Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1967 03 02

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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CALENDAR OF EVENTS SUNDAY, MARCH l2tII. ATTIN'rION PROMOTERS Beginning next week. this newspaper \IIill refuse to list coming events sponsored by promoters \IIho have a habit of not paying their bills. The publishers feel that it \IIould be a disservice to readers to encourage them to attend events put on by irresponsible promoters and. also. that it \IIould diminish the attendance at other events sanctioned by reputable promoters on the same date. EVERY SATURDAY SPOTLIGHT ON SPEED-TV Show Chann.1 11 San Jos. Ar.a. 1:30 p.... [VERY SATURDAY NIGHT TT RACING undar til. lIehll at Elslnor. Rac. Track. Just on Hlchwa, 71 East of Perris turnoff. SportSlllaa tropbles for .11 class... Spectator. _le!M!!1 SATURDAY MARCH 4tll. TT STEEPLEa.ASE. NovIc. procratll & Ira. Irlals for s.. 100 .... TT. Proc. at 1 pili, 1st rac. 2:30 p.. Ascot Park, 113rd & on HMlllr F _ . , So. of Art.sla. SUIIDAY, MARCH 5t11. TT SCRAll8LES" "sa Sp......,. Iocatld 5 1111•• East of Chla VIlla. FoII_ lIala 51. _ III Iroc'" AlIA - . 51..... .,.. 9 ... "..col0 ... Race It _ Mlllul. $1.80 EldrJ .. $L25 ,.., rI........d •.., FM. 12 . . . . ..., .... ~. win III III ... ....... frio. e- IIIck.d rICO wltII .. UIIl AlUIUAL I"OKER RU. IlY Artlsla lIolDr JocUrl, RRC poI.t - . AlIA _ctl.1d. Start. It I _ III 9:30 ... o-toa of $L5O ..... It u.e IIoIcb H.I.,..om__ .3654 u., IIoIcII Ill .... u., IIucb, Calif. Coffll . . IIIIIlIU at llart, allO IutorI., lpICi.1 E....- ...... TIOp/II ... "-CoA. SII_ cap IIoto Cnrss, lip la IrJ lint MID 10 .... EICII rider will rid. la . ,.. _ t.. AIIat.r .11 ,Ius 250cc au SOOcc proflsslOlllJ cllS" Tnrplll ••, ~ lraell •• 2 brIkos. 3 allr pl.t... At C.ltslc P.rk Iocltld nortll 01 Los An,oI.s on "W)' ", ~ 1111. Ho_ Far... Tura loft ..d • WIst on Hasl.,s C.",.n Ro.d 5 miles to TT SCRQIlLES. Il., lIall off HW)' 111 Somis SUI I blk.s 9 BI, bi kes 12 _a, Tnrp111.s all For lurlbar Info c.1I (80S) 642-7151. HARE SCRQIlLES, Pro_t.d b, Jack Ross Pondns., 2 13 1011. loops. Now courSl. tr.1I bikes 1 loop. Start .tl0 ••• rldars _ t 9:45 ... 15 IIII.s east of LIacastar on Av.. IJI .0••1fI1I.tlon roquirod, oatrJ $3.00, pl. plat. I . .bars ok. Trop'" pro. .tatlOll .lter rae.. Rain or 11111.. For Iala c.1I (105) 94200138 100 LAP TT STEEPLECHASE. Ascot Park So. of Artis/a on VarmOlll. Practl 1 pm-lst 2:30 pm. AlIA sanctloa.d, c. rae. SPORTSMAN SC RAIIBLES by .. d.t Rich· moad R_blers II.C. croun'l.. Richmond. C.I. RId. or watch adml ulon $1.50. Sicaup-prac. 11 rac••t noon. AlIA saactlon.d. R.ln or 1111 sWllpstak.s rae. for. 3 ft, Troph, All now 1967 cllSsn. 