Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1967 02 22

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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You'll alwa,s 5•• It FIRST In ....... •••• 6417 N, long Beach Blvd, long Beach, Calif. 90805 Or: Box 498, long Beach, Calif. Phone: 423-0431 (Area Code 213) FI'1IIlI L.A. Phones: 636-8844 GUEST EDITORIAL By Chuck Clayton One of the nicest things about a weekly newspaper is the way you can rapidly, wi thout waiting for a month, report reactions on a story. Last week, you may remember, we were the first to announce plans for complete revision of the American Motorcycle Assoc. rule-making structure. Heading thi s, AMA Exec. Sect. Bill Berry collared me this weekend and supplied a little more information on the subject. By Jean Carter, Pres. Dist. 37 ANSWER TO COOLIES COLUMN FACT. The press was asked not to publish any portion of the Feb. meeting. REASON. It has been apparent in the past that the press has "misquoted," either unknowingly not being completely informed, or by leaving part of the Quote unwritten. This, consequently. has· given the reader a misconception of the real intent of the statement. Example: Chuck Clayton's column Feb. 9th, ·Good News From Dist. 37," 1st paragraph "race in their front yards,· I informed C.C. after that meeting that although the residents welcomed the competition riders in the area hut to ask permission from owners first to race over their land, not "race in their front yards." This misprint of the statement came about because notes were kept of the conversation between C.C. and myself and the story written at a later date. It was not intentional, I am sure. QUESTION. Who requested the ban on professional riders riding in amateur events? ANSWER. The M.R.I.. who are comprised of professional racers, proposed to the National Competition Committee in 1965, to make a rule barring all pro racers from competing in amateur events. This rule was passed on by the 1965 N.C.C. at the Nov. meeting in San Diego but only to ban the pro Expert and Amateurs, not Novices, from sportsmen events. This rule was not enforced until April 1966. I's to Dot, T's to Cross Not every aspect of the revision plan reported last week is in its final fonn, Berry said. The plan has not been voted and approved by the Trustees of the trade association, either. There are still a lot of i's to dot and t's to cross, it appears. The study committee is still working out details and will ha ve everything in final fonn, it is hoped. for presentation to the association at Daytona, Florida in March. U all goes well, the first meeting of the new American Motorcycle Congress proposed by the' study committee may take place in..October or November of 1968. On this page is the proposed organizational setup of the new A.M.A. Many details still need solving. such as election procedure. voter qualification and suitable awards to show appreciation for the outgoing Competition Committeemen. But tbere should be enough organizational brainpower on tbe study commit,J tee to recommend competent procedures for taking care of tbese tbings. MOTORCYCLE AM.ERICAN CQNCRESS PROPOSED ORGANIZATION CHART FOR A.M.A. REVISION 'THE VOICE OF CALIFORNIA' Charles Clayton Editor Sharon Clayton .. Business Manager Gaye Thomason .....Circulation Mgr, Gil Brown ......Advertising Manager Robert Bradford Asst. Editor Dennis Greene Photo Editor Published weekly except the first and last week of the calendar year by C&S Publishing Company. Post Office Box 498, Long Beach, California QUESTION. "What percentage of the professional gate is paid for insurance?· ANSWER. The pro rider is insured by Continental Insurance Co. tor a $5,000 medical policy. Riders and pit men arc charged $2 pit entrance of which the entire amount is used toward the insurance. The promoter gives 40% of the gate (spectators) for the purse, the top 10% of the 40% given for the purse is used for insllrance premiums. If the rider alone had to pay his own insurance, it would cost on the average of $6 a rider per event. QUESTION. What is actually being done for the riders to obtain a place to race in the general Los Angeles area?" ANSWER. At present, there is a committee set up to do research on abandoned parks, recreational land, Federal land and city land to see if a Motorcycle Playground could be designed and become operable On such properties. Funds are being donated by motorcycle playground, when and if it becomes a reality, will not be for the exclusive use of competition, but for all motorcycle riders to use and enjoy. A place off the highways and streets where families can go for a picnic. a play ride over trails and hills, Or just to get together with other motorcyclists and bunch race. We sincerely hope that a scrambles track will also be allowed to be erected, so that controlled racing could be held in and around such proposed motorcycle playgrounds. STATEMENT.·If you don't like the way things are being run, you could leave •• REASON. Any organization will accept and welcome constructive criticism. This is what makes an organization grow and become better. Over the past several months it has become apparent that constructive criticism is not the aim of all who speak. If these parties would spend their efforts and energies in trying to build the AMA Dist. 37 into a better organization, we in, and around the AMA Dist. 37 would appreciate such activities. There is much more to our organization than the member who just joins so he can ride or "get a membership card". Remember one thing-nothing just happens, it comes about by trial and error of the (paid ha, hal volunteer officers and Competition Committee are working far beyond your greatest expectations. We are trying to gain more benefits. more places to ride, and an all-around better sport for YOll. This harrassment or procedure of crusading without first exhausting all remedies on a local and National level, tend to tear down what it has taken years to build up with volunteer help of your past and present officers and committeemen. One or mOre bad apples in a barrel will soon rot all the rest, is it not best to cast aside the bad ones? I, as an individual and as your District President welcome competition. this is what makes our sport and Our District the" giant" that it is. Good luck to the A.CoA.