Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1967 03 09

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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CALENDAR OF EVENTS Readers are advised that listing in this calendar is a free Service. Cycle News disclaims any responsibility for cancellation or cbanging of events by promoters witbout notice. SUMDAY, MARCH l21II. 3rd ANIIUAL OXNARD Le. POKER RUII Sbrt 1-10 ......t s.. F......dD V.II., H-D 1&113 Sh_a ••r, V.a lIur" Flalsll clo••• proIIpUr at 1 pm. Hot food .t lIal sII, hid ..... and trophl.s 1.lor.. EDlrJ fee $2 mell la, $2.50 post. Address OllWd Le.. P.D. Bo. 1094, Olll.rd, Calif. 93030 or call (lOS) 413-1549. SPORTSMAII BEIIEFIT SCRAIIBLES, AlIA ullCllon.d, p.....tH IIJ Las Gatos Le. c..... P.O. Bo. 102, Los Getos, C.IIf. 95030 lleaellt for 11.1 Clewett. Um.d from 101 Hwr 10 R.ach. IIedron.. C.IIf. 51 ....p 1:30 to 11 em. pr.cUce 9 to 11:30 ..... rac. .t aaoa. All classes for men. $2.00 rlde Dr w.tch. lots of trophl.s ... d rafr.sIIm..t.. TT SCRAIIBLES, Bar M.r., AMA s.nctlon.d. La. P.dr.s 1I000rcrcl. Club. Off Hwr 111 Soml .. Small bikes 9 .01., bll bikes 12 aoon. Trophl.s .11 cl.sse.. For furth.r Info c.1I (105) 642..451. HI-JIIIX FUN RUN #3, App. 10 mile.. Small blk•• w.lcom.. Limit lSO entrl ... BI.nks m.r be plck.d up .t Jenkins Sports C.nt.r, 13200 Sea Anlonlo Dr., Dr plIone In to 168· 9997. Eatrr fee $1.50. Free coffee. Helmets . .Ired. Leav. from J.aklns Sports Cent.. at 1:30 a... sIIarp. PI ease hay. ..trr In br IIarcII 7th. TT CYCLE RACIIIG, lI.w San Gabrl.1 Vall.r Speedwar, 2 ualqu. jump.. Gales open 12 noon, first race 2 pm. 3 mll.s 1I0rth III San Bernardino fr_ar on RlvererHe Road. A'" mission $2.00, Jr's I to 12 $1.00, und. I fr_ AlIA sanct. 31d AIIIIUAL DESERT EVENT. IIJ The A..... lcan SO A.sodatlon (AFA). Limited to trail bikes onlr. 5-7 mile loops, tum off .t O.k Hili Rd bJ Sullllllltim top of C.jon Pas.. Hwr 66 IIm.d north from thl s point. Shaded spectator a.... startlnl tim. 10 ..... rala Dr sIIln•• Lacl.s also. Eatrr fee $2.S0. C.t.lna trucks&Joms(w. hope). F.mllr Des.t elub. TT SCRAMBLES, Dehes. Speedwar, 5 miles east of EI Cajon, go out U.s. 10, to H.rvlslon C.nron Rd. Pr.ctlce 10 .m. r.ce anon. Entrr $1.25 Adml sslon $1.00 Anr rid. turned .w.r Feb. 12 bec.use lber were late will be I.t throu'" the g.tes free. Come on back .nd race wllb u.. Dehesa Speedw.r, S.n Dlelo. C.llf. East on Hwr H.rblson C.rton Rd. Follow SI&II" WEDNESDAY, MARCH 15th, SAN FRANCHco TV. Ch.nnel 5 - Forum Nolsr 1I0torcrcies - Check 10c.1 TV-listing for time of bro.dc.... SATURDAY, MARCH 18tll. IIAnONAL CHAIIPIOIISHIP HARE SCRAMBLES, br Sand Blast.s IIIC. Start 10 am. --p. Separate for trail bike.. AlIA _tlon. Dist. 37 points run. Rldpcrest area. U . .d froll Hwr 395 approx. 