3rdANNUAL MARCH HARE by Los Ancl.nos DeSIr! cross couatl}' rac. 60 1011... St.r! .t 11 .m, Llm.d from Jct. 01 HW)' 80 & 98 at Ocotillo. Eatl}' f•• $3.00. AMA sanctlon.d District 37-A point run. EUROPEAN SCRAMBLES - .t Deadman's PaiD!, Tum ott HW)' 66 at Luc.m. V.II., cutoff. .lSt to th. Intlls.ctlon of HW)' 11 In Appl. Vall." and ,our til... ! of Ill. oatr.nts will pi trophl.s. R.straurant op.n for busln.s.. All trail blk.s 10 .m,. bikes 12:30 pm, 3 s.p.rat. on. hour rac.s 40,. hi, SO. CAU F. TRIALS••t the C.n,on Crost .ro.of RIVlrsld.. Startlnl tim. will be 10:30 am, It will be 1I...d lrom til. Coatral Av.. turnon 01 lb. Rlversld. FrllWa,. All mISter ..d 'llPort rI dora are .sked to be lbar. SPORTSMAN HILL CUIIB at Outl.w can,.a bIIw_ Har! M_rl.1 Park ..d Lake lilac, IlII rst/old. QA saactlOll, practice 8-10 110. U. wi. at 10 _, HYJ wi. at nool. All cl... .... 90cc and up, Rld.s $LOO. otller $L50 THIS IS A DATE CHANGE FROM FEB.12t/1. SUNDAY, MARCH 11111. 3111 A•• UAL OXlilARD LC. POKER RUN SWI 1-18 .....t Sa. F_.. do V.II., HoD 15113 SIleraaI W.,. Van Nor" Flail. cloMS .....,u, at 1 ,.. Hot food at hid I'IIIIts . . !NpIIles EotrJ I" 52 lUll $2.51 III'" A*rIss Le., P.a. ~ .o..d, Calif. 93030 or call (lIS) I., p"'" II"'" 0_' SPORTSIIAN IlEil EFiT SCRQBLES, AlIA saactI.'d, prosonlld by Lis Gllos Le. c..... P.O. 1101 "2, Los Gatos, c.m.9503O a.olIt for IIeI CIIWIIl, U.1d lrota 101 HW)' to La"'ess Ranch, IIIdnrno, Calli. 51. .p 1:30 to 11 • • practlco 9 to 11:30 . . . raco .t . - ' All classos for _ . $2.00 rldo or watcll, lots of trop"'s ..d ..........-.t.. TT SCRAMBLES. Ill' liar., AloiA sanctioned. LIS P.dros Motorqcl. Club. Ott HW)' 118 Sollli .. Small bikos 9 am., bl, bik.s 12 noon. Tnrphl.s .11 class... For further Info c.1I (105) 642-1458. HI-JINX FUN RUN U. App. 80 1011... SIIaIl blk.sw.leo.... Llraltl50 ontrl ... Sl.nh be plck.d up at JonklJls Sports Coat". 13200 Saa Antonio Dr. Norwalk. or phon. In to 161"97. Eatl}' I . 51.50. Fro. call•• H.lmols rllllllilld. LIlY. Inrm J.nklns Sports C.ntll .t 8:30 sharp. Pi.... have ontl}' In by M.rcb 7t1l. 1Ia, '10. THIRD ANNUAL POKER RUN by til. 01nalll II.C. Inc. Start 8-10 am. San Farnando Vall., Harl.,oO.vldson, 16113 Shorman V.n Nu,s. Donation - mall In 52.00, post $2.50. Can. . .d donuts at start, .1 so hot ra.. 1 .tflalsh. Lot of tlOp/ll.s, fI.ld ovont .. W.,. 5111 ANNUAL POKER RUN. of Olmos coo. .esored IrJ Knlallts II/C. Splanla Spokes, s. Too nrod' .. Don.tlon $L50. starts T ..10 at Norwalk CllJ H.II. 12700 III v"" Norwalk, Calif. Souvonlrs .t flnfsll. 'CoM I I I wII•• , . . dlIutlOlls CO' lor .... tiler Info c.1I ln4) 897·3309. llIl AN.UAL POKER RU., IrJ """ M/C CI.b Ioc.ltl/lo • .,.. F.lrer-d. ...... C.llf. QA uoca-d, on," $L75 p. p . - . Sip up tI_ 9 to U ... IIrst bike _ at 11:•• FoOlII & tnrplll.s just fof .... ARlZOIIA STATE CHQPlORSHIP TT, at Eastald. C,d.,ark. ••• Toe••• AtIL C.II EA 71902 la Tuc_ lor I........11. Ct.... CallI. & .ovadl rld.s 11V1l1d. SU DAY, SO. CAUF. TItlALS It I/lo RCH 2Ia. FUll tilDE. POKEIt 1tUII, - " - d IrJ .. AlIA, " •••tolI IrJ I/lo DoIta I'.,-s II/C, 30tIl ANNUAL TRAIL IlLAZERS IIEEnNG ~.11 bold at tbo Itod.., Y_I AudI_ lum. 93& W. Wasfllap Illvd.. Los All,oI... Tol 749-1291. Rouptloa & vlslt/al will start at & ,.. _ _ at 7:30 ..... Lid IS ••U IS . , _~I. rldor, 11_, or., _ wi. JISt ...... CJCI. & "00. 