Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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CENTS ~ ~ HEADLINE IN BOLD TYPE - - $1.00 extra. :::e Picture (supplied by you) ••• $3.00 .xtra Prtces ••• 10 words or less, plus address ... 25 words or les~, plus address COMMERCIAL ADVERTISERS RATE Ten ",rds ..... $2.00 Twenty five wards ... oo $4.00 Bolli Line ..... $2.00 Plio....... $&.00 .. A.US OFFERING ANYTHING TO GIVE AWAY OR TRADE - FREE MECHANICS WANTED 1966 IIONTESA 175ec, s.t up for TT racinl carb, lun.d .xhaust, lears, Bat.s seat, h.l· m.t, .tc.lncludlnl str..t .qulpm.nt. 865-5439 aft.r 6 or w.. kends. $400.00. MOTORCYCLE ENTHUSIASTS Two HarleyoDavi dson m.chanlcs n_ded at onc.. Must be exp.lenc:.d. WorIllnl hours: TUI-Frt. 8~ and Sat. 8-5. Apply HarleyDa.ldSQII of Lonl Buch. 3654 Lanl Buch Blvd. Llml Beach, california. Chanc. of a lifetime to sell In a fl.ld you know and enjoy. Excellent care.r opportualty with Top Commissions for Sal.sman with I.adlnl National Ltwt. DlstrllXltor. Applicants must be 100d riders. Ask for Harold or Kim Kimball at Motors Inc. (213) 66308258. WANTED Yamaha mechanic .xperl.ced. Wonderful opportualty to IJOw with well .stallll sIIed ..-rdlal dealersllips. J_las Sports C....s ca II: (213) 433-9987. .x- '59 TRIUMPH BO.EVI LLE 650cc. ... .etDe 0ftIfl_1. cllatns, sprockets, callies, blue ....r ....1 paint, F " . s Bars, -eapbaaes. ChDice of seats. $llDw bike ....... wlth ell..... $650. (n4) 871-6919. - $1.00 $2.09 TRADE BSA Goldstar, Tla ...Imary's & Did slael. loop, BSA rtetd " - for? Goldstar parts. (714) 599-4464 Evenlnls. "57" BSA Goldstar Catalina, sup. clean, desert IlqUlpp.d 714-59904464 Evenlals. •'62 GREEVES 200cc scrambler. Very stronlo clean. $350. Also, stock muffler far sq, brl. $25. 42508586. TRADE: 63 HD sprint CR5, ..w c_1I, tIlr 5O-100cc road racer. call ST 5-8097. FOR SALE: Comp.leathers, New, fully 1I..d, padded. Make offer. 344-9215. TRADE "Mans" daub'l-leadlnl fnlnt brake & ......1 assembly comp. for 2101llll. FD fnlnt Ink. assembly compo (17mm asl••) Alan Spears, 1897 P.pp. Tr.. Lan.. '$an Bernardino, Calli. 92404. FOR SALE 61 TR6 Dirt Blk. "rudy to rac.· $650.00. Call Rich (213) 728-5764- TRADE Bat.s solo & pillion pad for flberllass raclnl seat. Call (415) 848-1798. NEED COMPLETE BULTACO .11.. 175cc or lar..... Will buy oatrtlht or trade far Honda parts or complet. M.C. Pb.e: 830·2500. IMMACULATE X-& o-.d by CoN. Editor and far sal. at a barpin prtc.. Cllp-ons and other I..-ents, ODIy $499.00. wrtt. Rull Hartmut. 1246 Eo 2tId St., LoDI Beach, Calif. All Inqulrl.s _swered. TRADE '65 G.....s Squar. barr.l-much extra desert IlqUlpment. p.rfect condition. Call (213) HE 6-0457! James Makamura, 2024 Caspian, Lonl Beaen, Calif. PRECISION CYCLE BORIIIG ALL SIZES PARILLA 250cc G.s. road racer w/falrlnls, extra . . .Inl, car.... Avon raclnl tires, ..w .eta.. Sell or trade for Dyno.(714) 375-5395. 1965 MONTESA DIABLO - top condition aever raced $425.00. 