Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1967 04 20

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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· :: S············I 1&1_.... 1 :: "ODY CAl :: • • * I * • ! * :: * I I * * * • * :: A wIIlrl,b1n1 fIllI.w. L.any ft. . . . higher gear because the sand was deep and soft and the course ran UP bill making It rough for the trail bikes. • The trail bikes rode only the first 45-1nile loop and cut out about five miles of hills on the north end of tbe course. where tbere was a'sign showing them to make a right tum. After tbe start. most of the spectators moved over to the finish wblcb was about 300 yards fran the starting line. orm Benham. on a Hodalta. pUlled in followed by nine otber riders. There wa~ a long pause before anyone else came in. and it seems tbat Norm's group took the sidecar turn-off wblch was before the trail blie tum-o!f,. giving them only fom cbecks when they should bave bad tive. They also cut five miles off the course. The first man In with all the checks was Frank Morgan, on a Hodalta. Tom Rnd~ on a S-Speed Hodalta. came In seco;;J. and big Frank -Wbeelle" Wheeler (Hodalta) pulled in third. The IlIIrRUI It to lit. first amateur In was Rick Stumpt. who took tourth overall. First novice was Bill Gaines. taking ninth overalL The trail bikes got a good run for their money. A lot of them dldn·t make It to tbe pits because the course had so much deep sand tbat a lot or engines Just quit. and tbose with small gas tanks ran out of gas. ne Victorll M..C. pat oa a great run b lIIrir first 1Iy. a dley are a _ club willi "'y 16 -..bers. TIle telerisioa coverage was alao very ~ ve, wi.tIl die belicopt« . . . all or die CUleras. This run was one of the biggest since the old Big Bear days. and everyone was there. Including a large number ot campo ers. The weather was just great and you can't beat that bench racing a campfire the night before the run. All in all. it was a very enjoyable week-end. (Resalts lIII pace 16) w>und 8 Preselletl 0. TV TIle lAIcb WIteels ' __.ced lllat KCOP-TV _ co ered IIoeU Las eIU _ .-\IIdl 3nI ... IIlat GIe ..... lie 011 CIl-a 13. APril 18111at II p... Efforts to put the Me on a more protesalooal basis by securing a dupllcator for the RRC"s very own were soundly slapped down. PropOnents or tbe measure bad cI ted easier and cleaner OPeration. lower operating costs and sborter preparation times as advantages of a duplicator ovet a mimeograPh rnacblne for the sbort run needs of the Commiltee. An offer from tile Centaurs M.C. to donate the $125.00 for the duplicator and supplies was rejected by the assembly. It ins1&ted that the organization accept the loan of an olda bandinking mimeo offered by the Lucky Wheels M.C. Investigations determined that It would cost $10 to $50 to re!urblsh the machine after Its three years of non-use. Ne" Clabs 1& Sprig, Tnr Two new motorcycle clubs from the SOuthland area were accepted [or membersblp by the Me. Both the Spinning sPokes and the Silver Wheels were recommended by the Executi ve Board and accepted unanimously by tbe commlttee. --------------. :f fiill ••f.rc,cle l : • Celfer -a-e of MlIIftY .. Cooll Dnlp&«- IlIll W. FIIOdIIII ...... Up'_ .2-1951 : • I -------------_.1 The words -old business- were the signal for a very vocal minority to commence questioning various policies of tbe planning committee. The Artesia Pioneers severely criticized the charging of competition tees for field events. and tor the situation being handled the same as in previous years. wltbout their voting on it. Their big concern was whO would handle tbe registration and cash. Edble of the Highway Kings Offered to bandIe the money if the Pioneers felt incapable of the task. Botb clubs bad volunteered to conduct the field events. The California Eagles denounced the planning committee as a tyranny for dictating how tbe Referee sbould conduct the judging. The representative was quite non-plussed wben Informed that tbe -dictation- which be hadn·t bothered to read. specillcally stated -blghly recommends.The Referee was spu tterlngly indignant that the planning committee should even presume to otfer any recommendations to him. The sign committee objected to the planning committee's request for additional signs to bettet intonn and direct the Sr;ltlng Tow particiPants. The sign committee bad previously served notice tbat they would provide only those signs they thought necessary. notwithstanding new programs and procedures Initiated by the planning grouP. ! ! * 7233 CANOGA AVE 346·3700 • ! • • • • * :: ! ! • I SPfIDWAY * :•• • * * • * : • • • * • * ::.. :: ! (702) 384-1520 EIIIrJ SUi I Co A * :: I :: i ssill a..•••••••••• **********•••• *••••********' petence. volunteered or expressed interest In the task. -Good constructive criticism is welcome and solicited.