1IIpIIt_. SUNDAY, APRIL !, 1!&l PACI FlC 5O.-WEST CHQPIONSHIP HARE bJ til. VIctors II/C. ABC TV wide World of Sports will III.. tile rac•• til. biuost H&H slnc. BII Ill... Llmod Irom Lucom•• 2 45 101/. loop .. Oa. loop and Slparalll st.rt for trail bike.. L..... s Typ. start .t 10 ... Brlae a stand or sora.tIlln, to hold IlI\Icbl.. aprl,hI IS no pit CIIWS will III allowed to hold bikes for d.d onll" st.rt. Sipop starts .t 12 noo•• Sat, April 8111. & HOUND. HARE SCRAIIBLES, pr.lIal.d IrJ Last An- pi .. AlIA polat rue, &-aer start 10 am, IIll1d from HIIlI Vista Stor.. Sid. Hacks .... eo_ (chockers .110) 6 lllkes Nke • class. Eatl}' $3.25. TT IN TUCSON EASTSIDE CYCLE PARK "JUST FOR FUN, TRY TUCSON!:.I':'"" " . - - ...... SUNDAY MARCH 12th ARIZO A CHAMPIONSHIP '00 SATUIIIAY, MARCH 25th, MOTORCYCLE $ltOW, .t Sllrln. ""d. L..A. CIa,. AlIA SPORTSIIAN ROAD RACE. C.rlsbad Rae. . .,. T.k. P.I_ tum all fnrIII C.rt .. bad, • ...t and can't ml ss It, Pits opoa 11:30, Radn, for .11 class.s tro.. 58cc 0lI !bru 'Pill, AI so production cl... lor stroll m.chln.s. R.clnl .t 1:30 pm. 50. CAU F. TRIALS, .t til. Lop.z Food Control Basin of Pacolm•• Limed from til. intarsection of Foothill Blvd, and M.cla, Av•• This Is local.d noar tho S.n F.rn.ndo Oral Strip so look on ,our m.p for .lIct location. Follow lI.cla, to th. d••d ond (Fulton St.) Tum 1.11 two blocks to Hardlnl. Tum rlchl & follow th. limo. Starlin I tim. 10:3Oam. GRAND PRJ X, Toe.t. airport, Mlllco. All 4 on. hour rae... AMA s..ctlon.d. on. 1011. pav.mont on 2 1011. cour... Grad.d & w.ter.d elIrt. Llm.d from border .t•• "11.11 oatl}' $3.00 to Lions II/C. 4911 Orchard. Oc..n Boach, Calif. 92106. ACA CHALLENGER ROAD RACE N.tI. points. Willow Sprln,s R.c.wa,. Air Grand Pril .ad production cl....s. 50cc tIlru l000cc piUS sid. cor ,"hlbltlon. Practice 9 am. to 12. First .vont 12:30 pm. Track locat.d 01 Ill. town 01 Rosamond. C.1I1. Tum wost .t onl, slca.1 In town. POKER RUN, IrJ W ..dorlustLC.AIIA sane. Sir-up 9 .... to 11 am. St.t& flnllll at D_ df s Drl v..le. 2195 COlItra Costa Blv.... PI... SIal Hili. C.IIf. Eat" III $1.00. N.w club .ddro.. P.O. Bol 23501. PI..saat HIli. C.IIf. 94523. APRI L &, 1, 8, !tll. BUFFALO FEED, Calico Ghost Town. All tlck.ts purchased prior to milt limited amount of moat. TI ck.ts .vallabl. at Davo lIasonPasadena. Ed Kratz.......t• ., Park, Skip FordJc..Rlversld.. Drop In & lat SIt lor. da, 01 lun. Crost, RI_sld.. SCOTTISH TRIALS, Starllae tim. 10 ........", U ••d .t Coatral A_ Turnoff off Ill. RI_lldo Flllw". Be propared for w..... TIIoro will III an _III t. Clrapoot, Ev.,... Is w.leo•• so c _ out ..d lilt • Troll I.stoad 01 a Tr..t _ . dlldlinl 2 p.. Coil. . .d Doellls .t ... Donatloa $L5O. cblldloa 12 & ...... 