Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1967 04 06

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~ ~ Q., '" ~ ... WANTED: HI GH BARS TYPE, to compete .Ith cllp-on 1Jp.. Short circuit roed rnc.s to be b.ld at Whit.... StDdI.m, AFII s.elInned at Sen Femnado rood .nd Osborne rODd rlPl off til. Gold.. Stnt. FIWJ. Sunu, .elIon sterts 12aoon. Readers are advised that listing in this calendar is a free Service. Cycle News disclaims any responsibility for cancellation or changing of events by promoters without notice. f AU lOADS UAD lOlLED SURFACE TT I TU~ -8--A-Y-- M- A--R- E- II I LOWER RATES I ~::~~ACK I COME I HAVE FUN I TT SC,.bI.s I ArmL 2 I ~I~ Pboa. (195) .r- I I I CLUIS INVlrED I POKER RUN, lor .11 dirt rId... tr.1I riders .d brusb hopp.s, nt Belllaler C.,. (~ •III.s off HWJ. 33, 45 miles norlII of OJ.). Pr._ted bJ Rldp Riders Tr.1 Club, contxt Bob Dokes, 149 Apricot St., Onk View, C.IIf. for _ . Info. Pban. 649-1960. Riders m"tln, 9:30 ...... doantlon 52.25, sp.rk nstor requJ nd. ApproL 45 mll.s of J"P Ir.lls, deer tr.lls, blk. tr.lls nad no tr.lls. If under 21, 1lI,,".n's sl,aatull requlnd. Bikes .bove 250cc stert at 10:00 _ , under250s nt 10:30. DIJ enmp, brlal w.ter. I I I SCRAMBLES, .t Sellans R.mbl.s club arounds, Alia uactl_d, nn ...cblnes uader 2OOcc. Dlst. 36 rul.s, prnetlc. & slanup 9:00 ....., slanup closes 11:00 .... R.ln or shin.. $1.50 to ride or ••teII. II.. III1.s troph,. For more Info, conInet Bob W.,...a, 324 N. linin St., Sellans. I I I 642-nS8 I! - - - - - - CLIP OUT DD SAVE "CVERY SATURDAY NIGHT TT RAClIIG • • til. IIpls at Elslnon Itec. TracIl.o Jusl 011 Hlpw., 71 Eesl of t.lIoff. Staort- lIaplIl.s lor .11 cl.ssn. Spectetors welClllUo EVERY lst & Srll SUNDAY BEARDSLEY RAC ETRAC It. IIolo-cross, SCnmbl.s & T.T. AlIA undlanM. Copp. Stat. Cycl. Club. Loc.led 25 mll.s N.W. of Phoenix, ariZ. an Uos. HWJ. lilI. SATURDAY, APRIL 1, 19&1 TT STEEPLECHASE" Ascot P_k, 1Urd & V_nt, Gor"'. First proleslloul AlIA nI... t TT r.c. of tbe seoson, promoted by J.C. Apjulen. Novlc.. Auteur, Up.t first . - 8:15 ...... ROAD RACING SQlOOL, at W111t...... Air PulL, 12930 PI.c. St., P.colm. (comer PI.c. St. & Sen Rd.). Street bikes pnf••bl" 9:00 ..,... stert, $10 per student. For lofor...t1on cell (213) 785-2421. SAT, & SUN, APRIL 1 & 2011. 13t1l A11I1UAL 1I0RTHWEST TT CHAIIPIOIISHIP by til. OWJ.... lI0t0rc,cl. Club of Boise, IUho. SeturdDJ: Novice qu.llfy DOd dme trl.1 s 9 .m., Sund.,: EL & Am. d m. 11 .m, 1 Plllo 0WJhe. !l.C., Bol 733, Bois.. Idaho 83701. SUIDAY, APRIL 2, 1ST BUFFALO FEED, C.llco Ghost Town, tick· ets n.II.I. from lIoson-P.udene, Ed • ., P..k, Skip FOn!Jce-RI_ lid&. All tlck.ts parchsed prior to - t , limited _unt of ....t. Drop In to lbe de.ler •• ,OU end pt sel for • dDJ of fun. Collco dlnctlons: lat.stet. 15 from S.n Bern..dlno to C.llco Ghost TaWIl Roed (sian on mt.), 5 miles .ut of Berslow. EUROPEAN SCRAMBLES, 3 sop.r.l. oa.. IIour r.c.s .t Dodm.a's Polat. Tnll blk.s 18:00 _ .. SlIIIII blk.s 11:15 ..... bll blk.s 12:30 ...... Tum off HWJ. " .1 Luc_ V.I· I., caton, h.ed DOSt to Intersectl. of HWJ. 18 In Appl. V.II.,. Genuln. old Wesl. . viiI.... resteur.I, ulooa, donee to ...d .11 .flernoon. EntlJ $3.00, pl. pl.t.s 011." llOpIIl.s 10 4K of antrl.s, DO ossocleII. .mIlDUon requl nd. Elc.lI..t CDIIIP. .nds end plcalc .... cours. 