Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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. ...... ... ..... . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . .. .. .. . . .... . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... ... .. . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . Patronize urn.& CYCLE NEWS' JUST SEIID I. YOUR wi II cMck far $5lI aM .'11 lID ........ Gu...eed. CYCLI NIWS advertisers SAN DIEGO GUY URQUHART - Triamph, Yamahasal ... Triumph, Yamaha, Inclan, Arl.1 & Cu shman parts-1 day mall order ser.Ice. 1041 Columbia St.. San Di.go. RATES: $SO per year (511 issues) for eacla siagle IIusiness Iistillg, ,ayallle in anance. ARIZONA BUDDY STUBBS-ARIZONA H·D. ServIng all of Ariz. Camp let. stock of ••erythlng for H-D. Four factory-train.d m.chanic .. Open 9-6 Mon.·Sat. 2507 E. McDow.11 Rd., Phoenl x, 85008. T.I: (602) 275-7677. .... BARSTOW Say "Hi' 10 Hank & Solo Suzuki,allh. DESERT CYCLE CENTER, 27117 W. Main St.. Barslow. Th. fri.ndliesl shop & only Cycl. dlr. in Barslow.1f your name was In lasllssue gel a fr•• copy from us. Man Ihru Sal. 9 a.m.6 p.m. T.I. 256-2489. CORONA CORONA MlC CENTER-Hon., Tri., & BMW. Centrally located for Orang. & RI ••rsld. counties. Jusl down th. road from Prado Park. 620 N. Main at Ri .... road. (714) 735-5600. CIRCLE CITY CYCLE CENTER-Hon .. BSA & Bul. Compl.t. parts& huge s.c. dept. Spe.d tuning specialists for Han. Tak. Corona tum off to Walnut (first street) across fre.way to 525 Maple St. (714) 735-4101 Corona. CUlYER OTY HONDA CULVER CITY - Han., BSA, Hod. "Se. Johnny DISimone' sales, s.c., parts 28 yrs. of motorcycl ••x·•• 4421 Sepul ••da. City. (1 blk. off San Di.go Fwy.,) 391-6217. , to 9 Mon.-Fri •• Sat. 9-6. INGLEWOOD ONE STOP CYCLE SHOPPING Authorized for Han•• Tri., Gr... Sales s.e" parts & insuranc•• Bi II Kraus. Honda-Triumph, 1257 S. La Br.a Bl.d.. Inll.wood. 678-5035. INGLEWOOD HARLEY'DAVIDSON 901 N. La Brea BI.d. Authorized H·O dlr. for Inglewood ar.a. Sp.cializing in Road ridersacc.s.. & parts for all mod. Fully .qpd. s.e, dept. with fact. traln.d mach .. Open Tu...·Sat. 9-6. 671-7609. LODI STOVER'S CYCLE CENTER 840 S. Cherokee Lane, Lodi.Sales. parts s.Co for Tri., Nort., Due., Kawa. & Mont. m/c s.c. shop in Lodl. Frame straightening, alum'tare. &gas w.lding. ·The Comp.titi on Center of Lodi!" Tel,(209) 368-4997 open Tues. -Wed. 9 to 9. Thur.. thru Sat. 9 10 6. JENKINS SPORT CENTER. Yam, Dlr. for Long B.ach Area. Top of Signal Hill.We service alf. Open 7 days 9-6 in Long Beach. 2620 E. Pacific Coast Hwy. (213) 433-9987. SOUTHEAST. L.A. LONG BEACH TRIUMPH SALES. 624 W. Pacific Coast Hwy., Long B.ach. 436~158.· s.r.ic. lable, specializing in tun.