Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1967 04 20

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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.. CUllpioaSp (Continued sena.... DISTRICT 37 SPO IS CO MimE Mffi from page 19) By .....eea Lee The April District 37 Sports Committee meeting got under way with guests Walt Fulton and AMA Secretary William Berry introduced to the body and thirtytwo clubs reporting at roll call. Correspondence was read. including a letter from the Nomads M.C., stating that they were cancelling all their events until further notice. Dupuy of the SCramblers later requested that his cluh be allowed to run the May 14th event instead. As the sanction had already been given, Carter pointed out that the event would have to be run under the Nomads name, but the Scramblers could assist. A motion was made to allow the Scramblers to do this, with a passing vote of 32-2. Tbe Dirt Dig C e r s M.C. were readmitted to tile District with the readiJlC of a leiter statlaC they bad received their cbarter bilek, aad that tIIey had DOt been required to dmp their FlM-ACA atfiliatioa. Dey were ~clatlve or the AMA's ClllTellt progress. A list or their delegates was read,lIIId BID Adams said he was clad to welcome them bIlck. don't baw 10 pS It! ODe bic _ e I1der wIIo bad IUs tmuWes said dlat ualess 108 p S it you don't wiD. Well, you dooo"t wi. by slt C oat or coiJlc 0 . y_ . - I . !lO e....ere lD betweea you're &DiDc 10 have to ODd tile dlftereace betweea coolillg It IIIId casslDc IL Victors Victorious Those who did ride came throu gil with big happy smiles on their faces and some of these trophies. Ron Stinnert in the SOOcc Amateur class won his first moto but was shot down in the second wi th a fifih place. Come the ttlird, Ron decided that all was not lost and setting spurs to his BSA Victor. wiped out the troops to win. Another Victor with Chuck Minert as rider took on the 500 Expert class, and won. Jim Hunter running back in the pack on the first moto, had to drop out. Reason? Broken rocker arm. Larry Wilburn on his 500 Triumph took on Feets on the back twisty section and with a good drive going ended uP doing some considerable remodeling of his forks. How· ever, he survived the whole thing to take a second in the Open Expert class behind Mike Van Acker. The big hike Sweepstakes was won by Minert with Van Acker after him like a hawk and a sparrow, but Feets is always a tough man to beat, especially when the course is rough. SO now the District Championships are over 'til next year and the victorious are home gloating over their trophies (see the results for OUI champions) and to all the ones who had a good day we say congratulations. And to the ones who didn't, well, wait'll next year. (Results _ Pice 16) Control i. the Desert Deaa Haa•., allowed su,.b .tyl. In his ride to "'Ird ,lac. I. II. 175cc A... t.. r IUIII. VI Ya 1Iaateu! Bill Co. (Bultaco) .d TIInJ lJIlI"&N- (HOIIda) ad I It lIP derllli lIt. l25-175c:c: Expert ...In. From the Competition Committee meeting held Much 9th, the most important item was the subject of pit and spectator control in the' desert. Rules state that pits must be on one side of the course if possible and if not, a 50foot wide lane through the spectator area be provided. It is also required that pits not be located on any road. natural terrain being used whenever possible. Pit areas must be clellJ'ly marked. With the District trophy presentation almost due (April 21 st). the condition of the perpetual troPhies was discussed, with John Heynemann (Calif. Gophers) saying that some of them were looking pretty sad. The buying of new replacements was discussed, including the idea of retaining the old ones in one place and having a big plaque listing all winners to be used instead. An idea of awarding the old trophies to the clubs who had held them the most yeatS was atso considered, with new ones being purchased. Wineland (Pasadena) spoke on the traditional significance of these trophies and said tbat the whole point was that they be handed along from club to club down through the years. He couldn't see destroying this tradition. It was put to a vote that new ones be pu rchased, but the motion was defeated 29 -ll. Watch out, here MOTORCYCLE PARTS 6"I ACCESSORIES ~ _At e-., cal. ForIU ..... c.JL & Koa .21 1)1. St. ArJ....... ........Is. COllI. WitlI old balIiDe_ oat 01 ~ _ . Carter dIeII !IPOke of ~ Mtdl H bad been dDlDc lateJy to taiIIC Q1e District, tile AMA, lUId tile sport lD cmeal cIo_ tocelaler. Be repoatecIlIIata lot 01 dealers were lIIlerested lD ~ C bis _ _ , ..lIid. called ... a fJdHme __ 10 belp everyoae aI-C lD tile sport, iJlcladlaC road riders as weD as tile tIalJ aalI ~tltloa croups. He bad aSlelllled $6810 la pledces 10 fiaaJlce tIIis so taL Tex Myers (4-Aces) requested that the District go on record in backing uP the ideas put before the body by Carter, with Dupuy (SCramblers) seconding. Carter would attend all the County Board of Supervisors and City Council Meetings, work on the Motorcycle search and Rescue Team, work towud promoting a cycle playground and help to create a better relationship between the AMA and the District. Myers said that he had discussed these ideas with Bill Berry and others on the National Competition Committee and that they were in agreement tbat they could be helpful to the sport. Mr. Berry rose to state that although these were good ideas, the man in the job would not be an AMA representative but a District representative. What's Goi.g To Happen? More discussion followed. Steve Hurd (Foothill Hawks) asked about what will happen next yeu. Is the job for a oneyear term or bow will it be worked? Carter said that this year he would assume the position but that next year an election could be held. One representati ve stated that although he felt carter was and would be a hard worker, he was still "no politician," and that for him to go to some of the meetings would be like giving him "a set of knobby tires and sending him into a den of tigers.· LeBlanc (Sidebacks) and Kemp (Dirt Diggers) both asked questions about the finances involved. carter felt that an increase of memberships in the District would help this as well as the money from the dealers. Berry said it was possible the District would have to raise fees to provide the money. When asked directly what he thought the total cost would be, Carter said that for salaries, office rent and a secretary, it would run $20,000 a year. Kemp (Dirt Diggers), with Darwin Ballard (Calif. Gophers) making the second. motioned that this idea be tahled until the next meeting, due to the shortness of time for a full and complete discussion of this prog1am. The motion was passed. 28 -14. th. Powder Puffs! No JIICltDreycle magazinelD print lDday covers tile eastem U.s. cycle sport sc:eue u tbonJllllbly all .. CYCLE SPORT" Magazine does• 0-. (714) &17-1373 LIke to dIec:k 011 UI1s yourself? Just write to us attlle addren below. aad we'll HDd you a free copy. Sub8c:rIIIdoo is $4 per year II you waat 1D buy lli&bt l1li- , " 1 6 3 5 W.VAJJ£f avo Al.HA"tt. CAUfOBIIA 91_ r----------------------------,I I MOTORCYCLES ONLY I : L __ ~ I ..... SALVAGE CO.LETE SERV1CE- NAill TO GET PARTS IE SERVICE AT THEY SELL l2i . . . . . St. SaD ...... taI~ TE 205124 I : DIclL Pbtl J I ~ Q,

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