12 mll.s 1I0rth of RH IIountal ... 10 mll.s Soulb of larokem, approx. I lilies Soulb of Rldpcre'" CI ... operatH conc••sloa aland.. EalrJ Fee $4.25 Inc. 25t UIlIulaac. fee. Alillew T.ntorr. AlIA SPORTSMAII ROAD RACE. C.rlsbad Rac_r. Take P.lomar tum off (rom Carlsbad, p .ast and rou caa't miss It. Plls op_ 11:30. Radnl for all classes from SOcc on lbru Also production class for sINet machln.s. Radnl at 1:30 pm. OP". PRE-EASTER EGG HUNT, sponso..d bJ Terrapins IIIC. AlIA sanctioned, SDCRRA point run.Startfrom Fiord Emde Co., 5476 EI C.jon Blvd.. San D)qo, Calif. St.rt 1:30 .01. 10 am. P'" Coffee .nd Donuts .t start. deadliH Don~n $1.S0. children 12 & under 75t. Trophi•• & surprise.. Helmets required. For Iafonnatlon call (714) 211-2150. ARIZOIlA STATE CHAliPlONSHIP TT••t Eastsld. Crcle park. llear Tucson, Ariz. C.II EA 7-6902 In Tucson for Info. Wheelle Coat.... Calif. & N.v.da rld.s Invited. IthAlIlIUAL POKER RUN, IIJ lI.p.IIIC Club Inc. at lb. lI.p. Falrarouad. Nap., C.llf. AlIA sanctlon.d, enlrJ fee $1.75 p. p.son. SI &II up tim. 9 to 11 am. nrst bike out at 11:30. Food & trophies Ju.t for fun. Sib AIINUAL POKER RUII, lIarch of Dlm.s CO-lpOasorH bJ Knl",ts IIIC, Splnnln Spok.s, T.den's, Tao nreel' .. Don.tloa $1.50, starts 1-10 am, at 1I0rwaik CIt)' H.U, 12700 Blvd., lIorwalk, C.llf. Souvealrs .t 11m. . "e- see wlI.e r - donations p. for fu... ) Iber lafo call (714) 197-3309. (cars THIRD ANNUAL POKER RUN, bJ lbe 0.nanl II_C. lac. Start 1-10 .m. Sao F_ndo Vall., Harl.,-Davldson, 16113 Sbermen War, Van lIurs. Donation - mall In $2.00, post $2.50. Co"ee ..d dDnuts .t start, aI so hot Ileal at IInlsh. Lol of trophies, n.ld events, SCRAMBLES. Stockton 1I0torercl. Club, AlIA uactlon.d,$l.00 ride or w.tch, rain or shine. Ov"'te camplal ok. no open fires please. 6 or _ . mak. a cl.u. Sl&IIup 9 to 10:30 em, Practlc.9-11 am. rac. at noon. All times .re positive. Free first aid and ambul...c. serYlce. East & South of Tracr. Calif. U.s. 50 ast to Hwr 33 P south, to Hwr 132 to 110desto p .ast to IIcCracken Ro.d .outh to IIlIJ1IIft Canroa. 100 IIILE AllATEUR RACE, D.Jlona Sp..... war, DaJlon., Florida. SUNDAY, MARCH 19, 1961 TT SCRAIIBLES, FDIW Ac.s Le. presents at PradD Park. LlgIItwel",ts pr.cUc. I .m. race 1:30. All BII bikes pr.ctlce 12:30 race 1 pm. Side Hacks w.lcome ..d Lon.r.. AlIA sanctlon.d. 01 st. 37 points r.... HARE SCRAllBLESt KerlI Count)' Trail Blazer.. Tlr.d 01 the liP" ft Thl s .....t to be held In lb. K.... ~a"t.