5 daJ wNk, ,ood oppo" '-llJ, pl'nlJ wo~ call somce malp' al (213) 392-4105. TnrlflJ' Lid Honda, 2411 Llnc:olll Blvd. santa 1I0l11 ca, CIIIf. ' " DESERT HODAKA .sc.llenl condition, esl,1S 5275.(213) 426-~2S7. 241 Eo Columbll Apt. 2, LOll' BNCh, Calif. FOR SALE - 1956 Ch"sl... waaon, R&H, 6 pass., 5 ",MIIW tlros. SIe al 1376 Ros· borou'" 0,., Placentll, ~lIf. Prlc" $299.00. Pow....IUS & sl_ln.. (714) 521-6152. WANTED. lullld .sIIIusl for 1964 Maleo 250. Flelo" or otlllrwlso. (a05) 252-4654. DUNLOP ALLOY rlms $12.00, IIlItal p,ofll. 1.llIcoplc forks $95.00. Van WJck Enll,. prl sos, 8S41 Brooldlu'st, Anlh.lm, ~lIf. Pbolll: 776-3a09. If JOu have o,der.d I subscrlpllon to CYCLE NEWS and lro nol fICIlvln, II, pl.ssl c_ tael us l....dlll.IJ. W. IIIn SI...,al n.w subscrl be,s willi names ... can not ,ad and IddflS.S unknown. CYCLE NEWS. 6477 N. Loll' Buch Blvd.. LOll' BIIc'" ~nf. 90105. WORLD CHAMPION CZ 360 1I0toc,oss. Ph: (714) 642-2427 Ex. 396 or (714) 675-5949. 1963 200cc BULTACO Sh.,pa Sli fa' clrt. $225.00. Call 715-1972. DICK'S IIIC SALVAGE, 9061 E.Arfull Blvd. 925-9054 junk blkll bou"'!. "<; k' Top job, _sc.lllnt opporlunllJ. World CJcI., 3303 Sunslt BlVd., Los An,.Ie.. Calif. 90026. Pbo..: (213) 662-0839. .. 1966 B.S.A. 6SOcc Ilk. II specili. Uk. new, onlJ 3000 mlili. Ev•• (213) 379-0280. 650cc KAWASAKI. brand now, musl SIc,Ifi:_ $195.00. EYI. 286-2232. TRA DE 65\7 Bulta_Pursanc. pa,ln, .. CIII (714) OR 5-3934. etc. 5500 + valu. fo, sporls FREE SAMPLE: MOTORCYCLE, SCOOTER CI'. & THREE-WHEELER IIECHANICS ILLUS- TRATED - 200 photos, lanlna. cuslomlzlna, compotln" lourlna. REPAIRING. PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE. K'umm, 3388 N. 1I0d0c, Ke'Nn. CIIIf. 93630. 19&& BULTACOMATADORTORQUER stro., Esc.llent cond. 36 HoP••ncln.. equip. S" II CISIJ'S CJcl. Shop, 10249 San FIf' IIIndo Rd., Pacoima, Calif. Ph: Ell 6-1046. $&00-$800 MONTHLY DOWN TOWN HUNTINGTON BEACH Fsslls! pawln, Honda "'11., his lop PIJ openln, for experlenc.d PlrtS Ind s.rvlc. man - A·l fut.... (21-3) 392-410S. Now Joo Cln bur CJcl. News II Clllries T. V. 311 lIaln St., Hunlln&lon Beach, 536-4044. str., 66 HODAM IIrt & &11', scrlmbl., ba,s, koobbJ, low mll.s, 67 II_Sl. AI SO Wlnt 6SO BSA baskeicaSl57 up.213-443-3446. 1964 MAICO 250cc, d.sert, new knobbles, 10"" .ncI, plslon, ,In,s, clutch, sIIIrp Ind flSl $300.00. Accept trail blulS tr..... (aOS) 252-4654. pa,' EL CAIIINOS & PICKUP TRUCKS NEW AND USED - ASK FOR Jill WOOLWINE pbonr. (213) 352-3241 or 353-3226. "&1" TRIUMPH C mod.l, TR,6. Mak. off..., 1600 mi. William J. Ja,l, 3235, San Ga.,.I, CIIIf. TRADE-19sa CheYJ Impola.348 .na., radio. h'llIf, clNn, for 2SOcc or slllali. dirt bike. Phon.: a3l-906.. r'. Book: HO' TO RIDE AND liN $600 cash 0' trl.... Jim Berry, AWlrd 1I010,s, (714) 642~343. Esp.' rld.s In Amorlean sports eompollllOll lIli Ihl I.chnl.,.s of trICk and trail. Chuck ·FlIls" IIlnert and Bud Ekins 011 TT'Sc'lmblln. Enl Coast's Don Pink Iells how 10 rld. Enduros Ind 