Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1967 08 03

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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HEADLINE IN BOLD TYPE·· SLOO extra. ~ g; ADS ~ OFFERING ANYTHING TO '<" Book: HOW TO 'RIDE AN Expart rf dars In American sports competition tell the techalques of track and trail. Chuck • Feets· Mlnort Ind Bud Ekins on TT'Scrambllnc. East Coast's Don Pink tells how to rfde Enduros and trails. John IIcLauchlin on Grand Prfl Scramble.. Helpful tips on setup of mot"crcl .. cards. licenses and mucho mor.. Hardbound. $4. postpaid. Send cash. to How to Ride. Win, check or llIOIler c/o C&S Publlshlna Co•• Bol 498, Lana Beach, Calif. 90801. 67 BENELLI FLATTRACKER 250. lint. condition $695.00. Call (213) 644-4212. CONSCIENTIOUS HONDA MECHANIC Needed. must be elperlenced • reliable. Warren Wilson 1I0tors, 9000 SepUlveda BlVd.. Sepulveda. Calif. or_ _._-._ _._ .. __ .. __ A.J.5. 500 twin. lint. conlltlon. Call (213) 248-2109. I Ten Words· $1 Twenty Fiy • ·1.................. S tale •••••••• , I • • • • • • : ~~ nls • $2 =: • I • Heallline ia BOLD TYPE $I extra I. Picture $3 extra. AIldre5S................................................... • • Ci lv _. __ . $1 & $2 , : ---~--~--- ATTENTION SUBSCRIBERS: Please contact us roprdlna your address. Cycle News, (2.13) 423-0431. 65 NORTON ATLAS Road Racer.llanr frame, falrlna. etc. $650. Rob Hamson 71~29-G665. • • TRADE: S90 track cam for TT cam. Want 2223mm Delorto; stock S90 fork sprlnas. Call (714) 637·5645. BSA 19· quick chanae wheel with Dunlop trials tiro. $60.00. Leathers for 6', 180 Ibs.. 2 piece zip tocether $50.00. 71~42·1195. WRITE AD HERE' 1 : TRADE: Scuba cear; twin 38's. R-4 rea.. also (2) 3.50119 tires (K70 + Avon) rims. Preferably for Enallsh 4 cycle. etc. (213) 596-4570 • 63 HARLEY DAVIDSON Sprint H 250cc. Set up for dirt with Bates seal and knobbies. All str.. 1 equlpmenl and '67 license included. Elcellent mech. condo $350.00. Phone: 325-5974 after 5 p.m. TRADE: Triumph pipes, Vela Clubman tank. Indian parts. scout etc. etc. Want lite desert seat or ? Call 776-5795. ' Furnish the bike. I'm the rider _ prefer.... Norton. Howard Beach #33 EI•• 237 French. R1dcecrest, Calif. ........•... _ MECHANIC WANTED Top job. excellent opportunity. World Crcle. 3303 Sunset Blvd.. Los Anaeles. Calif. 90026. Phone: (213) 662-0839. 1965 TRIUMPH BONNY stock. perfect condition. never raced or dropped. 4600 miles on street. seilina because of health $900. Call 213-693-8133 after 8 p.m. (WH 0 WANT S TH B R BI KE TO BEAT .LN.!) ~ Established Motorercle Shop.Prfme locall_ LOI Anaeles Area Dlstrfbutorshlp for IlUL' TACO and other leadlna brands. Excellent service dept., modem_mow room aod cOllplete In_tMY. All till s can be -JOurs· on a very attractive plan. For further Infomatlon please write: Bol C. c/o Crele News. BOl e8, Lona Beach. Calif. 90801. TRADE: 21· TV (nleds soml work) for Bates solo soat or BSA B-34 timing cover. 213~71 2273. 1966 GREEVES CHALLENGER. Sprfnae ,. Fork. ellnt. condo $650. or best off... Ph: HE 6-0457. 52 VINCENT, set up f.. draas. no miles since major tuneup. Ixtra cases. 12 to 1 pistons. L1chtnlna dutch • cams, will trade? Don Middleton. Bol 222 (71110 Varner Rd.) Thousand Palms, Calif. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY $600-$800 MONTHLY Fastest growlna Honda dealer has top par openina f.. experienced parts and service man - A-1 futur.. (21:3) 392-4105. • FREE IANT ADS I If you have solDethiDg &0 give away I ......e etc. w&Dt adB ue free &0 YOIl • I ._.1. • • • ENCLOSE CURRENCY MAIL TO: CYCLE IIEIIS, P.O. BOX . , LONG BEACH, CALIF. I.-I I I I •.............................................. ...........• ~ •

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