~ Bana.r drops .t 11 a. Frol'" fttSl~1" _. cake Hwr 99 to HWJ 33 10 Taft. 1I,9v ..... these ell others pick up II... In the mlddl. of Button .1II0w at lb. Klnl Lumber C... so. CAU F. TRIALS, at lb. Lopez Food Control Basin of Pacoima. Limed from lbe Int.sectlon of Foothill Blvd. and Ave. This Is loc.ted near lbe S.n Fem.ndo Oral Strip so look on rour m.p for exact location. Follow M.clar to the de.d .. d (Fulton St.) Tum I.ft two blocks to H.rcl ng, Tum rI ...t& follow lbe 11m•• Starting tim. 10:30am. ACA CHALLENGER ROAD RACE N.tI. points, Willow Springs R.cewar. All Grand Pri. .nd production class.s, SOce lbru 1000cc plus side car .xhlbltlon. Pr.ctlce 9 .m. to 12. FIrst event 12:30 P'" Track loc.ted of the town of Rosamond, C.llf. Tum at onlr sl&ll.1 In towa. GRAND PRI X, Tec.te .Irport, 1I••lco. All Class.s: 4 oH hour race.. AlIA sanetloned, OH mil. pavement on 2 mile course, Gr.ded & w.....d clrt. Umed from bar• •t Tecat.. 1Ia11 entrr $3.00 to Lions IIIC, 4911 Orcllard, Ocan Bach. C.llf. 92106. POKER RUN, IIr .....1... LC.AIIA _ 51~, 9 . . til 11 . . 51. . & tlal • •t D_ d1 • DrIvHa,2195 CoIItra CostII BIYd., PI_ IIIIl Hili, Calif. EJdrJ . . $1.00. . . . cta" Hdreu P.O. Bo. 23501, Pluunt Hili, Calif. 94523. 200 IIILE IIAnONAL CHAliPlOIISHIP, AlIA. DaJlona Speedwar, Dartona, Florida. MOTORCYCLE SCRAIIBLES, sponsored bJ So. CouatJ II.C. of Gllror. H.ld at HW loCItloa aad .w track. H.rrI s Raach,7100 CI _ I. Road, Hollister, C.IIf. SlIDUP 9 all to 11 a... rate at 12 noo•• Open to all class.s, Beautiful trophies, watch or ride $1.50• Children uader 12 free! AIIGELS FLIGHT HARE SCRAIIBLES. I,.ost LC. 3-22 mile loops, rain or sIIln.. 10 am. Start. Entrr $3.25 (.mbu lance). AlIA points, 6 bikes make • Limed from HI Vista stor.. For info c.1I (213) 768-1051. SATUrlJAY, MARCH 25th. 30th ANNUAL TRAIL BLAZERS IIEEnNG & Banquet held at the Rodpr Young Audl torlum, 936 W. IWaShIa-llJl!l Blvd.. Los Anl.les. Tel 749..291. Reeeptlon & visiting will start • t 6 pm. dlMer served .t 7:30 p... $6.00. L.dl.s Invlt.d, as well as anr motorcrcle rider,, or anr one wllb past motorcrc Ie ••perl.nce. SUNDAY, MARCH 26th. FUN RI DE & POKER RUN, sanctioned br the AlIA, promoled IIJ lbe D.lta F.lcons II/C. All paved, ao frHW.r, no horsepow.r restrletlon.. If rour m.chlne Is for street use• It Is ok. for this .vent. Sl&IIup and start at HlgIIw.r 4, & Hillcrest In Antlocll .t 10 to 11 am. Entrr $1.00. so. CAU F. TRIALS, .t the 77th Street location of Llltl_ck. Starllal time will be 10:30 am. L1 ...d from lbe 77th Street of Llltl.. rock, Calif. HARE SCRAIIBLES, presented br Jack Ross at Pond_sa. 2-13 mile loops, .11 cia sse.. Start 10 am. Riders meet 9:45 am. 15 miles Ent of Lancast. on Av.. "J •• Trophl.s to SO~of enlrJ.llew souvenir pins to all entrle.. No afllllation requlr... EatrJ $3.00. Pie pl.te num'" ok. Trophr presentation alt. rac. at 12:30 P'" For Information call (105) 94200831 Rain, .hlne or saow. AFII ROAD RACE, Cotati Racewar, sponsored bJ the S.F. eIIapt. of lbe AFIL All GP and production also sidecar.. National Points Rac.. Entrr fee free to rld.s trav.llnl ov.200 mil... GP $1.00, Prod. 53.00 TT SCRAIIBLES Dthe.., 3/1 