1,1l1s. John IIcLlU,hlln on G,and Prls Scrlmbl.s. H.lpful lips on sllup of molorcJcle, c.ds & IIclIISls Ind mucho mor.. Ha,dbound. $4. postpaid. S...d clSh, or money or_ tD How to RI d. & Win, c/o C&S Publlshln, Co., Bos ea. BNch, ~II f. 90S01. Lon, 25% SAVINGS ON INSURANCE DNIIf prall IIlb1lllJ 15.. SIvlnas on DIll,"s bonds. JOHN W.MAYNARD INSURANCE 3447 1Iato, A..... LosAnp"s,Cal.836-52l1. TRAD E: 32.5sl9 trill s, 3.SOsl9 K70 Ind 3.50sl8 lIlals, lop condition. T,ad. fo' full knobbJ 4,oosl8 and 4.00sl9 trials. (213) 596-4570. 1Y0ft, TRADE 1966 Bultaco Lobllo. 940 streit mll.s, showroom coalilion. Wanl Hodakl, or Baltaco Illtado, or? W.T. F_rls, 721 Anita, R.dondo Bueh, ~lIf. I_ACULATE 19,,*, IIIW plslon. llres, $499.95 0' offer. 596-4570 sell Beach. FOR SALE 250cc Bultaco T.T. en'l .... es' cell., condilion $225.00. OR 0-6347. 1I0NTESA T.T. shorllrack., ..w ...., llros, v." flsl, r.lllbl .. Ph: 591·2674 0' 43001274. 1966 BULTACO 1l111do' 250cc, comp,.ssIOll lila... sup.' clean $550. or off., EX 2·1287. 1966 BULTACO TORQUE!! 250cc, Ilr,_ tank, fr. sh ..... manJ est,u 5550. Phon.: 644-1980 Hawlllorn., ~II·. B.5.A. GOLDSTAR 21", sel up for dirt, r.. built 0,1111, fllll sIIIp., call Ifter 6 p.... (213) 925'3173. 1966 GREEVES CHALLENGER, Sprlna'" Fork, .slnt. cOlld. $650. 0' besl off.... PIr. HE 6-0457. TRADE: 65 Bullaco lIelt,.1I1 2oocc. ImmlClJo IllI fo' lal. mod.1 Hodaka "111 blu. Phon.: (213) 325-4771. FOR SALE-I967 T,lumph Rickman IIIIlISSl SOOcc se'lmbl.,. All ..w, plus III till aood se,lmbl., equlp., Nk. offlf (213) 426·1073. •.......••....•.............•.•....................•........ $1 & $2 .RITE AD HERE' Tea Words· $1 • Allllrlis •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Picture $3 ellra.- · .1............... •• CII- • • • • • : w .... • ._.1e etc. WUl ads ue (ree to yoa • • • • • ..............................• MAIL TO: CYCLE lEIS. P.O. BOX . , LOIIG BEACH, CALIF, 9.1 ~ • ~~~ ENCLOSE CURRENCY ~ • If you have soliethiD, to give away • S tate •••••••• , • =: II Twenty Fi,. werds • $2 • He.dlill in BOLD TYPE $I elln • • • ~ u 1966 MOTORCYCLE TRAILER, s.ll-loadln, ramp, spare 11'., 1000 I bs. cap. uncIlf 5100. EYI. (213) 379-0280. NEW DUCATI 250 'Old rice,; HIJII modified en&l", Ce,lanl fo'ks, mocks; DUll Disc b,aku; ..w Dunlop KR 73's; manJ estrlS; Besl offer. W.L.A. 473-6653. • II...................................................... • : '";;. -~M~E::-:C"""H:-=A-::N':":I C:-:.~A:-;:N::T:-::E-=D--~ BSA FLATTRACKER ATTENTION SUBSCRIBERS: ~ P"" ..... $6.00 X6 SUZU 10-1966, clun, slack, slfllt machilli $490. Phalli: 241-8106. 1967 TDI B 111 hou' sbowroom condlllOll 5aOO. Will "'lIver to anJ Idlolnlnc stal.. IIl1a CJcl. CIIIl..., 1546 W. UnlversllJ D,., ",Izona a5201. '[.1: (602) 96.,814. TRADE: TrllllllPh wllHls for frallll and forks fo,30:SO T,lumph, (213) 392-1030. "j Bolli Line ..... $2.110 Til Wll'ds ..... $2... Tw..ty ftYl .rds ...,. $4.00 : • .

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