Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1967 04 20

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Hi-HfI!s $crflllJlJle .... .... fa III fit PittslJllr" (fllif. Q" On tbe way to the West Pittsburg track, twenty-live miles /rom Modesto, lWe ran into one 01 .the best jobs 01 lime marking lWe bad ever ~. Proceeding with confidence, we then spent the next boar vainly searching (or the Hi Hat scrambles. It seems there were two other events being held in the locale - a sports car run and a IIlOtorcycle poker run - and we wound up twentY-tive miles away from the track. stopping a Higbway Patrol car we explained our predicament. The officer said: "Follow me. yOu've had enOl1gb troohle," and promptly guided us to the races. T1te est Pi:ttst."e layaat is .,... prised or two tI2cks, _ lor -.u IIiILes lUId ODe 1M die llie jobs. T1te 8IIDrteI" is just 0\'« a ~e ill leqbt; tile larcer oDe _ _ slicbtly DKJre thaD lIlree-Qllal'ters or a _Be. 'I1Ie wanders . , dowa aIId all _ d tile crassy bills, offerine II)Od risi.billty to lIPectlltol'S lIIId a challe-dac Inc" oo.rse lor the riders. Lilli Little Bikes ........ tIIat LJMa R8llPn po CaIIf_la Is lIIess" wI.. ".u, &Iris as . .I as pntIJ bikes Is 10..." 1IDJfrl.'s TrI...... _ ... &50 Amateur wl••r Dan Pawl s had "' shands "II lIat. Topalar rapldy aarrowln, tit. wi" dstanu 1Ietw_ first .d _ d plac.. 8IU s.Jtzaa. Sap (15 . .I ~ Little likes provided ple~ or action this day. In the lOOcc Novice final. Gary Higby rode hard to come from third place for the win on his Honda. Then Bill Sargent, Hodalta mounted. overcame a spill and wound IW second to Rory Muscatell (Bridgestone) in the 100cc Amateur main. Novice 200cc honors went to Jimmy Denny. (Bultaco) who led all the way and won by 50 yards. The 200cc Amateur wiuner. Robert Grossi. also won his heat race aboard a Bu!taco and was never headed in the 1 .1II.... ...., us ...... I_ . . .r ............... 251 of A lr.d of IIlIIlwelpt lIavlc.s char,• ..-d a crassy s (C.Z), 111m. Action was dolllinaled stal1IId.~. . . . . . _ final, In 25Doc Novice action. CZ rider Chris Willams took th e lead on lap on e, maintaining his advantage up to the checker. First Jllace changed hands five times during 1he ban!-fougbt sit-lap 250cc Amateur main. Leading at the wire was William Saltzman. a mere biJte-leng1h ahead of heat race winner Teny Sage. Both men rode Boltacos. EIJ'" ISS De Z5kc ExPerts 8IIowed Il'Iu' IIley rate lIeU des1pwlioe, wid! Boe« GoldtIlwute's ~ e partk:aluty ~ ssiwe ill the AfteJ' a bad start be wodIed bi.s way bIto secODd, tbeII took 'first place two laps later. ___ Two Hondas, ridden by LafU' Bradley and Ron Davies. battled for 350cc Nov- ice supremacy. Bradley emerged on top but not without a struggle. since the lead chan ged hands at least twice a lap. On to the big machines. and the SOOcc Novice event turned into a fOU1"Wll.Y go for first. Side Qy side from start to finish, the results lound Bill McClinton's BSA nosing Byron Kell's BSA at the wire. c..... Pleas. Underdog winner of the 500cc AmatueJ-Expertmain was Gene Conaut. moun- by ellrls Ileal . . . . . T..., . .~ GIn (94 1IIrIbc.) • • slJIe lIIIIdI ....,s........, ... It" III. . . ... ~ ftt'It ,a- AIIa.y (38 ~). .. ted 00 a 36000 lIaieo. 'Ibinp might have been dlffeJ'ent. however. if Roger Goldthwaite hadn't unloaded from his 44lcc.B5A • .bile challenging for second. The cbain rea.c:tlon Pileup dumPed two ~ front lUIIIIers to the tnrf as lWelL 'Be I\lorice eecc eveat . . . . . . . . La _ _ ealU' triIIIIer over fellow 'I'riIIIIPI ri*r am nett. 11Is,. ill eecc ~ ac:tAaa. was ........81..,. .-...w---w -.lei ........... I 2. ~ c..- us _ _ ..... . . 1iI1. . . . . . (1ISA) . . . . . . . [ ss. _ ~ s • ~cu.. .... Davis ate Tel..... (.... ~ ) all die ...,. TelIIIUu i .. "' I nJ'..... as die frUIIIlnt ill a.e.e --.s (... j-.t .wt tal _ . - . - E1lped..1 8Pe"lrine of spe.c:ta.oolaT tag bike rides, Rod Nmeam deserved a special trop!lY for his stick-to-iHveness. Bunning seCOlld and llU8hinc for tile lead, he hit a hole DIl the side of tile tmck al:ld w,ent end over end tbree tUnes. A lesser man would have ea1led it qultes. hilt 1'1" mpzd managed to remount" get in :tile race and come from l.ut plaee lxl fourth! (~l

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