Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1967 04 20

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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CYCI.EA I.EY=J=p.f{[jj[:~:~: By Bob ElJellJlg IIIInJ aM CMt . . a willillC I .... fir Tri al llelr __ Bike tiel atlrwllal. Bace., IInIIIIC 11. 111.15. T.., DItIp WH .., .... at Uta . . IOn . . . . . . . . . . Pi Yiee.tll at .... IlcalieIS. - 811II ri_1 .... T.....II .u,a /' In the top tll1lks. Hatley Davidson seClll'ed a small Piece of honor by being represented in street competition by Johnnie Eastes, \Who scored a overall street victory at 12.95 elaPsed time and 104.89 mph.. Millard Disharoon and Ed McDonald unveiled their new Sportster -Super Bike· and won top fuel at Lions witb a speed of 98 mph! Saturday Nite Perry and SCotty's twin-engine Tnmnph was scheduled to he placed against a four-engine Buick exhibitioo· drag car and thus it came to be, but mechanical failure ,of the Triumph led to a bumiliatlng defeat. Perry and SCotty entirely destroyed one engine on the se.c.ond elimination round. Doll McEwy's -El Tom" • also a twineagiae ~ , was IIIIIIliaC at L_s aad pm6Jciac hide-bullling mas of 150 .nes per bour ill tbe low tens aad ate Baid< V-ll 01 Teo-esi aad Blair was reo oonIiDg DlDS of 140 plas. The Buick's IIicbt of sIIow was eoded Iu' a problem at ate tinisb ligbts that caused a loss of COIl~rol aad a spectacular spill at an ...believable speed. Thanlr.s to the powers that be. Blair recetvecl only minor injuries. .C.J. Hart, the LiODS _ger, deemed it DOt too wise to I'lIII aaioDltive-powere.d "cycles." At Irwindale Murray and Cook finally eliminated their problems with the Triumph Bonneville "Super Bike" and set a record of 11.46 elapsed time and 121.95 miles per bour. Next week 125 is promised, for the gearing is allthat kept speed to 121 mph.. Suzuki defeated every machine below 550cc and Steve Rowles two-stroke dtagster did it in 12.68 secondsatlOl.08 miles per hour. A carbutetion problem is the only factor which prevented Rowles !tom doing a more thorough job to his opposition. That little X-6 is going to be one of the best and other brands will have to k.eep UP the J:PID and develop ,a lot of power to keep UP with the Pace. Johnnie Eastes rode a Harley sportstet to the only win for 55 inches at InPIindaLe and had to push til defeat Dick strickland's BSA. Eastes' elapsed time was only three-huncltedths of a second quicker than Strickland's, bot cood reflexes and tbat baitllne of ~sed tlme ..ere just enough for top street boDors. Nim .Johnson bas fou&bt bis way to old form and is again the top runner iJl cas competition. ElHen seconds and 114 plus are the resuLts that he used to Ittain ..ntb ,regnlariU' and he is at it a,catn \With a top gas \Will of 11.79 sec\ODds and 114.94 miles per bour. \ wagen-powered BMW to Jim Enz" Elnfield known as -Salt Engine.TOnY Dndge fOUght a field of twenty Ilr more street competitors and came out untouched and virtually untbteatened witb an amazing elapsed time of 12.08 seconds at a speed of 113.92 mph. Only two fuel bikes were in contention. one with 350ccs of displacement and tbe other with 55 inches. The Honda 01 Reg Downard was turning in low 13second times at 96 miles per bour and a Harley ·Super Bike" was being tested with ultra high l2-second and 98 to 99 mile per hour SPrilltS. The Harl eyDavidson of McDonald and Disharoon wOn, but 'not by a wide margin. and he gave. Downa.rd a good race right up to the finish lights. Ray was standing in the pits after it was all over with the smile of a fisberman who just lost a big one and was showing with his hands just bow close the distance was at the lights. FIIdaIa 0,. "'lI'e1come Back" is FODtana's greeting to cycle drag racers who like a big purse and excellent trophies. Gates at 8:30 on Sunday 'IIIOmings ,aad it will be a full day 0 f timed nlDS aDd class eliminations. For the bikes exceeding one hundred miles per hour the purse will be fat. At the day's end you tum in your best miles per hour ticket and get paid fifty cents for each mile over the ton.. For example, 120 mph gets you ten dollars or 150 mph will pay twenty-five dollars. You receive this money, win or lose. This is the largest PaYoff for any local drag strip, so let's justify the awards by giving them a large att,endance and a good show. (Results OD lIace 16) open By ItDdi Harlllut TIle insinuating whine of a t..o-cycle superc!larged drag bike will be added to more familiar motorcycle drag meet sOunds when the l3anIt8"O'Hata 305cc Yamaha dragster, makes its debut at the Lions strtp in the near future. Dubbed -TIle Rising Sun,' the bike is believed by the builders to he the first two-cycle supercharged dragster in tbe United States. It incorporates many unique desi go features, including an unusually long (84 in.) wheelbase and an al1-al.uminum frame which keeps the weigllt of the entire vehicle below 175 pounds. O'Hara said that several individuals attempted to supercharge two-cycle engines but bad to ahandon their hopes of having a competitive machine because of poor throttle response and power that was remarkable oBly in the upper limits of the rev range. O'Hara claims to have solved these problems with tbe -Rising Sun.· According to him, the engine has been tried on the stand and seems to 'have excellent throttle response throughout the entire power band. The otherwise stock 305cc Yamaha engine idles at 2,000 rpm and is said to develop power all the way up to the redUne, which has been set at 8,000 rpm. Horsepower has been -guesstimated· at alJllroximately double that of the standard production engine. Predicts Low E. T.'s O'Hara said, -We hope to prove with .-At: ~- tbkfne III d....' on lb. So. Calif. Drag soon II "Th. Rhine Suo" a ..per· $C., charpd 305« y . .aha draester. r-- ",.....,:1.-.-.,.,,.-.-•.".,.,.,.1'11.,.,.,.-.,.,.,.,.,,;-.,".-.-_-:r_%-_-_ftwYe-...-.. CYCLE NEWS SERVES ALL OF THE WEST WITH NEWS OF 11IE BEST SPORT ON WHEEl.S 4 TIMES A MO, ZUNDAPP ~il~ -el- U8 st. _ ,....1. NI_ bta-. ".... co _ caIIJe .11 ..........r aNItJol !hits . . . for doaill. floodol1 SIMI , . .11 - I J . . . . . . . ,ow WI. . . . awayl z-sarous. SUPPLY IS U.TEDM ORDBI TODAY! ::~=_'I BanI Jo~ "'1 ~. III UfIIIalt. IWLDBDERPABTS ~ ~. 'SPHOIELUHJU ...s-~ SI24 ATUITIC BOULEVARD B.aa.e & SCOOTER SHOP BEl CALlFDRlIA KLOCKER ~i~RfsSiON 'OIl' Benelli 7I!~ __ - 110. 2qcle brae lilla a 4-stroilll! 11Ia11ltala . .lcaII_ _ _ -.e-dlDe Illlls, ole. Race , . . . . de- bas arced 111m I I rep'- TlIM:K _ _ - . . . lHE IlAELY PUT .·b..... JAWA • • f.. ELEAS Since 1947 • __-"_-NN,J -_-_-~: Lioas The 1I'eeJtend'B lazeest competition ftel.d was Pt.eseut at Liooa cIt:I

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