mil.. pits clos. 1:30. Tr.Cl. location: Int.rstate I to 2nd St., EI C.Jon, C.IIf. 2nd to Jamalc. Rd.. I.ft on Washlnaton to Dthesa Rd., follow to EASTER SUNDAY POKER RUN. Run for Fun. All pav.d, no frH"r, specl.1 trophr for Best Decor.ted Helmet. Sl&IIup 10 am, to 11 .01. Antioch Clubhouse, HWJ 4 & Hillcrest. If rou e.n find Antioch, rou can find u.. Entrr $1.00. Man mll.s plus pok. prices plus surprlc... AlIA sanctlon.d. SCRAIIBLES, ANA s...ctloned, Entrr fee $2.50.10 miles north of Reno, Nevada. Slrnup 1-10 .... R.ce 10:30 .m., presented bJ N.vada Tr.1I Blazers, 330 Chevr Che se, Reno. lIev. Race held .t Gold.. V.II., Speedwar on Hwr U.s. 395. East. Ell Hunt for the Children. U.s. Auto Club IIlg11tr III diet Rac. 2:30 p... SAT. " SUN. APRIL 1 " 2nll. SCRAIIBLES, presentH br lbe Sportsmen. AlIA, Dlst. 37 point.. Perris, Calif. SI&II In for 5Oee, & l00ee closes at 1:15 am. 175cc & 250cc clos.s .t 9:15 am. pr.ctlc. follows lbe 100cc Exp.rt 1I.1n. BII blk.s Am. & Ex. practlc. follows 250ee Exp.t lIaln. SI&II In closes 12:30. Novlc. Sl&ll In closes 1:30 practice following Op.. Expert 1I.ln. 811 bikes are guaranteed more than a two-lap mala. L.A. Her.ld Examiner will COy. lbls event. TT SCRAMBLES,, 3/1 0111., pits close 1:30. Top speed 75 miles p" hr. plu .. Track loc.tlon: Int.state I to 2nd St. In EI C.jon.2nd to Jamalc. Rd•• I.ft on W.sIIlnllon to Dth... Rd. follow 10 track. 13lb AIIIIUAL 1I0RTH.EST TT CHAIIPIONSH IP IIJ the Owrhee 1I0lorercl. Club of Bois., ldah... SaturdaJ: 1I0Ylc. quallf)o and time trials 9 .m., Sundar: Ex. & Am. tim. trials 11 am, r.ce 1 pm. Owrhee LC., Bo. 733, Bois.. Idaho 13701. SUNDAY, APRIL 2, 1961 2nd ANNUAL EASTER EGG HUNT. Modem Crcl. mapzln. presents thl s famllr fun event, Grand Prl z. wi II be $1000. Other prlz.s Include ...·O·~~O ", accessorl.s and loodl.r ftO~~9 ..• will se.,ch for coatalHrs 1" ..... ve been dropped on the d.s.rt from an .Ircraft. will b. sanltarr facIlItI.s,•••mbulanc.s and police on hand. Watch for furth.r detail .. SCOTTISH TIlIALS, eaa,.. ernt, Itf_.... Starflal 11_ 10 _ ....... Ulled at C-.tral Ave. T_" off .... RI_s1de Free..,. Be prepared for water. T.... will lie t. QIIIPOel. EYerJW. Is welco _ oat .d let a Treat lasteH of a T~. BUFFALO FEED, Calico G/Iost Town. All tleut prlor 10 net If.lted_t III _eat. nck avallalll. at Dave 1Ie_P.sadena, Ed Krlllz-lllollt.., Park, SIllp Ford1ce-Rlv.sld.. Drop la & let let for a daJ of rua. . so. CALIF. TRIALS at the C"ron Crest A... of RI_s1d.. It will be lIoned from the Cealr.1 Av.. Turnoff III the Rlv••ld. Freewr. This will be. Scottlsll nme Trials, You will be tlmH as rou lave !be startlna pomt until rou r.tum. These points lost on tim. will be added to lbe polats lost In lb. sIICllon. StartInl tim. 10 am. Ov....l...t campln.. 7th ANIIUAL SHAIIROCKS ENDURO, 3 loops 125 "!1I.s total. Start 9:01 .... 