213-697-2567. TRADE: 1967 Greewes Chall• •r, Cerl_1 forks, for lat. IIlOdel Trtu set up far des6 pom. 249-5365. • t.must be cl_.Cali at ~ REWARD: For return of blu. B.II Maenum h.lmet and raclnl eoul.s lost In b1u. and whit. bal at Willow $prlnls May 6. Call: 246-8786 Evenlnls, MOTORCYCLE SALESMAN WAJlTED, Ex· pertenc.d In selllni necessary & 100d appearance, Apply In person. HDUse of Suzuki16112 Harbor Bl.d., Fountain Valley, Calif. Phane: (714) 53108540. HONDA MECHANIC AT ONCE salary or commission. Honda of GI.dal., 246-2461 or 245-1526. NORTON ATLAS '66, mint, 1500 mll.s $895. (714) 893~818. HAIL MOTORCYCLE TRAI LER-n.w-CHP appro".d. $50.00. Phone: 863·7840. HODAKA ACE 90 ---- Mlnl-blk.. modtfled enllne, tabloc 12:1 hud ellP_sl. cbalIIber. etc. Sup.r-saaltary and .... ek! (Not reeo_ended for no.lce 90year Olds) $250.00. Pb: 474-2721. TRADE: Rlllnl/racial I.athers, 34 wal st. 44 Jack.t for: IOOd 2 or 3 rail blk. traller,-or eood lat. model s.wlal machla.,-or ? (714) 77209329. Geor.. W. Rauch Jr., 704 5. L...on St., Anaheim, Calif. 92805. 1966 GREEVES T FS Trails 250ec 1967 II·••xtras, $600. 5240 Dr.sden PI.. RI".... side. (714) 68H527. BULTACO METISSE, .xtra . . .Ialo .xh_st syst.m, tlr.s, lldehack $600. OR 1-2934- 66 HONDA 160 SCRAMBLER - Lim. lreen, chrom. acc.. 350xl8 tire, Daytona 300 h.lm.t, 7300 mll.s, xlnt. cond. $499 or off.r. 21303 5. Jaffrey, Torranc .. FA 0-2546. TRADE: 4:001l18 K70 for 3:00x18 Universal. Lonl Beach. Phon.: 42208658. 1966 BSA Victor 441cc, only 4000 mi., Ilk. n... n._ raced, Bates scrambl.s seat, E-l bars, $725. Phon.: 472-3128. All makes - wal.s op.n-Ben.fIts-Apply In person. Dal. Brown M/C, 2441 Lonl B.ach Blvd., Lonl Beach, California. . 1966 EL CAMINO, 8100 mil.s, 327, 4-sp-d, posltractlon, bucket seats, Marina Blu. wi th black trim. chrome wheals, prtc. $2395.0wn.r MOTORCYCLE MECHANIC • • .. • • • • • • TRADE: 64 G.....s D.sert, square barr.1 In excellent condo wlth '67 llcens. for n.w Hodaka. John Hancock, Box 1446 Calpoly. San Luis Oblspo, Calif. 93401. PICK UP 1940 Ford, ch.rry body, complet. n.w flathead, radiator, .xhaust system, all orlelnal, heater $450.00 casll or will take blke trall.r as part payment. $700.00 la".sted. Arnold Adkison, GR 7-6371. GREEVES66 Challenler, us.d about 10 times, n••• raced, must s.1I thl s -II, best offer takes. (714) 536-4743. WAJlTED: Repairable 250 or 305 Honda Scrambl.r. Phon.: 632·3622 (Days). went Into servlc.. Ask far Jim Wool win.. (213) 352-3241 or 35303226. WANTED: Must ha•• a 250 Ducatl Clutch HOlIsla.. Phone: 632-3622 (Days)• TRADE-1965 B.5.A. 650cc Thunderbull Ilk. new eoedltlon for BMW R60 or 69S, similar cond. Tel. 93901482. ~ MAIL TO: CYCLE NEws. P.O•. BOX 498, LONG BEACH, CALIF. 90801 WRITE AD HERE' ENCLOSE CURRENCY 64 GREEVES square barr.I, n._ rac.d, new rines, .xtra rear tire. T.1. 