-ups.· Tri.,Yam.,Duc. NORM REEVES-PARAIIOUIIT.HOlIda. BSA. BMW. Bul., Hod.. Los AnC.I.s area's BIGGEST dealer....11 order Paris dept. Hug. $emc. Dept. 15745 Lakewood Blvd. Call ME 0-4313. CRESCEIITA VALLEY SPORTS CY' CLES, 3629 Foothi II Bl.d•• La Cresc.u. 241-2291. Yam., Hod., Mon., Kawa. Sal.s & S.c. Speed eqpt. complete insurance, 100% financing, S&J HARLEY-DAVIDSOII - 16211 50 Lakewood Bl.d.. Bellflo_. Tel. ME 4-1222. Paul Lass. Larce selee. of new & used motorcycl.s. Write for mall ord.r paris new or used. SUZUKI 1I0NROVIA.·s only Hastier outl.t! Drop by for a cup of ORANGE COUNTY AWARD MOTORS INC. Triumph. Honda, Bultaco. Suzuki & Ducatl. Sp••d tuning & compl.t. engine work. Beach racing hdqtrs. Op.n 6 days a w••k.1680 Newport Bl.d•• Costa Mesa. (714) 642-4343. ORANGE COUNTY'S TWO STROKE HDQTRS.-Sal.s & Servlc., White Sportj Cycl., 2707 W. Firsl St., Santa Ana. Calif. (714) 547-8783. Excl. Whit. SportjCycle Dlrship. Servo all makes. HERB FRIEDLANDER IMPORTs-Dmg. County's Honda & Triumph dlr. W. s.r.i ce what we sell. 13750 Beach Bl.d.,Weslminst.r. 893-7566-430-4448. ROBERT M. LAW MlC SALES & SVC. 239 N. BI.d. Anah.lm, (714) 533-1309. oW. speciallz. in aft.-sales ser.ic••" Triumph, Yamaha, Greav... LE BARD & UNDERWOOD. 221 E. Imperial Hwy., La Habra. pllone 714/ 879-8252 or 213/691-3104. 'Service Is our middle nam.". BSA, Honda, BIIlW. EASTERN L.A. Area AJ. LEWl5-4lIOO S. Atlantic Blvd.. E. Los Angeles, 264-0544. CO..... et. _ chin. shop. "If YOIl w.t it special. we make it speeial." Trl..... & Yaulla. BELLFLOWER IIIC SHOP IIIC. 9135 E. COmp!oll Blvd. (2 btu. E. of Lakewood). Bell 110_. 925-5093. "w. _ phasize service.' Tri•• Ya... Rabllit. BALDWlII PARK CYCLE SHO~or.. Due., R.E.. Suz..... tdI.. Ossa. F.II lin. of parts& accas_i.s for all .dl. Best s.e.dept. in t.... l4145 R _ Blvd., Baldwin Pk. 337~ 9.-7:30 lion. to Sat. CYCLE NEWS SERVES ALL OF THE WEST WITH IIEWS OF THE BEST SPORT 011 WHEELS 4 TIllES A 110. NORM REEVES-ANAHEIIl,224 Bl.d., 535-3647. Orang. County's biUest Honda-BSA-Hodaka-Bultaco dlr. Campi ete parts & ser.i ce dept. ED KRETZ & SOli CYCLE SHOP, 417 E. Garv.y A.... lIont• ., Part. AT G8244. Tri.. HOlI.. "W & Su. parts & s.e. E.. lIIIIiDC & -.cia" _'" ROY'S M/C SHOP. 12461 W.stminster. Santa Ana. ·Orang. County's oldest .stabll shed Honda deal.r' Honda. Triumph, Montesa. (714) 531~742. JENKINS SPORT CEIITER• •orwalk Area's exct. Ya. Dlr. ea.plet. SYCo for all mak.s. Open SuD 11 .... daJs & Sat. 9-6. In lIorwalk at 13200 SaD Antonio Or. (n3) 868-9997. IRV SEAVERM/Cs-BSA BMW.Suzukl. Vespa, Cushman Irucks. 