10K vlslbI. to spec_rs. - - - A.C.A.4t1lEv..1 SILVER CUP MOTO CROSS II., In by flrsl molo 10 .m. Each rider wll{ rId. In th........ts. A...t..... all plus 250cc .ad SOOcc PlOfeslloa clnss. Talpllies knobb)' Irnedon, 2 bnk.s, 3 a. pl••s. Al C.stelc P.rk loented lIort1l of Los Anlll.s on HWJ 99, y.! mil. pest HODor F.rm. Tum loft .nd 10 on, C.,on Rond 5 mll.s 10 trnck. :a SCRAMBLES .t C.llfornl. F.lrarellads In H."ork. Sbn sin !l.C. llIonsor.d, AlIA unctloa.d. S1.,up 10:00 ..m.. first ..c. 1:00 p.m. $1.50 to rid. or ••tch. Fut For Infa. conlnct Racer lIorlan, (916) 243.....19. 7th ANNUAL SHAMROCK$ EIIDURO, 3 loops 125 mll.s total. Stert 9:01 am. 15 mll.s No. of MoJeve an HWJ 14. Stnrl. lach & f1al sb at Clneos R.stnurnat Trell blk.s ..s, 45 mll.s (1 loop). Und. l00cc new rI do .s lavlted. lIun'er & LIe. rer:ollllllended. IInIl .. tlJ $3 to Tom C..I., n35 K,I. St., TuJunp, C.IIf. 91042. D..dlln. lIuch 27. Post antrJ $4. Dr.wlal for numbers II.,. 29th. .t Sualend P.rk la Sunlnad 8:30 Pollio HARE SCRAMBLES .t R..o NoYDde. Sp_ _ed by N....u Tr.1 Bluers !l.C.. AlIA uncllan.d. Fa.. lops wltll 18 Illl.s per I.Po Pr.cdc. p.rmltted. EntlJ f. $2.00. SI.,up 9-11:30 • .Il1o R.c. sterts .t noon. Llm.d from lat.sectlan of Interstet. SO nad HWJ 39S. Course Is loented an 395 north. Just follow tbe lime frOOl R.... R.ln or sbln••_I! so. CALI F. TRIALS .t the C.,.a Crest A... of RI_sld.. It will b. limed from the Contr.1 Ave. Tumofl of the Rlversld. F...WJ, This will be. Scottish TIm. You will be tl med u 'au I..... tIln stertlna polat until ,OU r.tum. These polals lost oa 11M will b. • dded to til. points lostla til. section. Stertlal tl ... 10 .m. Ovemlpl caaplae. TIllED RELAY RACES, 1lI0asored bJ LI.,.t. lae-LC. Entries clos••t 10:30 ••m., ncinl .t 11:00 • .m. On. r.c. 2 hours lone. H.lm.ts requlr.d. Oa. blk.. on. rider or 2 bikes .d 2 riders. L.,.st dlspl.c_t of • slnllo blkl enlIJ Is 125ce. For • two bike ..tlJ (tull) aot 0_ 2OOce's combln.d. Doutlan: slaat. $2.50, doubl. $4.00. Fua Inls of rldlna .d Indies . .Ico.... LocnUan: C.n,an Crest .n., Rlversld.. lI.rkers .111 b. poslld. For furth.r Info phon. (213) 865-6489. ._1, HARE SCRAMBLES, pr.sented by Ross .t Pond.ros.. 2·13 mil. lnap S, .11 StDrt 10 .m. Riders m"t 9:45 .1110 15 miles Eest of Lencester 0lI Av.. "J" TlOpIIl.s to ~ofllltrJ,New _ _ Irplns to .11 .trl.s. No .nlllnUon nqulr.d-EntlJ $3.00 pl. pl.te nl8ftber ok. Tmph, pr.sentetlOD .fter .t 12:30 Plllo Fnr Informndon c.1I (lOS) 942~3S R.ln, shin. or sno•• TT SCRAMBLES .t 8D)' lI.r.. Sm.1I bikes 9:00 "Il1o, BII blk.s .t Noon. DIrKtJans: Vont•• FWJ. to lloorperk Rd. la Thouund Oaks. Nortb to HWJ 118, loft to Belcom. C.... JOft Rd. Fa, furlb.. Info c.11 642-&458 or 642·2158 Ev.. HARE SCRAMBLES, IImld