Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1967 08 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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SUNDAY, AUGUST Dill BEN E FIT RUN • bJ til. HI.,..., Klnp flIr bnello AIIllInlo Boys Town. Will I.d. "lIDlorcycl. bl.sslnlo" IIipwlll' rI de, AlIA uncI. Donation $1.SO. Starts 8 a.m. 10 9:30 ..... al $aRta MoDI ca H-D, 12418 santa Monica Blvd., Los AII,.I., D.adlln. 2:30 p.m. STEEPLECHASE TT al Capitol Spoodway I. WOII sacram.nlo. No"lces, Am all EXPOrts. will run lor ~ 01 tbe pID. AlIA 1aDct. Rac. Hllns at 6 pm, Adm $2.00 adoll. san JACK·ASS ENDURO RELAY AT RIVERSIDE sponsored bJ HI-Jinx Family Motorcycl. Club. Tbrft hours In I.Dlth over a cballon,. Ini courH. 125ee 1Im11 por blk•• 225ee tap por onlry. Two riders on two bI kes, two riders on one bike, .tc. Riders m.otlna 1It 9:30 ..... Pr_try al J onklns Sport Conter In Norwalk $2.50 per porson, at pcist $3.00. Tak. River· side Ffftway III Contral A".. In Riverside, 10 eaat and loll ow I" limo from tho ,,"Wlll'. AlIA SANCTIONED Scrambl.s at Fromonl, Calli. Locited nesl to .al strip CD Our bam Rd.. 011 Nimitz. Present.d by Fam.s M.c. Slpup and practice 9 a.m. 10 11 a.m. All DIll. 36 classes, .xcepl WOmoD. Clas C traction. Tech Insp.ctlon at lal•• $1.50 rid. or watch. E"onls start at 12:30 P.... SATURDAY, AUGUST Dtll 5O-lIILER SCRAMBLES by Sal. Hoppors M.C. at Enclnatas. Limed Irom Inl.rstaID #5 (101) and San Marcos Rd, Practlc. 10 ..m. Flrsl rac. 11 a.m. lor 1oocc-a1l clasHs, Includlnl Exports. Second rac. 1 p.... lor Exports 01 all dlsplac.monts excepl 1OOcc. Third race 3 p.m. lor No"lces 01 all dIsplac.monts DXcepl100cc. Ambulace, heads, lunellwalOn. $3.00 enlry Ie., no admlttanc. charle. For Information call (714) 753-2907. SHORTTRACK al Sonoma County Falr.,._s In Santa Rosa. Pros.nted by Nortll Bay LC. All AlIA IIlhlw.llhl class.s. 'No bra"s and class C traction only. Sipup 5-7 p.lDo, raclnl bellDs at a. Adml sslon $1.50 rid. or watcll. For Info. phan. (707) 45200287. SCRAMBLES al Sprock.ts Park, located at foot of China Grad. In Bakersfl.ld. Calif. All Dislo 36 rul.s .nforced, SI_up clo.s at 7 p...., raclnl Hllns at 7:30. SIMI VALLEY LC. p s 10 Elslnor. for a TT Scrambl.s. AlIA sanctioned. Dlst. 37 polnls. Small bare al 8 a.1I\oo bll bore at 12 p.m. Trophies will Hprosontedattherac.. SUNDAY, AUGUST 28tll DESERT CHALLENGERS pr....1 European Scrambles al Deadman'sPolnl. Se_ separata on. hour races lor maellines rail&lnllrom trall blka s to opon. FIrst rac. af 8 a.m. Genuln. AlIA point run. Tum off, Hwy. 66 al Lucero. Vall.y cutoff. head .asl to tho Intersection of Hwy.18 In Appl. Val loy, and you·r. thoro. RAINBOWS FlFTIt ANNUAL POKER RUN. Start 8 to 9:30 a.m. at Lonl Buch Harl.yDavidson. 3654 Lonl Beach BI"d, Donation $1.50. Approx. 120 mllas. Coffao and dou&bnuts at start. AlIA SPORTSMEN ROAD RACING al Carlsblld Raceway. Sponsored bJ Playboys LC. 'Racas for clasHs 01 Grand Prix maellines plusa production class lor stroot IIpt. .1pis. Pit pl. opons at 9 a.m., CIOHS at 11 :30 a.... Rac.1:30. ' SATURDAY, AUGUST 2ItII HALF-lIILE RACING at Tulare Co.., Fal... ar_ds. So. rIDst.r tails lor tile entire lonllb 01 tile stralptaway. Exdtlaa shaw starts at 8 ... Pur.. twa star or ~ IatDo SUNDAY, AUGUST 2ltll STEEPLECHASE TT at Capitol Speedway In W.sI Sacra_to, No. An. & Ex. will ruD for ~ Mtho pID. AlIA. Rac. al 6 plDo ACA MOTO CROSS brand ... track located at Ferst Ranch on Hwy. 99 1~ miles IIOrlb 01 tho Los AnIDlas Honor Fann 011 I" side aI tbe Hwy. IOlnl toward Bakersfl.ld, European typ. moto c,.... &i'adstHds. concOlslons &·1011.1 facllltl.s will be avallabl•• Admission: $1.50. riders entry $3.00. medical Insuranc. pro"Idod as w.II as ambutanc. servlc•• Praclice 10:00. first ."onl 12:30. All ,c1ass.s 100cc thru op.n. THURSDAY, AUGUST 31st SHORT TRACK - J.C. Apjanta prollDteS. AlIA sancl. al Antllope Vall.y Falraround.. Lacaster. CallI. $600. purs.. Pits opon 5 p..... tim. trl als i p...., Races start 8 p.rII. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2nd SCRAMBLE'S at SproCkels Park, located al loot 01 China Grad. In Bak.rsfl.ld. Calli. All Dist. 36 rul.s .nlorcad, Sipup closes al 7 P.m.. raclnl Hllns al 7:30. PACI FlC SOUTHWEST CHAMPIONSHIP Hare ,& Hound bJ Victors Me .... leII ran April 9 will be sb_ on ABC "Wide World of Sporls" at 5:00 PolIo (CbamJoI 7). B. sur. and walell. • •«:lall)'IIyou wore _ aI'th. 801 onlll... 2,200 MILES ON 2WHEELS.Jl. IN TWO WEEKS ..fR'. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 3rd 7 MILE AlIA NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP al Santa Clara County Falrlrounds In San J .... Call1.Amaleurs and Exports only on tho hall· \ mil.. Pit ptas ap.n al 8 a Practlca al 9 ..... Tlmo Trials alll:30 a First raca at 2:30 p.m. Barkbalmer-Murrall SEPTEMBER 3rd & 4tb 2nd ANNUAL 24oHOUR ENDURO at Thornton, Colorado. Prosenled bJ Tha .....Is Inc., troplll.s for all classes plus ~ all.. pt. III winners. Only ._1 aI Its kind ID U.s. Pro-rolhtratlon roqul rod, only 100 blk.s accepIDd, must have lIaJrtlnl Entrl.s clos. Aalo 20. Two riders, on. macbln•• 2bour tums. EIItry fft $10 p.r rider. Contact J.e. Norton. 9461 Lillian In.. Thomllln, Colo. 80229, pbon. 287-4583. .pqt. by Robert O. Fee 1st Day 306 Miles The alann didn't sound for long. Both my wife and I had been anticipating the early morning ring that signified the 'start 01 our vacation which was to cover 2200 miles on 2 whee Is in 2 weeks and not cross a state line. Traveling Light SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 9tll ..... LE NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP DIRT .. TRACK RAC E Ascol Park, 183rd & V.rmont, Gardena, Calli. Our 1959 Harley-Davidson twin was all packed and the tanks topped - ready to go. We were traveling light this trip. On a previous tour through Mexico. the same Harley was loaded to weigh 1,452 lbs. Today it barely made 1160 with 2 suitcases. sleeping bags, 2 ditty hags, a thennos bag. lantern, 2 burner campstove and our leather coats packed in a large luggage box. The right saddlehag was filled with ii's usual complement of .tools. flares. two rope and oil. The left hag was reserved for my wife's purse. rain gear and helmet storage. The moon was shining as we pulled out of our Pomona (Calif.) driveway at 3:10 a.m. Lightning played over dark clouds moving in from the south. It was one of those Sou'westers, not to common in California and which almost always slip in while the weatherman is looking north. Such was this unforecast storm. but I figured that if I beat it to Los Angeles, we would outrun it going north. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER lOtb CALIF. STATE CHAMPIONSHIP HARE & HOUND sponsor.d by Shamrock M.e. Starls 10:00 a.... All chaater will be discriminate alailISt! $4.25 ontry 10.. Trail bllias ride first loop. L1m.d Irom turn-off Rad Rock Ca~ yon, 17 IOlies Narlh 01 Mojav•• California. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER l&tb SHORTTRACK at Sonoma County Falrarounds In Santa Rosa. Prasent.d by Nortll Bay M.C. All AlIA "lhlw.llhl class.s. No brak.s and class C Iractlon only. Sllnup 5-7 p.m.. raclnl bellns at 8. Admission $1.50 rlda or walch. For Info. phona (707) 4S2·0287. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER lltb ACA ROAD RACE RIVERSIDE INTERNATIONAL .RACEWAY. All classes, G.P. and ...oductlon, ]lit lates open al 8:30 a.... SEPTEMBER 21st - 24tb WORLD ON WHEELS SHOW, sponsored by Chariots 01 So. Calif. Op.n to antlqu.s. classic, sports cars. molorcycl.s. cuslom .. hat rods. Located at lbe Hollywood Palladium 6215 Sunsot Bl"d. HollywDOd. Enlry appllccation may H Hcurod by wrltlnl to "A World 01", show cammltloa, P.O. Box 61, Lynwood, Calif. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30tb SHORT TRACK at Sonoma CalDlty Falrarounds in Santa Rosa. Pras.nt.d by Norlh Bay ...C. All AlIA IIlhlwolahl classas. No brakes and class C traction only. Sipup 5-7 p.m., raclnl Hllns al 8. Admission $1.50 ride or watch. For Inlo. phon. (707) 452.0287. SATURDAY, OCTOBER1~ SCRAMBLES at Sprockats Park. local.d at loot 01 China Grad. In Bak.rsflald. Cal II. All Dlst.36 rules .nfarced. Sipup CIOHS at 7 p.m•• raclnl Hllns at 7:30. