Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1967 04 20

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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... & 01 so CALENDAR of EVENTS tree '" . U EYERY 111 I Irll SU DAY IlEARDSL£Y IlACET~~ ....--... ser.IIIei. & T.T. AlIA I. . . . c.". SIal. ~I. C llIat. 25 lilies ., .. of ......... ArfL • u.s. H.,. &II. .,.... .,.. 1 classes; nrst race SATURDAY, APRIL l5, 1ST SClIOOL. at fti _ _ AI, ..... 12t3I PI_ sa.. Pacllf_ ( _ PI_ . . & S. F...... RlI.) Street - . . ........... , - . dart, $lIM , . ....... Fer I........ c.l1 (213) 7I5-24n. IlOAD MCl lIt~, v..... AFII UnoaAL mAD RACE. ... race _ $111. . .1 I.... La (~ ,.se III &P u.-. ft. & liMa, da..... T..,M.. & "a ..,...... . . . .tII. ,.., J..II. _ _ F. ..~ ..., .nl. A~SF. 7J3 2IllI A $Ie ...... CMIf. F. I'" , . . cauf. (415) 342-37U s.. C.rU. (213) 1'52__75. Den I •• ,...., . . , . ...., . . . . tueIl. pi , • ...,.•• . . - -.. or,.lzetI IIJ ~ S.F. ca,ten" .... AFII. ........ PnctIa:' ...... I .... . . Las Yeps TT SCIWlIlLE5, .. D..... SpeodnJ. AlIA- saKII.-4. TT ~ L E 5 , _ . _ PtxtIc. t:IO .... 'rll race _ _ liiur ta.. III' . . 5( .. tIrt _ _ Dlrectlau: 1_ 5 III . St., CIIo!l. VI 5 D'" III . . . . FI..t&. Follow sl traca. AlIA - U..... 51,.. _ 1:00 ..... race. _ _ Loc.cIIlI 5 s M.t of EI tal., DOt Ja_cIIlI Rt&. AI I cl _s, trapI!f.I. awanIod. $1.25 to II. . Appro., 3/' 1111. TT coone. SCItMIILES AT UIICOUI. $fIOlI-1IlI IIJ TT SCRAIIBLES at Las V..... lin. Dlstrfct H.,. C.,. .... SIorra Cycl. CI-' AlIA UIIC., .11 w...... start. _ _ Locatoll._ . . .11. NIl _ $L5II" rldo or RIel!. $I. . . t:OO .... Gatos ..... 7 - . '-175cc. • _; 200-250" 81. 18 _; IIlllos, All-Ea-Ilov. 1 pill. Blko. 200cc will us. . . . . I'ad. EnIIJ f . $2.ID SI.2S. R.aul.llon __ Iler ,I*s Sia .trlos _ . . . . Poiol .o¥leo. AIUUo' _d Eaporl ~ I 110 _ _ , . crasllncatlon '.rod. cI.... a' TT SCItMllLES Prado Park, ,re-.I. IIJ 13 RolIoI. Le. L1",twoIPt: All cl.lSO. -.I.-ts.' - . •• blll.s: Alia.'. Eaport 11 .... lIoYIeo 2 , .. $p;Ir1s c..ltt.. 110101.. &trJ $2.10 MOTO CROSS SCRAllllL£S ., BoanI5I., lUdl, 25 .11.. --.oil of PlIoool .. Allz. 3 1111•• __ of H., &11-70. Raco. start 1151 11:31 .... Rxl•• f . _I TT SC.....LE5 .. 8aJ Slnll bI •• , - . bI. bla." _ T v..... F.,. III -...,.n R. Ie TIloo..... Daks, III. . , . III W -.I loft III llalco. • R. F. , . . . lofo, call 642-1451 or TT SCRAIIIBLES .1 P.nt .. Calli. Sponsorod IIJ ill_lido ......s Le. All clas.... AlIA CLASS C HALF.LE, ASCDI Pn _ ....... 1&3.. -.I .,....... QanIIea. SU DAY, APRIL IIIss It. PIIs classes rn. 50" til Opoo. Also pnIlIIIcII. class III' strwot .ac:lll. . . FIrst '.ce 1:38 IIIIe of Uocof• • 601. Hili Rd. Follow ... II.... FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 1H1 E.., FrI..., lIuI. All ...., • :15 ..... Carl IQdod w.n5l ....I.... :<: ~ 1,.. All co-tIOdlDrs . .1 - . AlIA saoc. ...... IIJ c.". State Le. Ilt~, US1 SHORT TRACK RAClIIG, (Sportlllao) AI ... TUESDAY, APRIL TIIIj. s,oodwaJ I. So. Qato. AlIA ,m .