from Bnkersfleld Sp"d. ." AlIA uncI. 11:00 ..1110 EntrJ fl" $3.00, sll bikes mnkl • class. R.fnsbmonts will be s.rved. For furth.r Info c.1I ~31·2121. APRI L 6, 1, B. 91b. MOTORCYCLE SHOW,, althl Gr.lII W.stern E""lblt Cent•• Spoasond by P.clflc Coesters II.Co entrnnt rec.hes 3·foot p.rtlclp.llon troph" club dlspl.,s ..., . .Icome ($10 to tr..surJ of club p.rtlclpntlnl). No ..trJ fno. Separnte cluses lor drlSS .nd chopp.r bikes. EatlJ blaaks .nd furtll.r Info from John StOll.r, 1418 E. 7th St., N.tlon.1 CllJ, Colif., phon. (714) 474-4372. TT SCRAMBLES, _SJ!.~~sond b, the Sliver CIIJ Scr.mblers II.C••1 Su~·:". R.c.w., In Lu V.COSo Pick UP .. \.t.'v ". Showbo.t Hol.1 .d folio- .a.~t.~ . -IU Vall., Dr. Tum .nst to to ~..\, ...:tlc. 10:00 ...... .t noon. EntIJ ._.~5, AIIA-sonctlon.d. Good ton. up for til. " BIIOa." on april 23. TT IN TUCSON EASTSIDE CYCLE -_ _...... PARK "JUST FOR FUN, TRY .......- - TUCSON~"_' SUNDAY April 9 POKER RUN, .1 V.lleto, tIllrd nanunl Nev, ClIJ !I.e. ran. Can" & donuts .1 stefl, $1.25 per rid., 7 tropbl.s. Sianup .t Bett..court's ..,-C SIIop,420 lI.rla St., V.llljo,lD-11:00 .... ARIZONA THIS SUNDAY APRIL 2 . ON TlUS PAGE •• v~_·.· Calif, & Nevalla rillers well*le i!!t;;.. ', so DIRECTIONS ~_: ..~ ~".•v. ~ tAOTOJ\CROSS ACA SILVER CUP (4Ih iD the Series) Drive Dr ride tut HiglJway BO LASr (east) hi Wi IlIlIt, lam left to 1J2"IIILE GRADED & OILED COURSE WITH !. JUMPS & FUN Ill...... Rete I Its, facilities, 1••lllg fleld .nni gilt &:aIIIilg "A REALLY GREAT TRACK" ". 11 PLUS WHE ELI E CONTEST MOTORCYCLE SHOW I_ _tleul Sport Cycl. Elposltlon. at 5'ri. Esposld. HnI., tIlr. cl. sses-ColllPelldoa, Co stOOl, ADtIqIr.. Tropbl.s & plncques In ••ch class. D...... for entrl.s lI_cb 31; for _ . Info end ..trJ forms enll or wrltl A.II.5.A., 8272 Sunset Blvd., LOI An,.la,(2l3l 656-8440. FRIDAY, APRIL 7th, 1961 AlIA CLASS C HALF""LE, Ascat P.rk s... son opea., lUrd & V.rmont, G.rden•• EvelJ Frlu, alPl tIlroup Novemb.; Novlc.. AmetlUr, EllPert; first r.c. 1:15 p.m• SATURDAY, APRIL Btll, 1!&1 TT CYCLE RACE, .t Sen Gobrlel V.II., Sp"dw." AIIA·uacllon.d, two Jumps, pta op.. 6:00 p.m., first nc. 8:00 p.m. Rlverared. Ro.d, 3 ml1.s nortll of Sen Berurdlno FWJ. AdallsslOll $2.50, Juniors $1.00, under 8 rrF... p.klne. C.II 962-6217 fer ~ Info. SUNDAY. APRIL 9, 19&1 PACIFIC SO.-WEST QlAMPIONSHIP HARE & HOUND, by til. Vletors II/C. ABC TV wide World of Sports will film tbe rnc., til. H&H slnc. BII Bur. UNd from Locnm.. 2 45 mil. loops. Oa. loop DOd se,..... st.rt for trnll blk.s. L s Typ. stnrt .t 10 _ Brlnl • stend or so tIllna to hold . .chi... uprlPl u no pit crews .111 be .1I0wed 10 bold bikes lor dud "a1ne st_1. Sianup sterts .t 12 anoa. Set. Apr! I 8t1l. TT SCRAMBLES, Cnpltol CIIJ II0t0rCJCI. Clubs. 12th Annunl .t H.lved. Perk, s.cremenlo, C.IIf. locllled just off til. Snc:r.