7st, Tnrp111.s & SUl\lrlSlS, HII. .ts roquIrld, For I.. fonaalloo call ([14) 211.2150. TT SCRAMIlLES. Dollesa SplldwlJ, 5 1111•• lISt of EI Cajon. CO out U.s. 80. to Harvlslon Canyon Rd, Practice 10 .m. rac. _no AlIA saactloa.d EntrJ $1.25 Adml ulon $1.00 An, rid. tum.d .wa, F.b. 12 boc.use til., wer. I.t. will be I.t tMouch til. pies fr•• COlli on back .nd IIC. wi th us. HARE SCRQBLES, Kern CoonlJ Trail BI.. zer.. Tired of lb. d.sert? This . _ t to be hold In til. Kern Footllill .. B-.ner drops al 11 am. From lb. Soutll take Hw, 99 to HW)' 33 to Taft, IIm.d fnrm tho. . .11 pick up lime In til. mlddl. of Button Willow .t tho Kine Lumber Co. IS , . . 711l AN.UAL SHAIIIIDCltS ENDURO, 3 loops 125 .n.s total. SWI 9:11 ... 15 lilies ... of IIoj. . . . HW)' 14" Start. IIBIcb & 11.111 at Clacos R.stau. .t Trail bikes liS' 45 lII'n (1 loop). U " 108" n. . rid•• I.vltld. 1IlIff1. • Ue. _ ...... 11111 oatrJ $3 to To.. C.t., 7735 K,•• St.. T.j_,.. CallI. 91042, Dudll. IIaIdt 27• Post ontrJ S4. Drawlal lor ......s . . . 29t11 .t Sunland Park In Sunl..d 1:38 ".., SO DAY, APRIL 2, lSI Em,. SUNDAY, MARCH 19, 1961 1_ . . sbrt", IIIIIIl ...., T..... poIl1ts lo.t 01 tI_ will III addId to IIlo IIIl11ts lost II /Ill _ ... Startla, tI_lt _ OvenlPt caIIlIl... be 2nd AN.UAL EASTER EGG HUNT. 110.... Cycl. laapzl.. proSlot. lIII s f.", ron lVoat. Grand Prlzo will be $1000. 0tII0r prlzos Includo -O·~~O ... ICCIssorios .ad ,ooellor ftOS't9 ..• will searcb lor c... tal_s ,.. .... VI IIooa dropped on tIIo dosort lnrm aa .Ircllft, T1IIro will b. unital}' facIlitlos. lasuranc•• IIIlbul."c.s and police on hand. W.tdl lor furtbor dIIlall .. 13t1l ANNUAL NORTHWEST TT CHAIIPIONSHIP, by tile OW)'h. lIotorqcl. Club 01 Boise. Idaho. (If lbis club will send us time and Location we will be happy to add it to this infonnatlon Ed.) PRE-EASTER EGG HUNT, spollS«ld IrJ TIP' &aUf. • lenda ri~.-s .elCIllle Drive or ride tut Hip.ay 80 (east) to "iI.l, tum left tt l/2"MILE GRADED" OILED - COURSE WITH 3 JUMPS" FUN - /II"'" Refresbmeats, facilities, I_dine field tveni &lit c_ile "A REALLY GREAT TRACK" Ctwa1 I" ,IUI,...... All pavod, .. tr.waJ... Ilol..,..., rostrlcU. . . II , _ .acIII.. Is I.pllar stroot .... It Is Ik, lor IIlIs . - 1 , SI.,.up ..d start at HllllftJ 4, & Hlllcllst I. Alrtlocll .t18 to 11 110, EatrJ $1.00. SO. CAU F. TRIALS, at tIIo 7711l Stroet locaI/OlI of Utl/lJOck. Startla, 11111 will be 10:30 ... Umld tro.. 1Il.77t11 Stroll .1 UtI/.. rock, Calli. rapt•• M/C. QA saactI_d, 50CRRA polat .... Start .... Fiord C.., 5476 EI CIjOll Illvd.. Sa 01••• Start 8:30 .... 10 ... NAnONAL CHAIIPIONSHIP HARE SCRAMBLE$, b, S..d Blast.s II/c, Start 10 .m. sharp, Soparat. COllfse for tr.1I blk... AlIA sanction. Dlst. 37 points run. Rldpcrost .,... Llm.d lrom HW)' 395 appro.. 12 mll.s Nortll 01 R.d 1Iouata10, 10 millS Soulll 01 In,okem. appro.. 8 mll.s Soutll of Rldpcrost. Club operat.d conc.sslon st..ds. Entl}' F. $4.25 Inc. 2S( ambo laiC' f•• All N.w TerritoI}'. c.,. .... of Itl_..... It will M " ' " ... I/lo CoIItraI Ave. T_off of tile 111_.... ,...,. This wIH III. Scottllll n.. Trial.. Y. will l' 11 PLUS IHEELIE CONTEST

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