657·2195. • • ~ T RAD E: 1961, 650 BSA dua I carb. head, set up for slaet. carbo far 1961 650 BSA. (714) 546-3915. • • • • • Space Reserved • TRADE 65' 175cc streat or desert for Hodah. Call att.r 6 p.m. (213) 288-5789. & $2 ! • Ten Words - $1 • Twenty Five words - $2 • Headline in BOLD TYPE $1 extra • • Picture $3 extra. • • • City•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• State ••• ••••• FREE WANT ADS • • H you have something to give away • trade etc. want ads are free to you • ~ 66 305ec YAMAHA strut Bike, much chrom., Like n.w, phon.: 944-5328. YAMAHA 65, 250 a.ver abused, In dirt or rac.d, 10,000 pampa r.d mil.s & $450 ea sh for 65066 Triumph or BSA. NO 4-3153 L.A• • • • Address.... •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • '64 GREEVES IIOto Cross, new piston, rod, beartnls, 2 tanks, 3 .xhausts, skid pia•• Barnett clutch, des.rt ready, fast & dependable $425 or best offer. GA 7-6464. - 67 HUSKY 250cc. Has not been raced. $875. or trade far .qually Trtumph nooc or TR6C wlth street & des.rt .qulp. (714)465'7763 : Name.......................................... $1 • " 4 SALE-TR6'$C D.s.rt Blk.. the most outstaodlnl d.sert lied built. Cerlanl s front & re., fresh 0vem.1, Q c,,_. skid pla'e. all the eoodt.s, AIso TRI 500 SC f....... colllplet. .xcept for enlln.. All or part, Ph: 1213) 426-1073. BSA GOLD STAR "21" IIIlln. rebuilt. Set up far dirt, sIIarp & Call (213) 925-3873. FOR SALE '52 Ford Pickup with m.tal camp• r runs lood, but body not ch.rry. $200.00. Call Foothill Trail and Sport (213) 249·1640. Ask far Mlk.. _ WANTED Expertenced Trtlllllph Motorcycl. Mechanic farSklp Fordyc.H-D sal.s In Rlversfde. Contact Mr. Ken Godron, Shop Superlntend.t at (714) 68404747. '65 250ec DUCATI SCRAMBLER, eood conll· tlon $500. Phoae: (805) 25903682. D1CK'S~C SALVAGE, 9061 Eo Art.lla BI.d. Bellflower, Phone: 925-9054. HarlllOa & Collins racine cams, COlIIpIe. II.... Inl tIlr all aeads. Mlk. Burke lIntorcycl. spedalltl.s, 15178 Raymer, Van Neys, calif. TRADE-BSA Twln bat. lenltloa components (Bat., colis, rectifier, dlod. and stator) far E.T. lenition from '66 and lat.r BSA Twln. (714) 52108360. FOR SALE: Leath.s, black, 1-plec. Maca. Fit 6', 140-150 Ibs. 591-2972, after 4:00 p.m. with thl s, Call (213) 835-5881. TRAI LER - 3 Blk. carrier, new throulhout $75.00. Call Don (714) 495-5525. ------ FOR SALE: 57 TR6 set up far desert. Motor has lat. unit parts, bead,, rods and crank. Trans has all lat. . .ars spaced per· fectly. $500.00. Ph: 761-3800 bet_n 9-4 pm. DRAG BIKE Trtumph 30.50 ps. Has turned 104.00 $1000.00 -u. of extra 'Darts & traJ ler eo.s '64 DDT, 01 rt Bike, l'lnt. con d., spar. sprocket, x'pan, chamber. Call (213) 370-4427. • .. _ for Y.r W.a' Ad Book: HOW TO RIDE AID WIN Exp.t rtd.s In AmerIcan sports COllpetltlon the t.chnlques of track and trail. ClIllc:k "Feels· Miner! and Bud Eldas on TT·ser_ blln. East Coast's Don Pink tells how to rtde Enduros and tralls, John McL_plln on Grand Prtx Scrambl.s. H.lpful tips on setup of motorcycl., c.ds & licenses and mucho mor.. Hardbound. $4. postpaid. S.d casll, cheek or moa.y or. to How to RIde & Wla, c/o C&S Publlslllni Co., 80s . , Lonl BeacII, calif. 9080L .11