Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1960's

Cycle News 1967 02 09

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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;;: Ci> llC Ol Q.., '" t-- co 0; c .. '" Ol r ..Q Ci> r... CI) ~ foJ ~ foJ >oJ (,) ;:.., (,) coming off the line and Sonny reached the finish lights first, the driver no longer had dimples showing. Sonny turned 10.24 seconds and 146 miles per hour. There was a variety of machines from Terise's Buick powered bike to Nann Grabowslde's Corvair ·S-Pack· and Don McEvoy's new twin engine Triumph. The Buick bogged like a quicksand trap, and the Corvair wasn't raced, but McEvoy's double made some valiant attempts. McEvoy's twin engines are synchronized 180 degrees apart and the big double sounds like a 'bigsquarefourwben it's tired. On the first try, with Buddy Martinez for the rider, it looked and sounded like a high nine-or ten-second run, but after a few feet the boiling tire smoke disappeared and a chain was found adrift. In a second try, the burnt clutch resembled charcoal dust and it was loaded UP for the trip back home. The greatest abundance of bikes bore the Harley nameplate and if you loved a Harley this would have been the meet to attend. After all, Sonny Rashiwski and Millard Disharoon turned the day's fastest elaPsed times and sneed, both Harley mounted. OOpS! Mistakes Creep In BSA won 80 many past events 011 the famous Gold star tba t the name aDd brand are permanently oomected iB my ... ad. Last week it slipped out. Bob SirkectaD broucbt his rabulous 650cx: BSA F'wmy lUe 10 Irwindale Raceway last week and lumed those rantastic elapsed Ibnes of 11.7:1 seconds with speeds above 120 miles per bour. BSA is not restinc 011 the laurels of past wiDners or madli.nery and this was ODe of the 1967 Mad! m breeds. ot a Gol d star. There is no co_o_ and you'D see IIIOre of the new Mad! m as the war of funny bikes cets iBlo 4th cear. Lions in Trouble While spending this weekend at Lions drag strip, Virginia Butler told me that she and Willy were forced to give up their positions as cycle pit directors. Lions has no one to replace them and 1 have heard from no volunteers, so where will tbe bikes be at this fine racing facility? If you're interested in tbe job call Mr. Hart at (213) 424-0961 Or see him at Lions Drag StriP. MDRA Meeting and Date During tbe past week, Motorcycle Drag Racing Association had its meeting with an honored guest speaker in the person of Mr. Joe Hunt of Hunt Magnetos. It was an informative three hours with a man of 22 years racing experience. 10 the future ·Cycle News· will bring tbe story of Mr. Hunt and bls magnetos up to date. A date has been set for tbe first MoD.a.A. drag meet with an award contest for POints in the numbers race. March 5th is tbe date to circle on your calendar and the location of Irwindale should be noted. One more week of local competition and I'U see you in Las Vegas, Nevada, for the BIG show at the Stardust Raceway. (Results on pace ~ l>. THE ULTIMATE IN 'SA FOR 1967 BUY THE WINNING COMBO-PERFORMANCE AND RELIABILITY NOW AT YOUR LOCAL DEALER ....... 1 .1........ 101 337-2745 I. IIu.r'.Gro. DIIVI, DUAITE, CAUf. 91010 (213) 359-9271 .

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