-11• • .c " .-Ill ofIIoId!. AI BIYd. ~. ~. IIoadt F..-, Flre_ IIJ P1aJMJs at ~ ,:01 ,... PII pl. closes .t 250cc .d ...... Tbr.;, 101ec, 250cc. bor pl".s win 110 avail'" .t ,It pt IIc. . . ,~ ",rod. EVERY TUESDAY IGHT F,"* .OW U~IL ~YEIIBEJt. Rac.s mrt."." Tau· daJ •• :15 ..... • 7::11 THURSDAY, APRIL 2't~, 15n ..rx-. I DOOR SHORT TIlACK MCl.G. at _ ID Sao DI All cra lIOYIco. _ toor-.l OllpoItprfl AIIA . .elI.od IIJ J.e. ApJ-j_ Tw cUlSOS: 100cc & 250ee. For fortIIor "" , . call DA 3-5155 • Ie G....... AddIU ,ac.... S. Dlop •• ..,-.lJ_ ~a n 5cradII.. .t s-rt se .t , ..... race 110'01 ... PrllSledod IIJ .. 511_ CII, Speedw.,. Practleo 10 .... Plell .. II.... c.r.. • SIIowIIoat Hot'" F. lot.. call (712) 314152l1., 500 MIl ... Arfzou .....s ,ea'I1 a'.. EoIrJ 52.2$, OPEJI RELD SCRAllllLE5 _od IIJ !laldors Le. of CaoIIJ. rtIMoll Cl!allfll....'... Ill. all cl...... Pr.ctlc. 11 ..... rac. _ KaoIII!l.. , _ _dod. Follow sill's f _ 51IYWt•• Ore.... oroa t!apIIf... SPRI.G SCRAIIIBLE5, ..... tod IIJ Lodl IIolDrcrcl. CI", AlIA saoc., ai, . _ bI. tracll. Locatf_ Lodl C)'C'. 1Iowt. $I..,. ,.11 ..... ,ace at _ A*' ssloo $1.50 rid. • w.cII. Spoc:laI IIIIIoof I. coeIost ... CITY OF HOPE SPRI.G TOUR. AlIA toor ...... RRC pol sf. . . . . . 2t P..... P f stD!II ,ltI•• MIl p;ocIsI. *til ... tl-.. . .sfcal "'''''~. " .-Is, cllfl*-,s BBQ •••• -atost. _ &foo,oII tI .. -lis. -.I ducI... SImItaJ: dress collflOlltloll, doll . . Illdlyf. "'1; lnIpIIJ awa"s c....ot. IIJ _ AcIYa!Ic. donaIIou 53••• d!Il'" S:z.oo. T.I...... (714) LY. W220 for . . " . I'aI!llc "vlt... 0fI00' .... -..1-. .to_blI.s ace....... II...,......,. . . 110."..,...,.. TropII, III AlIA chili wltII _II pro", All rid. . . . . . 21 ,rs. of _II .... _ ... IzocJ f _ for Loti CJcl. Bowl! par"'. coa_ SCRAlla.Es, .. C.stl. IIocIl FaI' GnI_.. C.III. IIocIl, .., IlL 51. H."s Le. PI nil _ ..I.... all llltes IHSl UYO foIt1•• PO... 111.1• • " 2 ... pi. . . . .tl &lass ~ For ,.... liIflI cootact G-.o Bruf•• IlL St. H".s Le.. lIDa 51. C..... RocIl, •• sIII oatoL TT 5CRAIItlL£5 IIJ V..,. TwI. WIIooI.I. Le. • 8aJ __ AlIA ~t. $lull 1II1l.... t:fII Ill. bites _ _ Tako V._ra III Il Rd .. TIloosa04 Olllls. . . . . . . to H.,.IU MIl loft III Baa- C..,. Rd. For fwtlIor Iofo call 542-1451 or 642· 215.....1 .... F.,. Ilac_, Blvd. Pit .......... at ':00 Pom•• clo••s .t TT SCRAIIBLE5, lpOlI-.d IIJ ... SIIYor CllJ 5cr.IIIIII•• LC. .t s-t .. I. Las Pldl: 11\1 II. . . t •• SI!owlloat Hot.1 aDd follow ..'" to V.p. V.II., T..n ust to track. P,actlc. 10:00 _ .. '.eo .t _oon. EnbJ $1.25. AIIA·saacII..... 7:30 ...... 250cc -.I uod•• Tbr. clas•• s: 8-100". 101ce-200ce, 250ce. lIamllo' pl."• • .,.Ilalli• •t pit ..... 