2402 N. Main, Santa Ana. T.I. 542-8691. MACKLIN'SMOTORCYCLE SERVICE· 11675 E. Fir.ston•• llorwalk,86+7461. Hodab sal.s and sentice. CENTRAL Los Angeles CRENSHAW HONDA. THE Downtown Honda Dlr. Very compl.le parts & s.c. d.pts. All makes us.d bik.s, free del. Across from Crenshaw Shopping CIr. 4132 Cr.nshaw Bl.d., (n3) 292-0478. SOUTHERN L,A. TELL THEM YOU SAW IT IN CYCLE NEWS HOUYWOOI ALLIED CYCLE SALES-6168 laD..... shim. No. Hollywood. 765-6111. BSA· BIIlW Dlr. Campi. & Efficient parts & s.c. dept. Top lines of Acc.ssori.s. NORTHWESTERN L.A. DALE BROWN MlCs, 2441 Long Beach Bl.d•• Long B.ach. 427-8941. DuCo. Nor., Bul•• Mustang & Suz. Complet. parts & s.c. Ask about our dl scount club. CUSTOM CITY SPORTS CENTER Ren· tal·Sales & S.c. Yam., Mini·bik.s. Tot.gots, m/c trailers. cust. acce.. 5•• us before you deal, buy, sell. trade 15721 S. Atlantic. Compton, NE 6-1957. CASEY'S CYCLE REPAIR-BSA-Bul. S.c. for most. Campi. machin. shop. Open Tues. thru Sat.9-6. 1029 San Fernando Rd., Pacoima. 896-1046. CYCLE CITY-Dealer for Suz.. R.E•• GiI.ra. B.n.llI. Camp let. Machine Shop faciliti.s & custom racing machines buill to spec. 2142 Long Beach Bl.d•• Long B.ach. (213) 591-1389. CROWELL CYCLE SHOP,10427 Prairie A.e., Inglewood. OR 3-9573. Match., Hod•• Bul. Campi. parts & ~.c. for all mak.s. Op.n 6 days 9-7. HONDA OF GLENDALE_ 'Where you me.tthenicest people.' Larce stockof parts. Flnesl mach. & collrteouS personn.l. Sure wou Id like to meet JOII at 905 E. Colorado St. in Glendale. just across from Bob's BIC Boy. 246-2461. HONDA OF GARDENA. 15515 S. Western A•••• Gardena. Ph: 770~603 or 323-8314. Begin. pri. train. course, free riding inst. Come in or call for full info. BUD EKINS IIICs In Sherman Oat .. 14460 Ventura Blvd•• Call 872-2110. 'Buy from Bud." Tri. & HClIIdas, LAWNDALE CYCLE-Yam., BSA, Velocelle, Ducatl: "Best dealer in town! Speedy I-day s.c. isour standrd.15324 Hawthorne BI.d.SP 2·1822-056-9546. INTERNATIONAL IIIC CO.. 7233 Canoga A•••, Canoca P.... PlI: 346-3700. 1000's of used parts. Cylinder reboriDC Tri., Yam., Hod.. IIontesa. SOUTH BAY HONDA 1212 S. Pacific Coast Hwy., Redondo 8ch•• self· parts, bank financing, Open 9-9 Mon. thru Sat. Tel. 378-9257. KOLBE CYCLE SHOP, 7514 Reseda Bl.d.. Reseda, 345-4678. Yow friendly neighborllood deal. lor BSA, Ho.... & Bultaco. Complete parts and service. HARLEY·DAVIDSON OF LONG BEACH 3654 Long B.ach Bl.d., 426-7101. H-D d.aler for Long Beach Area. Full line of parts & acce.. for bolh Road & Camp. rl ders. Top quality s.c., fully equipped s.c. Open Tues-Fri. 8-6. Sat.liI5. JOE KOONS SALES & SERVICE-BSA. BMW, Suz. & Vespa. Full parts & aeCIS, for all makes. Large qua I. svc. dept. fUlly slalled with trai ned mech. Bring in your bike & see what we can do. 1350 E. Anah.lm. Long B.ach. 437-1359 open Mon. Ihru Sat. 8-6. 