• F.I.M. and any and all other motorcycle organizations that are striving and giving motorcylists the sport that is rapidly becoming one of the greatest sports known to mankind. -I 1- - - - - GET WEEKLY NElS... not monthly History! I I I . I I I SENDIN THIS COUPON FOR A YEAR'S SUBSCRIPTION TO cyCLE NEWS Please send my Cycle News every week lor one year via: regular mail for $7.50 () first class mail lor $12.50 ( ) Air mail for $18.50 ( ) (please check one) SENDNOMONEYYSTARTGETTING CYCLE NEWS RIGHT NOW! Nama - - - - - Ad$.ss - • - I :~~. ~ ~ -.I - - I I I I I ~ _I ----_. Zip - .. , I . "I'" I' ,.t· .. ··· ...... ,.... ...... ~. . Any part of this newspaper except copyrighted matter may be used without permission as long as credit is given. Editorial stories, cartoons, photos are welcomed and will be paid for upon pu blication. Addressed, stamped envelope assures return. Single copy price •••••• , •• 2S¢ Subscriptions: One year 2nd class mail • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• $7.50 Advertising rates will be sent on request. REMARKS. As to your word description of our meeting.•APathy in the fullest sense by the great majority of those attending.· I, as President of District 37, have never failed to recognize any AMA member or guest or refused them the pri vilege of the floor if their desires were made known either before the meeting or by raising their hand during the meeting. I did not see your hand raised as a AMA member, Mr. Cooley. Are you not, then, just as guilty of "apathy· in its fullest sense? But then, had SUbjects not been answered or even asked, then "apathy" by the great majority would have seemed (to a visitor to OUI District meeting as you were) a complete reversal, like the army around Jerico when the walls came tumbling down. Maybe, someday, we Or Our children or their children will experience harmony of one" great motorcycle association· with one set of rules, with "justbenefits for one and all, where you as an individual collld set your machine UP to ride, and take it anywhere and compete, wi thout making changes to your machine to conform to rules of the sanctioning body. You, as well as I, dream of that day. EDfTOR'S NOTE: The relerence to "racing in front yards· in the Hi Vista report was placed in quotes to indicate that it was a figure of speech. Old time desert riders may recail the story 01 the desert hermit who sat with a shotgun ready to pick off any trespasser in what he called his" lront yard." When asked what were the bo...daries 01 his lront yard, the bermit made a gesture that took in the whole desert. ·My lront yard," he replied, "runs lrom that horimn over thar, to that horimn yonderY" We should point out that nobody wants I1IOtorcycles racing in their dooryards. VOICES LET'S NOT BE HASTY Mr. Clayton: Have read the article on the A.M.A. plans vast reorganization. It sounds very good. But I think we should wait until it gets reorganized and has been put to use before we jump fo,' JOY toO high. . It will not be free from makers and importers of motorcycles, which it should get rid of. A.READER San Diego ("You are perfecUy right to maintain a healthy skepticism in the face of rapid change. However I fail to comprehend why you wish to exclude a very impoI" tant part 01 the sport from the A.M.A.? Businessmen have as much right to a say-so in 018' national organi zation as riders do. II there is any hanky-panky going on, your newspaper will report it lairly and fearlessly. Foolishly, pel" haps, but fearlessly.·) Little By Little Send us 10 copies of Cycle News per week. The sample copy was TERRRIFIC! Also send us a stand to bold the papers on our counter if such is available. JIM'S CYCLE SALES Baton Rouge, La. (·Your newspapers are on their way and so is our new. improved, cbrome-plated display rack for counter or wall.") Bay Mare Better? - Clip out and mall to Bol 498, L0;.ll Bum, California" Second Class Postage paid at Long Beach. Calif. MEET YOUR LEADERS Shown at tbe February 9th Annual Meeting of the Motorcycle, Scooter and Allied Trades Association in Cbicago. following tbeir re-election are (left to right) T .A. Hodgdon of BSA, Inc •• Secretary; William E. Kennedy of Rex Cbainbelt, Inc., President; Earl J. Miller of Triumph Corporation. Vice President; and William H. Davidson of Harley-Davidson Motor Co., Treasurer. Hey, Fair warning. The wonderful. new management at Bay Mare isn't any better than the prior one. I went to Bay Mare Fe b. 12th and couldn't see any improvements other than sticking a bunch of tires in the ground in the staging area and a new fence. The real treat of the afternoon small bike races was the starter. The l25cc waited for 15 minutes while the starter teased them. And the longer he delayed more bikes would burn uP. In the final moto only one bike was around that would run. Thank you "new management" and the Los Padres M.C. for presenting the worst race of the year. Omitting any of Wes Cooley's. JOHN ACE CARTER #236X Canoga Park (- Far as we are concerned. Ace. any improvement is beUer than none. Maybe Dist. 37 should sponsor a -SChool for Starters.-)

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