110 IlCOl1•• requl'.... James "Boots" CUrtis. popular Western road man for BSA these past 17 years. has "bung up the bandlebars" wi th that company. so to speak ftlld is cunenUy enjoying "semi-reti,ement" while be considers job offers from tile entire industly. Boots is tailing .. well-eamed break after 18 years of racing. followed by years with Claude salmon's Oakland shop and 17 years of representing BSA to western dealelS. Boots also took time out to win the second wo,ld Wu. rising to Lt. Commander. instructing engineers in tbe Mercbant Marine. Fo' the first 12 years with BSA. Boots was tbe only road man they bad in the 19 western states. He saw the deale,s increase from 50 to 250 and up to the time BSA and Boots amicably Patted. his area (SOutbern Calif. and Hawaii) still accounted for 0(2% of western sales, he p,oudly ,eports. AFIIllATIO~ ROAD UGHTWEIGHT T.T. RACIIIG. (sport_) at • • TIIIj. Spoodwar 10 So. Gate. lIMA . .eli. . . IIJ PI.,IIo,. lie of At Loo. Ilac1I F~.war Ju.t 50. of Flre.t•• Lon. Bo.c'" EVERY THURSDAY IIIGHT FROII 110. UIITIL 1I0YEIIBEJt. Rx•• daJ _llIIt .t ':15 ..... m".v., Thor.. SATURDAY, APRIL 22"', 1.1 TT CYC LE RACl.Cl, S- GaIIrl.. V.II., AlIA Class C .....t ,.c.. pt•• s,••....,. IlARE SCIlAMBLES IIJ 51. V.II., LC. MIA . - . . Itart 18 ... Fo._ II. . . . . . , . . . I_ .... appraa 15 1111.. . , . of MoI_ Calif. 2St~ 1• •1 AlIA SPOIITSIIAII IlOAD RACE, e:-tsMd ax-,. Toko P.I_ AI".,....." fI'oI! ut pul airport aDd JOO cae" a.. Readers are .... SATURDAY, APRIL DAY. APRIL 2J, 1511 ..... "' two J 1Ir1l rac.':".Uo", CM'", D,. RACE· Vall., Rac-r. Vacavill.. CalIf. (on US e. I!otw. Vallejo & sac:ra..-to) S3S0.00 III GP solo & Sidoc. clas._ TIlIfIIII.. .. III_ell. . R,st tl. . at lI!l • •lICIII•• lraell '54. EIItrJ froo to rI ....I. oy. 200 .11•• " - S,F. loto: A.,.SF. 713 2IId Av... S. ...... ca. ..... 110. Calif. (415) 342-»12, 50. Calif. (n3)7'Ml7S.DtpolzllllllJ'" S.F. cIIapt. of AFIL Polots. Practleo , . . . . . . 1 IIIIe AlIIIIssloo $2.50. Jrs ..12 $1.00• .... f_ P.tdo. rr.. tI. F.,. 3 IIIlos, .. RI..' tiHn7 lor IIIrl110r Iofo. of $Ie ........ Rd. C.II 4lf!,.,UAL ~STATE CLASSlCS.t $prl!C" Ilols :':\::::._,... "C1IIIIa Grado • • Olldll.. IIJ llallouft"d s,rocllots. AlIA uoca-.. fattl •• po.s PIxlleo Sat. "'" I 22 rn. 12:31 to 4:3lI ..... !laeo 10: 7 Rofre" Ita 10'. of Post .,., 1loiii . . . $oM cIIocll • •,0. wf1II _.., .. PA BIIa 5132, B....n".... ERI.I. close A,rf I 12. ""s .. ss.-..... Co _ Pont.. $lull ilia ,..actrce II _II lila sf,.. close.':eo lIIa ..actlce lDr ~tw,. -.I Eaports 12:10 - - . .o¥fc.. 7 lIMA TT SCItMIlLES" HIII_ _• ,:31. pol.'" 4tII M.UAL 4,. EJlDUIlO l2S-tofl••aII_ .1 C........I'. Forest Hili. Calif. AlIA sactt.... IIJ Polka Dot. Moe. 5c.Ic. .,Iot. 10.." tlrt s tralla lDr tIIo " rI IIad!I ( toollllt... I . IDarl lot. of Il!l.. of _so.) All dUses. Start ':01 A.& F Plx,",lI• • 1pOlI_. sa 4!l1ll 211111.s 500tII of All Ito,. --torJ. Tako F... ost Hili cutoff. Spark . . . ...1 54.00 ootrJ f . to: K_ HaIJIOI. 7972 H_ _ Ave.. CltnI. H.....,.. Calif. 15610. HARE SCRAllBLEs, FootIIfll Hawks Le. Start 10 - . IlIarp. for trM' bI.... aM L1• • rr.. CItJ Golf e-•• taUf. Cltr. C.llf. * _.Cal'''''. I fIT WE! • • - Ascot ~.Mile

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