Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1967 04 20

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Tucson Tailender By John Fox Pbotos by Dave Sety ..... <0 0> .... An unbelievably smooth track greeted some 60 entrants for the April 9 running of the Tucson TT at Eastside Cycle Park. Many of Arizona's finest showed up for the event, which was the last scheduled race in Tucson until November. The races were run in moto-crosses with 125 Amateur and Experts together. 10 the first race, Brian Ross on his Bridgestone 90 pulled a hold shot on everybody, only to be passed by Harold Phelps on a Yamaha 125 before the second lap. Well, this is the way it went all day for Brian, and Harold just seemed to have the few more pOnies needed to pull ahead of everybody down the straights. Harold kept his lead throughout all three races, ending a good day wi th a first overall, and Brian coming in second overall. Third place wenttoHowardlogham on a Yamaha 100. 250 Experts The 250 Experts did a little better than the Amateurs by losing only two riders in the first race. Yogi Mariscal on a Bultaco led all the way with Ron Garry, also on a Bultaco, coming from fifth up to second, and Dave Isley on a Ducati third. In the second race Ron Garry jumped out in front, only to fall in the sweeper, letting everybody by. At the finish line we saw yogi cross first, and Dave second. The third race was just what Ron wanted, as he led all the way with Dave and Yogi switching off for second. As the boys finished, it was f~~e~Jft~i:s O~~U:;~d~O~{~a~~m.;g~~ down here and give these gentlemen some competition? You have to admit tbat when you've been riding for 6 or 8 years and two fast kids on their Fastass Sumblchis fly by, you want to pull over and play flagman. Butch Beard isn't going as fast as he can, rot if he's happy with third place then who's to say anything? It was good to see someone come all the way from Santa Monica. California to race and finish fourth. Thanks to you, Chuck Stfomenger, and your trusty Hodaka. I third. The second Moto was the same with ROn getting a late start and finally slipping by Joe for second. The last race looked a good deal different. Joe Klecak grabbed the lead all th e way for first and Jim Morgan- On a BSA held second. Third was Ron again. Overall It was Triumph I, 2, 3. John Brockett first, Joe Klecak second, and Ron Knagge third. . Sweepstakes Spectacular Demolition Derby Now to the demolition derby or 250 Amateur class. These riders were worth coming to see. The first race was pretty tame, with only two down in the turns and going off the track. The results of the first race were, first George Meroval On a Bultaco, second John Camp on a Montesa, and third Jeff Thompson riding a Ducati. The second race was the really wild one. As the boys came out of the hole, four riders must have wanted the same part of the track and they didn't all fit. I might just add that this occurred about twenty feet from the start. The crash was really hairy. Meanwhile, the faster set got down to the first comer before being blackflagged. AS they started back for a restart, some body was still charging and high-sided. Not a half a lap was finished and five riders were down. Remind me not to enter this class. As the boys restarted, we found Jeff Thompson grabbing first into the first turn with John Camp right behind. The rest was anybody's race for third. Jeff kept his lead to win first and John got second. The third race was the same except that John Camp lost his left peg and had to ride with his foot on the case. Try that sometime. Overall, it was Jeff Thompson first astride his Ducati, second was John Camp and his pegless Montesa, and third was George Meroval on a Bultaco. ~. Bon (1) leads lIIe rest of tile Open Class on a BSA Victor. Hapless Bon was clowned by Barnes (33) In tile second moto. There was only one sweepstakes, so you can Pless how many riders were out there playing the game, It \Vas a real mixup. We were just off the track, trying to follow the leaders, when a Bultaco came off the jump into tbe infield, ran over the Oags and almost got a few spectators. The same bike continued through the infield and back onto the track in one of the corners, causing another wreck. Boy oh boy! Well, that's racing? • Harold Phelps led most of the way on his Yamaha. Suddenly it looked like Harold threw out the anchor as he was passed by