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14tb SHORT TRACK at Sonoma County Falrlrounds In Santa Rosa. Pres.nted by North Bay MoC. All AlIA IIlll1walahl class.s. No brakes and class C lractlon only. Sipap 5-7 p.m.. raclnl Hllns al 8. Admission $1.50 ride Dr walcll. For Info. phone (707) 452-0287. SUNDAY,OCTOBER15tb LAST CHANCE III Sft balfomll. prolosslonal radnl al Tulara Counly Falraorounds boIore tile _ s GI onds. Raclnl be&lns al 2:30 plDo ......y paid to riders to tha tuna 01 4K. NOVEMBER 1Ub and 12tb DIRT DIGGERS 9th ANNUAL GRAND PRIX ad 2nd Int.mallonal Mota Cross. Entrl.s open Sept. 15 and closa mldnlpt Oct. 23. Mall ontry only. $100.00 post .ntry 10•• All ciaSHS. Start posilion dot.rmlned bJ postmark. LImited numHr. Watch Cycl. for • ntry addross and lurthar datalls. FRIO,AY, DECEMBER 15, 1961 PRIZE PRESENTATION to winners 01 Cycla Nows' annual Machin. 01 Your Dreams contest. Grand Prlz. and Flrsl Prlz. wlnn.r will H nolill.d aarll.r and will be on hand 10 accept" Oroam Machines." At Cycl. N.wlOfflce.6477N.Lonl Buell Blvd, 7 p.m. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1961 LAST ISSUE OF CYCLE NEWS FOR 1967Volumo IV NUmbor 50 of Cycle lb. lasl IsIUD belor. amual 2·. . .k "acatlon, will 10 on sala on ibis dalo. THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 19&8 FIRST ISSUE OF CYCLE NEWS FOR 1968W.'II H back In' stores, on new.. stands. subscrlHrs mallbaus and vendlnl racks with a new look for 'i8! YOU'LL ALlAYS SEE IT FIRST IN CYCLE NEWS Those Are Chickens! Mi~t have - but for a slight delay onKellogHill. Our vacation almost came to an abrupt sprawling halt except that an alert Patrolman flagged us down to a near slop. His car was one of five. crushed and blocking three 01 the four lanes of freeway. Thanks to him I was in low gear when we crossed into some white stuff and immediately started to skid in what felt like pure grease. The horrible stink was a great incentive to keep control and stay upright. I concluded that a cess pool pump truck had spilled it's load. "No so.- said Fay, my wife. -those are chickens'- So they were - we rode over a mile in chicken entrails and spoiled carcasses. Rain and the Los Angeles City limits came simultaneously. We left the Ireeway and sought shelter at a service station until the fast moving shower slacked. Riding on. the San Fernando . Valley was behind us when we caught it again. This time there were no places to pull off or even turn around, sq we putted on and let the trucks pass. By the time we reached Castaic Junction. our mouths tasted like old rubber tires and there was four inches of water in our boots. When dawn came. the douds broke and the sun helped dry us out before we hit the road again. It was warm and muggy in Bakersfield when we stopped to buy some rain gear. Relurning to Highway 99 we rode north to Visalia where we purchased the makin'gs for our evening meal. l on Highway 180 to Fresno. We were seriously considering adding a tent to our gear. After three hours of shopping surplus. sporting and discount stores. we lound one model of a suitable size at whall thought was a reasonable price - naturally it wasn't in stock. Precarions Road we enjoyed a short visit with the Mathews at the Fresno Harley-Davidson shop while their mechanic made a repair to the kick stand. A telephone check with the weatherman assured us that the heavy rains were all over, so we headed oul of Fresno for Shaver Lake, managing to get lost in the Clovis area. Backtracking. I found where State Route 168 turned north and this time we did too. From Toll House, the road assumes an angle that seems pretty close to straight UP and it clings rather precariously to the side of the mountain. By this time, the sun had set and we could see the lights of small villages dotting the valley, 2000 feet below us. At some pOints we conld see the vast Fresno complex sprawled out in the san Joaquin Valley. It lOOked like a carpet of jewels. At Shaver Lal.

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