- said Adsit "but petty and vicious attacks on the' planning committee are entirely out ot order. l! any person observes sbort comings in this Spring To~r~ and there are many. then wr1I1ea cnhques and suggestions for improvement will recei ve close attention and will be added to the planuing tolder for the 8th Spring Tour." A IIIlltioa to reject CIlainaD Adsit's resilllllfJOll was JIlIISed ...u-asIy. EBCO CO PREsgO RELEASE WebcoInc. now marltets a compression release assembly dealgned for two-stroke I!!&cbInes used In all types of competition eveots. The unit. cunently beIJlc used by top riders In sbort track TT scrambles and desert events. acts 'as a braJr.!! an~ provides much greater control in 51 tuations wbere brakes are nonnalJy Ilsed. An added benefit of the compre9- lIIal they were. dsit lUIDOlmCed bl resipatioo, eRective lIII acijoullllllen&. ~~ :: If Ii "Okay, I Q it" CANOGA PARK :: * • • I I • ~ tU SiIHl' City SCnIIIIIers ILC. Followiag a series of patUcalarly am-.toas criUctlDS by the Artesia PI_era. Cbai.-a dsit a ed tbeID if dley were lIIIbappy with the way tile tour was beiJIc baadled. On bemg a_red stony silence bad metAdsil's request at the February meeting for volunteers to plan the 7th annual Sprin g Tou r. AS a last resort Adsit appOinted tbe Too Tired M.C. to meet and plan tbe rally. That club. compOsed of old timers In the s.port. represents over a bundred and f!!f;y years ot.motorcycling and organizahonal expenence. When Initially apo proached to plan the tour, the Too Tireds agreed to accept the job only if no One else. regardless of experience or com- *~ I SL ESTATE C SS C I :: By Robert O. Fee stormy was the atmosphere of the April 3rd meeting of tbe Road Riders' Committee. Even before the opening gavel fell. representatives of the CalIfornia Eagles- M.C. cornered tbe RRC Cbalrman. Bob Adsit. and ronndly criticized the layout of the 7th annlial Spring Tour !lyet.Much more was to come later. Once tbe meeting preliminaries were disPensed with. Fred Powell of the American Motorcycle service Association sPOke to the group and told the riders about AIlSA'S services. All RRC members were offered sPecial inttodtlctory rates in the organization. He also told tbe clubs that if they wish to sell memberllbips In AIlSA the club treasury will recelve the normal sales commission. Those interested may contact Mr. Powell at AllSA's offices: 8272 Sunset Boulevard, Los Angeles. telephone 656-6440. .~ • • AP123 Districf 37 ~•f I If lis , e, fAST ) SIIOfS lUlLY AIEl" IT ! AI . . tI..... II.. Itolllrb aeupt. ClDllII'at"aIIeIIs. lS, 1fT'S SEE " ., I:. ~ PRODUCT TEST: IIEV.DUll ETAl POUSH Many manufacturers todsy make great chums for the effecti veness of their prodUcts on the outalde of container but qulte often tbe buyer is disappOinted when be finds out that wbat he bad pmcbased simply Isn't UP to the job. Therefore. we are elated wben we find a prodoo uct wblch exceeds Its advertising claims. Take it .from us. Nev~Dull really works! . WetnedNen-Dull on some of our own and were simPly amazed at the results It produced. To use it. all you do IS tear orr a small piece of the chemically treated cotton wadding and rub over the sutface to be cleaned. Then take a clean dry cloth and gently buff. And we do mean gently! The pOlish works so well that yOO'U use ap only a few calories In making yom almninum cases sparkle and yom cbrome rlJns glisten. What's more, there are DO liquids to sbaJr.e Ot splll. DO mess to clean ap yet rnst and tamisb disappear In a The pOlIsb is non-abtasive and works on all metals. IncladlDg allllllinmn cbr~ brass. copper and nickeL' • Nen-Dull is not a new procIu(:t by any ~s. It bas been used by t1ie armed sernces for years and is currently ased by tbe L.A.P.D. on sbow bikes. In fact. our scrambles reporter Maureen Lee blghly recommends its use on anything !rom Girl SCOut belt buckles to the rottons on father's llIIitonn. She knows tor sbe bas used it since 1939. j1tXJ: lESS THOMAS lOINS IIARL.BYDAVIDSON RAaNG DKPARTllKNT sion release is that it allows trail riders to keep the throttle open wbile descendIng bills. thllS ensuring adequate engine lubrication. The unit is easily Installed by spOt facing. drilling aDd tapping the !=ylind~r bead. The complete &&Sembly mclllding lever. cable and compression release ~ sells [or $12.95. • • • •LAST • • AT • • • • • • • • • • • 2I1-llU• • • • •• •• • 1IkoIIIp. pjatDu For""'" «Ie' au) Jess Thomas. a vetetan racer In the United States and Europe. bas joined Harley-Davidson's Racing DePartment as Project Engineer. Jess will assist 'Chief Racing Enginee~ Dick O'Brien and represent Harler oa"ld&on at selected National CbamPio~ ship II!ces. Jess if 27. married and bas two cblldren.

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