Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1967 04 20

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Romero Wins Boise TT Owyhee M.C. 13th Aanual N.W. Championship TT Report &; Pbotos by Gil OI1mlQ'er About four miles east of Boise. Idaho lies a natural bowl at the bottom of which is the Owyhee M.C. 3/1Q-mile high banked TT race track. There. last Saturday and Spnday under sunny skies and with a 65-degree temperature. ~ over 100 riders from five states and Canada assembled for a chance at '1000 lz:I in cash and various other prizes. " ;:: Q" ~ :c: lz:I j Gene Romero took the 3D-lap final win of the Owyhee M.C.'s 13th Annual N.W. Championship IT. although Skip >.. Van Leeuwen held a substantial lead U until just past the half_ay point. Van Leeuwen had started to lap Glen Colbert when Colbert's engine blew, throwing him into a slide. When talking to Skip after the crash he said. -I saw his engine blow and he (Colbert) started to slide to the right, so I went to go under him on The left. His bike then straightened up and slid to the left, right in front of me. and I hit him. I couldn't miss.· Skip said he was skinned UP a little but otherwise felt all right. Colbert fared not SO well. He went to the hO&pital with a compound fracture of the left arm and some broken ri bs. Start of .... 13... Annaal III. W. CIIalllPlonllllp TT 111_• .--ID. IJqlorU pttIDC oft ID a furlClll. start. SkIp Vaa L_won look an .rl)' I.", 00" ID unload at .... balfway polnt.l.wlnc .... spoil s to Gon. Rollltlro. Williams Impresses Mark Williams, the 125-pound amateur hotshoe from Cottage Grove, Oregon. scorched the track with the ease of a seasoned veteran to set fast time of the day overall, as well as topping all amateurs. Then he made a clean sweep of Sou"'om California repro.entatlv•• Gone all the amateur events, winning heat and Skip Van Leeuwen dlscu.. race, Trophy Dash and Main Event. strat.O'slIortl)' bofor..... E....rt main. You might say Mark has a bit of an low's bike went UP. flipped over and advantage over the other riders; his rolled back to the track. father. Frank. was No.3 in the National Harry Muhlback of D-A Lubricants POint standings in 1955. His father's Speed Inc. of Salt Lake City. utah was exPerience and knowledge without a on hand to present Trophy Dash winners doubt contributed to a truly fine perfo~ mance. since the elder Williams tunes .. with sweat shirts. Anyone who needed oil had it for the asking. both of his won's motorcycles. Thanks to the Owyhee M.C. especialNorman KOW from Mica, Washington ly president Allen McIntyre and Bob wolDld up as the fastest of the Novices. Lawrence, for their staging of this event. He almost lost IMIt in the Novice Main, It was a fine day for the 500D-plus fans but esdy leader Thad Lawrence's bike and a Sunday afternoon well spent. started cetting a little sluggisb toward (Results OD page 16) the end or the race aDd Kopp was able to take the wiD, with Lawrence secoDd. The day was made even more exciting when some of the fellows tried (unintentionally) to climb the hill coming out or the first tum. Being Quite steep, the hill turned hack all who tried. and one fel- Mark WIlliam. tak posted Urn. 01 chock.r lor a win In tho Amat..r Main. lb. 12S-pound Or.con hotsllo. da)' and mad. a clean sweep of all Amateur .vonts. : THEY SAID IT COULDN'T • ~ BE DONE.... .. : • ~ .. ItCIJIII ...... It_III I. ...• • ovlc. f1ul. S_d bad It . . . . . . but t1rod. plac. TIl. ..... cot Willi • • accopt. tropb)' and kI •• (rom trophy Clrl. FaJllor I s left boldloCllolllrcycl.. w.TAvr.".-.-.T.V.%-.T.T.-.-.,.-lf'.-.T.-.-.-J.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-,:'.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-..".-.-.-.-.-.-."a-. : : : : : BUT MAX: BUBEK: .. DID IT: WITH: .. HIS: : .0_ a.1tac:..-ted for . .."************************************** .. .. LITTLE: · · . .. .. H: • .. :~'m~m~ 0: :':§il~~~ .. .. .. D~ ... . A~ .. . • . • This Iinle Hldaka weal all the way to finish fourth OVER K~ .. ALL and FIRST • (Calif.) Elidai'D LIGHTWEIGHT in Ibe recent ShiIRrocks . .. . . .. • HODAlAalUTY MAlES IT WIN I .. .. • Soulbem Calif. .. No. Calif. Distributor ... .. Area R.epreseatative • POWE2~~O~~r1C.~.~~ .. .. H.A. 'NELS'2-.1811 ... Phi. NELSON ~• ., .... .. Gleallale, calif. Dellpell .. I...ortell BJ PABATeO . A; :e .'=r.::S (415) m-4535 KASUII 515-6240 se c'OO'- ~ b -.Ier .r,,·IiOll LEAVITT (213) Rancho Cordoval_C~llf. Pbon. (916) 6»-070 • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

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