15 miles 110. of on Hwr 14. Start. lunch & flnl sII .t Clncos Restaurant Trail bikes ••sr 4S miles (1 loop). Und. l00cc new rI ... .s Invlt.d. lIuffl. & LIe. recommended. IIeIl entrr $3 to Tom Cent•• n35 Krle St. Tujunl., Calif. 91042. De.dllne March Post .. trr $4. Dr.wlng for liar. 29th• .t Sunl.nd Park In Sunland 1:30 p.m. 27: HARE SCRAMBLES, presentH br Jack Ross at Ponderosa. 2-13 mile loops••11 cl.sse.. St.rt 10 .... Riders 9:45 .... 15 miles East of Lancaster on Av. . .J' Trophies to 5O"of ..trr.New souvenir pins to .11 entrle.. No ....1II atlon requlr.d-Entrr $3.00 pl. plat. number ok. Trophr present.tlon .fter race at 12:30 pm. For Information c.1I (lOS) 94200131,-sIIlne Dr snow. A.C.A.4lb Event SILVER CUP 1I0TO CROSS sl&ll 10. bJ IIrst moto 10 am. rid. wll{ ride In three events. Am.teur all class•• plus 250cc .nd 500cc Profession class. Trophies knobbJ traction, 2 br.kes, 3 nbr plat.s. At P.rk 10catH North of Los Ang.les on Hwr 99, ~ mil. past Honor F.rm. Tum I.ft .nd p on Hasl., Canron Road 5 miles 10 track. APRI L 6, 1. 8. 9tb. MOTOR CYCLE SHOW, .t Shrl ne Aud. L.A. SUNDAY, APRIL 9, 1961 PACIFIC SO.-.EST CHAIIPIONSHIP HARE & HOUIID, IIJ lb. Victor. II/C. ABC TV wide .orld of Sport. will film !be race, lb. bluest H&H slnc. BII Bear. Lf ...d from Lac.... 2 45 mile loop .. On. loop and separate start for trail bike.. L....... Trp••tart at 10 a... Brlal a stand or sam.lblnl to hold machine uP" ...t as ~ pit crews will be .1I0wed to hold bikes for dead enll" st.rt. Sl&IIup st.rts at 12 noo,n. Sat. April Ith. HARE SCRAMBLES, presented IIJ Lost Ang.1 s, AlIA point run, B...n.r start 10 .... limed from HlgII Vista Stor..' Side H.cks . .lcome (checkers .Iso) 6 bikes • clus. Entry $3.25. TT SCRAIIBLES, C.pltol Cltr 1I000rcrcie Clubs, 12th Annu.1 at Helvetia P.rk, Sacram.nto, C.I if. IDeated Just off the Sacr.mento river on lbe road to Woodland. All practlc. st.rts .t I am, AlIA sanctioned, Dist. 36. SUNDAY, APRIL 23rll. HARE SCRAIIBLES, Foolblll H.wks Le. Start 10 .01. sharp. separate course for trail bikes, R.ln or sIIln.. Limed from C.llfornl. Cltr Golf Course, C.llf. CIt)', C.IIf. SUNDAY APRIL 30th. TT SCRAMBLES. Four Ac.s II.C. pr._ts at Pr.dD P.rk. Llatrtwelahts practlc. I am. rac. 1:30. All bll blk.s practlc. 12:30, rac. 1 pm. SI d. H.cks w.lcome and Lon.... AlIA .anctloned, 01 s.. 37 points run. EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT TT RACING und. lb. IIlhtS at EI.lnore Race Track. Just off HI",war 71 East of P.rrl s turnoff. Sport....a troplll.s for .11 class... S .ctators waJ.cmu. TH'S SUNDAY NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP HARE SCRAMBLES March 12 by the sandblasters M.e. Limed from Hwy 395, 14 mi. N. of Red Mountain.

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