1I1SS1011 HILLS MlC SALES & SERVICE 8730 Sepul ••da. BSA & Duc. 'We stack the spares for what we sell.' 5•• our D.W store. 785-4289. TED'S Imports-Tri. Sales & S.c. Competltlan desert bikes r.ady-Io-wln In stock. ·W. will take cars In trade." 11726 Santa Monica Bl.d., W. Los An· pl.s. GR 3-1101-open 7 days. Ha-DA OF VAN NUYS 14329 Victory B1.d. 787~110. Vall.y's only Honda Specialist. W. pride ours.lves on afl.r sal.s nc. Com. in & s . our campi. IfoIIda parts & acc ... Open Sun. POSSIIAII SCOOTER &CYCLE CO New & IISed. Parts & S.Co for Brld., Kawa., Gil.. Ossa, V.sp., Lamb., & Rabbit. 2701 Plco Blvd. Santa Monica 392-1723. lORTHEIN L.A, Area KOLBE CYCLE SHOP 22420 D.IVall., Woodland HIli .. DI8·7865. Your fri.ndly . . . .borhood deal.r for BSA, Honda & Boltaco. Complet. parts & svc. dept. IlIU1E BROS. INC.-1941 E. Colorado St.. Pasadena. Sp.clallsts in acc.sso· rI.sfor BMW·Yam.·BSA-Puch. Parts for uk... Dlstrlb. for Beck acc.s.& Puch Importer. 793-5153. 5oE. CHUBBUCK H·D SALES-Home of the Road Rider.. ·W. Sp.clallz. in PerSCllUllized" 1361 E. Walnut , st., Pasad..... (213) SY 2-1300. WESTERN L.A. ARTESIA CYCLE CENTER-Suz.,Hod, sal.s-S.c. all makes, speed tuning, 12539 E. Carson Bl.d., (213) 860-1314. LONG BEACH coffee in our alr-cond. showrooms, 8am -9pm M ...·Frl •• Sat. 9-6. Closed Sun. 147 E.Foothlll BI.d.,Monr.ia. 358-2511. ROEHR BROS. (Sports Life) 341 N. &I_a'" Bl.d., Burbank 842-4848 or &49-4921 U.S. DI strib. for Van Dec:., .ort., Match.!.Hod., R. E., Kawa•• Vel.... Yam!! OSSA, 9-9 lion, ... .. Fri. 9-6 Tues.', hllrs. See Tn Bryant - CROWELL CYCLE SHOP for, Hodab. Bultaco. 10427 P.rry A•••, Ingl.wood. OR 3-9573 CoB MOTORS-Bullaeo sal.s. W. s.c. all mak.s. Vllllers spare.. Trail, street or sports; w. fi II the bi II.Charli. Hockl. & Bi II Thorwal dson.1149 W. EI Segl8ldo Bl.d., Gardena. (213) 756-1669. NORTHEASTERN L.A. NAPCO IIOTORS-Hon., Kawa., Sal.s5wc-Parls-lns.-Rental .. Porting for all 4-_... !wands. Our reputation Is build oe Senlc.. 11637 Pica Blvd. W. L.A. GR I-09I4o Open 7 days 8:30,7. PASADENA IIASOII MOTO RS. Tri., Yam. Campi. Ins. prIIcram for all. Campi. sales-partsne. Open 9-6. Tu..., W.d.. Thur.. & Sat. 9-9 Fri. 3360 E. Colorado St.. Pasadena, (213) 79~267. RIVERSIDE SKIP FORDYCE MlC CENTER. "We' •• been told Its Am.rlca·s most complete & modem m/c center." Hon" H-O., Tri. Maln at 14th 51 .. Ri.erslde OV 4-4747. THE TWO·WHEELER M/C City. Suz., Bullaeo deal.r. Huge parts in••ntory. Area's #1 Bultaco deal.r. 1655 W. La Cadena, Riverside (714) 686-0604. SAN fRANCISCO PACIFIC HOIIDA-Montesa "No.Cal Hq. f.r Ihe Spanish m/c of Internalional pr.stig••' F.aturing Pacific TT spec. svc.