four faster bikes. The winner was Ron Knagge on a Triumph, second was John Brockett, also on a Triumph, and third was Ron Garry with Dave Battershall coming in for fourth. John Brockett had his day completed when he won the wheelie contest. Winner of the Crashmate Award of the Day was Mike Hartman. riding a Suzuki X-6 SCrambler, who managed to fall at least once in every race. Beardsley Race Track-TT MotoCross Ron Knaue and John Brockett pol nt Trl umph wheels skyward "rlne wheelle contest. Ron first, Dave second, and Yogi third, pushing his mount across the line with a dead engine. The overall results show Yogi Mariscal first on a Bultaco. Dave Isley was second on a Ducati and ROn third on a Bultaco. Open Class The Open class was plenty fast as Triumph riders John Brockett and Ron Knagge had a good duel for first until ROn missed a corner by going wide and John slipped by. The order of finish was John first, Ron second, and Joe Klecak People went away [rom Tucson last month with a lot of amniration for our fast-fast Phoenix TT-birds. Phoenix riders took about 90% of the winnings [rom the recent Arizona state Championship Tf we're proud to report. ·SO sorry· about the rain and snow in Southern California (there was sun all day long at Beardsley, April 12. 1967. Arri ving there a little early you found people asleep in their cars just waiting for the sound of a two-stroke to wake them up. Tbe fellows here love to see anybody from out of town, as their favorite treat is good, fast comp.etition, Bees To Brian The 125 Amateurs started like a bunch of bees and they moved around the track with about as much agility. Brian Ross on his Bridgestone 90 seemed to have the right number of turns in his rubber bands as he came up with first place overall, just in front of someone who may have had a slower scooter today, but - wait till Tucson next week I Third and fourth were both newcomers, Fred Krause on a Honda 90 and Bill Burris on a Ducati. COllpetition PI ease In the 125 Expert class, Tom Halford and Jim Halford got first and second YaCi Mariscal (104 Bultaco) won tile 250 Ex· pert event despite the fact that his "Cine expired In the last moto. 250 Amateur and Expert Sure was good to see Dave Isley do such a fine job on his first time out. Many people don't realize just how versatile a racer he is. Dave also has a Yamaha 250 production road racer with wliich he captured 17th place in the vegas race, his first, a month a~o. At one time during the Phoenix race, Arizona's fastest rider, Kenny Dallas, was leading on his Montesa and doing a real good job. But Dave Isley found just a little bit more in his Ducati to win first overall by about a quarter or a lap over Everett Jones, on a Ducati also. In third was an out-of-stater, Gordon Mussleman on a Montesa from Boise. Idaho, followed by Kenny Dallas of Phoenix on another Montesa. The big bikes brought big thrills even though the ranks were shortened without Jon Sellers and Jim Nutter out there hattling. Surprise, John Camp didn't fall down all day! John put on a fine show only to be outdone by the man - Byron BOaz oil his Victor. Byron rode real hard as usual, with his efforts netting him first overall; John finished second on his Triumph. Bill Barnes edged out Don Thomason for third. Don earlier led the second race, only to miss a gear and run off the track. Oh well, next time. As always, we here in Phoenix say-come one, come all. It's aballl -~ Many trophies and eood racine made It a worlllwhile day for all class winners. There were a lot of happy faces ranelne from fiddler riders allllle way up to Open Expert. Having Clutch Trouble! Install A BARNETT C_LU-----,TCH r - -_ _ AVAILABLE NOW: BTIE CLUTCH PLATE KIT f. YM1aba 19&6 and lar. 2liOcc - 305cc models, Als. IIW for H·D S,ortsl., RIDERS SEE YOUR DEALER. WE DO NOT SELL RETAIL. Qc!€"~ §>-~ A fantastic 10 developed In the Open Expert motos between Joe Klecak (17) and Ron Knaue (67), both Triumph riders. Lead switched hands several times durlne all three events. TH E motorcycle ~ E _.--- 4915 PACIFIC BLVD.. VERNON, CALIFORNIA, PHONE: 589-5488 i~i .:~~j BILL KRAUSE a:ca;:~oar~:s Dept. Store. ~ '>.I:l.I,>. \iow,::r • 'H'" • IN'.J~'\'''~' HONDA/TRIUMPH;'~, ~r':f ~'l.~iJ;. "-- ------ f., ,<-'. 1257 S. LA BREA at Century. Inglewood. 671.{)4U6. 678·5035 ''''\ 'z. ;: ~ ... ~ b:l :2: b:l ..,J ~ C,)

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