--" river on lbe rood to Woodl.d. All Clnsus, prnetJcI sterts .t 8 DIll, AlIA _cll_d. SPORTSMAN SCRAIIBLES .t H.lvetl. P.rk, Secr_to, loc:nted sll mll.s . .st of s.cre_to nn HI ....., 16. Gotes 0 " 8:00 A.IL. pnell c. 9:00 A.M., r.cln, st.ts at a - . All cl.sses, $1.50. Lots of tropbl.s, 10cl.dlnl • m.a mll.s. -'1 CROSS COUNTRY TRIALS, stertlnl point & p.rklna bottom of Old 11111 Rand la Purlsl C.JClll. Lenc.s !I.e. spauored. Clnsses: 0·100" end 101cc end up. Novlc., Auteur .d Expert. II.. end - - . . Int. . utlannl point SfS_ used. Bikes must be 1.,.1 u,lI.,.t rand machln.s wltIl number pl.l. oa front ..d h.lmet. SI.,up 9:00 ..... Course op.s 11:00 .... On. rider p.r minute. 60 mil. course, two thlrlJ mil. Isps. 30 o~ served seetlOlIS. EntrJ $2.00• HILL CLlIIB .1 lI.drOll., IIm.d from HWJ. 101 to course. Loc.ted .1 Lovelnc. Rench, Willow Sprlnls Rd. Sponsor.d by Los Gatos II.C., AlIA sonctlon.d. SI.,up 8:30 to 11:00. All clnssa, men onl,. $1.50 rid. or w.tch. Good trophies .d refreshments. TT SCRAMBLES,.t Eulsld. Cycl. Perk n..r TUCson, Ariz. r.ce for til. suson, su.... m.r wenther comlne. C.II EA 7-6902 for Info. Calif. nad ariZ. w.lcom.. Wh"". HARE AND HOUND, limed from Av..... Sterls al 11:00 ..m., ..lIJ f. $2.00. Span_Id by Vlull. R.mbl..s II.C., call Dw.ln .1 (209) 734-11622 for more detDlI S. TT SCRAMBLES, Los P.dr.s LC••1 B., lI.r., AliA s.acllon.d, S... II bikes .1 9:00 "Il1o, bll bikes .t Noon. N.w surfne., new m••,_1. T.... V..tora FWJ to IIoorpnrk Rd. la 1000 O.ks, norlb to HWJ. 111, loft 10 Belcom. Cna,OlI Rd. TINY BEAR WARMUP, pres.nled bJ Am.rl· cna FlftJ Assn., 1Im1led 10 Ir.1I billes ani, (D-12Occ). Ther. will be five 8.",11. loops. Toke HWJ. " to Summit Ina, lop of C.Jan Pus. Tum north .t O.k HilI Rd., limed from til.... Sbnded sp.ctntor .... lunch truck nad johns. EaIIJ 52.50, stDrt 11:00 "Il1o, nla or s11ln.. NORTH-SDUTH CHALLENGE TRIAL by L.cers IIC 0lI April 9t1l Startllll .t tIln perklal .....1 til. bottom of Old 11111 Ro.d (Hlalas Cnek Ro.d) In Purlsslm. C.,OA,lImed_tIl from H.1f llooa 8D)' • Hlp., #1. SlID up 9 ..... first rid. out 11 _ , course clos.s four hellrs rl der out. So... roed mll.s, so be equipped. ThIrIJ mil. course, flft... observ.d sections per I.PoHIINts m.autolJ. lat. . .tloul Polal S,stem (1,2,3,-5). TT SCRAIIBLES, sponsored bJ V.II., !l.C. 4 mll.s soutll of til. Troplcann Hot.' an tbe old Los AnI.I.s hl"'w", Pr.cdce 11:00, nc••t Noon. AlIA uncdOll.d - "C" Ir.etInn. POKER RUII, 1st ...unl b, No. Collf. Honu Assa. AlIA unction'" $1.00 ..trJ. Sianup 9-11:00 ..... flalsb 3:00 ...... Stnrt Foster F...ze, 2761 Castro V.II., Blvd., C.slIO V.II." C.ur. Com• •d ..Jo, tills buutlful Ie. . lc trlPo SII trophies - 4 hlp band, 1 Io-bell, 1 11-1 ncb II.. 1I11.s. Far Info cell Gear.. Kill, (415) 581-47SS. TT SCRAMBLES, Dlsl. 37 Cb....,lonsillp pr.. slllt.d by Grlpsters !l.C••t EI slnor.. S. .II blk.s 8:00 ...... AIIV' EI bll bI kes .t 12:00 - , Novlc. bll bikes 2:30 Pollio Clllmpl_ .'p cellber tropbI.s pre_ed 1II trnck, rnee _OIIIr me to nil rfd.s nnd sp~rs. Gate doutI. $1.25, rider .lrJ f. $2.80. Note: (Onl, Dist. 37 _ . .Ioa.'p for ser_ bl.s Itls ",••) JIISt on HWJ 71 Enst of Pmls twraoff.

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