-parts-access. & Tech. comp.titlon luning a.all. Mon.-Sat. 9-7. Pac. Hon.. 630 Palm.tto. Pacifica, Cal. 359~167. DUDLEY PERKINS CO. H-D M/c .. Sales, sve., IXp. repair. of all makes, g.nuin. H-D parts. oW. ship anywhere via mail ord.r." & all m/c enthusiasts w.lcom•• 655 Ellis St., San Francisco. Tel. PRosp.ct 5·5323. SAN JOSE WHEN TRAVELING NEAR SAN JOSE, STOP & VISIT SAM SR. & SAM JR. COmplet. parts & all for H·D Fine s.c. dept. Visitors welcom•• Sam Arena, H-D Products 2921 1I0nt.rey Rd. San Jos•• 227~123. TOIRANCE HOCKIES MOTORCYCLES - Sales & s.c., 22025 S. Figu.roa St.. Torranc•• Harbor Fwy.-Carson St. turnoff. (213) 328-1242. BSA, Gree., Ossa, Hod.. Also us.d bi k.s. Best parts in town. We s.e. what w. s.lI. Campi. mach. shop-Expo tunl ng & mech. work. Hours 10-7 Open Sun" closed Mon. Used MCs & Parts JIM'S CYCLE SHOP ·Us.d parts Hdq. in the west.' W. buy & s.1I us.d II/C parts. cust. tanks & wheels. Chrom. .,ch. Us.d M/C' .. Sales & R.palrs. Batt.rles & tlr... 15 yrs. sam. loca. 11155 Atlantic A••Lynwood NE 2-4298. CYCLE NEWS SERVES ALL OF THE WEST WITH NEWS OF THE BEST SPORT ON WH EELS SERVICES BARNEY'S MACHINE SHOP 15745 Lakewood Blvd.. Paramount. 634-3545. Cylinder boring, W. make anything, Lowest pric... Valves. manifolds, foril brac.s, skid plat.s. Val •• seals insall.d. Foril tub.s any length. BUCHANAN'S FRAME SHOP Complet. fram., fork & wheel s.c. Custom-lacing & custom spokes. Tire sklnn.r & elec· Ironic bal. Belor. yoa throw that frame away _ us! 629 E. Garvey, Monterey Paril. (213) 280-4003. FLORENTINE'S CUSTOM WELDINGGas, arc, h.llarc. prl mary crankcas., gas & all tank repai r, ste.1 & alloy wei d. 3059 Verdugo Rd., Los Ang.l.s 90065. Phon. 221-1579 or 242-9182HERBUTCH 5105 Atlantic Bl.d., Long Beach GA 3-1433. Compl.t. mach. facilitl... Boring, sl.ving, .al •• & seat grind. Val •• seats, parts mad. to ord.r. JACK O'BRIEN PAINTING-Cu .. tank & h.lm.t paint., fi berglass woril, campi., wheel lacing & fork stralght.nlng, tlr. hardening, Fr•• pickup & del. to dlrs. 2834 Colorado A.e., Santa Monica 451-4317 op.n 6 days 8-6. MOTORCYCLE SERVICE CENTER. Bul.-Hod. W. all m/cs. Campi. mach. shop for custom woril. 220 E. Hunlington Dr., Monro.ia. Open 6 days 8-6. N.1l F.rgus. Gary Griffin 357-2274. SAN BERNARDINO HARRISON REND-Bank financing. lowcost insurance. Han•• BMW. Lamb. sales & s.c.. parts & 208 E. Base Line, San Bernardi no. TU 9~504. WORLDS LEAST EXPENSIVE ADVERTISING (How can you beat it? Reach 21.000 for only $1. INSURANCE Life & Health Insurance for Motorcycle Racers (& friends). 'We're the first to insure without penalty or restructions.' Jim Manning (M.O.N.Y.) 530 W. 61h 51. (Downtown LA) Los An· gel.s, Calif. 90014 T.I. 627~445.